1000 resultados para Oriental Region
We report the nucleotide sequence of a 17,893 bp DNA segment from the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII. This fragment begins at 482 kb from the centromere. The sequence includes the BRF1 gene, encoding TFIIIB70, the 5' portion of the GCN5 gene, an open reading frame (ORF) previously identified as ORF MGA1, whose translation product shows similarity to heat-shock transcription factors and five new ORFs. Among these, YGR250 encodes a polypeptide that harbours a domain present in several polyA binding proteins. YGR245 is similar to a putative Schizosaccharomyces pombe gene, YGR248 shows significant similarity with three ORFs of S. cerevisiae situated on different chromosomes, while the remaining two ORFs, YGR247 and YGR251, do not show significant similarity to sequences present in databases.
Here, we report the molecular analysis of two independent 5S rRNA clusters found in the intergenic region of two ubiquitin genomic clones isolated from Tetrahymena pyriformis. Each cluster contains two 120-bp-long coding regions organized in tandem with 142/145-bp-long spacers.
IV Congress of Marine Sciences. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, June 11th to 13th 2014.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Tradução e Assessoria Linguística.
Refletir sobre "a vez e a voz" da mulher na sociedade contemporânea deve passar também pela análise das representações do feminino nos vários sistemas culturais em que estas são veiculadas: a Alta Cultura, a Cultura Popular e a Cultura de Massas. Partindo desta última, mais concretamente das imagens veiculadas pela Comunicação Social, esta comunicação apresenta uma reflexão sobre o modo como a mulher é representada na imprensa regional açoriana, mais especificamente nos jornais "Açoriano Oriental" e "Correio dos Açores", os títulos com maior tiragem na Região Autónoma dos Açores. Abrangendo o período de 15 de Fevereiro a 15 de Abril de 2013, a análise incidirá exclusivamente sobre géneros informativos (notícias, perfis, entrevistas, reportagens), tendo sido excluídos artigos de opinião e editoriais, uma vez que estes veiculam perspectivas essencialmente individuais. O objetivo deste estudo é averiguar qual o espaço que é concedido à figura da mulher em cada um destes jornais, com especial incidência na forma como ela é representada: a que tipo de notícias surge tendencialmente associada, quais as características que são postas em destaque, etc. O método de trabalho consistiu no levantamento dos artigos dos jornais em questão que fazem referência a mulheres, no tratamento dos dados estatísticos e na análise das notícias (análise do discurso e das imagens) e do seu enquadramento no jornal em que foram publicadas (secção, destaque, etc.).
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact on human health of exposure to particulate matter emitted from burnings in the Brazilian Amazon region. METHODS: This was an ecological study using an environmental exposure indicator presented as the percentage of annual hours (AH%) of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3. The outcome variables were the rates of hospitalization due to respiratory disease among children, the elderly and the intermediate age group, and due to childbirth. Data were obtained from the National Space Research Institute and the Ministry of Health for all of the microregions of the Brazilian Amazon region, for the years 2004 and 2005. Multiple regression models for the outcome variables in relation to the predictive variable AH% of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3 were analyzed. The Human Development Index (HDI) and mean number of complete blood counts per 100 inhabitants in the Brazilian Amazon region were the control variables in the regression analyses. RESULTS: The association of the exposure indicator (AH%) was higher for the elderly than for other age groups (β = 0.10). For each 1% increase in the exposure indicator there was an increase of 8% in child hospitalization, 10% in hospitalization of the elderly, and 5% for the intermediate age group, even after controlling for HDI and mean number of complete blood counts. No association was found between the AH% and hospitalization due to childbirth. CONCLUSIONS: The indicator of atmospheric pollution showed an association with occurrences of respiratory diseases in the Brazilian Amazon region, especially in the more vulnerable age groups. This indicator may be used to assess the effects of forest burning on human health.
Every year European citizens become victims of devastating fires, which are especially disastrous for Southern European countries. Apart from the numerous health and economic consequences, fires generate hazardous pollutants that are introduced into the environment, thus representing serious risks for public health. In that regard, particulate matter (PM) is of amajor concern. Thus, the objectives of thisworkwere to characterize the trend of forest fire occurrences and burnt area during the period of 2005 and 2010 and to study the influence of forest fires on levels of particulatematter PM10 and PM2.5. In 2010, 22,026 forest fires occurred in Portugal. The northern region was the most affected by forest fires, with 27% of occurrences in Oporto district. The annual means of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at two urban background sites were 25±14 μg m−3 and 8.2±4.9 μg m−3, and 17±13 μg m−3 and 7.3±5.9 μg m−3, respectively. At both sites the highest levels of PMfractionswere observed during July and August of 2010, corresponding to the periods when majority (66%) of forest fires occurred. Furthermore, PM10 daily limit at the two sites was exceeded during 20 and 5 days, respectively; 56%, and respectively 60% of those exceedances occurred during the forest fire season. Considering that the risks of forest fire ignition and severity are enhanced with elevated temperatures, the climate change might increase the environmental impacts of forest fires.
OBJECTIVE: Analyse how basic sanitation conditions, water supply and housing conditions affect the concentration of Culex quinquefasciatus METHODS: Populations of C. quinquefasciatus in 61 houses in the municipality of Olinda, PE, were monitored between October 2009 and October 2010. Observations were carried out in homes without the presence of preferred breeding sites in order to identify characteristics that may be aggravating factors for the development of the mosquito. Five aggravating factors were analysed: vegetation cover surrounding the home, number of residents/home, water storage, sewage drainage and water drainage. These characteristics were analysed in terms of presence or absence and as indicators of the degree of infestation, which was estimated through monitoring the concentration of eggs (oviposition traps - BR-OVT) and adults (CDC light traps). RESULTS: Sewage drainage to a rudimentary septic tank or to the open air was the most frequent aggravating factor in the homes (91.8%), although the presence of vegetation was the only characteristic that significantly influenced the increase in the number of egg rafts (p = 0.02). The BR-OVT achieved positive results in 95.1% of the evaluations, with the presence of at least one egg raft per month. A total of 2,366 adults were caught, with a mosquito/room/night ratio of 32.9. No significant difference was found in the number of mosquitoes caught in the homes. CONCLUSIONS: Although the sanitation and water supply influence the population density of C. quinquefasciatus, residence features that are not usually considered in control measures can be aggravating factors in sustaining the mosquito population.
In real-time systems, there are two distinct trends for scheduling task sets on unicore systems: non-preemptive and preemptive scheduling. Non-preemptive scheduling is obviously not subject to any preemption delay but its schedulability may be quite poor, whereas fully preemptive scheduling is subject to preemption delay, but benefits from a higher flexibility in the scheduling decisions. The time-delay involved by task preemptions is a major source of pessimism in the analysis of the task Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) in real-time systems. Preemptive scheduling policies including non-preemptive regions are a hybrid solution between non-preemptive and fully preemptive scheduling paradigms, which enables to conjugate both world's benefits. In this paper, we exploit the connection between the progression of a task in its operations, and the knowledge of the preemption delays as a function of its progression. The pessimism in the preemption delay estimation is then reduced in comparison to state of the art methods, due to the increase in information available in the analysis.
In embedded systems, the timing behaviour of the control mechanisms are sometimes of critical importance for the operational safety. These high criticality systems require strict compliance with the offline predicted task execution time. The execution of a task when subject to preemption may vary significantly in comparison to its non-preemptive execution. Hence, when preemptive scheduling is required to operate the workload, preemption delay estimation is of paramount importance. In this paper a preemption delay estimation method for floating non-preemptive scheduling policies is presented. This work builds on [1], extending the model and optimising it considerably. The preemption delay function is subject to a major tightness improvement, considering the WCET analysis context. Moreover more information is provided as well in the form of an extrinsic cache misses function, which enables the method to provide a solution in situations where the non-preemptive regions sizes are small. Finally experimental results from the implementation of the proposed solutions in Heptane are provided for real benchmarks which validate the significance of this work.
OBJECTIVE To analyze spatial changes in the risk of AIDS and the relationship between AIDS incidence and socioeconomic variables in the state of Rondonia, Amazon region. METHODS A spatial, population case-control study in Rondonia, Brazil, based on 1,780 cases reported to the Epidemiological Surveillance System and controls based on demographic data from 1987 to 2006. The cases were grouped into five consecutive four-year periods. A generalized additive model was adjusted to the data; the dependent variable was the status of the individuals (case or control), and the independent variables were a bi-dimensional spline of the geographic coordinates and some municipality-level socioeconomic variables. The observed values of the Moran’s I test were compared to a reference distribution of values generated under conditions of spatial randomness. RESULTS AIDS risk shows a marked spatial and temporal pattern. The disease incidence is related to socioeconomic variables at the municipal level in Rondônia, such as urbanization and human capital. The highest incidence rates of AIDS are in municipalities along the BR-364 highway and calculations of the Moran’s I test show positive spatial correlation associated with proximity of the municipality to the highway in the third and fourth periods (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Incidence of the disease is higher in municipalities of greater economic wealth and urbanization, and in those municipalities bisected by Rondônia’s main roads. The rapid development associated with the opening up of once remote regions may be accompanied by an increase in these risks to health.
Forty-five species of ostracoda from the Aquitanian of the Lisbon area, belonging in thirty-two genera, are presented. These are the first species belonging to this group reported for the Miocene formations in Portugal. Ostracoda assemblages are typical of fresh water, brackish and marine environments (littoral and inner continental shelf). References are made to the stratigraphically more significant species. Data on the paleoenvironments are also presented. A list of the studied species includes a comparison with their distribution in the Aquitaine and Rhone Miocene basins.
Stratigraphical study of Telheiro and Cancela sections (northern slope of Guilhim hill) allowed its dating: these may be reported to the Lower Callovian, as ammonite associations typical of Rehmanni and Pictava horizons have been collected there. Hence Gracilis zone can be recognized in Algarve. Ammonites are also associated to Dinoflagellates. These microfossils have been found for the first time in the Callovian of Portugal. Callovian paleogeogtaphy is reapprised, and the limits between mesogean submediterranean and mediterranean provinces are more accurately recognized. Algarve belongs to the mediterranean province according to the typically mesogean character of the fauna where Phylloceratidae are dominant.
The comparative study of the Callovian sections in eastern Algarve allowed us to demonstrate that the discontinuity surface at the base of Malm lies always over the Lower-Callovian, as opposite to what happens in western Algarve; the Bathonian-Callovian transition, continuous in western Algarve (Mareta beach) is marked, in eastern Algarve, by a generalised discontinuity of variable vertical extention. It is verified that, in eastern Algarve, the Callovian formations are always or at the nucleus of anticlinal structures, probably linked to halokinetic tectonic activity, or in large radins folds derived from compressive phases.
The Middle Liassic outcrops of the Coimbra region (Portugal) show, at Carixian-Domerian boundary, an unusual high frequence of the Falsopalmula, morphogenus,that is generally well represented in the Lower Toarcian. The study of the Nodosaridea association shows that the massive presence of this morphogenus excludes the Lenticulina s. st. genus. These faunistic particularities should be ascribed to the environment and to the sedimentation pattern. The development of the Falsopalmula morphogenus should have been simultaneous to that of the pelitic sedimentation.