909 resultados para Optimal placement of sensors


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Renewable energy forms have been widely used in the past decades highlighting a "green" shift in energy production. An actual reason behind this turn to renewable energy production is EU directives which set the Union's targets for energy production from renewable sources, greenhouse gas emissions and increase in energy efficiency. All member countries are obligated to apply harmonized legislation and practices and restructure their energy production networks in order to meet EU targets. Towards the fulfillment of 20-20-20 EU targets, in Greece a specific strategy which promotes the construction of large scale Renewable Energy Source plants is promoted. In this paper, we present an optimal design of the Greek renewable energy production network applying a 0-1 Weighted Goal Programming model, considering social, environmental and economic criteria. In the absence of a panel of experts Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach is used in order to filter the best out of the possible network structures, seeking for the maximum technical efficiency. Super-Efficiency DEA model is also used in order to reduce the solutions and find the best out of all the possible. The results showed that in order to achieve maximum efficiency, the social and environmental criteria must be weighted more than the economic ones.


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AMS Subj. Classification: 49J15, 49M15


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Силвия К. Баева, Цветана Хр. Недева - Важен аспект в системата на Министерството на регионалното развитие и благоустройство е работата по Оперативна програма “Регионално развитие” с приоритетна ос “Устойчиво и интегрирано градско развитие” по операция “Подобряване на физическата среда и превенция на риска”. По тази програма са включени 86 общини. Финансовият ресурс на тази операция е на стойност 238 589 939 евро, от които 202 801 448 евро са европейско финансиране [1]. Всяка от тези 86 общини трябва да реши задачата за възлагане на обществена поръчка на определена фирма по тази операция. Всъщност, тази задача е задача за провеждане на общински търг за избор на фирма-изпълнител. Оптималният избор на фирма-изпълнител е много важен. Задачата за провеждане на търг ще формулираме като задача на многокритериалното вземане на решения, като чрез подходящо изграждане на критерии и методи може да се трансформира до задача на еднокритериалната оптимизация.


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Цветомир Цачев - В настоящия доклад се прави преглед на някои резултати от областта на оптималното управление на непрекъснатите хетерогенни системи, публикувани в периодичната научна литература в последните години. Една динамична система се нарича хетерогенна, ако всеки от нейните елементи има собствена динамиката. Тук разглеждаме оптимално управление на системи, чиято хетерогенност се описва с едномерен или двумерен параметър – на всяка стойност на параметъра отговаря съответен елемент на системата. Хетерогенните динамични системи се използват за моделиране на процеси в икономиката, епидемиологията, биологията, опазване на обществената сигурност (ограничаване на използването на наркотици) и др. Тук разглеждаме модел на оптимално инвестиране в образование на макроикономическо ниво [11], на ограничаване на последствията от разпространението на СПИН [9], на пазар на права за въглеродни емисии [3, 4] и на оптимален макроикономически растеж при повишаване на нивото на върховите технологии [1]. Ключови думи: оптимално управление, непрекъснати хетерогенни динамични системи, приложения в икономиката и епидемиолегията


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Energy crops production is considered as environmentally benign and socially acceptable, offering ecological benefits over fossil fuels through their contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gases and acidifying emissions. Energy crops are subjected to persistent policy support by the EU, despite their limited or even marginally negative impact on the greenhouse effect. The present study endeavors to optimize the agricultural income generated by energy crops in a remote and disadvantageous region, with the assistance of linear programming. The optimization concerns the income created from soybean, sunflower (proxy for energy crop), and corn. Different policy scenarios imposed restrictions on the value of the subsidies as a proxy for EU policy tools, the value of inputs (costs of capital and labor) and different irrigation conditions. The results indicate that the area and the imports per energy crop remain unchanged, independently of the policy scenario enacted. Furthermore, corn cultivation contributes the most to iFncome maximization, whereas the implemented CAP policy plays an incremental role in uptaking an energy crop. A key implication is that alternative forms of motivation should be provided to the farmers beyond the financial ones in order the extensive use of energy crops to be achieved.


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A közjavak közgazdaságilag optimális szintjének előállítása piaci körülmények között általában nehézségekbe ütközik. Napjainkban számos országban többféle közjószág áll rendelkezésre, a szakirodalomban pedig például a nyugdíjrendszer egyes elemeinek közjószágjellegével kapcsolatos felvetések is megjelentek már. Ezzel összefüggésben is érdekes a kérdés, milyen körülmények között fordulhat elő, hogy racionális egyéni döntéshozók egyénileg optimális döntéseikkel valamely közjószág optimális szintjét hozzák létre. Jelen tanulmány ezzel a kérdéssel foglalkozik. / === / It is difficult to produce the economically optimal level of public goods in a market environment. There are many different types of public goods, and today even some aspects of the pension system are considered as such. Still, it is an interesting question if individually optimal decisions made by rational individuals could lead to an optimal level of public goods. The paper attempts to analyze this question.


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An important variant of a key problem for multi-attribute decision making is considered. We study the extension of the pairwise comparison matrix to the case when only partial information is available: for some pairs no comparison is given. It is natural to define the inconsistency of a partially filled matrix as the inconsistency of its best, completely filled completion. We study here the uniqueness problem of the best completion for two weighting methods, the Eigen-vector Method and the Logarithmic Least Squares Method. In both settings we obtain the same simple graph theoretic characterization of the uniqueness. The optimal completion will be unique if and only if the graph associated with the partially defined matrix is connected. Some numerical experiences are discussed at the end of the paper.


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This dissertation develops a new figure of merit to measure the similarity (or dissimilarity) of Gaussian distributions through a novel concept that relates the Fisher distance to the percentage of data overlap. The derivations are expanded to provide a generalized mathematical platform for determining an optimal separating boundary of Gaussian distributions in multiple dimensions. Real-world data used for implementation and in carrying out feasibility studies were provided by Beckman-Coulter. It is noted that although the data used is flow cytometric in nature, the mathematics are general in their derivation to include other types of data as long as their statistical behavior approximate Gaussian distributions. ^ Because this new figure of merit is heavily based on the statistical nature of the data, a new filtering technique is introduced to accommodate for the accumulation process involved with histogram data. When data is accumulated into a frequency histogram, the data is inherently smoothed in a linear fashion, since an averaging effect is taking place as the histogram is generated. This new filtering scheme addresses data that is accumulated in the uneven resolution of the channels of the frequency histogram. ^ The qualitative interpretation of flow cytometric data is currently a time consuming and imprecise method for evaluating histogram data. This method offers a broader spectrum of capabilities in the analysis of histograms, since the figure of merit derived in this dissertation integrates within its mathematics both a measure of similarity and the percentage of overlap between the distributions under analysis. ^


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Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell's work within the Lloyd's Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.


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Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell's work within the Lloyd's Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.


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Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.


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Supply chain operations directly affect service levels. Decision on amendment of facilities is generally decided based on overall cost, leaving out the efficiency of each unit. Decomposing the supply chain superstructure, efficiency analysis of the facilities (warehouses or distribution centers) that serve customers can be easily implemented. With the proposed algorithm, the selection of a facility is based on service level maximization and not just cost minimization as this analysis filters all the feasible solutions utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique. Through multiple iterations, solutions are filtered via DEA and only the efficient ones are selected leading to cost minimization. In this work, the problem of optimal supply chain networks design is addressed based on a DEA based algorithm. A Branch and Efficiency (B&E) algorithm is deployed for the solution of this problem. Based on this DEA approach, each solution (potentially installed warehouse, plant etc) is treated as a Decision Making Unit, thus is characterized by inputs and outputs. The algorithm through additional constraints named “efficiency cuts”, selects only efficient solutions providing better objective function values. The applicability of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated through illustrative examples.


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Aims The pubococcygeal line (PCL) is an important reference line for determining measures of pelvic organ support on sagittal-plane magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); however, there is no consensus on where to place the posterior point of the PCL. As coccyx movement produced during pelvic floor muscle (PFM) contractions may affect other measures, optimal placement of the posterior point is important. This study compared two methods for measuring the PCL, with different posterior points, on T2-weighted sagittal MRI to determine the effect of coccygeal movement on measures of pelvic organ support in older women. Methods MRI of the pelvis was performed in the midsagittal plane, at rest and during PFM contractions, on 47 community-dwelling women 60 and over. The first PCL was measured to the tip of the coccyx (PCLtip) and the second to the sacrococcygeal joint (PCLjnt). Four measures of pelvic organ support were made using each PCL as the reference line: urethrovesical junction height, uterovaginal junction height, M-line and levator plate angle. Results During the PFM contraction the PCLtip shortened and lifted (P < 0.001); the PCLjnt did not change (P > 0.05). The changes in the four measures of pelvic organ support were smaller when measured relative to the PCLtip as compared to those to the PCLjnt (P < 0.001). Conclusions Coccyx movement affected the length and position of the PCLtip, which resulted in underestimates of the pelvic-organ lift produced by the PFM contraction. Therefore, we recommend that the PCL be measured to the sacrococcygeal joint and not to the tip of the coccyx


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The waste’s rise is a problem that affects the environment as a whole and we cannot forget about it. A good waste’s management is the key to improve the future prospect, and the waste collection is key within the management activities. To find out the better way to collect wastes leads to a reduction of the social, economic and environmental cost. With the use of the Geographic Information Systems it has been intended to elaborate a methodology which allowed us to identify the most suitable places for the location of the collection containers of the different sorts of the solid urban wastes. Taking into account that different types of wastes exist, not all of them should be managed in the same way. Therefore we have to differentiate between models where we apply efficiency and models where we apply equity for the collection of wastes, bearing in mind the necessities of each waste.