443 resultados para Optica cristalográfica
A proposal for a model of the primary visual cortex is reported. It is structured with the basis of a simple unit cell able to perform fourteen pairs of different boolean functions corresponding to the two possible inputs. As a first step, a model of the retina is presented. Different types of responses, according to the different possibilities of interconnecting the building blocks, have been obtained. These responses constitute the basis for an initial configuration of the mammalian primary visual cortex. Some qualitative functions, as symmetry or size of an optical input, have been obtained. A proposal to extend this model to some higher functions, concludes the paper.
Optical logic cells, employed in several tasks as optical computing or optically controlled switches for photonic switching, offer a very particular behavior when the working conditions are slightly modified. One of the more striking changes occurs when some delayed feedback is applied between one of the possible output gates and a control input. Some of these new phenomena have been studied by us and reported in previous papers. A chaotic behavior is one of the more characteristic results and its possible applications range from communications to cryptography. But the main problem related with this behavior is the binary character of the resulting signal. Most of the nowadays-employed techniques to analyze chaotic signals concern to analogue signals where algebraic equations are possible to obtain. There are no specific tools to study digital chaotic signals. Some methods have been proposed. One of the more used is equivalent to the phase diagram in analogue chaos. The binary signal is converted to hexadecimal and then analyzed. We represented the fractal characteristics of the signal. It has the characteristics of a strange attractor and gives more information than the obtained from previous methods. A phase diagram, as the one obtained by previous techniques, may fully cover its surface with the trajectories and almost no information may be obtained from it. Now, this new method offers the evolution around just a certain area being this lines the strange attractor.
The type of signals obtained has conditioned chaos analysis tools. Almost in every case, they have analogue characteristics. But in certain cases, a chaotic digital signal is obtained and theses signals need a different approach than conventional analogue ones. The main objective of this paper will be to present some possible approaches to the study of this signals and how information about their characteristics may be obtained in the more straightforward possible way. We have obtained digital chaotic signals from an Optical Logic Cell with some feedback between output and one of the possible control gates. This chaos has been reported in several papers and its characteristics have been employed as a possible method to secure communications and as a way to encryption. In both cases, the influence of some perturbation in the transmission medium gave problems both for the synchronization of chaotic generators at emitter and receiver and for the recovering of information data. A proposed way to analyze the presence of some perturbation is to study the noise contents of transmitted signal and to implement a way to eliminate it. In our present case, the digital signal will be converted to a multilevel one by grouping bits in packets of 8 bits and applying conventional methods of time-frequency analysis to them. The results give information about the change in signals characteristics and hence some information about the noise or perturbations present. Equivalent representations to the phase and to the Feigenbaum diagrams for digital signals are employed in this case.
A new proposal to have secure communications in a system is reported. The basis is the use of a synchronized digital chaotic systems, sending the information signal added to an initial chaos. The received signal is analyzed by another chaos generator located at the receiver and, by a logic boolean function of the chaotic and the received signals, the original information is recovered. One of the most important facts of this system is that the bandwidth needed by the system remain the same with and without chaos.
We proposed an optical communications system, based on a digital chaotic signal where the synchronization of chaos was the main objective, in some previous papers. In this paper we will extend this work. A way to add the digital data signal to be transmitted onto the chaotic signal and its correct reception, is the main objective. We report some methods to study the main characteristics of the resulting signal. The main problem with any real system is the presence of some retard between the times than the signal is generated at the emitter at the time when this signal is received. Any system using chaotic signals as a method to encrypt need to have the same characteristics in emitter and receiver. It is because that, this control of time is needed. A method to control, in real time the chaotic signals, is reported.
En este trabajo se ha evaluado la influencia del valor del tiempo de recombinación de portadores en el comportamiento de un dispositivo biestable. Queda patente el compromiso existente entre la velocidad de respuesta alcanzable y la cantidad de potencia necesitada para el funcionamiento de estos dispositivos. Una elección adecuada de este parámetro determinará si un dispositivo podrá ser utilizado en aplicaciones de alta velocidad, o bien en aplicaciones que requieran poca potencia y alto grado de procesamiento en paralelo.
El siglo XXI parece será el siglo de las Ciencias de la Vida y más en concreto, el siglo en el que el principal reto al que se enfrentará la Ciencia será el de intentar acercarse un poco más a la comprensión del cerebro humano. La Fotónica no debe quedarse en los terrenos en los que se ha movido con relativa comodidad hasta ahora, sino que debe aportar lo que pueda a ese nuevo camino que se presenta. Las armas de las que dispone son mucho más potentes de lo que pensamos. Solo es necesario saber que existen y saber manejarlas.
Cuando se introduce una no linealidad óptica dentro de una cavidad resonante, se pueden producir efectos de conmutación rápida entre dos estados diferenciados de transmisión. Este fenómeno se conoce por biestabilidad óptica, caracterizado porque la salida de los dispositivos con este tipo de comportamiento constan de dos estados estables diferenciados y una región asociada a un ciclo de histéresis en la cual el sistema es inestable. En dicha región la salida posee valores diferentes para un mismo valor de entrada en función de la historia del dispositivo.
After a brief review of some old concepts getting application when new technologies have been developed, this paper offers a short review to some optical bistability concepts. It is shown how different concepts can be employed today in many fields, after being considered as inconvenient when they were found. Some practical applications and some proposals will be reported.
Durante mucho tiempo, prácticamente desde sus inicios, las Comunicaciones y la Informática han seguido caminos en cierta manera paralelos y, al mismo tiempo, casi ignorando sus mutuas existencias. El entorno de las Comunicaciones tenía sus propias formas de trabajo, muy centradas en torno a la mera transmisión de información entre puntos más o menos alejados, y para ello apenas si le hacía más falta que una base electrónica medianamente fuerte y unos conceptos de Electromagnetismo que ya estaban bastante asentados. De alguna manera, la fuerte incidencia que tuvieron sobre la Sociedad, y el que cada vez fueran precisas comunicaciones más rápidas y sofisticadas obligó, en las pasadas décadas, a un desarrollo de la Electrónica que, aquí queda la duda, quizás ésta no hubiera sido la misma si aquellas no hubieran estado presentes.
During the past years a great interest has been devoted to the study of possible applications of non-linear interfaces, mainly in the field of Optical Bistability. Several papers have been published in this field, and some of them dealing with liquid crystals as non-linear material.
It is widely known the anular-shaped beam divergence produced by the optical reorientation induced in nematics by a Gaussian beam. Recent works have found a new effect in colored liquid crystal (MBBA, Phase V,...) showing a similar spatial distribution. A new set of random-oscillating rings appears for light intensities over a certain threshold. The beam divergence due to that effect is greater than the molecular reorientation induced one.
As it is well known from the work by Gibbs et al., optical turbulence and periodic oscillations are easily seen in hybrid optical bistable devices when a delay is added to the feedback. Such effects, as it was pointed out by Gibbs, may be used to convert cw laser power into a train of light pulses.
Since the observation of optical bistability by Gibbs et al., optical bistability has been the field where researchers from many fields have found a common place to work. More recently, when Ikeda and co-workers discussed the effect of a delayed feedback on instability of a ring cavity containing a non linear dielectric medium, and pointed out that the transmitted light from the ring cavity can be periodic or chaotic in time under a certain condition, optical bistable devices have shown new possibilities to be applied in many different fields. The novel phenomenon has been predicted to be observed in the hybrid optical device and has been confirmed by Gibbs et al. Moreover, as we have shown, a similar effect can be obtained when liquid crystal cells are employed as non linear element.
After a short personal view of the first years of the photonics in Spain, some references about its present situation are given. As a possible future, the first steps towards a Photonics based on the study of the employed mechanisms in the visual system of the living beings are presented.