970 resultados para Ontology -- TFC
Refinement in software engineering allows a specification to be developed in stages, with design decisions taken at earlier stages constraining the design at later stages. Refinement in complex data models is difficult due to lack of a way of defining constraints, which can be progressively maintained over increasingly detailed refinements. Category theory provides a way of stating wide scale constraints. These constraints lead to a set of design guidelines, which maintain the wide scale constraints under increasing detail. Previous methods of refinement are essentially local, and the proposed method does not interfere very much with these local methods. The result is particularly applicable to semantic web applications, where ontologies provide systems of more or less abstract constraints on systems, which must be implemented and therefore refined by participating systems. With the approach of this paper, the concept of committing to an ontology carries much more force. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An ontology is increasingly becoming an essential tool for solving problems in many research areas. The ontology is a complex information object. It can contain millions of concepts in complex relationships. When we want to manage complex information objects, we generally turn to information systems technology. An information system intended to manage ontology is called an ontology server. The ontology server technology is at the time of writing quite immature. Therefore, this paper reviews and compares the main ontology servers that have been reported in the literatures. As a result, we point out several research questions related to server technology
This paper discusses an document discovery tool based on formal concept analysis. The program allows users to navigate email using a visual lattice metaphor rather than a tree. It implements a virtual file structure over email where files and entire directories can appear in multiple positions. The content and shape of the lattice formed by the conceptual ontology can assist in email discovery. The system described provides more flexibility in retrieving stored emails than what is normally available in email clients. The paper discusses how conceptual ontologies can leverage traditional document retrieval systems.
In view of the need to provide tools to facilitate the re-use of existing knowledge structures such as ontologies, we present in this paper a system, AKTiveRank, for the ranking of ontologies. AKTiveRank uses as input the search terms provided by a knowledge engineer and, using the output of an ontology search engine, ranks the ontologies. We apply a number of metrics in an attempt to investigate their appropriateness for ranking ontologies, and compare the results with a questionnaire-based human study. Our results show that AKTiveRank will have great utility although there is potential for improvement.
The evaluation of ontologies is vital for the growth of the Semantic Web. We consider a number of problems in evaluating a knowledge artifact like an ontology. We propose in this paper that one approach to ontology evaluation should be corpus or data driven. A corpus is the most accessible form of knowledge and its use allows a measure to be derived of the ‘fit’ between an ontology and a domain of knowledge. We consider a number of methods for measuring this ‘fit’ and propose a measure to evaluate structural fit, and a probabilistic approach to identifying the best ontology.
Ontologies have become a key component in the Semantic Web and Knowledge management. One accepted goal is to construct ontologies from a domain specific set of texts. An ontology reflects the background knowledge used in writing and reading a text. However, a text is an act of knowledge maintenance, in that it re-enforces the background assumptions, alters links and associations in the ontology, and adds new concepts. This means that background knowledge is rarely expressed in a machine interpretable manner. When it is, it is usually in the conceptual boundaries of the domain, e.g. in textbooks or when ideas are borrowed into other domains. We argue that a partial solution to this lies in searching external resources such as specialized glossaries and the internet. We show that a random selection of concept pairs from the Gene Ontology do not occur in a relevant corpus of texts from the journal Nature. In contrast, a significant proportion can be found on the internet. Thus, we conclude that sources external to the domain corpus are necessary for the automatic construction of ontologies.
Automatic ontology building is a vital issue in many fields where they are currently built manually. This paper presents a user-centred methodology for ontology construction based on the use of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. In our approach, the user selects a corpus of texts and sketches a preliminary ontology (or selects an existing one) for a domain with a preliminary vocabulary associated to the elements in the ontology (lexicalisations). Examples of sentences involving such lexicalisation (e.g. ISA relation) in the corpus are automatically retrieved by the system. Retrieved examples are validated by the user and used by an adaptive Information Extraction system to generate patterns that discover other lexicalisations of the same objects in the ontology, possibly identifying new concepts or relations. New instances are added to the existing ontology or used to tune it. This process is repeated until a satisfactory ontology is obtained. The methodology largely automates the ontology construction process and the output is an ontology with an associated trained leaner to be used for further ontology modifications.
In the context of the needs of the Semantic Web and Knowledge Management, we consider what the requirements are of ontologies. The ontology as an artifact of knowledge representation is in danger of becoming a Chimera. We present a series of facts concerning the foundations on which automated ontology construction must build. We discuss a number of different functions that an ontology seeks to fulfill, and also a wish list of ideal functions. Our objective is to stimulate discussion as to the real requirements of ontology engineering and take the view that only a selective and restricted set of requirements will enable the beast to fly.
The fundamental failure of current approaches to ontology learning is to view it as single pipeline with one or more specific inputs and a single static output. In this paper, we present a novel approach to ontology learning which takes an iterative view of knowledge acquisition for ontologies. Our approach is founded on three open-ended resources: a set of texts, a set of learning patterns and a set of ontological triples, and the system seeks to maintain these in equilibrium. As events occur which disturb this equilibrium, actions are triggered to re-establish a balance between the resources. We present a gold standard based evaluation of the final output of the system, the intermediate output showing the iterative process and a comparison of performance using different seed input. The results are comparable to existing performance in the literature.