976 resultados para Obstetrics and gynecology
Objectives. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and perceptionstowards contraceptive use and counselling among medical students in Maharashtra, India. Setting. Considerable global maternal mortality and morbidity could be avoided through theuse of effective contraception. In India, contraception services are frequently unavailable or there are obstacles to obtaining modern, reversible contraceptives. Participants. A cross-sectional descriptive study using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted among 1996 medical students in their fifth year of study at 27 medical colleges in the state of Maharashtra, India. Descriptive and analytical statistics interpreted the survey instrument and significant results were presented with 95% CI. Results. Respondents expressed a desire to provide contraceptive services. A few studentshad experienced training in abortion care. There were misconceptions about moderncontraceptive methods and the impact of sex education. Attitudes towards contraceptionwere mainly positive, premarital counselling was supported and the influence of traditional values and negative provider attitudes on services was recognised. Gender, area of upbringing and type of medical college did not change the results. Conclusions. Despite mostly positive attitudes towards modern contraceptives, sex education and family planning counselling, medical students in Maharashtra have misconceptions about modern methods of contraception. Preservice and in-service training in contraceptive counselling should be implemented in order to increase women's access to evidence-based maternal healthcare services.
Aim: Inflammation is as an important factor in ovulation with the active participation of leucocytes and their inflammatory mediators. The present study was performed to compare the activity of the inflammatory enzymes myeloperoxidase (MPO) and N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) in patients with endometriosis-related infertility and in normally ovulating women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).Material and Methods: This prospective study included infertile women undergoing ICSI treatment. These women were divided into two groups: endometriosis anovulation (n = 18) and normally ovulating (n = 20). NAG and MPO activity was evaluated colorimetrically in serum and in follicular fluids obtained at the time of oocyte retrieval.Results: There was a significant correlation between the serum and follicular fluid activities of NAG and MPO (tau = 0.256, P = 0.025; and tau = -0.234, P = 0.041; respectively). Both serum and follicular fluid NAG activities were higher in patients with endometriosis compared to the control group (P < 0.001). MPO follicular fluid activity was lower in patients with endometriosis compared to normally ovulating women (P = 0.016).Conclusion: Infertile patients with endometriosis show a distinct pattern of serum and follicular fluid macrophage/neutrophil activation compared to normally ovulating women undergoing ICSI, which may reflect the role of immune and inflammatory alterations in endometriosis-related infertility.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
To re-evaluate the safety of hormonal contraceptives (HC) after uterine evacuation of complete hydatidiform mole (CHM). Historical database review. Charing Cross Hospital Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Centre, London, United Kingdom. Two thousand four hundred and twenty-three women with CHM of whom 154 commenced HC while their human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was still elevated, followed between 2003 and 2012. We compared time to hCG remission between HC users and nonusers. The relationship between HC use and gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) development was assessed. The relationship between HC use and a high International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) risk score was determined. Time to hCG remission, risk of developing postmolar GTN and proportion of women with high FIGO risk score. No relationship was observed between HC use with mean time to hCG remission (HC users versus non-users: 12 weeks in both, P = 0.19), GTN development (HC users versus non-users: 20.1 and 16.7%, P = 0.26) or high-risk FIGO score (HC users versus nonusers: 0% and 8%, P = 0.15). Moreover, no association between HC and GTN development was found, even when an age-adjusted model was used (OR = 1.37, 95% CI 0.91-2.08, P = 0.13). The use of current HC is not associated with development of postmolar GTN or delayed time to hCG remission. Therefore, HC can be safely used to prevent a new conception following CHM regardless of hCG level. Non-concurrent cohort study to re-evaluate the safety of low dose HCs after uterine evacuation of CHM.
Aim: We evaluated the effectiveness of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a pain relief resource for primiparous puerpere who had experienced natural childbirth with an episiotomy. Methods: A controlled, randomized clinical study was conducted in a Brazilian maternity ward. Forty puerpere were randomly divided into two groups: TENS high frequency and a no treatment control group. Post-episiotomy pain was assessed in the resting and sitting positions and during ambulation. An 11-point numeric rating scale was performed in three separate evaluations (at the beginning of the study, after 60 min and after 120 min). The McGill pain questionnaire was employed at the beginning and 60 min later. TENS with 100 Hz frequency and 75 mu s pulse for 60 min was employed without causing any pain. Four electrodes ware placed in parallel near the episiotomy site, in the area of the pudendal and genitofemoral nerves. Results: An 11-point numeric rating scale and McGill pain questionnaire showed a significant statistical difference in pain reduction in the TENS group, while the control group showed no alteration in the level of discomfort. Hence, high-frequency TENS treatment significantly reduced pain intensity immediately after its use and 60 min later. Conclusion: TENS is a safe and viable non-pharmacological analgesic resource to be employed for pain relief post-episiotomy. The routine use of TENS post-episiotomy is recommended.
Intrapartum translabial ultrasound (ITU) has the potential to objectively and quantitatively assess the progress of labour. The relationships between the different ITU parameters and their development during normal term labour have not been studied.
To assess the influence of three different postmenopausal hormone replacement therapies on levels of serum lipids and lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)].
Los objetivos propuestos en la investigación han posibilitado identificar y documentar las barreras de acceso y los factores de riesgo en los cuidados de salud en ginecología y obstetricia y evaluar la situación sociofamiliar en la población migrante instrumentando acciones de inclusión en el sistema de salud de la provincia en aquellas pacientes que requirieron una atención de mayor complejidad. La experiencia de trabajo interdisciplinario en una comunidad ha posibilitado estudiar a 99 mujeres en edad fértil, en un 45% de origen boliviano, con alta vulnerabilidad social que habitan en el Distrito Belgrano de Guaymallén. Se realizó un estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional con entrevistas semiestructuradas y control ginecológico, con toma de muestras para Papanicolaou y colposcopía en un consultorio que se instaló en el jardín maternal. Se aplicó un consentimiento informado a todas las mujeres antes de la realización de los estudios. La lectura de las muestras y los estudios específicos incluyeron mamografías y ecografías que se realizaron en los servicios de anatomía patológica y rayos del Hospital Universitario. El equipo del Hospital Universitario que concurrió a terreno estuvo formado por ginecólogos, trabajadores sociales, enfermeros y alumnos de las carreras de grado.
A piometra é uma condição mórbida caracterizada pela inflamação do útero com acúmulo de exsudatos, resultante de ações hormonais e geralmente associada à presença de bactérias no lúmen uterino. A anemia é a alteração hematológica mais frequentemente observada em cadelas com piometra e está associada à cronicidade da doença, diminuição da eritropoiese, devido ao efeito toxêmico na medula óssea, diminuição da disponibilidade de ferro ou perda de sangue para o útero. Adicionalmente, o efeito das toxinas bacterianas e os radicais livres gerados pelo metabolismo oxidativo dos neutrófilos podem resultar na modificação da estrutura antigênica da membrana do eritrócito, permitindo a ligação de imunoglobulinas em sua superfície e acelerando a destruição eritrocitária. Essa hipótese pode ser comprovada pela detecção de imunocomplexos na superfície eritrocitária de cadelas com piometra. O diagnóstico de piometra foi estabelecido em 33 cadelas atendidas no Serviço de Obstetrícia/Ginecologia do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de São Paulo com base na anamnese, exame físico e exames subsidiários (ultrassonografia, hemograma e concentrações séricas de ureia e creatinina). As amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas em dois momentos. A primeira anterior a ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) e a segunda, sete a dez dias após a OSH. A quantificação de hemácias com deposição de imunocomplexos IgG e IgM foi realizada utilizando-se anticorpos anti-IgG e anti-IgM (Bethyl®Laboratories) conjugadas a fluoresceína de isotiocianato (FITC), e a leitura realizada com citômetro de fluxo (FACS Calibur; Becton, Dickinson and Company© 2007 BD), sendo os resultados expressos em percentual de hemácias marcadas. Foram utilizados o Teste de Shapiro-Wilk para a avaliação da distribuição de dados e a comparação entre os grupos controle, pré e pós-OSH foi realizada valendo-se do Teste t ou Teste t pareado e Correlação de Pearson, e do Teste U de Mann-Whitney e Correlação de Spearman, para as variáveis com distribuição normal e não-normal, respectivamente. O valor de alfa estipulado foi de 0,05. Analisando os valores hematológicos de cada um dos cães incluídos no estudo, observa-se que 19 (57,6%) apresentavam anemia normocítica normocrômica não regenerativa no momento pré-OSH e cinco (15,2%) no momento pós-OSH. Em cães do grupo controle foram observadas 0,14 - 0,77% (0,43±0,18%) de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,29 - 9,58% (0,68±0,29%) para anticorpos anti-IgM FITC. Já nos cães com piometra, foram encontradas 0,14 - 4,19% (0,96±0,86%) de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,29 - 9,58% (1,37±1,71%) com anticorpos anti-IgM FITC, antecedendo a OSH. No momento pós-OSH observou-se 0,18 - 16,2% (2,77±3,67%) de hemácias marcadas para anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,15 - 19,8% (4,01±4,46%) para anticorpos anti-IgM FITC. O percentual de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC diferiu entre os grupos controle e piometra, pré-OSH (p<0,001) e pós-OSH (p<0,001). Em relação a anticorpos anti-IgM FITC, não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos controle e pré-OSH (p=0,09), porém, após a OSH houve aumento na marcação de hemácias, quando comparado ao grupo controle (p<0,001). Apenas alguns animais apresentaram mais de 5% de hemácias marcadas, e isto ocorreu, principalmente, no momento pós-OSH. Entretanto, não resultou no agravamento da anemia, indicando que a piometra em cadelas está associada à deposição de imunoglobulinas G ou M na superfície das hemácias, sem, no entanto, promover hemólise ou agravamento da anemia
"Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North America, sixth annual session, Boston, October 25 to 29, 1915" (various pagings) consisting primarily of section, "The hospitals and medical schools of Boston," inserted at end of vol. 21.
We report genetic characterization of isochromosome 18p using a combination of cytogenetic and molecular genetic methods, including multiplex fluorescent PCR. The patient was referred for chorionic villus sampling (CVS) due to advanced maternal age and maternal anxiety. The placental karyotype was 47,XX,+mar, with the marker having the appearance of a small supernumerary isochromosome. Because differentiating between isochromosomes and other structural rearrangements is normally very difficult, a variety of genetic tests including fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), PCR, and multiplex fluorescent PCR were undertaken to determine chromosomal origin and copy number and, thus, allow accurate diagnosis of the corresponding syndrome. FISH determined that the marker chromosome contained chromosome 18 material. PCR of a variety of short tandem repeats (STRs) confirmed that there was at least one extra copy of the maternal 18p material. However, neither FISH nor PCR could accurately determine copy number. Multiplex fluorescent PCR (MF-PCR) of STRs simultaneously determined that: (1) the marker included 18p material; (2) the marker was maternal in origin; (3) allele copy number indicated tetrasomy; and (4) contamination of the sample could be ruled out. Results were also rapid with accurate diagnosis of the syndrome tetrasomy 18p possible within 5 hours.
Until recently, fetoscopic laser surgery to seal the placental anastomoses that cause severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome has been available in only a few centres worldwide. The technique typically takes a long time to learn. We have used a dedicated Internet Protocol (IP) connection for tele-education to assist the introduction of fetoscopic laser surgery to Australia. During the implementation of the international telemedicine link, there were multiple clinical and technical problems, which were eventually overcome. The quality of images and of video-sequences was comparable to that supported by an ISDN connection. Pictures of live surgery performed by an expert in Florida, USA, were transmitted and viewed by a novice team in Brisbane, Australia. The Australian team has performed 19 fetoscopic laser operations to date. Preliminary results are comparable to those from centres that have performed over 100 procedures.