283 resultados para OLS


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Empresarial. Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2004


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Mestrado em Finanças


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This study revisits the relationship between exchange rate regime (ERR) choice and fiscal discipline focusing on the role of trade openness. The conventional theoretical view is that fixed regimes bring about more fiscal discipline, while the recent literature argues that flexible regimes are more disciplinary. Empirical studies have provided mixed evidence. Using a panel dataset for a large number of developing and developed countries, as well as pooled panel OLS and instrumental variables (IV) estimation techniques, we find support for both views. We document that a fixed ERR is disciplinary at low levels of trade openness, while a flexible regime produces a greater fiscal discipline above a certain level of trade openness. Moreover, this relationship applies to only developing countries. These findings remain robust across different measures of fiscal outcomes, a number of controls, across different sub-samples, and are supported by both annual and five-year averaged panel data.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of internal control weaknesses on accounting conservatism in Chinese listed firms. It also investigates the relationship between the demand for external audit and accounting conservatism, and whether additional assurance of internal control reports (ICRs) can mitigate the negative impact of ICWs on accounting conservatism.

An empirical research approach is taken through the use of ordinary least squares (OLS) models and hand-collected internal control weakness data from ICRs released by Chinese listed firms.

Findings: The results of this paper show that the existence of ICWs has a negative effect on accounting conservatism in China. Further, the results demonstrate that both accounting-related and non-accounting-related ICWs affect accounting conservatism. The authors also find that there is a complementary relationship between accounting conservatism and the demand for additional assurance of ICRs, and additional assurance of ICRs can mitigate the negative impact of ICWs on accounting conservatism.

Practical Implications: This study provides timely evidence to Chinese regulators of the possible economic consequences of the official implementation of internal control standard in China from 2012. The findings of this paper can also benefit regulators around the world and, in particular, the regulators in emerging markets that are considering implement regulations similar to the US SOX.

The paper demonstrates that a wider scope of ICWs, including non-accounting-related ICWs, also has a significant impact on accounting conservatism. Therefore, this research provides a more general evidence on the relationship between internal control quality and accounting conservatism.


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Purpose – A variety of papers have analyzed the underpricing of REIT IPOs or property company IPOs. The purpose of this paper is to compare the two sectors and examines differences in the underpricing of the two types of IPOs. Design/methodology/approach – An OLS regression is used to identify factors influencing the underpricing of A-REIT and property company IPOs from 1994 until 2014. Findings – This study finds that A-REIT IPOs have a significantly lower underpricing on average than Australian property company IPOs. The time taken to list appears to influence the underpricing of both A-REIT IPOs and property company IPOs, in that issues that are filled more quickly have higher underpricing but with the magnitude of the impact being less for A-REITs. The sentiment toward the stock market also appears to impact on the underpricing of A-REIT and property company IPOs again with the magnitude of the impact being less for A-REITs. Practical implications – The paper provides information to new A-REIT and property company issuers, underwriters and investors. Originality/value – The study is the first to compare and examine the differences in the underpricing of both REITs and property companies in the one country over the same time period.


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Hjalmarsson (2010) considers an OLS-based estimator of predictive panel regressions that is argued to be mixed normal under very general conditions. In a recent paper, Westerlund et al. (2016) show that while consistent, the estimator is generally not mixed normal, which invalidates standard normal and chi-squared inference. The purpose of the present paper is to study the consequences of this theoretical result in small samples, which is done using both simulated and real data.


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This dissertation focused on the longitudinal analysis of business start-ups using three waves of data from the Kauffman Firm Survey. The first essay used the data from years 2004-2008, and examined the simultaneous relationship between a firm’s capital structure, human resource policies, and its impact on the level of innovation. The firm leverage was calculated as, debt divided by total financial resources. Index of employee well-being was determined by a set of nine dichotomous questions asked in the survey. A negative binomial fixed effects model was used to analyze the effect of employee well-being and leverage on the count data of patents and copyrights, which were used as a proxy for innovation. The paper demonstrated that employee well-being positively affects the firm's innovation, while a higher leverage ratio had a negative impact on the innovation. No significant relation was found between leverage and employee well-being. The second essay used the data from years 2004-2009, and inquired whether a higher entrepreneurial speed of learning is desirable, and whether there is a linkage between the speed of learning and growth rate of the firm. The change in the speed of learning was measured using a pooled OLS estimator in repeated cross-sections. There was evidence of a declining speed of learning over time, and it was concluded that a higher speed of learning is not necessarily a good thing, because speed of learning is contingent on the entrepreneur's initial knowledge, and the precision of the signals he receives from the market. Also, there was no reason to expect speed of learning to be related to the growth of the firm in one direction over another. The third essay used the data from years 2004-2010, and determined the timing of diversification activities by the business start-ups. It captured when a start-up diversified for the first time, and explored the association between an early diversification strategy adopted by a firm, and its survival rate. A semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard model was used to examine the survival pattern. The results demonstrated that firms diversifying at an early stage in their lives show a higher survival rate; however, this effect fades over time.


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¿What have we learnt from the 2006-2012 crisis, including events such as the subprime crisis, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers or the European sovereign debt crisis, among others? It is usually assumed that in firms that have a CDS quotation, this CDS is the key factor in establishing the credit premiumrisk for a new financial asset. Thus, the CDS is a key element for any investor in taking relative value opportunities across a firm’s capital structure. In the first chapter we study the most relevant aspects of the microstructure of the CDS market in terms of pricing, to have a clear idea of how this market works. We consider that such an analysis is a necessary point for establishing a solid base for the rest of the chapters in order to carry out the different empirical studies we perform. In its document “Basel III: A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems”, Basel sets the requirement of a capital charge for credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk in the trading book and its methodology for the computation for the capital requirement. This regulatory requirement has added extra pressure for in-depth knowledge of the CDS market and this motivates the analysis performed in this thesis. The problem arises in estimating of the credit risk premium for those counterparties without a directly quoted CDS in the market. How can we estimate the credit spread for an issuer without CDS? In addition to this, given the high volatility period in the credit market in the last few years and, in particular, after the default of Lehman Brothers on 15 September 2008, we observe the presence of big outliers in the distribution of credit spread in the different combinations of rating, industry and region. After an exhaustive analysis of the results from the different models studied, we have reached the following conclusions. It is clear that hierarchical regression models fit the data much better than those of non-hierarchical regression. Furthermore,we generally prefer the median model (50%-quantile regression) to the mean model (standard OLS regression) due to its robustness when assigning the price to a new credit asset without spread,minimizing the “inversion problem”. Finally, an additional fundamental reason to prefer the median model is the typical "right skewness" distribution of CDS spreads...


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Due to the rapid changes that governs the Swedish financial sector such as financial deregulations and technological innovations, it is imperative to examine the extent to which the Swedish Financial institutions had performed amid these changes. For this to be accomplish, the work investigates what are the determinants of performance for Swedish Financial Monetary Institutions? Assumptions were derived from theoretical and empirical literatures to investigate the authenticity of this research question using seven explanatory variables. Two models were specified using Returns on Asset (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) as the main performance indicators and for the sake of reliability and validity, three different estimators such as Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Generalized Least Square (GLS) and Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS) were employed. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was also used to verify which specification explains performance better while performing robustness check of parameter estimates was done by correcting for standard errors. Based on the findings, ROA specification proves to have the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Standard errors compared to ROE specification. Under ROA, two variables; the profit margins and the Interest coverage ratio proves to be statistically significant while under ROE just the interest coverage ratio (ICR) for all the estimators proves significant. The result also shows that the FGLS is the most efficient estimator, then follows the GLS and the last OLS. when corrected for SE robust, the gearing ratio which measures the capital structure becomes significant under ROA and its estimate become positive under ROE robust. Conclusions were drawn that, within the period of study three variables (ICR, profit margins and gearing) shows significant and four variables were insignificant. The overall findings show that the institutions strive to their best to maximize returns but these returns were just normal to cover their costs of operation. Much should be done as per the ASC theory to avoid liquidity and credit risks problems. Again, estimated values of ICR and profit margins shows that a considerable amount of efforts with sound financial policies are required to increase performance by one percentage point. Areas of further research could be how the individual stochastic factors such as the Dupont model, repo rates, inflation, GDP etc. can influence performance.


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BACKGROUND: In the United States, disparities in health literacy parallel disparities in health outcomes. Our research contributes to how diverse indicators of social inequalities (i.e., objective social class, relational social class, and social resources) contribute to understanding disparities in health literacy.

METHODS: We analyze data on respondents 18 years of age and older (N = 14,592) from the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) restricted access data set. A series of weighted Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression models estimate the association between respondent's demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status (SES), relational social class, social resources and an Item Response Theory (IRT) based health literacy measure.

RESULTS: Our findings are consistent with previous research on the social and SES determinants of health literacy. However, our findings reveal the importance of relational social status for understanding health literacy disparities in the United States. Objective indicators of social status are persistent and robust indicators of health literacy. Measures of relational social status such as civic engagement (i.e., voting, volunteering, and library use) are associated with higher health literacy levels net of objective resources. Social resources including speaking English and marital status are associated with higher health literacy levels.

CONCLUSIONS: Relational indicators of social class are related to health literacy independent of objective social class indicators. Civic literacy (e.g., voting and volunteering) are predictors of health literacy and offer opportunities for health intervention. Our findings support the notion that health literacy is a social construct and suggest the need to develop a theoretically driven conceptual definition of health literacy that includes a civic literacy component.


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Na atual conjuntura económica em que o sistema financeiro vem apresentando rendibilidades divergentes nos últimos anos motivou o desenvolvimento deste temática na presente dissertação. Assim, o principal objetivo foi analisar e determinar as variáveis explicativas da rendibilidade das instituições financeiras que operam em Portugal, medida dada pela rendibilidade dos seus ativos. Neste estudo empirico utilizou-se uma amostra composta por 29 bancos portugueses e os resultados estimados foram obtidos pela aplicação do método econométrico OLS e repostam a 31 de Dezembro dos anos de 2002 a 2012. Os resultados estimados sugerem que as variáveis concentração, rácio de capital, rácio de endividamento e credito e juros vencidos revelaram-se estaticamente significativas nesta analise. Assim, parece existir uma relação positiva entre o grau de concentração do sistema bancário português e a sua rendibilidade. Por sua vez, existirá uma relação inversa entre o rácio de capital dos bancos e a sua rendibilidade. O mesmo se verifica com as variáveis rácio de endividamento e o credito e juros vencidos. Ou seja, quanto maior o nível de endividamento e o nível de incumprimento do sistema bancário menor será a sai rendibilidade. Todavia as variáveis macroeconómicas, inflação e PIB, assim como o rácio de solvabilidade não se apresentam como estatisticamente significativas na explicação da rendibilidade bancaria em Portugal.


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O principal objetivo da presente dissertação traduz-se na análise do efeito dos indicadores de desempenho empresarial na explicação do preço das ações no mercado de capitais português, recorrendo a uma análise fundamental. No estudo empírico efetuado utilizou-se como amostra as instituições financeiras cotadas no PSI 20 e os resultados estimados são obtidos através da aplicação do método OLS e reportam a 31 de Dezembro dos anos de 2002 a 2012. Os resultados estimados sugerem que os indicadores de desempenho empresarial se apresentam suscetíveis de explicar o preço de mercado das ações das empresas financeiras, encontrando-se um efeito significativo de quase todas as variáveis. Salienta-se, assim, o efeito significativamente positivo da variável rentabilidade dos ativos e da variável crédito concedido. Parece existir uma relação positiva entre a rendibilidade do ativo e o desempenho das instituições financeiras portuguesas cotadas no PSI 20, assim como à medida que estas instituições aumentam o financiamento ao mercado também contribuem para aumentar a cotação das suas ações. Por sua vez, o resultado líquido, o número de ações emitidas e o rácio de crédito vencido são variáveis estatisticamente significativas na explicação do preço das ações mas com sinal negativo.