991 resultados para Nursing, Contraception, task shifting
This is the second annual report of the Monitoring Committee established by the Minister for Health and Children to oversee progress in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Commission on Nursing A Blueprint for the Future. It outlines the further progress made during 2001 in achieving targets set out in the Priority Action Plan for 2000 and 2001 agreed between the Department of Health and Children and the Nursing Alliance. Â Download report here
The age-related increase in interference susceptibility has been well documented and largely attributed to a deficit in inhibition. In the present study, event-related potentials were used to investigate EEG correlates of inhibitory processing in an interference "Arrow" task. A specific interest was addressed to theN2 and P3 components that respectively refers to conflict monitoring and to efficiency of inhibition processes (Anguera et al,. 2011). Younger (N=10, Mage=24.6) and older (N=10, Mage=65.5) participants were invited to perform a task consisting in deciding, as fast and accurately as possible, whether an arrow presented on a computer screen points to the left or the right, irrespective of its position on the screen (left, middle or right). Responses were provided by key-presses using the left and right indexes. Three conditions were considered: congruent (arrow pointing to the same direction as that of the side of the screen on which it appears), incongruent (arrow pointing to the opposite direction), and neutral (arrow presented at the center of the screen). A total of 56 trials per conditions were performed. Behaviorally, the results showed that in the incongruent condition the percent of correct responses significantly decreased in both groups. After adjustment with simple RT (additional control task), the increased RTs obtained in the old group were significantly more pronounced in the incongruent condition. With respect to electrophysiological data, results showed that frontal site (Fz), the N2 amplitude was significantly larger for the younger as compared to the older (- 2.55 μV vs. -0.62 μV respectively) whatever the condition. At central site (Cz), the P3 amplitude significantly decreased in the older compared to the younger in the incongruent condition only. Our findings suggest that the increased RTs observed in older participants during the incongruent condition is more specifically linked to late cognitive resources involved in inhibiting prepotent response tendencies rather than associated with earlier stages of treatment dedicated to conflict monitoring.
Flexible Training Strategy (National Task Force on Medical Staffing) The Flexible Training Strategy, while endorsing flexible/part-time options recognises that the preferred option for the majority of doctors-in-training and consultants is most likely to continue to be full-time training and work. Click here to download PDF
From Vision to Action: strengthening the nursing contribution to public health The starting point for this report is a belief that public health is everybodyâ?Ts business. This is reflected in recent policies in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland where improvements in health services are recommended as one part of the many measures that are needed to create environments for healthy living. Click here to download PDF 890kb
Implementation of Recommendations of the Commission on Nursing – Third Annual Progress Report of the Monitoring Committee This is the third annual report of the Monitoring Committee established by the Minister for Health and Children to oversee progress in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Commission on Nursing A Blueprint for the Future. It outlines the further progress made during 2002 in achieving targets set out in the Priority Action Plan for 2002 and 2003 agreed between the Department of Health and Children and the Nursing Alliance. Click here to download PDF 50kb
Report of the National Task Force on Medical Staffing (Hanly report) Patients deserve the best possible care that the Irish health services can deliver. At present, most frontline medical care in hospitals is delivered by non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs), the majority of whom work excessively long hours. Patients have limited access to consultant care. NCHDs will soon be required by law to work fewer hours. This will have significant benefits for both doctors and patients. Click here to download PDF 1.7mb
Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland The Report of the Commission on Nursing (1998, para. 6.77) recommended that the Nursing Policy Division in the Department of Health and Children, in consultation with the appropriate bodies, draw up a national strategy for nursing and midwifery research. In response to the above, the Chief Nursing Officer at the Department of Health and Children convened a consultative committee to prepare a research strategy for nursing and midwifery in Ireland. This committee was representative of those with a core interest in nursing and midwifery research. Click here to download PDF 501kb
Review of the Nursing Home Subvention Scheme The government decided in 1997 to approve proposals from the Minister for Finance for a process of expenditure reviews as a key part of the financial management systems that are central to the Strategic Management Initiative and are intended to ensure greater predictability in resource planning. The aims of the expenditure review process are as follows: Click here to download PDF 873kb
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The Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland (Department of Health and Children, 2003) was a response to the Commission on Nursing’s (Government of Ireland, 1998: p114) suggestion that a national strategy be developed to guide and support the emerging need for the professions of nursing and midwifery to develop a research base as a fundamental to practice. The Commission itself had found a dearth of published Irish nursing and midwifery research (Government of Ireland, 1998; Condell, 1998) due to a lack of policy direction and funding availability. Download document here
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