974 resultados para North-central China


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Recent coccoliths from 74 surface sediment samples recovered from the southeastern Pacific off Chile were examined quantitatively to investigate modern regional gradients of sea surface productivity and temperature. All findings are based on coccolith accumulation rates. Therefore an approach was designed to estimate recent sedimentation rates based on 210Pb and bulk chemistry analyses of the same set of surface samples. Highest total coccolith accumulation rates were found off north-central Chile, where seasonal upwelling takes place. Based on a multiple linear regression between calculated coccolith accumulation rates and World Ocean Atlas derived sea surface temperatures, a calibration model to reconstruct annual average temperatures of the uppermost 75 m of the water column is provided. The model was cross-validated and the SST estimates were compared with SST observed and SST estimates based on diatoms and planktonic foraminifera, showing a good correlation.


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Physical forcing and biological response within the California Current System (CCS) are highly variable over a wide range of scales. Satellite remote sensing offers the only feasible means of quantifying this variability over the full extent of the CCS. Using six years (1997-2003) of daily SST and chlorophyll imagery, we map the spatial dependence of dominant temporal variability at resolutions sufficient to identify recurrent mesoscale circulation and local pattern associated with coastal topography. Here we describe mean seasonal cycles and interannual variation; intraseasonal variability is left to a companion paper ( K. R. Legaard and A. C. Thomas, manuscript in preparation, 2006). Coastal upwelling dictates seasonality along north-central California, where weak cycles of SST fluctuate between spring minima and late summer maxima and chlorophyll peaks in early summer. Off northern California, chlorophyll maxima are bounded offshore by the seasonally recurrent upwelling jet. Seasonal cycles differ across higher latitudes and in the midlatitude Southern California Bight, where upwelling winds are less vigorous and/or persistent. Seasonality along south-central Baja is strongly affected by processes other than upwelling, despite year-round upwelling-favorable winds. Interannual variation is generally dominated by El Nino and La Nina conditions. Interannual SST variance is greatest along south-central Baja, although interannual variability constitutes a greater fraction of total variance inshore along southern Oregon and much of California. Patterns of interannual chlorophyll variance are consistent with dominant forcing through the widespread depression and elevation of the nutricline during El Nino and La Nina, respectively. Interannual variability constitutes a greater fraction of total chlorophyll variance offshore.


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This report presents background material used by participants in a joint Ethiopian-Swiss study tour through the north-central highlands of Ethiopia. The main theme of the tour was 'land transformation and sustainable development'. The tour took place from 4-20 September 2006, starting in Addis Abeba and continuing through North Shewa, Wello, Gonder and Gojam. This report is a structured compilation of information gathered by MSc candidates and scientists from the University of Bern prior to the study tour, and supplemented with daily reports by all participants after the study tour was completed.


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Hyalella azteca is a species complex distributed in North, Central, and northern South America. The identity of the species has always been a problem, especially because the original description by Saussure (1858) from a "cistern" in Vera Cruz, Mexico, is poor, and the figures are not clear. Since then, mention of the type material or specimens from the type locality has not been made by investigators using the name H. azteca. Ecological and genetic information available today suggests that there are several species in the complex commonly referred to as H. azteca. The subtle morphological differences among the populations have made the problem of defining these species very complicated. To aid in this process, we present here the morphological description of H. azteca based on the syntype series established by Saussure and deposited in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Ville de Geneve, Switzerland.


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Six years ago the Northwest Iowa On-Farm Research Project was started to cooperate with local farmers to compare crop production methods on a field scale size. Through this project, over 300 replicated comparisons have been done. Beginning in 2012, the Northwest Iowa On-Farm Research project will be recognized as a part of Iowa State University Farmer Assisted Research and Management (FARM) program. This program will also expand to southwest Iowa, north central Iowa, and central Iowa.


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Farmers in central and north central Iowa are often criticized for low adoption of no-tillage. No-tillage is often faulted with cooler, wetter soils and subsequently reduced yields. An alternative to conventional tillage and no-tillage systems is strip tillage where the benefits of both may be combined.


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Land rolling of soybean fields has become a popular practice in north central and northwest Iowa during the past five years. Although this technique was first utilized to push rocks into the ground to avoid combine damage and aid in harvesting lodged crops in Canada, producers in Iowa quickly learned that pushing corn root-balls flat at the time of planting and pushing small rocks into the ground can increase harvest efficiency. Typically fields are rolled shortly after planting. One disturbing trend that was noticed, however, was that rolled fields tended to have more water standing between the rows after moderate or heavy rain events. This would imply that water infiltration was slower in fields that had been rolled compared with fields that had not been rolled. Infiltration measurements were taken on a few plots in 2010 at the ISU Northern Research Farm. It seemed that water infiltration was less on the rolled plots. However, we wanted more measurements before publishing any results. In 2011 infiltration measurements were taken on the research farm and on neighboring farms where soybeans had been rolled. The goal was to determine if water infiltration had been reduced by land rolling.


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A substantial need exists to reduce costs and develop more nutritionally adequate diets for established as well as emerging aquaculture species in the North Central Region (NCR). The study evaluated a diet for juvenile northern bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) that is significantly less costly than currently available diets for sunfish, while yielding a growth rate that is at least equal to an industry standard sunfish diet. Such a diet formulation is now available to the NCR as the result of a recently funded North Central Regional Aquaculture Center (NCRAC) project.


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Historically, sulfur (S) application has not been recommended on Iowa soils for corn and soybean production. Soils supply, or a combination from sources such as soil organic matter, profile sulfate, manure, and precipitation have met crop S needs. However, over the past few years, S deficiencies in alfalfa and corn have been documented. Large crop yield responses have been measured in some fields containing soils with low organic matter, side-slope landscape position, or coarse soil texture, especially in northeastern Iowa. The objective of this study was to determine S response in corn and soybean in north-central Iowa.


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Soybean (Glycine max), grown in Iowa and most of the north central region of the United States, has not required regular insecticide use. The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), causes yield losses from direct plant feeding, and has been shown to transmit several plant viruses. In Iowa, soybean aphid can colonize soybean fields in June and has developed into outbreaks in July and August capable of reducing yields by nearly 40 percent.


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Soybean, Glycine max (L.), grown in Iowa and most of the north central region of the United States, has not required regular insecticide usage. The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), causes yield losses from direct plant feeding, and has been shown to transmit several plant viruses. In Iowa, soybean aphid can colonize soybean fields in June and has developed into outbreaks in July and August capable of reducing yields by nearly 40 percent.