323 resultados para Nineties


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Este trabalho, cujo tema é A comunicação e o mercado editorial infantil brasileiro na década de 1990 , descreveu e analisou o panorama editorial infantil do país no período indicado sob a perspectiva da comunicação. O problema de pesquisa proposto, tendo em vista a conjuntura política, social e econômica da época, tem o intuito de responder se houve, de fato, um desenvolvimento substantivo no mercado editorial infantil na década de 1990 ou, se este desenvolvimento foi apenas aparente. Correlatamente, constatar quais as estratégias de comunicação mercadológicas utilizadas no período e de que maneira elas contribuíram para o fomento desse mercado. Para garantir o caráter sistemático e científico deste trabalho, foi utilizado o método qualitativo. Muito embora, a presença do método quantitativo também tenha sido necessária, sobretudo no que tange ao comportamento de vendas do mercado editorial brasileiro na década de 1990. Como tipo de pesquisa, o estudo descritivo analítico foi o que melhor se enquadrou com os objetivos pretendidos, assim, além de um apurado levantamento bibliográfica, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo por meio de questionários semi-estruturados e entrevistas. Dessa forma, pôde-se, a partir desses dados, traçar o cenário do mercado editorial infantil da época relacionando-o à sua cadeia produtiva.(AU)


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O trabalho, resultado de uma pesquisa qualitativa em educação, procurou refletir sobre o potencial contra-hegemônico do Centro Educacional Unificado (CEU) em relação aos princípios neoliberais em educação, também, denominados de "Pedagogia de Lata". Apresenta-se um estudo bibliográfico sobre a política neoliberal em educação, comparando-a às experiências vivenciadas pela Secretaria de Educação do município de São Paulo durante os anos 90. Analisa-se a proposta da Escola Cidadã, identificando seus princípios com os do projeto do CEU. Foram realizadas entrevistas abertas com protagonistas do projeto, objetivando a análise do processo instituinte. Constatou-se que o projeto, inicialmente contra-hegemônico, passou por um dialético processo instituinte, sendo depois descaracterizado pela gestão municipal paulistana iniciada em 2005.


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O trabalho, resultado de uma pesquisa qualitativa em educação, procurou refletir sobre o potencial contra-hegemônico do Centro Educacional Unificado (CEU) em relação aos princípios neoliberais em educação, também, denominados de "Pedagogia de Lata". Apresenta-se um estudo bibliográfico sobre a política neoliberal em educação, comparando-a às experiências vivenciadas pela Secretaria de Educação do município de São Paulo durante os anos 90. Analisa-se a proposta da Escola Cidadã, identificando seus princípios com os do projeto do CEU. Foram realizadas entrevistas abertas com protagonistas do projeto, objetivando a análise do processo instituinte. Constatou-se que o projeto, inicialmente contra-hegemônico, passou por um dialético processo instituinte, sendo depois descaracterizado pela gestão municipal paulistana iniciada em 2005.


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This research explores the impacts of the most recent U.S. economic crisis on the Mexican immigrant labour market, specifically from the town of Tunkás, Yucatan. Based on Bourdieu.’s theory of Capital production, and the transnational theoretical perspective, this study aims to build a conceptual frame for the migrant’s social capital in modern societies. A key element of this analysis is that a pioneer migrant-woman has initiated the tunkaseño social network in Los Angeles and Orange County, California; and has set the route to migrate to North. Finally this analysis presents how U.S. worksite enforcement policy affects the labour market that tunkaseños encounter in Southern California in the midst of a financial crisis. Tunkás, our Mayan community, native from the Southern Mexican state of Yucatan has experienced a constant migration process to California ever since the Bracero Program started. Mayan migrants have acquired new responsibilities, and a hybrid identity as transnational citizens. Yucatecan migration is defined as a contemporary Mexican migration, mostly undocumented, exacerbated during the nineties, in the midst of the Mexican financial crisis from 1994 to 1997. The present work is part of a broader research that discusses the transformation of Mexican migration patterns of different states of Mexico. This project is based on fieldwork in the communities of origin and destination. As well, on the survey results and life stories obtained during 2005-2006, and 2008-2009 by MMFRP1, where I took part in both editions as a researcher...


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Since the first decade of the 21st century, the Valley of the Fallen has been established as an object of controversy related to the new policies of memory. In recent years the "Historical Memory" has been a recurring concept in the mass media. While it is true that since 2011 this issue has been overshadowed in the political agenda, even today we continue to access information that refers to our recent past, from perspectives that demand actions of ethic, symbolic, political or economic repair. Many of these reports could be framed within a broader discourse, akin to a concept of "historical memory". These media texts are part of a larger problem that is troubling modern western societies and that has presented a remarkable recovery since the late nineties: debates or polemics on memory. In this paper we propose to study the nature of these media texts. We assume that the mass media configure their texts from frameworks or pre-existing frames. For this research, we propose an analysis of content based on the theory of framing to identify what is the typical journalistic discourse and the modalities of interpretive general framework applied in a number of texts and broadcasts about the Valley of the Fallen...


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En el trabajo se aborda el estudio del espectacular crecimiento de la movilidad interior en la década de los noventa en España describiendo los principales rasgos de los flujos y las tasas migratorias. Además, se establecen las diferencias entre el actual patrón migratorio y el de los años sesenta. A partir del conjunto de las variables migratorias provinciales y utilizando la técnica de análisis cluster se establece una tipología migratoria de las provincias españolas. Con dicha clasificación se comprueba, además, la existencia de una clara correspondencia entre la conducta migratoria y la dinámica de las principales variables socioeconómicas provinciales.


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En España, el fenómeno de las adopciones internacionales irrumpe en la década de 1990. En 2004, se convirtió en el segundo país del mundo que las llevaba a cabo. Con el objetivo de incrementar el conocimiento sociológico sobre la familia adoptiva internacional española, se realizó la encuesta a través de web titulada Las familias adoptivas y sus estilos de vida. A partir de las respuestas ofrecidas por 230 madres y padres adoptivos, se dibuja el perfil sociodemográfico de sus hogares. Estos se caracterizarían por contar con progenitores con elevado nivel formativo, no adscritos a ninguna religión, que defienden políticas de izquierdas y que comparten un sistema de valores posmodernos respecto a la institución familiar. La identificación de la estructura doméstica según su tipo de alianza (biparental o monoparental) y su tipo de filiación (adoptiva o mixta) nos permite situar a la adopción contemporánea como una opción de filiación elegida y no, exclusivamente, como alternativa ante la imposibilidad de tener hijos biológicos. Adicionalmente, los resultados arrojados por la encuesta nos permiten adentrarnos en uno de los aspectos menos abordados en el estudio sociológico de la familia adoptiva: el papel de las actitudes sociales hacia la adopción y su impacto en aquella. La mayoría de los encuestados perciben el estigma social del que es objeto su familia adoptiva, pues, desde su punto de vista, la sociedad las considera como una forma de hogar menos satisfactoria que la basada en lazos biológicos.


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Ce mémoire vise à placer le travail de la poète colombienne Olga Elena Mattei au sein de la poésie colombienne de son temps (1962-2005). Dans le premier chapitre, certains concepts théoriques sont définis et le terme «canon», axé sur la poésie, est synthétisé. Dans le deuxième chapitre, le paysage de la poésie colombienne de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle est défini. La stylistique des poètes les plus importants et jugés comme étant canoniques, est présentée. Dans le dernier chapitre, les particularités de la poésie de Mattei sont analysées. Il est conclu qu'Olga Elena Mattei fait partie du canon de la poésie colombienne, mais que son travail a contesté le canon dominant de celle-ci, au fil des décennies, et qu'il a été en avance sur les tendances qui émergeraient plus tard. À titre d'exemple, il est montré comment, dans les années soixante du XXe siècle, quand, en Colombie, la rime et le mètre étaient toujours hégémoniques dans la poésie, Olga Elena Mattei a osé écrire et publier en vers libres. Puis, dans les années soixante-dix, lorsque le vers libre a été accepté et il régnait à la poésie colombienne, Mattei fut la première femme à écrire anti-poésie en espagnol. Dans les années quatre-vingt, alors que l'anti-poésie était la principale tendance en Colombie, Mattei s'est consacrée à écrire de la poésie au sujet de la science, jamais réalisée auparavant en Colombie. Et, dans les années quatre-vingt-dix, lorsque le vers libre est dominant en Colombie, Mattei retourne à la rime.


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Central Asia today holds much strategic interest for India as an emerging 21st Century regional and global power. Despite being a latecomer in what some see as a new ‘Great Game’, New Delhi is keen to reconstruct the ‘Silk Route’. While Indo-Central Asian relations go back to antiquity when cultural, commercial and political ties thrived, post-independence India was physically cut off from Afghanistan and West Asia. It remained embroiled in domestic preoccupations and the insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir, all of which led to a limited foreign policy until the early nineties and a belated rediscovery of the region.


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We analyse regional business cycle synchronization in the Euro Area, using Gross Value Added in 53 NUTS 1 regions for a period of thirty years (1975-2005), detrended by Hodrick-Prescott and the Christiano-Fitzgerald filters. We conclude that, on average, synchronization has increased for the period considered with exceptions during the eighties and the beginning of the nineties. Still, the correlation of the business cycle in some regions with the benchmark remained low or even decreased. Our findings also support the hypothesis of the existence of a ‘national border’ effect.


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From Introduction. Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has experienced a very deep economic and political transformation since the beginning of the nineties. The early years of transition were characterized by big hopes for a quick and successful development. The international community, including the EU and the USA showed interest in the transformation of the region for a number of reasons. From a geopolitical perspective, the transformation was of tremendous importance as it confirmed the end of the cold war and the bipolar global system was replaced first by a unipolar superpower system and later gave way to a multipolar or a new bipolar system. This also signaled the weakness of the Soviet Union (and later Russia), as it was not able to prevent this transformation and was soon mired in a serious and long lasting economic and political crisis that undermined its international position. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union during the nineties Russia remained very weak, both economically and politically. The power vacuum and the transformation in Central Europe made the establishment of a new international economic and security structure possible. The new economic and political pattern that started to develop within the region was based on the liberal market economy model, with the objective of opening up markets and integrating the region into the world economy and the North Atlantic security structure.


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Ce mémoire vise à placer le travail de la poète colombienne Olga Elena Mattei au sein de la poésie colombienne de son temps (1962-2005). Dans le premier chapitre, certains concepts théoriques sont définis et le terme «canon», axé sur la poésie, est synthétisé. Dans le deuxième chapitre, le paysage de la poésie colombienne de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle est défini. La stylistique des poètes les plus importants et jugés comme étant canoniques, est présentée. Dans le dernier chapitre, les particularités de la poésie de Mattei sont analysées. Il est conclu qu'Olga Elena Mattei fait partie du canon de la poésie colombienne, mais que son travail a contesté le canon dominant de celle-ci, au fil des décennies, et qu'il a été en avance sur les tendances qui émergeraient plus tard. À titre d'exemple, il est montré comment, dans les années soixante du XXe siècle, quand, en Colombie, la rime et le mètre étaient toujours hégémoniques dans la poésie, Olga Elena Mattei a osé écrire et publier en vers libres. Puis, dans les années soixante-dix, lorsque le vers libre a été accepté et il régnait à la poésie colombienne, Mattei fut la première femme à écrire anti-poésie en espagnol. Dans les années quatre-vingt, alors que l'anti-poésie était la principale tendance en Colombie, Mattei s'est consacrée à écrire de la poésie au sujet de la science, jamais réalisée auparavant en Colombie. Et, dans les années quatre-vingt-dix, lorsque le vers libre est dominant en Colombie, Mattei retourne à la rime.


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In the nineties, cold-water coral mounds were discovered in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic, west of Ireland). A decade later, this discovery led to the drilling of the entire Challenger cold-water coral mound (Eastern slope, Porcupine Seabight) during IODP Expedition 307. As more than 50% of the sediment within Challenger Mound consists of terrigenous material, the terrigenous component is equally important for the build-up of the mound as the framework-building corals. Moreover, the terrigenous fraction contains important information on the dynamics and the conditions of the depositional environment during mound development. In this study, the first in-depth investigation of the terrigenous sediment fraction of a cold-water coral mound is performed, combining clay mineralogy, sedimentology, petrography and Sr-Nd-isotopic analysis on a gravity core (MD01-2451G) collected at the top of Challenger Mound. Sr- and Nd-isotopic fingerprinting identifies Ireland as the main contributor of terrigenous material in Challenger Mound. Besides this, a variable input of volcanic material from the northern volcanic provinces (Iceland and/or the NW British Isles) is recognized in most of the samples. This volcanic material was most likely transported to Challenger Mound during cold climatic stages. In three samples, the isotopic ratios indicate a minor contribution of sediment deriving from the old cratons on Greenland, Scandinavia or Canada. The grain-size distributions of glacial sediments demonstrate that ice-rafted debris was deposited with little or no sorting, indicating a slow bottom-current regime. In contrast, interglacial intervals contain strongly current-sorted sediments, including reworked glacio-marine grains. The micro textures of the quartz-sand grains confirm the presence of grains transported by icebergs in interglacial intervals. These observations highlight the role of ice-rafting as an important transport mechanism of terrigenous material towards the mound during the Late Quaternary. Furthermore, elevated smectite content in the siliciclastic, glaciomarine sediment intervals is linked to the deglaciation history of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). The increase of smectite is attributed to the initial stage of chemical weathering processes, which became activated following glacial retreat and the onset of warmer climatic conditions. During these deglaciations a significant change in the signature of the detrital fraction and a lack of coral growth is observed. Therefore, we postulate that the deglaciation of the BIIS has an important effect on mound growth. It can seriously alter the hydrography, nutrient supply and sedimentation processes, thereby affecting both sediment input and coral growth and hence, coral mound development.


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Illustrated lining-papers.


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In the eighties and nineties: Winter in the country-house (from a schoolroom window) The heyday of Rotten row.--The age of Morris-dancing.--The old hall.--The country-town: A poor choice. A back-yard. High street. Those in authority. The rectory. The county families. Market day.--The passing of the old order.