859 resultados para Nicotine Addiction
Background: This paper is a commentary to a debate article entitled: "Are we overpathologizing everyday life? A tenable blueprint for behavioral addiction research", by Billieux et al. (2015). Methods and aim: This brief response focused on the necessity to better characterize psychological and related neurocognitive determinants of persistent deleterious actions associated or not with substance utilization. Results: A majority of addicted people could be driven by psychological functional reasons to keep using drugs, gambling or buying despite the growing number of related negative consequences. In addition, a non-negligible proportion of them would need assistance to restore profound disturbances in basic learning processes involved in compulsive actions. Conclusions: The distinction between psychological functionality and compulsive aspects of addictive behaviors should represent a big step towards more efficient treatments.
El objetivo de este estudio es establecer si la dexmedetomidina (DEX) es segura y efectiva para el manejo coadyuvante de síndrome de abstinencia a alcohol (SAA) a través de la búsqueda de evidencia científica. Metodología: se realiza una revisión sistemática de literatura publicada y no publicada desde enero de 1989 hasta febrero 2016 en PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Bireme, Cochrane library y en otras bases de datos y portales. Los criterios de inclusión fueron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y no aleatorizados, estudios cuasi-experimentales, estudios de cohorte, y estudios de casos y controles; que incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años hospitalizados con diagnóstico de SAA y donde se usó DEX como terapia coadyuvante. Resultados: 7 estudios, 477 pacientes, se incluyeron en el análisis final. Se encontraron dos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, tres estudios de casos y controles y dos estudios de cohorte retrospectivo. Solo uno de los estudios fue doble ciego y utilizó placebo como comparador. Análisis y conclusiones: en los estudios experimentales se determinan que el uso de DEX como terapia coadyuvante en el manejo de SAA tiene significancia clínica y estadística para disminuir dosis de BZD en las primeras 24 horas de tratamiento; pero no demostraron tener otros beneficios clínicos. En los estudios no aleatorizados existe consenso que relaciona el uso de DEX con menores dosis de BZD de forma temprana. Recomendaciones: no se recomienda el uso de DEX en SAA de forma rutinaria. Se recomienda usar DEX solo en casos en el que exista evidencia fallo terapéutico a BZD.
Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use has recently grown. E-cig generates carcinogenic chemical compounds and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Carbonyls and ROS are formed when the liquid comes into contact with the heating element. In this study the chemical and biological effects of coil resistance applied on the same device were investigated. A preliminary in-vivo study the new heat-not-burn devices (IQOS®) has been conducted to evaluate the effect of the device on antioxidant biomarkers. The amount of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein was measured by GC-MS analysis. The two e-liquids used for carbonyls detection differed only for the presence of nicotine. The nicotine-free liquid was then used for the detection of ROS in the aerosol. The impact of the non-nicotine vapor on cell viability in H1299 human lung carcinoma cells, as well as the biological effects in a rat model of e-cig aerosol exposure, were also evaluated. After the exposure of Sprague Dawley rats to e-cig and IQOS® aerosol, the effect of 28-day treatment was examined on enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant response, lung inflammation, blood homeostasis and tissue damage by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) technique. The results show a significant correlation between the low resistance and the generation of higher concentrations of the selected carbonyls and ROS in aerosols. Cell viability was reduced with an inverse relation to coil resistance. The experimental model highlighted an impairment of the pulmonary antioxidant and detoxifying machinery. Frames from SEM show disorganization of alveolar and bronchial epithelium. IQOS® exposed animals shows a significant production of ROS related to the unbalance of antioxidant defense and alteration of macromolecule integrity. This research demonstrates how several toxicological aspects can potentially occur in e-cig consumers who use low resistance device coupled with nicotine-free liquid. ENDS may expose users to hazardous compounds, which, may promote chronic pathologies and degenerative diseases.
Introduction. The term New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) encompasses a broad category of drugs which have become available on the market in recent years and whose illicit use for recreational purposes has recently exploded. The analysis of NPS usually requires mass spectrometry based techniques. The aim of our study was to define the preva-lence of NPS consumption in patients with a history of drug addiction followed by Public Services for Pathological Addictions, with the purpose of highlighting the effective presence of NPS within the area of Bologna and evaluating their association with classical drugs of abuse (DOA). Materials and methods. Sustained by literature, a multi-analyte UHPLC-MS/MS method for the identification of 127 NPS (phenethylamines, arylcyclohexylamines, synthetic opioids, tryptamines, synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, designer benzodiazepines) and 15 classic drugs of abuse (DOA) in hair samples was developed and validated according to International Guidelines [112]. Samples pretreatment consisted of washing steps and overnight incubation at 45°C in an acid mixture of methanol and water. After cooling, supernatant were injected into the chromatographic system coupled with a tandem mass spectrometry detector. Results. Successful validation was achieved for almost all of the compounds. The method met all the required technical parameters. LOQ was set from 4 to 80 pg/mg The developed method was applied to 107 cases (85 males and 22 females) of clinical interest. Out of 85 hair samples resulting positive to classical drugs of abuse, NPS were found in twelve (8 male and 4 female). Conclusion. The present methodology represents an easy, low cost, wide-panel method for the de-tection of 127 NPS and 15 DOA in hair samples. Such multi-analyte methods facilitates the study of the prevalence of drugs abused that will enable the competent control authorities to obtain evi-dence-based reports regarding the critical spread of the threat represented by NPS.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar uso de jogos eletrônicos (videogames, jogos de computador e internet) em uma amostra de universitários. MÉTODO: Um questionário a respeito de comportamentos relacionados ao uso de jogos eletrônicos, contendo a escala Problem Videogame Playing (PVP), foi aplicado em 100 alunos da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). RESULTADOS: A maioria (83%) relatou ter jogado no último ano, dentre a qual 81,9% eram homens, 51,8% jogavam de 1 a 2 horas por sessão; 74,4% afirmaram que jogar não interfere em seus relacionamentos sociais e 60,5%, que o uso de jogos violentos não influencia sua agressividade. Os estudantes dividiram-se entre jogadores ocasionais e frequentes, diferenciando-se por duração de cada sessão, jogo preferido, motivação para jogar, e influência do jogo na vida social. Cerca de 5% relataram só parar de jogar quando interrompidos, normalmente jogar mais de 4 horas por sessão e se relacionar mais com amigos virtuais, sugerindo maior envolvimento com a atividade. Na escala PVP, 15,8% da amostra preencheu mais da metade dos itens, indicando consequências adversas associadas ao uso dos jogos eletrônicos. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se que o uso de jogos eletrônicos é comum entre os estudantes da USP e que uma parcela apresenta problemas relacionados ao excesso de jogo.
OBJETIVO: Com a inclusão das novas tecnologias contemporâneas, a Internet e os jogos eletrônicos tornaram-se ferramentas de uso amplo e irrestrito, transformando-se em um dos maiores fenômenos mundiais da última década. Diversas pesquisas atestam os benefícios desses recursos, mas seu uso sadio e adaptativo progressivamente deu lugar ao abuso e à falta de controle ao criar severos impactos na vida cotidiana de milhões de usuários. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar de forma sistemática os artigos que examinam a dependência de Internet e jogos eletrônicos na população geral. Almejamos, portanto, avaliar a evolução destes conceitos no decorrer da última década, assim como contribuir para a melhor compreensão do quadro e suas comorbidades. MÉTODO: Foi feita uma revisão sistemática da literatura através do MedLine, Lilacs, SciELO e Cochrane usando-se como parâmetro os termos: "Internet addiction", pathological "Internet use", "problematic Internet use", "Internet abuse", "videogame", "computer games" e "electronic games". A busca eletrônica foi feita até dezembro de 2007. DISCUSSÃO: Estudos realizados em diferentes países apontam para prevalências ainda muito diversas, o que provavelmente se deve à falta de consenso e ao uso de diferentes denominações, dando margem à adoção de distintos critérios diagnósticos. Muitos pacientes que relatam o uso abusivo e dependência passam a apresentar prejuízos significativos na vida profissional, acadêmica (escolar), social e familiar. CONCLUSÕES: São necessárias novas investigações para determinar se esse uso abusivo de Internet e de jogos eletrônicos pode ser compreendido como uma das mais novas classificações psiquiátricas do século XXI ou apenas substratos de outros transtornos.
OBJETIVO: Descrever as prevalências de consumo abusivo e dependência de álcool em população adulta de 20 a 59 anos no Estado de São Paulo, e suas associações com variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas. MÉTODOS: Inquérito domiciliar do tipo transversal (ISA-SP), em quatro áreas do Estado de São Paulo: a) Região Sudoeste da Grande São Paulo, constituída pelos Municípios de Taboão da Serra, Itapecerica da Serra e Embu; b) Distrito do Butantã, no Município de São Paulo; c) Município de Campinas e; d) Município de Botucatu. Foi considerado consumo abusivo de álcool a ingestão em dia típico de 30 gramas ou mais de etanol para os homens, e 24 gramas ou mais para as mulheres. A dependência de álcool foi caracterizada pelo questionário CAGE. Análises bivariadas e multivariadas dos dados foram realizadas a partir de Modelos de Regressão de Poisson. Todas as análises foram estratificadas por sexo. RESULTADOS: Em 1.646 adultos entrevistados, a prevalência de consumo abusivo de álcool foi de 52,9% no sexo masculino e 26,8% no sexo feminino. Quanto à dependência de álcool, foram observadas duas ou mais respostas positivas no teste CAGE em 14,8% dos homens e em 5,4% das mulheres que relataram consumir álcool. Isto corresponde a uma prevalência populacional de dependência de 10,4% nos homens e 2,6% nas mulheres. O consumo abusivo de álcool no sexo masculino apresentou associação inversa à faixa etária e associação direta à escolaridade e ao tabagismo. No sexo feminino, observou-se associação direta do consumo abusivo de álcool com a escolaridade e o tabagismo, e com as situações conjugais sem companheiro. A dependência de álcool no sexo masculino associou-se a não exercer atividade de trabalho e à baixa escolaridade. No sexo feminino não houve associação do CAGE com nenhuma das variáveis estudadas. CONCLUSÕES: Pela alta prevalência de consumidores e dependentes, é essencial a identificação dos segmentos sociodemográficos mais vulneráveis ao consumo abusivo e dependência de álcool. As associações entre a dependência/abuso e não estar exercendo atividade de trabalho, no sexo masculino, e a maior prevalência em mulheres de escolaridade universitária, sugerem componentes para programas de intervenção e controle.
O abuso de drogas por adolescentes é, atualmente, um grave problema de saúde pública. Nessa área, a questão do tratamento destaca-se como um grande desafio, principalmente pelo fato de a maioria das intervenções não estar adaptada às especificidades desse público. Neste trabalho, serão apresentados os resultados de uma investigação que visou analisar o tratamento destinado a adolescentes em uma modalidade de atenção distinta das abordagens tradicionais da área da saúde: a comunidade terapêutica. Buscou-se compreender as concepções e práticas de atenção da instituição pesquisada, comparando-as com o prescrito pelas políticas públicas do setor. Os métodos utilizados foram a descrição etnográfica e a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados sugerem uma defasagem entre o prescrito pelas políticas públicas e a realidade da comunidade terapêutica pesquisada, a qual, apesar de proporcionar acolhimento às adolescentes, dificulta o desenvolvimento de suas singularidades e potencialidades devido à ênfase no "modelo moral" de tratamento da drogadição.
This paper identifies research priorities in evaluating the ways in which "genomic medicine"-the use of genetic information to prevent and treat disease-may reduce tobacco-related harm by: (1) assisting more smokers to quit; (2) preventing non-smokers from beginning to smoke tobacco; and (3) reducing the harm caused by tobacco smoking. The method proposed to achieve the first aim is pharmacogenetics", the use of genetic information to optimise the selection of smoking-cessation programmes by screening smokers for polymorphisms that predict responses to different methods of smoking cessation. This method competes with the development of more effective forms of smoking cessation that involve vaccinating smokers against the effects of nicotine and using new pharmaceuticals (such as cannabinoid antagonists and nicotine agonists). The second and third aims are more speculative. They include: screening the population for genetic susceptibility to nicotine dependence and intervening (eg, by vaccinating children and adolescents against the effects of nicotine) to prevent smoking uptake, and screening the population for genetic susceptibility to tobacco-related diseases. A framework is described for future research on these policy options. This includes: epidemiological modelling and economic evaluation to specify the conditions under which these strategies are cost-effective; and social psychological research into the effect of providing genetic information on smokers' preparedness to quit, and the general views of the public on tobacco smoking.
Tobacco harm reduction (THR) policies aim to reduce the prevalence of tobacco-related harm by encouraging smokers who are unable or unwilling to quit to adopt less harmful ways of obtaining nicotine, such as pharmaceutical nicotine and oral tobacco snuff. Proponents of THR argue that the effects of tobacco control policies have reduced smoking as much as they reasonably can and that we can best reduce tobacco-related harm by encouraging smokers to use these methods, which substantially reduce the health risks of smoking. Critics argue that THR policies will undermine the two traditional tobacco control goals of preventing the uptake of smoking by young people and encouraging smokers to quit. I assess the main arguments and evidence advanced for and against THR.
Context Smoking is a major preventable cause of death and disability that is maintained by dependence on nicotine. Smoking cessation reduces mortality and morbidity. Although existing pharmacological aids to smoking cessation and relapse prevention (nicotine replacement therapy and bupropion) improve on unassisted quitting and behavioural methods, they are only modestly effective. More effective pharmacological methods are required that improve compliance, reduce side-effects, and can be used in combination with existing cessation methods. Starting point A nicotine vaccine is a promising immunotherapeutic approach to smoking cessation and relapse prevention. Such a vaccine would induce the immune system to form specific antibodies to nicotine to prevent it from crossing the blood-brain barrier to act on receptor sites in the central nervous system. Recent studies in rats provide proof of principle by showing that nicotine-specific antibodies can prevent the reinstatement of nicotine self-administration (N Lindblom et al, Respiration 2002; 69: 254–60) and block dopamine release in the shell of the nucleus accumbens (Sde Villiers et al, Respiration 2002; 69: 247–53). A phase 1 trial of a human cocaine vaccine has also recently been successfully completed (T Kosten et al, Vaccine 2002; 20: 1196–204). A safe and effective human nicotine vaccine would potentially have fewer side-effects and better compliance than existing smoking-cessation pharmacotherapies. It could also be used in combination with some of them (eg, bupropion). Where next? The most promising clinical application of a human nicotine vaccine is likely to be in relapse prevention in abstinent smokers. A vaccine may also have a role in preparing smokers to quit. Clinical trials of safety and efficacy in human smokers and ex-smokers are warranted. If a nicotine vaccine proves to be safe and effective, the health-care system will need to ensure that it is registered for clinical use and that the poorer members of the community (among whom smoking prevalence is now highest in developed countries) have access to the vaccine. The community will need to be appropriately informed about the role of a nicotine vaccine to ensure that it is not prematurely used for preventive purposes in children and adolescents.
The subject of management is renowned for its addiction to fads and fashions. Project Management is no exception. The issue of interest for this paper is the establishment of the 'College of Complex Project Managers' and their 'competency standard for complex project managers.' Both have generated significant interest in the Project Management community, and like any other human endeavour they should be subject to critical evaluation. The results of this evaluation show significant flaws in the definition of complex in this case, the process by which the College and its standard have emerged, and the content of the standard. However, there is a significant case for a portfolio of research that extends the existing bodies of knowledge into large-scale complicated (or major) projects that would be owned by the relevant practitioner communities, rather than focused on one organization. Research questions are proposed that would commence this stream of activity towards an intelligent synthesis of what is required to manage in both complicated and truly complex environments.
We have isolated and characterized ol-conotoxin EpI, a novel sulfated peptide from the venom of the molluscivorous snail, Conus episcopatus, The peptide was classified as an cy-conotoxin based on sequence, disulfide connectivity, and pharmacological target. EpI has ho mology to sequences of previously described cu-conotoxins, particularly PnIA, PnIB, and ImI, However, EpI differs from previously reported conotoxins in that it has a sulfotyrosine residue, identified by amino acid analysis and mass spectrometry, Native EpI was shown to coelute with synthetic EpI, The peptide sequence is consistent with most, but not all, recognized criteria for predicting tyrosine sulfation sites in proteins and peptides, The activities of synthetic EpI and its unsulfated analogue [Tyr(15)]EpI were similar. Both peptides caused competitive inhibition of nicotine action on bovine adrenal chromaffin cells (neuronal nicotinic ACh receptors) but had no effect on the rat phrenic nerve-diaphragm (muscle nicotinic ACh receptors), Both EpI and [Tyr(15)]EpI partly inhibited acetylcholine-evoked currents in isolated parasympathetic neurons of rat intracardiac ganglia, These results indicate that EPI and [Tyr(15)]EpI selectively inhibit alpha 3 beta 2 and alpha 3 beta 4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.