360 resultados para Nevus, Pigmented


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Melasma is a chronic acquired hypermelanosis of the skin, characterized by irregular brown macules symmetrically distributed on sun-exposed areas of the body, particularly on the face. It is a common cause of demand for dermatological care that affects mainly women (especially during the menacme), and more pigmented phenotypes (Fitzpatrick skin types III-V). Due to its frequent facial involvement, the disease has an impact on the quality of life of patients. Its pathogeny is not yet completely understood, although there are some known triggering factors such as sun exposure, pregnancy, sexual hormones, inflammatory processes of the skin, use of cosmetics, steroids, and photosensitizing drugs. There is also a clear genetic predisposition, since over 40% of patients reported having relatives affected with the disease. In this manuscript, the authors discuss the main clinical and epidemiological aspects of melasma.


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A heterogeneous group of 159 tumours was studied for the presence of S-100 protein by the immunoperoxidase technique in order to determine whether this marker may be of value in facilitating immunocytochemical diagnosis. Among cases of melanocytic and pigmented lesions, S-100 was widely distributed and demonstrated the strongest degrees of reactivity. S-100 protein was identified in virtually all nerve sheath tumours such as schwannomas, neurofibromas, myxoid sheath nerve tumour and also in some tumours of controversial histogenesis such as granular cell tumours. The great majority of carcinomas did not express S-100, with only two cases of breast carcinoma displaying focal S-100 staining. In a miscellaneous group of tumours S-100 was demonstrated in chordomas, myoepitheliomas and Wilms' tumour with Schwann cell differentiation. Despite its presence in a wide array of cell types, S-100 protein continues to be an extremely useful marker especially for soft tissue and peripheral nervous system tumours.


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We have previously shown that blue light eliminates the black-pigmented oral bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Prevotella nigrescens, and Prevotella melaninogenica. In the present study, the in vitro photosensitivity of the above black-pigmented microorganisms and four Fusobacteria species (Fusobacterium nucleatum ss. nucleatum, F. nucleatum ss. vincentii, F. nucleatum ss. polymorphum, Fusobacterium periodonticum) was investigated in pure cultures and human dental plaque suspensions. We also tested the hypothesis that phototargeting the above eight key periodontopathogens in plaque-derived biofilms in vitro would control growth within the dental biofilm environment. Cultures of the eight bacteria were exposed to blue light at 455 nm with power density of 80 mW/cm(2) and energy fluence of 4.8 J/cm(2). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of bacteria was performed to demonstrate the presence and amounts of porphyrin molecules within microorganisms. Suspensions of human dental plaque bacteria were also exposed once to blue light at 455 nm with power density of 50 mW/cm(2) and energy fluence of 12 J/cm(2). Microbial biofilms developed from the same plaque were exposed to 455 nm blue light at 50 mW/cm(2) once daily for 4 min (12 J/cm(2)) over a period of 3 days (4 exposures) in order to investigate the cumulative action of phototherapy on the eight photosensitive pathogens as well as on biofilm growth. Bacterial growth was evaluated using the colony-forming unit (CFU) assay. The selective phototargeting of pathogens was studied using whole genomic probes in the checkerboard DNA-DNA format. In cultures, all eight species showed significant growth reduction (p < 0.05). HPLC demonstrated various porphyrin patterns and amounts of porphyrins in bacteria. Following phototherapy, the mean survival fractions were reduced by 28.5 and 48.2 % in plaque suspensions and biofilms, respectively, (p < 0.05). DNA probe analysis showed significant reduction in relative abundances of the eight bacteria as a group in plaque suspensions and biofilms. The cumulative blue light treatment suppressed biofilm growth in vitro. This may introduce a new avenue of prophylactic treatment for periodontal diseases.


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Some markets around the world demand for well pigmented poultry products, what justifies the intentional use of synthetic additives in rations during breeding. The inconvenient for that practice most times is the elevated price of these products, beyond the argument of being chemicals, which may not be viable for some production systems. So, the aim of this experiment was to check on the ability of natural red oxycarotenoids produced by R. gelatinosus to modify broilers breast meat color. Bacterial biomass containing oxycarotenoids were added into Cobb broilers finisher diets at 0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g/kg and fed during 10 days (35-45 d). Five replicates (10 birds each) were performed. At days 35, 37, 39, 41, 43 and 45, 100 birds were slaughtered scalded, defeathered and eviscerated. Data on live and carcass weights were recorded. After cooling, color parameters of meat were determined on breast surface using a HunterLab XE Plus colorimeter calibrated with black and white standard tiles. Regression analysis was used for the investigation of relationships between days of consumption and biomass concentration on color values, live weight and carcass yield. Results showed that redness of breast meat was significantly influenced by the biomass concentration in a linear effect (P=0.0056) and also by the time of consumption, in a quadratic effect (P=0.0232). Days of consumption also affected yellowness and lightness with significant quadratic responses (P=0.0225 and P<0.0001, respectively). Birds live weight increased significantly during the application of the experimental diets (P<0.0001), showing no negative influence of the biomass administration. Also no deleterious effects derived from the application of the product were observed on carcass yield. So we concluded that R. gelatinosus oxycarotenoids present in the bacterial biomass can modify broilers breast meat color, performing as an alternative pigmenting additive in poultry production.


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Oxycarotenoids concentration in layer hens’ feed may be increased whenever the consumer market demands for more pigmented egg yolks. Oxycarotenoids present in Rubrivivax gelatinosus biomass grown in industrial wastewater have already proved their ability on enhancing yolk color. Moreover, there is a current interest on the antioxidant properties that some carotenoids may provide to food and health. So, in this experiment, we investigated the effects of oxycarotenoids supplementation in hens´ diets on yolk composition and stability to rancidity. Hy line hens aging 19 weeks were individually housed in wire cages equipped with feeders and drinkers. After 15 days receiving a corn basal diet nutritionally balanced, they were assigned to four different treatments, with six replicates, that lasted for 28 days: T1 – basal diet (control), T2 – basal diet + 1.5 mg/kg canthaxanthin, T3 – basal diet + 4.5 g/kg freeze dried R. gelatinosus biomass and T4 - basal diet + 4.5 g/kg spray dried R. gelatinosus biomass. Eggs laid on the last 5 days of rearing were collected; the yolks were separated, analyzed for pH and then freeze dried for the further analyses. Proximate composition was determined after drying and the rancidity (TBRAS method) was investigated at 0, 30 and 60 days of storage at room temperature/dark conditions. Yolks that received the oxycarotenoids had the lowest moisture content and the highest protein contents (P < 0.05). Lipids and pH were the same for all treatments (P > 0.05) and ashes only were higher for T2 (P < 0.05). All treatments that received oxycarotenoids had lower TBARS than control group and, among them, oxycarotenoids from spray dried R. gelatinosus biomass were the most effective to prevent rancidity (P < 0.05). So, we concluded that the use of R. gelatinosus biomass in hens feed brings positive effects to the yolk quality, since protein content is increased and conservation is increased due to decreased water content and lipid oxidation.


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The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a neoplasm that affect pets and production animals and it’s very common in tropical countries like Brazil; develops in sparsely pigmented, stratified squamous epithelium and in mucosal surfaces exposed Ultraviolet action. The SCC is quite infiltrative but rarely causes metastases. Its occurrence in the female reproductive tract is recognized in the literature on cattle breeds from Europe. This case was a female bovine, Nelore, adult, who was referred to the "Hospital Veterinário Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira" with dark brown fluid leakage and putrid odor, associated with ulcerative growth of the vagina. Because the extent of injury, the animal was euthanized and taken to the necropsy, which was observed on board structure, ulcerated and pus in the vaginal floor, infiltrated into the pelvic cavity to the serosa of the uterine body. The microscopic findings were detected neoplastic proliferation of epithelial cells in the floor and vaginal metastases in the lung parenchyma, and classified the primary tumor and metastasis as squamous cell carcinoma moderately differentiated.


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The failure of facial prostheses is caused by limitations in the properties of existing materials, especially flexibility and durability. Therefore, this study evaluated the marginal deterioration of a silicone used for fabrication of facial prostheses (Silastic MDX4-4210, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI, USA) according to the influence of artificial aging, daily disinfection, and 2 types of pigmentation. Thirty specimens were fabricated and subdivided in 6 groups: without pigmentation, pigmented with make-up powder and iron oxide, and evaluated with and without the action of the disinfectant. Analysis of marginal deterioration was performed on a scanning electron microscope (magnification, ×5000) immediately 6 months and 1 year after fabrication of specimens, following the guidelines of ASTM International. After visual analysis of the photomicrographs, it was noticed that all groups presented marginal deterioration and alterations in surface texture with time. The use of disinfection did not contribute to the marginal deterioration of polymer (silicone), regardless of the pigmentation and artificial aging.


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The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a neoplasm that affect pets, production animals and exotic animals, and it’s very common in tropical countries like Brazil, once it develops a sparsely pigmented, stratified squamous epithelium and on surfaces mucosa exposed to ultraviolet action. The SCC is quite infiltrative but rarely causes metastases. Its occurrence in the nasal epithelium is widely reported in cats. This case is a chinese hamster (Cricetulus griséus), female, young, who developed a nasal nodule, and their only clinical sign was intense itching. The animal underwent surgery to perform an incisional biopsy, which was referred to the Veterinary Pathology Service of UNESP, campus of Araçatuba (SP) for histopathological evaluation. The material showed features consistent with squamous cell carcinoma well differentiated.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A new myrmicine ant, Tropidomyrmex elianae gen. n. & sp. n., is described from southeastern and central Brazil, based on workers, ergatoid gynes, males and larvae. Tropidomyrmex workers are relatively small, monomorphic, characterized mainly by the feebly pigmented and extremely thin integument; subfalcate mandibles bearing a single apical tooth; palpal formula 1,2; clypeus relatively broad and convex; reduced compound eyes; propodeum unarmed and with a strongly medially depressed declivous face; double and bilobed well developed subpostpetiolar processes; and peculiarities in the sting apparatus. A colony fragment of T. elianae containing workers, ergatoid gynes, males, and brood was found inside a ground termite nest (Anoplotermes pacificus Apicotermitinae) in a montane rocky scrubland in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Tropidomyrmex elianae is known also from two workers collected in leaf litter samples processed with a Winkler extractor, from the state of Tocantins, central-north Brazil. Despite the differences from the accepted solenopsidine genera, Tropidomyrmex is tentatively assigned to this tribe. Within the solenopsidine ants, the genus is apparently related to Tranopelta. Tropidomyrmex is marked by extreme reductions, perhaps reflecting adaptations to particular habits and habitats.


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Gymnotus tiquie, new species, is described from the Rio Tiquie, a tributary of the Uaupes (Vaupes) in the upper Negro basin, Amazonas, Brazil. The new species was collected in non-floodplain (terra firme) streams, where it occurs sympatrically and syntopically with two geographically widespread congeners, the type species of the genus, G. carapo, and G. coropinae. The new species is diagnosed by a unique combination of morphometric, meristic, and osteological traits, and by a characteristic color pattern in which the dark oblique pigment bands, diverse in shape and design, are divided into band-pairs along the length of the body, in which the band-pairs are often recurved (dorsally concave), more variable, and often reticulated in the abdominal region, and in which the pale inter-bands meet at the dorsal midline along most of the length of the body. Gymnotus tiquie is a member of the G. pantherinus species group, with which it shares the presence of one (vs. two) pore in the dorsolateral portion of the preopercle (except in G. pantanal and G. anguillaris), needle-shaped (vs. conical or arrowhead-shaped) teeth on the dentary and premaxilla, and a slender body (BD 5.6-10.6% HL vs. deep 8.7-13.5%, except G. chaviro, G. curupira, G. varzea, G. chimarrao, G. maculosus, G. henni, and G. inaequilabiatus that also have a slender body). Gymnotus tiquie is most similar in overall appearance to G. cataniapo of the upper Orinoco. These two species share three unique features within the G. pantherinus group: dark band-pairs with wavy irregular margins along the length of the body, a long body cavity with 45 or more pre-caudal vertebrae, and a darkly pigmented membrane in the caudal region of the anal fin.


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Background: Over the last century the incidence of cutaneous melanoma has increased worldwide, a trend that has also been observed in Brazil. The identified risk factors for melanoma include the pattern of sun exposure, family history, and certain phenotypic features. In addition, the incidence of melanoma might be influenced by ethnicity. Like many countries, Brazil has high immigration rates and consequently a heterogenous population. However, Brazil is unique among such countries in that the ethnic heterogeneity of its population is primarily attributable to admixture. This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of European ethnicity to the risk of cutaneous melanoma in Brazil. Methodology/Principal Findings: We carried out a hospital-based case-control study in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We evaluated 424 hospitalized patients (202 melanoma patients and 222 control patients) regarding phenotypic features, sun exposure, and number of grandparents born in Europe. Through multivariate logistic regression analysis, we found the following variables to be independently associated with melanoma: grandparents born in Europe-Spain (OR = 3.01, 95% CI: 1.03-8.77), Italy (OR = 3.47, 95% CI: 1.41-8.57), a Germanic/Slavic country (OR = 3.06, 95% CI: 1.05-8.93), or >= 2 European countries (OR = 2.82, 95% CI: 1.06-7.47); eye color-light brown (OR = 1.99, 95% CI: 1.14-3.84) and green/blue (OR = 4.62; 95% CI 2.22-9.58); pigmented lesion removal (OR = 3.78; 95% CI: 2.21-6.49); no lifetime sunscreen use (OR = 3.08; 95% CI: 1.03-9.22); and lifetime severe sunburn (OR = 1.81; 95% CI: 1.03-3.19). Conclusions: Our results indicate that European ancestry is a risk factor for cutaneous melanoma. Such risk appears to be related not only to skin type, eye color, and tanning capacity but also to others specific characteristics of European populations introduced in the New World by European immigrants.


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The adipose fin is small, nonpared, and usually located medially between the dorsal and caudal fin. Its taxonomic occurrence is very restrict; thus, it represents an important trace for taxon distinction. As it does not play a known vital physiological roll and it is easily removed, it is commonly used in marking and recapture studies. The present study characterizes the adipose fin of Prochilodus lineatus, as it is poorly explored by the literature. The adipose fin consists basically of a loose connective core, covered by a stratified epithelium supported by collagen fibers. At the epithelium, pigmented cells and alarm substance cells are found. Despite the name, adipocytes or lipid droplets are not observed on the structure of the fin. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.