425 resultados para Neuropathy


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Background: The autonomic dysfunction stands out among the complications associated to diabetes mellitus (DM) and may be evaluated through the heart rate variability (HRV), a noninvasive tool to investigate the autonomic nervous system that provides information of health impairments and may be analyzed by using linear and nonlinear methods. Several studies have shown that HRV measured in a linear form is altered in DM. Nevertheless, a few studies investigate the nonlinear behavior of HRV. Therefore, this study aims at gathering information regarding the autonomic changes in subjects with DM identified by nonlinear analysis of HRV.Methods: For that, searches were performed on Medline, SciELO, Lilacs and Cochrane databases using the crossing between the key-words: diabetic autonomic neuropathy, autonomic nervous system, diabetes mellitus and heart rate variability. As inclusion criteria, articles published on a period from 2000 to 2010 with DM type land type II population which assessed the autonomic nervous system by nonlinear indices HRV were considered.Results: The electronic search resulted in a total of 1873 references with the exclusion of 1623 titles and abstracts and from the 250 abstracts remaining, 8 studies were selected to the final analysis that completed the inclusion criteria.Conclusions: In general, the analysis showed that the nonlinear techniques of HRV allowed detecting autonomic changes in DM. The methods of nonlinear analysis are indicated as a possible tool to be used for early diagnosis and prognosis of autonomic dysfunction in DM.


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Este trabalho apresenta estudo retrospectivo de 14 pacientes com mononeuropatia de nervo intercostal (MNI), obtidos dentre 5.560 exames eletromiográficos, realizados de janeiro de 1991 até junho de 2004, em nosso Hospital Universitário. MNI foi encontrada em 14 pacientes, tendo como causas prováveis intervenções cirúrgicas torácicas em 6 (43%), neuropatia por herpes-zoster em 4 (28%), provável neurite de nervo intercostal em 2 (14%), neoplasia pulmonar em 1 (7%) e radiculopatia em 1 (7%). As principais causas de MNI de nosso Serviço são similares às da literatura. Os antidepressivos tricíclicos e anticonvulsivantes foram os fármacos mais utilizados no controle da dor.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study analyses the blink reflex in 20 adult male patients with terminal chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. Abnormalities were found in ten patients (50%), eight of them with conduction studies showing axonal peripheral neuropathy. Dialysis time was longer for patients with blink reflex alterations (median 55.1 months) than for patients with normal blink reflex (median 36.3 months). Different types of early R1 and late R2 component abnormalities were recorded. The late response abnormalities may indicate subclinical functional or anatomical impairment of the low brainstem reticular formation in patients with chronic renal failure. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: We performed a prospective clinical study of the cochleovestibular symptoms and the risk cofactors and characteristics of hearing loss in patients with type 1 diabetes.Methods: Group I consisted of 40 patients with type I diabetes, and group 2 consisted of 20 control subjects without diabetes. All participants answered a questionnaire, and their medical records were reviewed. They also were submitted to otorhinolaryngological examinations and to auditory tests (pure tone audiometry and acoustic immitance and auditory brain stem response [ABR] tests).Results: Dyslipidemia, hypertension, retinopathy, and diabetic neuropathy were not frequent in the patients of group 1, but incipient nephropathy was present in 47.5% of them. The most frequent cochleovestibular symptoms were tinnitus and hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss was found in 4 patients of group I and was predominantly bilateral, symmetric, and affecting the high frequencies, coexisting with normal vocal discrimination. These patients had a longer time from diabetes diagnosis and had poor glycemia control. A delay of ABR interpeak latency I-III was observed in 11.25% of the group I ears. All patients of group 2 presented normal audiograms and ABR tests.Conclusions: In group 1, the most frequent cochleovestibular symptoms were tinnitus and hearing loss. The sensorineural hearing loss was mild, symmetric, and predominantly high-frequency. A delay of ABR interpeak latencies was detected in the patients of group I who had normal audiometric thresholds.


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Neosporose é uma enfermidade parasitária causada pelo protozoário Neospora caninum reconhecido como importante causa de abortamento bovino e neuropatia canina. Considerando o isolamento de N. caninum e a sorologia freqüente em bovinos em nossa região, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-N. caninum em cães da Microrregião da Serra de Botucatu, Estado de SãoPaulo, e sua associação ao sexo, idade e procedência quanto à zona urbana (exclusivamente cidade), rural (somente chácaras e sítios) e peri-urbana (acesso à zona urbana e rural) dos cães estudados. Foram analisados 963 cães, com ou sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos e diferentes idades, sem apresentação de qualquer sintomatologia clínica. Os animais foram selecionados aleatoriamente durante a campanha de vacinação anti-rábica da microrregião da Serra de Botucatu, no período de maio a setembro de 1998. O soro obtido dos animais foi avaliado por meio da Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) utilizando como antígeno a cepa padrão NC-1 deN. caninum. Observaram-se 245 animais reagentes (25,4% de positividade), sendo 161 (27,5%) machos e, 84 (22,3%) fêmeas. Dos animais de zona urbana, rural e mista 223 (25,8%),11(16,9%) e 11(33,3%), respectivamente, foram reagentes à prova de RIFI. Todos os 11 municípios apresentaram cães soropositivos com valores de ocorrência que variaram de 8,9% a 53,5%. Observou-se percentual de positividade menor em cães até um ano (16,2%) quando comparados àqueles entre 1 a 4 anos e superior a 4 anos (28,4 % e 28,0%, respectivamente) que não apresentaram diferença entre si. Os resultados obtidos caracterizaram soropositividade para N. caninum em cães pertencentes a todos os municípios da Microrregião da Serra de Botucatu evidenciando a ampla distribuição do agente na região.


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A carnitina, uma amina quaternária (3-hidroxi-4-N-trimetilamino-butirato), é sintetizada no organismo (fígado, rins e cérebro) a partir de dois aminoácidos essenciais: lisina e metionina, exigindo para sua síntese a presença de ferro, ácido ascórbico, niacina e vitamina B6. Tem função fundamental na geração de energia pela célula, pois age nas reações transferidoras de ácidos graxos livres do citosol para mitocôndrias, facilitando sua oxidação e geração de adenosina Trifosfato. A concentração orgânica de carnitina é resultado de processos metabólicos - como ingestão, biossíntese, transporte dentro e fora dos tecidos e excreção - que, quando alterados em função de diversas doenças, levam a um estado carencial de carnitina com prejuízos relacionados ao metabolismo de lipídeos. A suplementação de L-carnitina pode aumentar o fluxo sangüíneo aos músculos devido também ao seu efeito vasodilatador e antioxidante, reduzindo algumas complicações de doenças isquêmicas, como a doença arterial coronariana, e as conseqüências da neuropatia diabética. Por esse motivo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever possíveis benefícios da suplementação de carnitina nos indivíduos com necessidades especiais e susceptíveis a carências de carnitina, como os portadores de doenças renais, neuropatia diabética, síndrome da imunodefeciência adquirida e doenças cardiovasculares.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Determinants of public healthcare expenditures in type 2 diabetics are not well investigated in developing nations and, therefore, it is not clear if higher physical activity decreases healthcare costs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between physical activity and the expenditures in public healthcare on type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment.Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out in Brazil. A total of 121 type 2 diabetics attended to in two Basic Healthcare Units were evaluated. Public healthcare expenditures in the last year were estimated using a specific standard table. Also evaluated were: socio-demographic variables; chronological age; exogenous insulin use; smoking habits; fasting glucose test; diabetic neuropathy and anthropometric measures. Habitual physical activity was assessed by questionnaire.Results: Age (r = 0.20; p = 0.023), body mass index (r = 0.33; p = 0.001) and waist-to-hip ratio (r = 0.20; p = 0.025) were positively related to expenditures on medication for the treatment of diseases other than diabetes. Insulin use was associated with increased expenditures. Higher physical activity was associated with lower expenditure, provided medication for treatment of diseases other than diabetes (OR = 0.19; p = 0.007) and medical consultations (OR = 0.26; p = 0.029).Conclusions: Type 2 diabetics with higher enrollment in physical activity presented consistently lower healthcare expenditures for the public healthcare system.


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O Diabetes mellitus é uma enfermidade crônica que leva a alterações sensitivas e motoras. Tais alterações comprometem o equilíbrio e a deambulação, predispondo seus portadores à ocorrência de quedas. Esta revisão teve por objetivo levantar, na literatura recente, estudos que visassem avaliar parâmetros da marcha e aspectos envolvidos com a deambulação. Para isso, foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS e PEDro, cruzando as palavras-chave: Neuropatias Diabéticas x Marcha; Diabetes Mellitus x Marcha e Pé Diabético x Marcha. Após passarem pelos critérios de seleção, foram obtidos 15 artigos, os quais foram sintetizados e discutidos, sendo, portanto, incluídos nesta revisão. Ficou claro que a neuropatia diabética leva a déficits na amplitude do passo, velocidade e cadência da marcha em superfícies planas, sem mudanças bruscas de direção ou paradas, e déficits de equilíbrio e coordenação em aclives, declives e terrenos irregulares. Acarreta, também, aumento dos índices de pressão plantar e, devido à alteração de ativação do tríceps sural, dificuldade na fase de apoio terminal e pré-balanço. Assim, o próximo contato inicial ocorrerá de maneira inadequada, com o antepé e sem absorção de choques.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the temporal relationship between pancreas transplant and the development of electrophysiological changes in the sciatic and caudal nerves of alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Nerve conduction studies were performed in diabetic rats subjected to pancreas transplantation at 4, 12, and 24 weeks after diabetes onset, using nondiabetic and untreated diabetic rats as controls. Nerve conduction data were significantly altered in untreated diabetic control rats up to 48 weeks of follow-up in all time points. Rats subjected to pancreas transplantation up to 4 and 12 weeks after diabetes onset had significantly increased motor nerve conduction velocity with improvement of wave amplitude, distal latency, and temporal dispersion of compound muscle action potential in all follow-up periods (P<0.05); these parameters remained abnormal when pancreas transplantation were performed late at 24 weeks. Our results suggest that early pancreas transplant (at 4-12 weeks) may be effective in controlling diabetic neuropathy in this in vivo model.


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Objective: The aim was to compare there ulcer classification systems as predictors of the outcome of diabetic foot ulcers; the Wagner, the University of Texas (UT) and the size (area, depth), sepsis, arteriopathy, denervation system (S(AD)SAD) systems in specialist clinic in Brazil.Methods: Ulcer area, depth, appearance, infection and associated ischaemia and neuropathy were recorded in a consecutive series of 94 subjects. A novel score, the S(AD)SAD score, was derived from the sum of individual items of the S(AD)SAD system, and was evaluated. Follow-up was for at least 6 months. The primary outcome measure was the incidence of healing.Results: Mean age was 57.6 years; 57 (60.6%) were made. Forty-eight ulcers (51.1%) healed without surgery; 11 (12.2%) subjects underwent minor amputation. Significant differences in terms of healing were observed for depth (P = 0.002), infection (P = 0.006) and denervation (P = 0.002) using the S(AD)SAD system, for UT grade (P = 0.002) and stage (P = 0.032) and for Wagner grades (P = 0.002). Ulcers with an S(AD)SAD score of <= 9 (total possible 15) were 7.6 times more likely to heal than scores >= 10 (P < 0.001).Conclusions: All three systems predicted ulcer outcome. The S(AD)SAD score of ulcer severity could represent a useful addition to routine clinical practice. The association between outcome and ulcer depth confirms earlier reports. The association with infection was stronger than that reported from the centres in Europe or North America. The very strong association with neuropathy has only previously been observed in Tanzania. Studies designed to compare the outcome in different countries should adopt systems of classification, which are valid for the populations studied.


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The authors studied the main aspects of etiology of the palate paralysis in six children suffering from soft palate paralysis. They emphasized the importance of multidisciplinary approach in the management of patients with this disease. In the author's cases the most likely etiologies were: neuropathy post-viral epidemic parotitis, tumors localized in the posterior cerebral fossa and idiopathic. They concluded that it is extremely important in these patients a detailed otorhinolaryngologic, neurologic and fonoaudiologic examinations.


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This is a cross-sectional study with a randomized choice of individuals aiming at studying the validity of the Brazilian biological exposure limits applied to lead level in the blood (PbB) and delta-aminolevulinic acid in the urine (ALAU), which are 60 μg/dl and 10 mg/g.creat., respectively. For this purpose, twenty workers, whose PbB and ALAU values have been below these limits over the past two years, were selected at random at a battery production plant in the State of S. Paulo, Brazil. The workers were submitted to a peripheral nerve conduction study. The results were compared with those obtained for workers of a control group also chosen at random. The lead workers showed a decrease in the velocity conduction of the radial nerves. Comparing this group with a randomized control group, a significant difference was observed (p-value = 0.0067). The results suggest that the Brazilian biological exposure limits above should be rearranged.


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Over the last few years, neurologists have been showing increasing interest in the study of the sympathetic skin response (SSR). In the present report we describe a simple method that permitted us to determine a wide variation of SSR in response to different stimuli such as respiration, deglutition, blinking, skeletal movements, biting, auditory or light stimuli, vocalization, and sphincter contraction. These results raise doubts about the role of SSR as a complementary diagnostic method.