868 resultados para Neuromuscular blocking agents
In 2006, a medico-legal consultation service devoted to adult victims of interpersonal violence was set up at the Lausanne University Hospital Centre, Switzerland: the Violence Medical Unit. Most patients are referred to the consultation by the Emergency Department. They are received by forensic nurses for support, forensic examination (in order to establish medical report) and community orientation. Between 2007 and 2009, among community violence, aggressions by security agents of nightclubs on clients have increased from 6% to 10%. Most of the victims are young men who had drunk alcohol before the assault. 25.7% presented one or several fractures, all of them in the head area. These findings raise questions about the ability of security agents of nightclubs to deal adequately with obviously risky situations and ensure client security.
Avui en dia, estem assistint a una expansió de la tecnologia d’agents mòbils i noves aplicacions basades en aquesta s’estan obrint pas constantment. Les aplicacions han de demostrar la seva viabilitat sobretot en entorns heterogenis i complexos com les xarxes MANET. En aquest projecte es desenvolupa un sistema per simular el comportament dels agents mòbils, ampliant l’actual simulador de xarxa NS2, i també es comprova la viabilitat de l’implementació de l’ETTMA pel triatge de víctimes en situacions d’emergència.
We investigated the physiological consequences of the most challenging mountain ultra-marathon (MUM) in the world: a 330-km trail run with 24000 m of positive and negative elevation change. Neuromuscular fatigue (NMF) was assessed before (Pre-), during (Mid-) and after (Post-) the MUM in experienced ultra-marathon runners (n = 15; finish time = 122.43 hours ±17.21 hours) and in Pre- and Post- in a control group with a similar level of sleep deprivation (n = 8). Blood markers of muscle inflammation and damage were analyzed at Pre- and Post-. Mean ± SD maximal voluntary contraction force declined significantly at Mid- (-13±17% and -10±16%, P<0.05 for knee extensor, KE, and plantar flexor muscles, PF, respectively), and further decreased at Post- (-24±13% and -26±19%, P<0.01) with alteration of the central activation ratio (-24±24% and -28±34% between Pre- and Post-, P<0.05) in runners whereas these parameters did not change in the control group. Peripheral NMF markers such as 100 Hz doublet (KE: -18±18% and PF: -20±15%, P<0.01) and peak twitch (KE: -33±12%, P<0.001 and PF: -19±14%, P<0.01) were also altered in runners but not in controls. Post-MUM blood concentrations of creatine kinase (3719±3045 Ul·(1)), lactate dehydrogenase (1145±511 UI·L(-1)), C-Reactive Protein (13.1±7.5 mg·L(-1)) and myoglobin (449.3±338.2 µg·L(-1)) were higher (P<0.001) than at Pre- in runners but not in controls. Our findings revealed less neuromuscular fatigue, muscle damage and inflammation than in shorter MUMs. In conclusion, paradoxically, such extreme exercise seems to induce a relative muscle preservation process due likely to a protective anticipatory pacing strategy during the first half of MUM and sleep deprivation in the second half.
En aquest projecte es proposa i s’implementa una nova forma de crear xarxes DTN (Delay-Tolerant Networks) mitjançant agents mòbils. Aquestes xarxes tenen la peculiaritat de ser tolerants a endarreriments i interrupcions, podent ser utilitzades en entorns on les xarxes actuals no es poden aplicar. Hem dissenyat mecanismes que permeten prendre decisions d’encaminament a nivell d’aplicació i mecanismes de priorització d’agents mitjançant informació d’alt nivell. Aquests mecanismes milloren les DTN fent-les més flexibles i efectives.
En aquest projecte s’ha treballat en l’entorn PROSES, on aeroports i avions de l’espai aeri són mules de transport sobre una xarxa DTN. L’objectiu principal és estudiar i simular dos escenaris concrets: l’enviament de notícies des de les torres de control als avions, i l’enviament de canvis de rutes de vol dels avions a un aeroport en qüestió. S’ha simulat el comportament de dos protocols d’encaminament diferents sobre els escenaris creats. Per a realitzar les proves s’ha utilitzat el simulador The ONE, s’ha implementat un nou protocol d’encaminament, s’ha creat un Generador de Mapes i Rutes, i s’han realitzat amb èxit les simulacions.
En situacions d’emergència, on hi ha en perill un gran nombre de vides humanes, és especialment important l’ús de triatge per a organitzar els recursos disponibles per tal de poder classificar i atendre el màxim nombre de pacients en un temps limitat. Aquest projecte presenta l’anàlisi, disseny i implementació d’un sistema de triatge electrònic mitjançant un iPhone que guarda en un agent mòbil les dades del pacient, els seus signes vitals, un tag RFID que es col·loca al pacient per a identificar-lo i seva ubicació. Després d’haver realitzat una sèrie de proves sobre l’iMABETT s’ha demostrat que funciona correctament i compleix els objectius proposats.
Synthesis and characterization of a new class of anti-angiogenic agents based on ruthenium clusters.
New triruthenium-carbonyl clusters derivatized with glucose-modified bicyclophosphite ligands have been synthesized. These compounds were found to have cytostatic and cytotoxic activity and depending on the number of bicyclophosphite ligands, and could be tuned for either anti-cancer or specific anti-angiogenic activity. While some compounds had a broad cellular toxicity profile in several cell types others showed endothelial cell specific dose-dependent anti-proliferative and anti-migratory efficacy. A profound inhibition of angiogenesis was also observed in the in vivo chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model, and consequently, these new compounds have considerable potential in drug design, e.g. for the treatment of cancer.
In this review, intratumoral drug disposition will be integrated into the wide range of resistance mechanisms to anticancer agents with particular emphasis on targeted protein kinase inhibitors. Six rules will be established: 1. There is a high variability of extracellular/intracellular drug level ratios; 2. There are three main systems involved in intratumoral drug disposition that are composed of SLC, ABC and XME enzymes; 3. There is a synergistic interplay between these three systems; 4. In cancer subclones, there is a strong genomic instability that leads to a highly variable expression of SLC, ABC or XME enzymes; 5. Tumor-expressed metabolizing enzymes play a role in tumor-specific ADME and cell survival and 6. These three systems are involved in the appearance of resistance (transient event) or in the resistance itself. In addition, this article will investigate whether the overexpression of some ABC and XME systems in cancer cells is just a random consequence of DNA/chromosomal instability, hypo- or hypermethylation and microRNA deregulation, or a more organized modification induced by transposable elements. Experiments will also have to establish if these tumor-expressed enzymes participate in cell metabolism or in tumor-specific ADME or if they are only markers of clonal evolution and genomic deregulation. Eventually, the review will underline that the fate of anticancer agents in cancer cells should be more thoroughly investigated from drug discovery to clinical studies. Indeed, inhibition of tumor expressed metabolizing enzymes could strongly increase drug disposition, specifically in the target cells resulting in more efficient therapies.
Antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) are emerging as powerful treatment strategies with outstanding target-specificity and high therapeutic activity in patients with cancer. Brentuximab vedotin represents a first-in-class ADC directed against CD30(+) malignancies. We hypothesized that its sustained clinical responses could be related to the stimulation of an anticancer immune response. In this study, we demonstrate that the dolastatin family of microtubule inhibitors, from which the cytotoxic component of brentuximab vedotin is derived, comprises potent inducers of phenotypic and functional dendritic cell (DC) maturation. In addition to the direct cytotoxic effect on tumor cells, dolastatins efficiently promoted antigen uptake and migration of tumor-resident DCs to the tumor-draining lymph nodes. Exposure of murine and human DCs to dolastatins significantly increased their capacity to prime T cells. Underlining the requirement of an intact host immune system for the full therapeutic benefit of dolastatins, the antitumor effect was far less pronounced in immunocompromised mice. We observed substantial therapeutic synergies when combining dolastatins with tumor antigen-specific vaccination or blockade of the PD-1-PD-L1 and CTLA-4 coinhibitory pathways. Ultimately, treatment with ADCs using dolastatins induces DC homing and activates cellular antitumor immune responses in patients. Our data reveal a novel mechanism of action for dolastatins and provide a strong rationale for clinical treatment regimens combining dolastatin-based therapies, such as brentuximab vedotin, with immune-based therapies. Cancer Immunol Res; 2(8); 741-55. ©2014 AACR.
The systemic treatment of kidney cancers is promising regarding the first results of the inhibiting molecules of the angiogenesis. Projections in research are encouraging for more specific and sensitive markers of the prostate cancer. For this last the intermittent hormonotherapy improves the quality of life of the patients. The overweight control in infertility allows greater chances of giving birth. The morbidity of the kidney percutaneous surgery is decreased by the use of smaller tools. Reduction rate of reobstruction thanks to new manufactoring stents. The botulinic toxin for the hyperactive bladder refunded by the health insurances.
Skin diseases may have severe aesthetic and psychological repercussions leading sometimes to discriminations and social isolation. Dermatologists have contributed to the development of many cosmetic procedures: peelings, botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid injections, lasers, blepharoplasty, facelift, etc. Many of these treatments have interesting clinical applications and may help numerous patients with skin diseases to return to a normal social life.
Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) is a potent amplifier of pro-inflammatory innate immune reactions. While TREM-1-amplified responses likely aid an improved detection and elimination of pathogens, excessive production of cytokines and oxygen radicals can also severely harm the host. Studies addressing the pathogenic role of TREM-1 during endotoxin-induced shock or microbial sepsis have so far mostly relied on the administration of TREM-1 fusion proteins or peptides representing part of the extracellular domain of TREM-1. However, binding of these agents to the yet unidentified TREM-1 ligand could also impact signaling through alternative receptors. More importantly, controversial results have been obtained regarding the requirement of TREM-1 for microbial control. To unambiguously investigate the role of TREM-1 in homeostasis and disease, we have generated mice deficient in Trem1. Trem1(-/-) mice are viable, fertile and show no altered hematopoietic compartment. In CD4(+) T cell- and dextran sodium sulfate-induced models of colitis, Trem1(-/-) mice displayed significantly attenuated disease that was associated with reduced inflammatory infiltrates and diminished expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Trem1(-/-) mice also exhibited reduced neutrophilic infiltration and decreased lesion size upon infection with Leishmania major. Furthermore, reduced morbidity was observed for influenza virus-infected Trem1(-/-) mice. Importantly, while immune-associated pathologies were significantly reduced, Trem1(-/-) mice were equally capable of controlling infections with L. major, influenza virus, but also Legionella pneumophila as Trem1(+/+) controls. Our results not only demonstrate an unanticipated pathogenic impact of TREM-1 during a viral and parasitic infection, but also indicate that therapeutic blocking of TREM-1 in distinct inflammatory disorders holds considerable promise by blunting excessive inflammation while preserving the capacity for microbial control.