1000 resultados para Musical components


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Functional connectivity (FC) as measured by correlation between fMRI BOLD time courses of distinct brain regions has revealed meaningful organization of spontaneous fluctuations in the resting brain. However, an increasing amount of evidence points to non-stationarity of FC; i.e., FC dynamically changes over time reflecting additional and rich information about brain organization, but representing new challenges for analysis and interpretation. Here, we propose a data-driven approach based on principal component analysis (PCA) to reveal hidden patterns of coherent FC dynamics across multiple subjects. We demonstrate the feasibility and relevance of this new approach by examining the differences in dynamic FC between 13 healthy control subjects and 15 minimally disabled relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. We estimated whole-brain dynamic FC of regionally-averaged BOLD activity using sliding time windows. We then used PCA to identify FC patterns, termed "eigenconnectivities", that reflect meaningful patterns in FC fluctuations. We then assessed the contributions of these patterns to the dynamic FC at any given time point and identified a network of connections centered on the default-mode network with altered contribution in patients. Our results complement traditional stationary analyses, and reveal novel insights into brain connectivity dynamics and their modulation in a neurodegenerative disease.


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The article presents and discusses estimates of social and economic indicators for Italy’s regions in benchmark years roughly from Unification to the present day: life expectancy, education, GDP per capita at purchasing power parity, and the new Human Development Index (HDI). A broad interpretative hypothesis, based on the distinction between passive and active modernization, is proposed to account for the evolution of regional imbalances over the long-run. In the lack of active modernization, Southern Italy converged thanks to passive modernization, i.e., State intervention: however, this was more effective in life expectancy, less successful in education, expensive and as a whole ineffective in GDP. As a consequence, convergence in the HDI occurred from the late XIX century to the 1970s, but came to a sudden halt in the last decades of the XX century.


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Intuitively, music has both predictable and unpredictable components. In this work we assess this qualitative statement in a quantitative way using common time series models fitted to state-of-the-art music descriptors. These descriptors cover different musical facets and are extracted from a large collection of real audio recordings comprising a variety of musical genres. Our findings show that music descriptor time series exhibit a certain predictability not only for short time intervals, but also for mid-term and relatively long intervals. This fact is observed independently of the descriptor, musical facet and time series model we consider. Moreover, we show that our findings are not only of theoretical relevance but can also have practical impact. To this end we demonstrate that music predictability at relatively long time intervals can be exploited in a real-world application, namely the automatic identification of cover songs (i.e. different renditions or versions of the same musical piece). Importantly, this prediction strategy yields a parameter-free approach for cover song identification that is substantially faster, allows for reduced computational storage and still maintains highly competitive accuracies when compared to state-of-the-art systems.


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We present a new technique for audio signal comparison based on tonal subsequence alignment and its application to detect cover versions (i.e., different performances of the same underlying musical piece). Cover song identification is a task whose popularity has increased in the Music Information Retrieval (MIR) community along in the past, as it provides a direct and objective way to evaluate music similarity algorithms.This article first presents a series of experiments carried outwith two state-of-the-art methods for cover song identification.We have studied several components of these (such as chroma resolution and similarity, transposition, beat tracking or Dynamic Time Warping constraints), in order to discover which characteristics would be desirable for a competitive cover song identifier. After analyzing many cross-validated results, the importance of these characteristics is discussed, and the best-performing ones are finally applied to the newly proposed method. Multipleevaluations of this one confirm a large increase in identificationaccuracy when comparing it with alternative state-of-the-artapproaches.


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Swain corrects the chi-square overidentification test (i.e., likelihood ratio test of fit) for structural equation models whethr with or without latent variables. The chi-square statistic is asymptotically correct; however, it does not behave as expected in small samples and/or when the model is complex (cf. Herzog, Boomsma, & Reinecke, 2007). Thus, particularly in situations where the ratio of sample size (n) to the number of parameters estimated (p) is relatively small (i.e., the p to n ratio is large), the chi-square test will tend to overreject correctly specified models. To obtain a closer approximation to the distribution of the chi-square statistic, Swain (1975) developed a correction; this scaling factor, which converges to 1 asymptotically, is multiplied with the chi-square statistic. The correction better approximates the chi-square distribution resulting in more appropriate Type 1 reject error rates (see Herzog & Boomsma, 2009; Herzog, et al., 2007).


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Aquest memòria presenta un estudi sobre l’aplicació dels algorismes genètics per a lacomposició musical. Es descriu un sistema generador d’un conjunt de melodies i les evoluciona, a través de la iteració de l’algorisme, per a obtenir la millor composició possible, segons unconjunt de normes harmòniques i rítmiques definides arbitràriament.Les regles emprades combinen la modelització de diferents aspectes que la teoria i anàlisimusical occidental contemporani defineix com a essencials per a composar melodies agradables a l’oïda humana. Els trets més importants són melodies amb una certa linealitat, harmonia en lespolifonies i un caràcter rítmic en aquestes composicions.S’ha utilitzat el model d’ Implicació – Realització per a afavorir la linealitat i agradabilitat melòdica, un estudi estadístic de ritme i melodia en peces musicals en format MIDI i la definició per part de l’usuari d’una seqüència d’acords o patró amb el qual les melodies generades hi harmonitzaran.L’algoritme sembla generar satisfactòriament melodies que compleixen amb els aspectesavaluats, i amb la possibilitat de definir diferents seqüències d’acords, el sistema esdevé una eina d’ajuda per a realitzar petites composicions o fragments harmònics d’una manera més automatitzada.


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DigitalJukebox es un sistema interactivo de visualización de elementos musicales, diseñado para ser instalado en un contexto semipúblico, como por ejemplo un bar. El funcionamiento de este sistema está inspirado en las antiguas máquinas de discos, de modo que permite a losusuarios elegir la música que quieren escuchar durante su estancia en el local. A su vez, DigitalJukebox ofrece un valor añadido con respecto a la tradicional máquina de discos: además de la música, muestra el videoclip de la canción y una serie de imágenes del artista seleccionado.Así pues, este proyecto abarca las diferentes fases de creación del sistema: la definición del problema, el estudio del trabajo existente en este ámbito, el análisis de los requerimientos de losusuarios, el diseño del sistema, su implementación y la evaluación final con usuarios.


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This paper discusses the role of deterministic components in the DGP and in the auxiliary regression model which underlies the implementation of the Fractional Dickey-Fuller (FDF) test for I(1) against I(d) processes with d ∈ [0, 1). This is an important test in many economic applications because I(d) processess with d & 1 are mean-reverting although, when 0.5 ≤ d & 1,, like I(1) processes, they are nonstationary. We show how simple is the implementation of the FDF in these situations, and argue that it has better properties than LM tests. A simple testing strategy entailing only asymptotically normally distributed tests is also proposed. Finally, an empirical application is provided where the FDF test allowing for deterministic components is used to test for long-memory in the per capita GDP of several OECD countries, an issue that has important consequences to discriminate between growth theories, and on which there is some controversy.


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Theory predicts that temporal variability plays an important role in the evolution of life histories, but empirical studies evaluating this prediction are rare. In constant environments, fitness can be measured by the population growth rate lambda, and the sensitivity of lambda to changes in fitness components estimates selection on these traits. In variable environments, fitness is measured by the stochastic growth rate lambda(S), and stochastic sensitivities estimate selection pressure. Here we examine age-specific schedules for reproduction and survival in a barn owl population (Tyto alba). We estimated how temporal variability affected fitness and selection, accounting for sampling variance. Despite large sample sizes of old individuals, we found no strong evidence for senescence. The most variable fitness components were associated with reproduction. Survival was less variable. Stochastic simulations showed that the observed variation decreased fitness by about 30%, but the sensitivities of lambda and lambda(S) to changes in all fitness components were almost equal, suggesting that temporal variation had negligible effects on selection. We obtained these results despite high observed variability in the fitness components and relatively short generation time of the study organism, a situation in which temporal variability should be particularly important for natural selection and early senescence is expected.


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Portugal é um país que acolhe, desde a década de 60 do século pretérito, uma das mais expressivas comunidades africanas – a cabo-verdiana –, cuja característica saliente é marcada, designadamente, pela presença de uma significativa e dinâmica cultura transnacional. A música, através dos seus mais variados géneros e formas, representa seguramente a dimensão mais importante desta diversificada população imigrante, juntamente com a língua cabo-verdiana. Daí o interesse no conhecimento, tanto quanto possível aprofundado, da realidade musical cabo-verdiana em contexto imigratório, a partir de um olhar atento sobre o chamado campo musical, ancorado particularmente na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (AML). Interessada em caracterizar, nos seus aspectos essenciais, o campo da música migrante cabo-verdiana na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, esta investigação propõe-se descrever e analisar o funcionamento do campo da música migrante cabo-verdiana, observando a sua configuração, tanto no plano estrutural das relações sociais no seu interior e com o seu exterior, das trajectórias, práticas e perfis sociográficos dos músicos, como no plano simbólico/cultural das representações, identidades, representações e culturas profissionais, com base numa amostra de 102 casos, à qual foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário, para além de métodos qualitativos, designadamente a entrevista em profundidade e o focus group, de forma combinada e de acordo com o princípio da triangulação metodológica.


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Para a realização deste trabalho monográfico, propôs-se um tema na área da Cultura Caboverdiana, sob o título, A Expressão da Cabo-verdianidade na Obra Musical de Beto Dias. O que se almeja trabalhar neste estudo monográfico é a mensagem transmitida nas composições musicais de Beto Dias e a sua relevância para a compreensão da cabo-verdianidade e não a querela à volta dos contornos da música nacional, em toda a sua abrangência e pertinência, ou seja, não se discute no presente os ritmos, as melodias, as influências e os géneros musicais subjacentes à questão. Com efeito, o compositor e intérprete, Beto Dias produziu uma vasta obra musical através de inúmeras composições, por si próprio interpretadas em vários discos, onde trata temas do quotidiano cabo-verdiano. Entretanto, ninguém se debruçou ainda sobre a referida obra com o fim de identificar na mesma a expressão da alma crioula e da cabo verdianidade, elementos psicossociais importantes para a compreensão do sócio-cultural cabo-verdiano.


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El título del siguiente trabajo está inspirado en la revista Billboard (U.S.A.), lista de éxitos musicales (U.S.A.,1936), y la Cartella Musicale de Adriano Banchieri (Venecia, 1601), queriendo hacer homenaje a las músicas o melodías más escuchadas. Este fenómeno que aparentemente involucra sólo la recepción, fue muy común durante el s. XVI (período en el cual nos centraremos), pero también mucho antes y hasta nuestros días. El término técnico utilizado para el estudio del mismo, será el de “préstamo”, en música, desarrollado por varios musicólogos pero principalmente por Peter Burkholder. Este proceso ha involucrado no sólo la recepción, sino también la composición, interpretación, intercambio, etc. Mi idea es argumentar y documentar en la medida de lo posible este fenómeno mediante algunos ejemplos concretos.