773 resultados para Music notation for "pandeiro"
Las ventas del formato físico de música se han reducido en Ecuador por falta de control de la piratería y elevados precios de venta al público, provocando la reducción de tiendas discos y el fortalecimiento de la ilegalidad. El lanzamiento de tiendas digitales legales de música en el país representa una oportunidad para las compañías discográficas de impulsar el consumo de música digital, destacando iTunes como la plataforma de mayor difusión y penetración, frente a la cual ninguna compañía ha desarrollado una estrategia. Universal Music es la compañía discográfica número uno en el mundo, y en Ecuador la única con operaciones propias, para la que se propone una estrategia mixta de marketing tradicional y digital, siguiendo una estrategia genérica de enfoque, actual en la empresa, orientada al segmento joven y joven – adulto y estrategias específicas de: penetración de mercado a través del diseño de un plan de comunicación de medios online y offline que promueva la venta del producto digital de la empresa en iTunes e incremente su participación en el mercado musical digital del país, y una estrategia específica de diversificación concéntrica proponiendo la música digital como nuevo formato de calidad, variedad y bajo costo para un mercado que opta por la piratería ante la falta de opciones. El plan de acción considera estrategias y herramientas obtenidas el análisis de las 4 P tradicionales y las 4 nuevas P, desde un enfoque online y offline de product e- marketing, e-promotion, e- communication, e-advertising, ecommerce. La implementación de la estrategia contempla la aplicación del plan mixto de medios propuesto para el nuevo disco del cantante Juanes “Loco de Amor”, con énfasis en la campaña de medios online.
The field of Molecular Spectroscopy was surveyed in order to determine a set of conventions and symbols which are in common use in the spectroscopic literature. This document, which is Part I in a series, establishes the notations and conventions used for general spectroscopic notations and deals with quantum mechanics, quantum numbers (vibrational states, angular momentum and energy levels), spectroscopic transitions, and miscellaneous notations (e.g. spectroscopic terms). Further parts will follow, dealing inter alia with symmetry notation, permutation and permutation-inversion symmetry notation, vibration-rotation spectroscopy and electronic spectroscopy.
The field of Molecular Spectroscopy was surveyed in order to determine a set of conventions and symbols which are in common use in the spectroscopic literature. This document, which is Part 2 in a series, establishes the notations and conventions used for the description of symmetry in rigid molecules, using the Schoenflies notation. It deals firstly with the symmetry operators of the molecular point groups (also drawing attention to the difference between symmetry operators and elements). The conventions and notations of the molecular point groups are then established, followed by those of the representations of these groups as used in molecular spectroscopy. Further parts will follow, dealing inter alia with permutation and permutation-inversion symmetry notation, vibration-rotation spectroscopy and electronic spectroscopy.
The field of Molecular Spectroscopy was surveyed in order to determine a set of conventions and symbols which are in common use in the spectroscopic literature. This document, which is Part 3 in a series, deals with symmetry notation referring to groups that involve nuclear permutations and the inversion operation. Further parts will follow, dealing inter alia with vibration-rotation spectroscopy and electronic spectroscopy.
This article discusses inductee music service teachers (to 25 years of age). It explores how their lives, as perceived, shape current identities in teaching and result in several career problems. Respondents were drawn from a comprehensive life history study of 28 Local Education Authority employees. Of this larger cohort, four were age 25 years and below, and the remaining 24 teachers made retrospective comments. Data were collected and analysed between October 2002 and March 2004. Principal findings suggest that schooling failed to address these educators' needs as musical learners; key childhood experiences were external of schools. This often resulted in an idealistic trajectory, in teenage years, towards an occupation as a performer. An occupation in music education was entirely disregarded. Consequently, inductees now consider training experiences an inappropriate platform for their professional lives. Managing group teaching and children's behaviour engenders considerable anxiety. Music service work is also deemed a transient state of affairs. There are implications for training, retention and professional development.