957 resultados para Multiplicity of positive solutions


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Purpose: Soft contact lenses for continuous wear require the use of cleaning regimes which utilise hydrogen peroxide systems or multipurpose cleaning solutions (MPS). The compositions of MPS are becoming increasingly complex and often include disinfectants, cleaning agents, preservatives, wetting agents, demulcents, chelating and buffering agents. Recent research on solution–lens interactions has focused on specific ocular parameters such as corneal staining. However the effect of a solution on the lens, particularly silicone hydrogel lenses, itself has received less attention. The purpose of this work was to establish and understand the effects that care solutions have on selected bulk and surface material properties. Methods: Selected bulk and surface properties of each material (etafilcon A, vifilcon A, balafilcon A, senofilcon A, lotrafilcon A and lotrafilcon B, galyfilcon A) were measured after a 24 h soak in a variety of care solutions. Additionally the lenses were soaked for 24 h in hyperosmolar (680 mOsm L-1) and hyposmolar (170 mOsm L-1) PBS. A bulk property parameter the total diameter (TD) was measured using an Optimec contact lens analyser. The surface property related CoF of soaked lenses was measured on a nano-tribometer with conditions of load 30 mN, at a distance of 20 mm and speed 30 mm/min. Results: In terms of bulk properties, change is related to the EWC of the lens, the higher the EWC of the lens the greater the TD changes. Silicone hydrogel lenses have EWCs of <47% and little or no TD changes were observed; lotrafilcon A exhibited no change irrespective of the cleaning solution. Conventional contact lenses have higher EWCs (58% for etafilcon A and 55% for vifilcon A) and the TD was seen to change to a greater extent, for example the etafilcon A material in ReNu MPS had an increase to 14.45± 0.07 mm from the cited 14.2 mm. Other lenses increased or decreased in TD depending on the solution used. The osmolarity of the solution although important is not the only factor governing change in the TD, for example soaking senofilcon A in hyperosmolar PBS (680 mOsm L-1) for 24 h increased the TD of the lens (+0.25 ± 0.07 mm), however when the same lens type was soaked for 24 h in a MPS with a lower osmolarity there was a similar effect. Biotribology measurements demonstrated that some solution–lens combinations can reduce the CoF by 55%, when compared with biotribology with the native packing solution. An increase in the CoF was observed for other solution–lens combinations. Conclusions: There is a dramatic difference in bulk and surface performance of specific lens materials with particular care solutions. Individual components of the care solutions have effects on the bulk and surface properties of contact lenses. The affects are not as great with the silicone hydrogel as compared with conventional hydrogels.


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A set of long period grating devices have been fabricated in photosensitive single mode fibre coated with a series of copper rings (period of 380μm, 50% duty cycle and length of 4cm). The long period gratings were inscribed with a uniform UV-laser exposure across the entire length of the copper ring patterned coating. The devices ranged in copper thickness from 0.5μm to 1.5μm. In addition, a control long period grating was fabricated in the same type of fibre with the same period for comparison. The refractive index and temperature spectral sensitivity of these devices were investigated and it was found that the index and temperature sensitivity is a function of the thickness of the copper rings, as supported by theoretical modelling. Furthermore, the index sensitivity of these devices in the 1.333 index region is greater than the control long period grating. The patterned 0.5μm coated long period grating gave a sensitivity of Δλ/Δn = -74 nm leading to a resolution of 1.4×10-3 compared to the control which had a sensitivity of Δλ/Δn = -32 nm with a resolution of 3.2×10-3 in the index region of 1.320 to 1.380 (aqueous solution regime). This demonstrates a two fold increase in the sensitivity. This novel fibre long period grating device shows potential for increasing the resolution of measurements of the index of aqueous solutions.


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We investigate an application of the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to heat conduction in two-dimensional bodies, where the thermal diffusivity is piecewise constant. We extend the MFS proposed in Johansson and Lesnic [A method of fundamental solutions for transient heat conduction, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 32 (2008), pp. 697–703] for one-dimensional heat conduction with the sources placed outside the space domain of interest, to the two-dimensional setting. Theoretical properties of the method, as well as numerical investigations, are included, showing that accurate results can be obtained efficiently with small computational cost.


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The component spectra of a mixture of isomers with nearly identical diffusion coefficients cannot normally be distinguished in a standard diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) experiment but can often be easily resolved using matrix-assisted DOSY, in which diffusion behaviour is manipulated by the addition of a co-solute such as a surfactant. Relatively little is currently known about the conditions required for such a separation, for example, how the choice between normal and reverse micelles affects separation or how the isomer structures themselves affect the resolution. The aim of this study was to explore the application of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) normal micelles in aqueous solution and sodium 1,4-bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) aggregates in chloroform, at a range of concentrations, to the diffusion resolution of some simple model sets of isomers such as monomethoxyphenols and short chain alcohols. It is shown that SDS micelles offer better resolution where these isomers differ in the position of a hydroxyl group, whereas AOT aggregates are more effective for isomers differing in the position of a methyl group. For both the normal SDS micelles and the less well-defined AOT aggregates, differences in the resolution of the isomers can in part be rationalised in terms of differing degrees of hydrophobicity, amphiphilicity and steric effects. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We investigate an application of the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to the one-dimensional inverse Stefan problem for the heat equation by extending the MFS proposed in [5] for the one-dimensional direct Stefan problem. The sources are placed outside the space domain of interest and in the time interval (-T, T). Theoretical properties of the method, as well as numerical investigations, are included, showing that accurate and stable results can be obtained efficiently with small computational cost.


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In this paper we investigate an application of the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to transient heat conduction. In almost all of the previously proposed MFS for time-dependent heat conduction the fictitious sources are located outside the time-interval of interest. In our case, however, these sources are instead placed outside the space domain of interest in the same manner as is done for stationary heat conduction. A denseness result for this method is discussed and the method is numerically tested showing that accurate numerical results can be obtained. Furthermore, a test example with boundary singularities shows that it is advisable to remove such singularities before applying the MFS.


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We investigate an application of the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to the backward heat conduction problem (BHCP). We extend the MFS in Johansson and Lesnic (2008) [5] and Johansson et al. (in press) [6] proposed for one and two-dimensional direct heat conduction problems, respectively, with the sources placed outside the space domain of interest. Theoretical properties of the method, as well as numerical investigations, are included, showing that accurate and stable results can be obtained efficiently with small computational cost.


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We investigate an application of the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to the one-dimensional parabolic inverse Cauchy–Stefan problem, where boundary data and the initial condition are to be determined from the Cauchy data prescribed on a given moving interface. In [B.T. Johansson, D. Lesnic, and T. Reeve, A method of fundamental solutions for the one-dimensional inverse Stefan Problem, Appl. Math Model. 35 (2011), pp. 4367–4378], the inverse Stefan problem was considered, where only the boundary data is to be reconstructed on the fixed boundary. We extend the MFS proposed in Johansson et al. (2011) and show that the initial condition can also be simultaneously recovered, i.e. the MFS is appropriate for the inverse Cauchy-Stefan problem. Theoretical properties of the method, as well as numerical investigations, are included, showing that accurate results can be efficiently obtained with small computational cost.


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In this paper we investigate an application of the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to transient heat conduction in layered materials, where the thermal diffusivity is piecewise constant. Recently, in Johansson and Lesnic [A method of fundamental solutions for transient heat conduction. Eng Anal Boundary Elem 2008;32:697–703], a MFS was proposed with the sources placed outside the space domain of interest, and we extend that technique to numerically approximate the heat flow in layered materials. Theoretical properties of the method, as well as numerical investigations are included.


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In this paper, free surface problems of Stefan-type for the parabolic heat equation are investigated using the method of fundamental solutions. The additional measurement necessary to determine the free surface could be a boundary temperature, a heat flux or an energy measurement. Both one- and two-phase flows are investigated. Numerical results are presented and discussed.


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In this paper we present F LQ, a quadratic complexity bound on the values of the positive roots of polynomials. This bound is an extension of FirstLambda, the corresponding linear complexity bound and, consequently, it is derived from Theorem 3 below. We have implemented FLQ in the Vincent-Akritas-Strzeboński Continued Fractions method (VAS-CF) for the isolation of real roots of polynomials and compared its behavior with that of the theoretically proven best bound, LM Q. Experimental results indicate that whereas F LQ runs on average faster (or quite faster) than LM Q, nonetheless the quality of the bounds computed by both is about the same; moreover, it was revealed that when VAS-CF is run on our benchmark polynomials using F LQ, LM Q and min(F LQ, LM Q) all three versions run equally well and, hence, it is inconclusive which one should be used in the VAS-CF method.


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∗The author was partially supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Contract MM-516 with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Science and Thechnology.