997 resultados para Moral methodology


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[cat] El problema de la consideració de qualsevol interès com a usura i les formes per a evitar la condemna eclesiàstica foren uns dels principals temes econòmics i morals de l’Europa tradicional. Aquest paper mostra els orígens i fonaments de la doctrina eclesiàstica sobre la usura, l’aparición dels instruments comercials i financers que evitaven la condemna de l’església i les excepcions i noves doctrines que consideraven lícit el benefici procedent del préstec.


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Two trends which presently exist in relation to the concept of Paleontology are analyzed, pointing out some of the aspects which negative influence. Various reflections are made based on examples of some of the principal points of paleontological method, such as the influence of a punctual sampling, the meaning of size-frequency distribution and subjectivity in the identification of fossils. Topics which have a marked repercussion in diverse aspects of Paleontology are discussed.


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Synthetic root exudates were formulated based on the organic acid composition of root exudates derived from the rhizosphere of aseptically grown corn plants, pH of the rhizosphere, and the background chemical matrices of the soil solutions. The synthetic root exudates, which mimic the chemical conditions of the rhizosphere environment where soil-borne metals are dissolved and absorbed by plants, were used to extract metals from sewage-sludge treated soils 16 successive times. The concentrations of Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr, and Cu of the sludge-treated soil were 71.74, 0.21, 15.90, 58.12, and 37.44 mg kg-1, respectively. The composition of synthetic root exudates consisted of acetic, butyric, glutaric, lactic, maleic, propionic, pyruvic, succinic, tartaric, and valeric acids. The organic acid mixtures had concentrations of 0.05 and 0.1 mol L-1 -COOH. The trace elements removed by successive extractions may be considered representative for the availability of these metals to plants in these soils. The chemical speciation of the metals in the liquid phase was calculated; results showed that metals in sludge-treated soils were dissolved and formed soluble complexes with the different organic acid-based root exudates. The most reactive organic acid ligands were lactate, maleate, tartarate, and acetate. The inorganic ligands of chloride and sulfate played insignificant roles in metal dissolution. Except for Cd, free ions did not represent an important chemical species of the metals in the soil rhizosphere. As different metals formed soluble complexes with different ligands in the rhizosphere, no extractor, based on a single reagent would be able to recover all of the potentially plant-available metals from soils; the root exudate-derived organic acid mixtures tested in this study may be better suited to recover potentially plant-available metals from soils than the conventional extractors.


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Vibration-based damage identification (VBDI) techniques have been developed in part to address the problems associated with an aging civil infrastructure. To assess the potential of VBDI as it applies to highway bridges in Iowa, three applications of VBDI techniques were considered in this study: numerical simulation, laboratory structures, and field structures. VBDI techniques were found to be highly capable of locating and quantifying damage in numerical simulations. These same techniques were found to be accurate in locating various types of damage in a laboratory setting with actual structures. Although there is the potential for these techniques to quantify damage in a laboratory setting, the ability of the methods to quantify low-level damage in the laboratory is not robust. When applying these techniques to an actual bridge, it was found that some traditional applications of VBDI methods are capable of describing the global behavior of the structure but are most likely not suited for the identification of typical damage scenarios found in civil infrastructure. Measurement noise, boundary conditions, complications due to substructures and multiple material types, and transducer sensitivity make it very difficult for present VBDI techniques to identify, much less quantify, highly localized damage (such as small cracks and minor changes in thickness). However, while investigating VBDI techniques in the field, it was found that if the frequency-domain response of the structure can be generated from operating traffic load, the structural response can be animated and used to develop a holistic view of the bridge’s response to various automobile loadings. By animating the response of a field bridge, concrete cracking (in the abutment and deck) was correlated with structural motion and problem frequencies (i.e., those that cause significant torsion or tension-compression at beam ends) were identified. Furthermore, a frequency-domain study of operational traffic was used to identify both common and extreme frequencies for a given structure and loading. Common traffic frequencies can be compared to problem frequencies so that cost-effective, preventative solutions (either structural or usage-based) can be developed for a wide range of IDOT bridges. Further work should (1) perfect the process of collecting high-quality operational frequency response data; (2) expand and simplify the process of correlating frequency response animations with damage; and (3) develop efficient, economical, preemptive solutions to common damage types.


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This research project conducted in the Psychology Department of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) evaluated the therapeutic alliance with Hispanic American Patients. From the patient's perspective, the therapeutic alliance was explored in two types of frameworks: the dyadic and the triadic setting. The dyadic setting is the encounter between a therapist (health professional) and a patient who ideally share the same language. The triadic setting is the encounter of a therapist and a patient who speak different languages, but are able to interact using the help of an interpreter. My specific interest focuses on studying the therapeutic alliance in a cross- cultural setting through a mixed methodology. As part of the quantitative phase, non- parametric tests were used to analyze 55 questionnaires of the Therapeutic Alliance for Migrants - Health Professionals' version (QALM-PS). For the qualitative phase, a thematic analysis was used to analyze 20 transcript interviews. While no differences were found concerning the strength of the therapeutic alliance between the triadic and dyadic settings, results showed that the factors that enrich the therapeutic alliance with migrant patients depend more on an emotional alliance (bond) than on a rational alliance (agreements). Indeed, the positive relationship with the interpreter, and especially with the therapist, relies considerably on human qualities and moral values, bringing the conception of humanity as an important need when meeting foreign patients in health care settings. In addition, the quality of communication, which could be attributed to the type of interpreter in the triadic setting, plays an important role in the establishment of a positive therapeutic relationship. Ce projet de recherche mené au Département de psychologie de l'Université de Lausanne (Suisse) a évalué l'alliance thérapeutique avec les patients hispano-américains. Du point de vue du patient, l'alliance thérapeutique a été étudiée dans deux types de dispositifs: le cadre dyadique et triadique. Le cadre dyadique est la rencontre d'un thérapeute (professionnel de la santé) et d'un patient qui, idéalement, partagent la même langue. Le cadre triadique est la rencontre d'un thérapeute et d'un patient qui parlent différentes langues, mais sont capables d'interagir grâce à l'aide d'un interprète. Mon intérêt porte en particulier sur l'étude de l'alliance thérapeutique dans un cadre interculturel au travers d'une méthodologie mixte. Dans la phase quantitative, des tests non paramétriques ont été utilisés pour les analyses des 55 questionnaires de l'alliance thérapeutique pour les migrants, version - professionnels de la santé (QALM-PS). Pour la phase qualitative, une analyse thématique a été utilisée pour l'analyse des 20 entretiens transcrits. Bien qu'aucune différence n'a été constatée en ce qui concerne la force de l'alliance thérapeutique entre les cadres dyadiques et triadiques, les résultats montrent que les facteurs qui enrichissent l'alliance thérapeutique avec les patients migrants dépendent plus de l'alliance émotionnelle (lien) que sur une alliance rationnelle (accords). En effet, la relation positive avec l'interprète, et en particulier avec le thérapeute, repose en grande partie sur des qualités humaines et des valeurs morales, ce qui porte la conception de l'humanité comme un besoin important lors de la rencontre des patients étrangers dans un cadre de santé. En outre, la qualité de la communication, qui pourrait être attribuée au type d'interprète dans le cadre triadique, joue un rôle important dans l'établissement d'une relation thérapeutique positive.


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Diskussionsfrågan n:r 5, "Lag, moral och rättvisa i rättsskipningen - vems moral och rättvisa i förhållande till vem?" behandlades den 15 april 1999 i form av en paneldebatt


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The quadrennial need study was developed to assist in identifying county highway financial needs (construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, and administration) and in the distribution of the road use tax fund (RUTF) among the counties in the state. During the period since the need study was first conducted using HWYNEEDS software, between 1982 and 1998, there have been large fluctuations in the level of funds distributed to individual counties. A recent study performed by Jim Cable (HR-363, 1993), found that one of the major factors affecting the volatility in the level of fluctuations is the quality of the pavement condition data collected and the accuracy of these data. In 1998, the Center for Transportation Research and Education researchers (Maze and Smadi) completed a project to study the feasibility of using automated pavement condition data collected for the Iowa Pavement Management Program (IPMP) for the paved county roads to be used in the HWYNEEDS software (TR-418). The automated condition data are objective and also more current since they are collected in a two year cycle compared to the 10-year cycle used by HWYNEEDS right now. The study proved the use of the automated condition data in HWYNEEDS would be feasible and beneficial in educing fluctuations when applied to a pilot study area. In another recommendation from TR-418, the researchers recommended a full analysis and investigation of HWYNEEDS methodology and parameters (for more information on the project, please review the TR-418 project report). The study reported in this document builds on the previous study on using the automated condition data in HWYNEEDS and covers the analysis and investigation of the HWYNEEDS computer program methodology and parameters. The underlying hypothesis for this study is thatalong with the IPMP automated condition data, some changes need to be made to HWYNEEDS parameters to accommodate the use of the new data, which will stabilize the process of allocating resources and reduce fluctuations from one quadrennial need study to another. Another objective of this research is to investigate the gravel roads needs and study the feasibility of developing a more objective approach to determining needs on the counties gravel road network. This study identifies new procedures by which the HWYNEEDS computer program is used to conduct the quadrennial needs study on paved roads. Also, a new procedure will be developed to determine gravel roads needs outside of the HWYNEED program. Recommendations are identified for the new procedures and also in terms of making changes to the current quadrennial need study. Future research areas are also identified.


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[cat] El problema de la consideració de qualsevol interès com a usura i les formes per a evitar la condemna eclesiàstica foren uns dels principals temes econòmics i morals de l’Europa tradicional. Aquest paper mostra els orígens i fonaments de la doctrina eclesiàstica sobre la usura, l’aparición dels instruments comercials i financers que evitaven la condemna de l’església i les excepcions i noves doctrines que consideraven lícit el benefici procedent del préstec.


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Após termos apresentado reflexões sobre as relações entre as virtudes e a moral e entre polidez e o desenvolvimento moral, apresentamos quatro pesquisas empíricas com crianças de 6, 9 e 12 anos para responder às seguintes perguntas: 1) A polidez faz parte do universo moral da criança? 2) A polidez já é vista pela criança pequena na sua especificidade em relação às regras propriamente morais? Os dados mostram que: 1) a polidez pertence ao universo moral das crianças de 6 a 12 anos, mas com a peculiaridade de sua falta não merecer castigo; 2) que a falta de polidez é, para as crianças de 6 anos, um indício para se julgar o caráter moral de uma pessoa e deixa de sê-lo para as crianças de 12 anos, com uma fase de transição aos 9 anos e 3) que a falta de polidez é vista como conduta de uma certa gravidade nas três faixas etárias. Terminamos o texto com considerações teóricas que procuram mostrar a relevância de uma educação moral que não despreze a polidez.


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O artigo examina as relações observadas entre as disciplinas Ensino Religioso e Educação Moral e Cívica no ensino básico no Brasil. Analisa o Ensino Religioso particularmente no currículo das escolas públicas e a Educação Moral e Cívica no conjunto das escolas. Para isso, a legislação federal foi examinada como produto de alianças e conflitos entre o campo político e o campo religioso, naquilo que concerne ao campo educacional. O autor conclui que, no período estudado, ambas as disciplinas expressaram diferentes sentidos, em somatório ou em alternância, no jogo de forças entre o campo político e o campo religioso.


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As discussões que envolvem o conceito de ética, moral e civismo estiveram e ainda estão presentes no campo educacional, seja através de disciplinas como Educação, Moral e Cívica; Organização Social e Política Brasileira, Estudo dos Problemas Brasileiros; pela via do Ensino Religioso, ou, mais recentemente por meio dos temas transversais. Entre os anos de 1997 e 2006, 13 proposições foram apresentadas por congressistas, procurando reintroduzir nas escolas o estudo da educação moral e civismo, ou introduzir disciplina que contemple a ética e cidadania, em busca do resgate de valores supostamente perdidos pela sociedade. Realizamos uma pesquisa sobre essas proposições, seus autores e suas justificativas. Buscamos problematizar a ambigüidade no discurso e na prática política dos parlamentares e refletir sobre as dificuldades de consenso em torno dos valores pretendidos pelos projetos parlamentares.


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Dans certaines portions des agglomérations (poches de pauvreté de centre-ville, couronnes suburbaines dégradées, espaces périurbains sans aménité), un cumul entre des inégalités sociales (pauvreté, chômage, etc.) et environnementales (exposition au bruit, aux risques industriels, etc.) peut être observé. La persistance de ces inégalités croisées dans le temps indique une tendance de fond : la capacité d'accéder à un cadre de vie de qualité n'est pas équitablement partagée parmi les individus. Ce constat interroge : comment se créent ces inégalités ? Comment infléchir cette tendance et faire la ville plus juste ?¦Apporter des réponses à cette problématique nécessite d'identifier les facteurs de causalités qui entrent en jeu dans le système de (re)production des inégalités urbaines. Le fonctionnement des marchés foncier et immobilier, la « tyrannie des petites décisions » et les politiques publiques à incidence spatiale sont principalement impliqués. Ces dernières, agissant sur tous les éléments du système, sont placées au coeur de ce travail. On va ainsi s'intéresser précisément à la manière dont les collectivités publiques pilotent la production de la ville contemporaine, en portant l'attention sur la maîtrise publique d'ouvrage (MPO) des grands projets urbains.¦Poser la question de la justice dans la fabrique de la ville implique également de questionner les référentiels normatifs de l'action publique : à quelle conception de la justice celle-ci doit- elle obéir? Quatre perspectives (radicale, substantialiste, procédurale et intégrative) sont caractérisées, chacune se traduisant par des principes d'action différenciés. Une méthodologie hybride - empruntant à la sociologie des organisations et à l'analyse des politiques publiques - vient clore le volet théorique, proposant par un détour métaphorique d'appréhender le projet urbain comme une pièce de théâtre dont le déroulement dépend du jeu d'acteurs.¦Cette méthodologie est utilisée dans le volet empirique de la recherche, qui consiste en une analyse de la MPO d'un projet urbain en cours dans la première couronne de l'agglomération lyonnaise : le Carré de Soie. Trois grands objectifs sont poursuivis : descriptif (reconstruire le scénario), analytique (évaluer la nature de la pièce : conte de fée, tragédie ou match d'improvisation ?) et prescriptif (tirer la morale de l'histoire). La description de la MPO montre le déploiement successif de quatre stratégies de pilotage, dont les implications sur les temporalités, le contenu du projet (programmes, morphologies) et les financements publics vont être déterminantes. Sur la base de l'analyse, plusieurs recommandations peuvent être formulées - importance de l'anticipation et de l'articulation entre planification et stratégie foncière notamment - pour permettre à la sphère publique de dominer le jeu et d'assurer la production de justice par le projet urbain (réalisation puis entretien des équipements et espaces publics, financement de logements de qualité à destination d'un large éventail de populations, etc.). Plus généralement, un décalage problématique peut être souligné entre les territoires stratégiques pour le développement de l'agglomération et les capacités de portage limitées des communes concernées. Ce déficit plaide pour le renforcement des capacités d'investissement de la structure intercommunale.¦La seule logique du marché (foncier, immobilier) mène à la polarisation sociale et à la production d'inégalités urbaines. Faire la ville juste nécessite une forte volonté des collectivités publiques, laquelle doit se traduire aussi bien dans l'ambition affichée - une juste hiérarchisation des priorités dans le développement urbain - que dans son opérationnalisation - une juste maîtrise publique d'ouvrage des projets urbains.¦Inner-city neighborhoods, poor outskirts, and peri-urban spaces with no amenities usually suffer from social and environmental inequalities, such as poverty, unemployment, and exposure to noise and industrial hazards. The observed persistence of these inequalities over time points to an underlying trend - namely, that access to proper living conditions is fundamentally unequal, thus eliciting the question of how such inequalities are effected and how this trend can be reversed so as to build a more equitable city.¦Providing answers to such questions requires that the causal factors at play within the system of (re)production of urban inequalities be identified. Real estate markets, "micromotives and macrobehavior", and public policies that bear on space are mostly involved. The latter are central in that they act on all the elements of the system. This thesis therefore focuses on the way public authorities shape the production of contemporary cities, by studying the public project ownership of major urban projects.¦The study of justice within the urban fabric also implies that the normative frames of reference of public action be questioned: what conception of justice should public action refer to? This thesis examines four perspectives (radical, substantialist, procedural, and integrative) each of which results in different principles of action. This theoretical part is concluded by a hybrid methodology that draws from sociology of organizations and public policy analysis and that suggests that the urban project may be understood as a play, whose outcome hinges on the actors' acting.¦This methodology is applied to the empirical analysis of the public project ownership of an ongoing urban project in the Lyon first-ring suburbs: the Carré de Soie. Three main objectives are pursued: descriptive (reconstructing the scenario), analytical (assessing the nature of the play - fairy tale, tragedy or improvisation match), and prescriptive (drawing the moral of the story). The description of the public project ownership shows the successive deployment of four control strategies, whose implications on deadlines, project content (programs, morphologies), and public funding are significant. Building on the analysis, several recommendations can be made to allow the public sphere to control the process and ensure the urban project produces equity (most notably, anticipation and articulation of planning and real- estate strategy, as well as provision and maintenance of equipment and public spaces, funding of quality housing for a wide range of populations, etc.). More generally, a gap can be highlighted between those territories that are strategic to the development of the agglomeration and the limited resources of the municipalities involved. This deficit calls for strengthening the investment abilities of the intermunicipal structure.¦By itself, the real-estate market logic brings about social polarization and urban inequalities. Building an equitable city requires a strong will on the part of public authorities, a will that must be reflected both in the stated ambition - setting priorities of urban development equitably - and in its implementation managing urban public projects fairly.