850 resultados para Moral competence


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I Människa – moral – miljö undersöks syner på människa och moral i finländskt miljötänkande. Den pågående brytningen mellan modernitet och senmodernitet avspeglas i olika former av nutida finländskt miljötänkande. I avhandlingen analyseras fyra miljötänkares texter: teologen Seppo Kjellberg, biologen Pentti Linkola, miljöfilosofen Leena Vilkka och filosofen Georg Henrik von Wright. Alla fyra formerna av tänkande uttrycker försök att komma till rätta med miljöproblemen i sent 1900-tal. Vart och ett av försöken vill erbjuda en väg ut ur den moderna världens dilemma. Men samtliga försök som studerats i avhandlingen uppvisar oförlösta spänningar. De flesta försök till nytänkande uppvisar senmoderna drag. T.ex. delar alla fyra uppfattningen att det vetenskapliga tänkandets utveckling och dess sätt att umgås med naturen skapar problem som inte kan lösas enbart med tekniskt vetenskapliga medel. Men i samtliga analyserade tankesystem är bundenheten till viktiga drag i moderniteten fortfarande stark. T.ex. när det gäller moraluppfattning kan man spåra en syn där vägen till moralisk kunskap liknar vägen till faktakunskap. Det tolkas i avhandlingen som ett uttryck för moderna tankestrukturer, där tron på möjligheten att heltäckande beskriva verkligheten är stark, liksom tilltron till att man med förnuftets hjälp (ensamt) kan tänka ut och motivera de rätta vägarna till ett moraliskt förhållningssätt gentemot den övriga naturen. De moderna tendenserna i materialet tycks i samtliga fall göra försöken att lösgöra sig från det som åstadkommer miljöproblemen om intet. Miljöproblemen är en följd av modernitetstänkandet och de kan därför knappast lösas utan en medveten brottning och uppgörelse med flera av de drag som konstituerar den moderna världen och den moderna kulturen.


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O termo bullying vem sendo utilizado para descrever um tipo de violência insidiosa e devastadora, que compromete negativamente a saúde e o ambiente. Pesquisas conduzidas sobre o tema em estudantes de Medicina revelam que ela ocorre especialmente sob a forma de abusos repetidos, mas permanece pouco explorada durante a formação médica. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o tema do trote como aparece nas falas de docentes e estudantes quando são estimulados a relatar situações de violência entre alunos durante a graduação em Medicina. Foi feita pesquisa de caráter exploratório, qualitativa, de corte transversal, sob a forma de estudo de caso. Foram entrevistados alunos em cargo de representação e professores em cargo de chefia. Os resultados evidenciaram a ocorrência de diversas situações de abuso, especificamente durante o trote universitário. É necessário um amplo debate sobre a violência na universidade. Para que se construa um ambiente de respeito e cooperação, adequado ao desenvolvimento de pessoas, a violência precisa ser banida das universidades


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OBJETIVOS: Conhecer a prevalência e as características do assédio moral nas residências médica e não médica em um hospital de ensino em Recife (PE). MÉTODOS: Um questionário foi elaborado para investigar a prevalência do assédio moral, os perfis do assediado e do assediador, e possíveis sequelas. Uma definição para assédio moral foi apresentada aos participantes. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 105 residentes. A prevalência do assédio foi de 41,9%, sendo mais frequente em menores de 28 anos (46,3%), mulheres (45,8%), residentes do segundo ano (47,7%) e na área médica (46,8%). Essas diferenças não foram estatisticamente significantes (p = 0,082; 0,118; 0,349; 0,225, respectivamente). As mulheres referiram mais sequelas (p = 0,013), sendo a maior parte destas de origem psíquica (58,5%) ou profissional (39,0%). Os profissionais responsáveis pela preceptoria são os principais assediadores (40,7%), seguidos daqueles com cargos na coordenação (29,1%; p = < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: 41,9% dos residentes já foram vítimas de assédio moral. Não houve diferença significativa de prevalência entre os grupos estudados. Os cargos próximos das atividades clínicas se mostraram mais propícios a cometê-lo (preceptoria e coordenação). O sexo feminino se mostrou tão suscetível ao assédio quanto o masculino, mas sofreu significativamente mais sequelas (p = 0,013).


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Os autores realizaram estudo de corte transversal para avaliar a competência de juízo moral, com a aplicação do Moral Judgment Test (MJT) proposto por Lind, entre estudantes do primeiro e do oitavo semestre de uma escola médica na Região Nordeste do Brasil. Compararam-se as turmas do primeiro e do oitavo semestre com relação ao escore C e avaliou-se a influência de fatores como idade e sexo sobre a competência moral. Uma diferença igual ou superior a 5,0 pontos (absolute effect-size) entre os valores do escore C foi considerada significante. Observou-se regressão da competência de juízo moral entre os alunos do oitavo semestre com relação aos do primeiro semestre (escore C 20,5 x 26,2 pontos, respectivamente). Na análise do desempenho dos alunos por dilemas do MJT, observou-se o fenômeno da "segmentação moral" em ambas as turmas, com melhor desempenho dos alunos no dilema do operário com relação ao dilema do médico. Entre alunos do mesmo semestre, aqueles com idade mais avançada apresentaram níveis mais baixos de escore C quando comparados aos alunos mais jovens. Não houve diferença significante entre homens e mulheres com relação à competência de juízo moral. A constatação de que ocorre estagnação ou regressão da competência de juízo moral no transcurso da graduação médica deve ser motivo de preocupação para os professores e para os responsáveis pelo planejamento curricular, no sentido de buscar estratégias para reverter o quadro.


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Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a competência moral de estudantes de Odontologia no Estado do Ceará. O estudo foi do tipo observacional transversal descritivo. Aplicou-se o Moral Judgement Test (MJT) com os alunos regularmente matriculados no primeiro e último semestres dos cursos de Odontologia do Estado. Para a análise do ambiente de aprendizagem, realizou-se a coleta dos conteúdos das disciplinas e estágios de todas as IES envolvidas para consolidação das cargas horárias. Avaliou-se como variável dependente o aspecto cognitivo – competência de juízo moral calculada a partir do MJT e expressa pelo escore C. As variáveis independentes foram: (a) tipo de instituição; (b) tempo de aprendizagem; (c) gênero; (d) idade. Para análise da diferença estatística significante entre gênero, semestre e tipo de instituição, calculou-se a diferença de médias através do teste t.O teste de Anova foi utilizado para análise das diferenças entre grupos etários por semestre.Os resultados apontam que a média de competência de juízo moral (escore C)dos entrevistados foi de 18,3, não havendo diferença significativa entre os sexos. Analisando-se a média de escore C dos estudantes do primeiro e último semestre, observou-se uma tendência de perda de competência do primeiro (19,0) para o último semestre (17,6) e uma diferença significativa entre alunos de instituições públicas (21,0) e privadas (16,5). Observou-se também que as disciplinas com conteúdo de Ciências Humanas não ultrapassaram20% dos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos, condicionando os futuros cirurgiões-dentistas a desenvolver uma competência moral limitada.


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RESUMO O presente artigo apresenta alguns pontos essenciais do pensamento do filósofo Michael Slote em sua obra “The ethics of care and empathy”. Situamos a sua produção no contexto em que a ética do cuidado foi desenvolvida e problematizada, evidenciando, sobretudo, a questão de gênero que atravessa essa perspectiva ética. Assim, convocamos autores e autoras que dialogam estreitamente com as questões levantadas por Slote como interlocutores fundamentais para se pensar a empatia como componente fundamental da ética do cuidado. Em sequência, resgatamos o sentido ontológico do cuidado e da responsabilidade, correlacionando-os com a prática do cuidado em saúde. Ao final, apresentamos um caso paradigmático para um debate concreto da ética do cuidado e empatia no âmbito da educação moral, destacando sua importância no processo de formação dos profissionais de saúde no Brasil.


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RESUMO Estudantes de Medicina iniciam a faculdade idealistas, mas muitos consideram sair indiferentes: este é o maior desafio da educação médica. Estudos ratificam uma involução da competência moral durante o curso. Outro interesse crescente no meio acadêmico é a espiritualidade. Objetivo Avaliar a relação entre competência moral e espiritualidade dos estudantes de Medicina. Métodos Estudo descritivo transversal, com 121 estudantes. A coleta foi realizada por meio do software limesurvey, contendo o TCLE e três questionários: sociodemográfico, teste de competência moral de George Lind, calculado em planilha do Excel, e escala de espiritualidade de Pinto e Pais-Ribeiro. Utilizou-se o software Stata 12.0 na análise. Resultados Ter religião está associado a maior espiritualidade. Em relação ao gênero feminino e a ter pais médicos, houve tendência de associação com espiritualidade elevada. O escore C manteve-se crescente durante o curso. Na relação entre espiritualidade e competência moral, estudantes com baixa espiritualidade apresentaram tendência a escore C maior. Conclusão Estudantes mais espiritualizados apresentam tendência a ter competência moral menor. O questionário de espiritualidade, contudo, está intrincado com dimensões religiosas, que tendem a limitar o desenvolvimento da competência moral na população estudada.


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Abstract Why would we argue about taste, norms or morality when we know that these topics are relative to taste preferences, systems of norms or values to which we are committed? Yet, disagreements over these topics are common in our evaluative discourses. I will claim that the motives to discuss rely on our attitudes towards the standard held by the speakers in each domain of discourse, relating different attitudes to different motives -mainly, conviction and correction. These notions of attitudes and motives will allow me to claim that different domains of evaluative discourse have a different distribution of disagreements driven by them.


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Abstract In this paper I defend a solution to the moral luck problem based on what I call "a fair opportunity account of control." I focus on Thomas Nagel's claim that moral luck reveals a paradox, and argue that the apparent paradox emerges only because he assumes that attributions of responsibility require agents to have total control over their actions. I argue that a more modest understanding of what it takes for someone to be a responsible agent-i.e., being capable of doing the right thing for the right reasons-dissolves the paradox and shows that responsibility and luck aren't at odds.


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The study evaluates the quality of abdominal surgical nursing care. The data were collected from patients (n=1208) having undergone abdominal surgical operations on their last day of hospitalization and nurses (n=218) working in the same wards. Three instruments originally created in Finland and adapted to the Lithuanian context were used: (1) Good Nursing Care Scale for patients and nurses (GNCS-P, GNCS-N), (2) Nurse Competence Scale (NCS), and (3) Nurse Empowerment Scale (NES). Patient and nurses’ perceptions of the quality of nursing care were evaluated. In addition, nurses’ perceptions of their competence and empowerment were evaluated. The patient and nurses' perceptions of the quality of abdominal surgical nursing care were positive, with more criticism in the nurses’ perceptions. Both patients and nurses gave the lowest evaluation to the quality in the progress of nursing care and the co-operation with significant others. The nurses gave the highest evaluation to the self-assessed level of their competence and the frequency of using competences in practice, with the highest assessment given to situation management and their role at work and the lowest to teaching-coaching and ensuring quality. The nurse perceptions of their empowerment were positive in the qualities and performance of an empowered nurse and empowerment promoting factors, with the highest evaluation in moral principles and sociability and the lowest evaluation in the future-orientedness and expertise. The empowerment-impeding factors were evaluated as negative. The perceptions of the quality of nursing care of both patients and nurses had significant correlations with patient and nurse satisfaction and nurse job independence. The nurse perceptions of their competence and empowerment correlated with their education, the type of the nurse license, completed courses of development of their knowledge and skills, nurse job independence, and nurse satisfaction. The nurse perceptions of the quality of nursing care had a positive correlation with their perceptions of competence and empowerment. Generally, the quality of nursing care was evaluated as high and had correlations with the patients' demographic and satisfaction factors and with the nurse demographic, work-related, and satisfaction factors. The study produced the knowledge that the quality in co-operation with significant others and the progress of nursing process, surgical nurse competence in teaching-coaching, and future-orientedness of surgical nurse empowerment need to be improved in order to develop the quality of abdominal surgical nursing care. The knowledge may be used to offer better services for abdominal surgical patients and increase their satisfaction with nursing care, as well as to increase nurses' satisfaction with work and independence at work. The study suggests implications for clinical practice and management, nursing education, and nursing research.


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The purpose of this two-phase study was to define the concept of vaccination competence and assess the vaccination competence of graduating public health nurse students (PHN students) and public health nurses (PHNs) in Finland, with the goal of promoting and maintaining vaccination competence and developing vaccination education. The first phase of the study included semi-structured interviews with vaccination professionals, graduating PHN students and clients (a total of n=40), asking them to describe vaccination competence as well as the factors strengthening and weakening it. The data were analyzed through content analysis. In the second phase of the study, structured instruments were developed, and vaccination competence of PHN students (n=129) in Finland and PHNs (n=405) was assessed using a self-assessment scale (VAS) and taking a knowledge test. PHNs were used as a reference group, enabling us to determine whether a satisfactory level of vaccination competence was achieved by the end of studies, or whether it was gained through work experience vaccinating clients. The data were collected from five polytechnic institutions and seven health centers located in various parts of the country. The data were collected using instruments developed for this study, and were analyzed statistically. In the first phase, based on the results of the interviews, vaccination competence was defined as a large multi-faceted entity, including the concepts of competent vaccinator, competent implementation of the vaccination, and the outcome of the implementation. Semi-structured interviews revealed that factors strengthening and weakening vaccination competence were connected to the vaccinator, the client being vaccinated, the vaccination environment and vaccinator education. On the whole, factors strengthening and weakening vaccination were the opposite of each other. In the second phase, on the self-assessment of vaccination competence, students rated themselves as significantly lower than working professionals. On the knowledge test, the percentage of correct answers was lower for students than PHNs. When all background variables were taken into account in multivariate analysis, there was no longer a significant difference between the students and PHNs on the self-assessment. However, in multivariate analysis, the PHNs still performed better than students on the knowledge test. For this study, a satisfactory level of vaccination competence was defined as a mean of 8.0 on the self-assessment and 80% correct answers on the knowledge test. Based on these criteria, students almost reached the level of satisfactory in their overall self-assessment, and PHNs did. Both groups, however, did rank themselves as satisfactory in some sum variables. On the knowledge test the students did not achieve a level of satisfactory (80%) in their total score, though PHNs did. As before, both groups did achieve a level of satisfactory in several sum variables. Further research and development should focus on vaccination education, the testing of vaccination competence and vaccination practices in clinical practice, as well as on developing the measurement tools.


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Intensive and critical care nursing is a speciality in its own right and with its own nature within the nursing profession. This speciality poses its own demands for nursing competencies. Intensive and critical care nursing is focused on severely ill patients and their significant others. The patients are comprehensively cared for, constantly monitored and their vital functions are sustained artificially. The main goal is to win time to cure the cause of the patient’s situation or illness. The purpose of this empirical study was i) to describe and define competence and competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing, ii) to develop a basic measurement scale for competence assessment in intensive and critical care nursing for graduating nursing students, and iii) to describe and evaluate graduating nursing students’ basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing by seeking the reference basis of self-evaluated basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing from ICU nurses. However, the main focus of this study was on the outcomes of nursing education in this nursing speciality. The study was carried out in different phases: basic exploration of competence (phase 1 and 2), instrumentation of competence (phase 3) and evaluation of competence (phase 4). Phase 1 (n=130) evaluated graduating nursing students’ basic biological and physiological knowledge and skills for working in intensive and critical care with Basic Knowledge Assessment Tool version 5 (BKAT-5, Toth 2012). Phase 2 focused on defining competence in intensive and critical care nursing with the help of literature review (n=45 empirical studies) as well as competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing with the help of experts (n=45 experts) in a Delphi study. In phase 3 the scale Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Competence Scale (ICCN-CS) was developed and tested twice (pilot test 1: n=18 students and n=12 nurses; pilot test 2: n=56 students and n=54 nurses). Finally, in phase 4, graduating nursing students’ competence was evaluated with ICCN-CS and BKAT version 7 (Toth 2012). In order to develop a valid assessment scale of competence for graduating nursing students and to evaluate and establish the competence of graduating nursing students, empirical data were retrieved at the same time from both graduating nursing students (n=139) and ICU nurses (n=431). Competence can be divided into clinical and general professional competence. It can be defined as a specific knowledge base, skill base, attitude and value base and experience base of nursing and the personal base of an intensive and critical care nurse. Personal base was excluded in this self-evaluation based scale. The ICCN-CS-1 consists of 144 items (6 sum variables). Finally, it became evident that the experience base of competence is not a suitable sum variable in holistic intensive and critical care competence scale for graduating nursing students because of their minor experience in this special nursing area. ICCN-CS-1 is a reliable and tolerably valid scale for use among graduating nursing students and ICU nurses Among students, basic competence of intensive and critical care nursing was self-rated as good by 69%, as excellent by 25% and as moderate by 6%. However, graduating nursing students’ basic biological and physiological knowledge and skills for working in intensive and critical care were poor. The students rated their clinical and professional competence as good, and their knowledge base and skill base as moderate. They gave slightly higher ratings for their knowledge base than skill base. Differences in basic competence emerged between graduating nursing students and ICU nurses. The students’ self-ratings of both their basic competence and clinical and professional competence were significantly lower than the nurses’ ratings. The students’ self-ratings of their knowledge and skill base were also statistically significantly lower than nurses’ ratings. However, both groups reported the same attitude and value base, which was excellent. The strongest factor explaining students’ conception of their competence was their experience of autonomy in nursing. Conclusions: Competence in intensive and critical care nursing is a multidimensional concept. Basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing can be measured with self-evaluation based scale but alongside should be used an objective evaluation method. Graduating nursing students’ basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing is good but their knowledge and skill base are moderate. Especially the biological and physiological knowledge base is poor. Therefore in future in intensive and critical care nursing education should be focused on both strengthening students’ biological and physiological knowledge base and on strengthening their overall skill base. Practical implications are presented for nursing education, practice and administration. In future, research should focus on education methods and contents, mentoring of clinical practice and orientation programmes as well as further development of the scale.


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Tutkin pro gradu -tutkielmassani englannin kielen oppijoiden pragmaattista kompetenssia. Tarkoitukseni oli selvittää, miten suomalaiset yläkoululaiset ja lukiolaiset osaavat käyttää englannin kieltä erilaisissa kommunikaatiotilanteissa. Tutkielmani voidaan sijoittaa välikielen pragmatiikan tutkimukseen. Halusin selvittää, millä tasolla suomalaisten oppijoiden pragmaattinen kompetenssi on ja kehittyykö se yläkoulun ja lukion välillä. Lisäksi tutkin, vaikuttavatko oppimisympäristö ja oppimismahdollisuudet oppijoiden kykyyn käyttää englannin kieltä. Toisin sanoen vertasin englantipainotteisilla luokilla olevia oppilaita formaalin opetuksen oppijoihin sekä tutkin, vaikuttavatko englanninkieliset vapaa-ajan aktiviteetit ja oppijoiden mahdolliset oleskelut englanninkielisissä maissa heidän pragmaattiseen kompetenssiinsa. Tutkimukseni kohderyhmä koostui yläkoulun kahdeksasluokkalaisista ja lukion toisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoista. Testasin neljä eri ryhmää, joissa oli sekä formaalissa opetuksessa olevia oppijoita (yksi ryhmä kahdeksasluokkalaisia ja yksi ryhmä toisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoita) että kielipainotteisten luokkien oppijoita (yksi ryhmä kahdeksasluokkalaisia ja yksi ryhmä toisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoita). Arvioin kohderyhmäni pragmaattista kompetenssia monivalintatestillä, jossa testattiin oppijoiden kykyä käyttää ja ymmärtää implikaatioita, tilannekohtaisia rutiineja sekä puheakteja. Taustakysymysten avulla selvitin, kuinka usein oppijat käyttivät englantia vapaa-aikanaan ja olivatko he vierailleet englanninkielisissä maissa. Tutkimustulokseni osoittavat, että suomalaisten yläkoululaisten ja lukiolaisten pragmaattinen kompetenssi oli korkea. Pragmaattinen kompetenssi kehittyi kahdeksasluokkalaisten ja lukion toisen vuosikurssin välillä. Kehitys oli suurempaa formaalissa opetuksessa kuin kielipainotteisilla luokilla. Englantipainotteisilla luokilla olevat oppilaat suoriutuivat testistä paremmin kuin formaalin opetuksen oppilaat. Tosin erot olivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä vain yläkoulussa. Tutkimuksessani siis päättelin, että vieraskielinen opetus vaikutti enemmän nuorempiin oppijoihin. Eri oppimismahdollisuudet osoittautuivat haastaviksi analysoida. Tulokset osoittivat, että vain englanninkielisessä maassa oleskelulla oli vaikutusta oppijoiden pragmaattiseen kompetenssiin. Kysyttäessä vapaa-ajan aktiviteettien merkitystä oppijat kuitenkin kertoivat, että ne auttoivat heitä testiin vastaamisessa enemmän kuin englanninopetuksessa käydyt asiat. Kouluissa tulisikin jatkossa painottaa yhä enemmän vuorovaikutteista kieltenopetusta.