988 resultados para Mismatch repair


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Purpose: Proposing an image reconstruction technique, algebraic reconstruction technique-refraction correction (ART-rc). The proposed method takes care of refractive index mismatches present in gel dosimeter scanner at the boundary, and also corrects for the interior ray refraction. Polymer gel dosimeters with high dose regions have higher refractive index and optical density compared to the background medium, these changes in refractive index at high dose results in interior ray bending. Methods: The inclusion of the effects of refraction is an important step in reconstruction of optical density in gel dosimeters. The proposed ray tracing algorithm models the interior multiple refraction at the inhomogeneities. Jacob's ray tracing algorithm has been modified to calculate the pathlengths of the ray that traverses through the higher dose regions. The algorithm computes the length of the ray in each pixel along its path and is used as the weight matrix. Algebraic reconstruction technique and pixel based reconstruction algorithms are used for solving the reconstruction problem. The proposed method is tested with numerical phantoms for various noise levels. The experimental dosimetric results are also presented. Results: The results show that the proposed scheme ART-rc is able to reconstruct optical density inside the dosimeter better than the results obtained using filtered backprojection and conventional algebraic reconstruction approaches. The quantitative improvement using ART-rc is evaluated using gamma-index. The refraction errors due to regions of different refractive indices are discussed. The effects of modeling of interior refraction in the dose region are presented. Conclusions: The errors propagated due to multiple refraction effects have been modeled and the improvements in reconstruction using proposed model is presented. The refractive index of the dosimeter has a mismatch with the surrounding medium (for dry air or water scanning). The algorithm reconstructs the dose profiles by estimating refractive indices of multiple inhomogeneities having different refractive indices and optical densities embedded in the dosimeter. This is achieved by tracking the path of the ray that traverses through the dosimeter. Extensive simulation studies have been carried out and results are found to be matching that of experimental results. (C) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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A new class of exact-repair regenerating codes is constructed by stitching together shorter erasure correction codes, where the stitching pattern can be viewed as block designs. The proposed codes have the help-by-transfer property where the helper nodes simply transfer part of the stored data directly, without performing any computation. This embedded error correction structure makes the decoding process straightforward, and in some cases the complexity is very low. We show that this construction is able to achieve performance better than space-sharing between the minimum storage regenerating codes and the minimum repair-bandwidth regenerating codes, and it is the first class of codes to achieve this performance. In fact, it is shown that the proposed construction can achieve a nontrivial point on the optimal functional-repair tradeoff, and it is asymptotically optimal at high rate, i.e., it asymptotically approaches the minimum storage and the minimum repair-bandwidth simultaneously.


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Oocytes present at birth undergo a progressive process of apoptosis in humans and other mammals as they age. Accepted opinion is that no fresh oocytes are produced other than those present at the time of birth. Studies have shown that DNA repair genes in oocytes of mice and women decline with age, and lack of these genes show higher DNA breaks and increased oocyte death rates. In contrast to the ethical problems associated with monitoring the changes in DNA double-strand breaks in oocytes from young and old humans, it is relatively easy to carry out such a study using a rodent model. In this study, the mRNA levels of DNA repair genes are compared with protein products of some of the genes in the primordial follicles isolated from immature (18-20 days) and aged (400-450 days) female rats. Results revealed a significant decline in mRNA levels of BRAC1 (P < 0.01), RAD51 (P < 0.05), ERCC2 (P < 0.05), and H2AX (P < 0.01) of DNA repair genes and phospho-protein levels of BRAC1 (P < 0.01) and H2AX (P < 0.05) in primordial follicles of aged rats. Impaired DNA repair is confirmed as a mechanism of oocyte ageing. (C) 2014 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The charge-pump (CP) mismatch current is a dominant source of static phase error and reference spur in the nano-meter CMOS PLL implementations due to its worsened channel length modulation effect. This paper presents a charge-pump (CP) mismatch current reduction technique utilizing an adaptive body bias tuning of CP transistors and a zero CP mismatch current tracking PLL architecture for reference spur suppression. A chip prototype of the proposed circuit was implemented in 0.13 mu m CMOS technology. The frequency synthesizer consumes 8.2 mA current from a 13 V supply voltage and achieves a phase noise of -96.01 dBc/Hz @ 1 MHz offset from a 2.4 GHz RF carrier. The charge-pump measurements using the proposed calibration technique exhibited a mismatch current of less than 0.3 mu A (0.55%) over the VCO control voltage range of 0.3-1.0 V. The closed loop measurements show a minimized static phase error of within +/- 70 ps and a similar or equal to 9 dB reduction in reference spur level across the PLL output frequency range 2.4-2.5 GHz. The presented CP calibration technique compensates for the DC current mismatch and the mismatch due to channel length modulation effect and therefore improves the performance of CP-PLLs in nano-meter CMOS implementations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Halogenated nucleosides can be incorporated into the newly synthesized DNA of replicating cells and therefore are commonly used in the detection of proliferating cells in living tissues. Dehalogenation of these modified nucleosides is one of the key pathways involved in DNA repair mediated by the uracil-DNA glycosylase. Herein, we report the first example of a selenium-mediated dehalogenation of halogenated nucleosides. We also show that the mechanism for the debromination is remarkably different from that of deiodination and that the presence of a ribose or deoxyribose moiety in the nucleosides facilitates the deiodination. The results described herein should help in understanding the metabolism of halogenated nucleosides in DNA and RNA.


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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions are associated with various mitochondrial disorders. The deletions identified in humans are flanked by short, directly repeated mitochondrial DNA sequences; however, the mechanism of such DNA rearrangements has yet to be elucidated. In contrast to nuclear DNA (nDNA), mtDNA is more exposed to oxidative damage, which may result in double-strand breaks (DSBs). Although DSB repair in nDNA is well studied, repair mechanisms in mitochondria are not characterized. In the present study, we investigate the mechanisms of DSB repair in mitochondria using in vitro and ex vivo assays. Whereas classical NHEJ (C-NHEJ) is undetectable, microhomology-mediated alternative NHEJ efficiently repairs DSBs in mitochondria. Of interest, robust microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) was observed with DNA substrates bearing 5-, 8-, 10-, 13-, 16-, 19-, and 22-nt microhomology. Furthermore, MMEJ efficiency was enhanced with an increase in the length of homology. Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, and protein inhibition assays suggest the involvement of CtIP, FEN1, MRE11, and PARP1 in mitochondrial MMEJ. Knock-down studies, in conjunction with other experiments, demonstrated that DNA ligase III, but not ligase IV or ligase I, is primarily responsible for the final sealing of DSBs during mitochondrial MMEJ. These observations highlight the central role of MMEJ in maintenance of mammalian mitochondrial genome integrity and is likely relevant for deletions observed in many human mitochondrial disorders.


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A new X-ray diffraction method for characterising thermal mismatch stress (TMS) in SiCw–Al composite has been developed. The TMS and thermal mismatch strain (TMSN) in SiC whiskers are considered to be axis symmetrical, and can be calculated by measuring the lattice distortion of the whiskers. Not only the average TMS in whiskers and matrix can be obtained, but the TMS components along longitudinal and radial directions in the SiC whiskers can also be deduced. Experimental results indicate that the TMS in SiC whiskers is compressive, and tensile in the aluminium matrix. The TMS and TMSN components along the longitudinal direction in the SiC whiskers are greater than those along the radial direction for a SiCw–Al composite quenched at 500°C.


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DNA damage is extremely detrimental to the cell and must be repaired to protect the genome. DNA is capable of conducting charge through the overlapping π-orbitals of stacked bases; this phenomenon is extremely sensitive to the integrity of the π-stack, as perturbations attenuate DNA charge transport (CT). Based on the E. coli base excision repair (BER) proteins EndoIII and MutY, it has recently been proposed that redox-active proteins containing metal clusters can utilize DNA CT to signal one another to locate sites of DNA damage.

To expand our repertoire of proteins that utilize DNA-mediated signaling, we measured the DNA-bound redox potential of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) helicase XPD from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. A midpoint potential of 82 mV versus NHE was observed, resembling that of the previously reported BER proteins. The redox signal increases in intensity with ATP hydrolysis in only the WT protein and mutants that maintain ATPase activity and not for ATPase-deficient mutants. The signal increase correlates directly with ATP activity, suggesting that DNA-mediated signaling may play a general role in protein signaling. Several mutations in human XPD that lead to XP-related diseases have been identified; using SaXPD, we explored how these mutations, which are conserved in the thermophile, affect protein electrochemistry.

To further understand the electrochemical signaling of XPD, we studied the yeast S. cerevisiae Rad3 protein. ScRad3 mutants were incubated on a DNA-modified electrode and exhibited a similar redox potential to SaXPD. We developed a haploid strain of S. cerevisiae that allowed for easy manipulation of Rad3. In a survival assay, the ATPase- and helicase-deficient mutants show little survival, while the two disease-related mutants exhibit survival similar to WT. When both a WT and G47R (ATPase/helicase deficient) strain were challenged with different DNA damaging agents, both exhibited comparable survival in the presence of hydroxyurea, while with methyl methanesulfonate and camptothecin, the G47R strain exhibits a significant change in growth, suggesting that Rad3 is involved in repairing damage beyond traditional NER substrates. Together, these data expand our understanding of redox-active proteins at the interface of DNA repair.


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The aromatic core of double helical DNA possesses the unique and remarkable ability to form a conduit for electrons to travel over exceptionally long molecular distances. This core of π-stacked nucleobases creates an efficient pathway for charge transfer to proceed that is exquisitely sensitive to even subtle perturbations. Ground state electrochemistry of DNA-modified electrodes has been one of the major techniques used both to investigate and to harness the property of DNA-mediated charge transfer. DNA-modified electrodes have been an essential tool for both gaining insights into the fundamental properties of DNA and, due to the exquisite specificity of DNA-mediated charge transfer for the integrity of the π-stack, for use in next generation diagnostic sensing. Here, multiplexed DNA-modified electrodes are used to (i) gain new insights on the electrochemical coupling of metalloproteins to the DNA π-stack with relevance to the fundaments of in vivo DNA-mediated charge transfer and (ii) enhance the overall sensitivity of DNA-mediated reduction for use in the detection of low abundance diagnostic targets.

First, Methylene Blue (MB′) was covalently attached to DNA through a flexible C12 alkyl linker to yield a new redox reporter for DNA electrochemistry measurements with enhanced sensitivity. Tethered, intercalated MB′ was reduced through DNA-mediated charge transport. The redox signal intensity for MB′-dT-C12-DNA was found to be at least 3 fold larger than that of previously used Nile Blue (NB)-dT-DNA, which is coupled to the base stack via direct conjugation. The signal attenuation, due to an intervening mismatch, and therefore the degree of DNA-mediated reduction, does, however, depend on the DNA film morphology and the backfilling agent used to passivate the surface. These results highlight two possible mechanisms for the reduction of MB′ on the DNA-modified electrode that are distinguishable by their kinetics: reduction mediated by the DNA base pair stack and direct surface reduction of MB′ at the electrode. The extent of direct reduction at the surface can be minimized by overall DNA assembly conditions.

Next, a series of intercalation-based DNA-mediated electrochemical reporters were developed, using a flexible alkane linkage to validate and explore their DNA-mediated reduction. The general mechanism for the reduction of distally bound redox active species, covalently tethered to DNA through flexible alkyl linkages, was established to be an intraduplex DNA-mediated pathway. MB, NB, and anthraquinone were covalently tethered to DNA with three different covalent linkages. The extent of electronic coupling of the reporter was shown to correlate with the DNA binding affinity of the redox active species, supporting an intercalative mechanism. These electrochemical signals were shown to be exceptionally sensitive to a single intervening π-stack perturbation, an AC mismatch, in a densely packed DNA monolayer, which further supports that the reduction is DNA-mediated. Finally, this DNA-mediated reduction of MB occurs primarily via intra- rather than inter duplex intercalation, as probed through varying the proximity and integrity of the neighboring duplex DNA. Further gains to electrochemical sensitivity of our DNA-modified devices were then achieved through the application of electrocatalytic signal amplification using these solvent accessible intercalative reporters, MB-dT-C8, and hemoglobin as a novel electron sink. Electrocatalysis offers an excellent means of electrochemical signal amplification, yet in DNA based sensors, its application has been limited due to strict assembly conditions. We describe the use of hemoglobin as a robust and effective electron sink for electrocatalysis in DNA sensing on low density DNA films. Protein shielding of the heme redox center minimizes direct reduction at the electrode surface and permits assays on low density DNA films. Electrocatalysis of MB that is covalently tethered to the DNA by a flexible alkyl linkage allows for efficient interactions with both the base stack and hemoglobin. Consistent suppression of the redox signal upon incorporation of single CA mismatch in the DNA oligomer demonstrates that both the unamplified and the electrocatalytically amplified redox signals are generated through DNA-mediated charge transport. Electrocatalysis with hemoglobin is robust: it is stable to pH and temperature variations. The utility and applicability of electrocatalysis with hemoglobin is demonstrated through restriction enzyme detection, and an enhancement in sensitivity permits femtomole DNA sampling.

Finally, we expanded the application of our multiplexed DNA-modified electrodes to the electrochemical characterization of DNA-bound proteins containing [4Fe-4S] clusters. DNA-modified electrodes have become an essential tool for the characterization of the redox chemistry of DNA repair proteins that contain redox cofactors. Multiplexed analysis of EndonucleaseIII (EndoIII), a DNA repair protein containing a [4Fe-4S] cluster known to be accessible via DNA-mediated charge transport, elucidated subtle differences in the electrochemical behavior as a function of DNA morphology. DNA-bound EndoIII is seen to have two different electron transfer pathways for reduction, either through the DNA base stack or through direct surface reduction. Closely packed DNA films, where the protein has limited surface accessibility, produce electrochemical signals reflecting electron transfer that is DNA-mediated. The electrochemical comparison of EndoIII mutants, including a new family of mutations altering the electrostatics surrounding the [4Fe-4S] cluster, was able to be quantitatively performed. While little change in the midpoint potential was found for this family of mutants, significant variations in the efficiency of DNA-mediated electron transfer were apparent. Based on the stability of these proteins, examined by circular dichroism, we propose that the electron transfer pathway can be perturbed not only by the removal of aromatic residues, but also through changes in solvation near the cluster.


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Cooperative director fluctuations in lipid bilayers have been postulated for many years. ^2H-NMR T_1^(-1), T_(1P)^(-1) , and T_2^(-1); measurements have been used identify these motions and to determine the origin of increased slow bilayer motion upon addition of unlike lipids or proteins to a pure lipid bilayer.

The contribution of cooperative director fluctuations to NMR relaxation in lipid bilayers has been expressed mathematically using the approach of Doane et al.^1 and Pace and Chan.^2 The T_2^(-1)’s of pure dimyristoyllecithin (DML) bilayers deuterated at the 2, 9 and 10, and all positions on both lipid hydrocarbon chains have been measured. Several characteristics of these measurements indicate the presence of cooperative director fluctuations. First of all, T_2^(-1) exhibits a linear dependence on S2/CD. Secondly, T_2^(-1) varies across the ^2H-NMR powder pattern as sin^2 (2, β), where , β is the angle between the average bilayer director and the external magnetic field. Furthermore, these fluctuations are restricted near the lecithin head group suggesting that the head group does not participate in these motions but, rather, anchors the hydrocarbon chains in the bilayer.

T_2^(-1)has been measured for selectively deuterated liquid crystalline DML hilayers to which a host of other lipids and proteins have been added. The T_2^(-1) of the DML bilayer is found to increase drastically when chlorophyll a (chl a) and Gramicidin A' (GA') are added to the bilayer. Both these molecules interfere with the lecithin head group spacing in the bilayer. Molecules such as myristic acid, distearoyllecithin (DSL), phytol, and cholesterol, whose hydrocarbon regions are quite different from DML but which have small,neutral polar head groups, leave cooperative fluctuations in the DML bilayer unchanged.

The effect of chl a on cooperative fluctuations in the DML bilayer has been examined in detail using ^2H-NMR T_1^(-1), T_(1P)^(-1) , and T_2^(-1); measurements. Cooperative fluctuations have been modelled using the continuum theory of the nematic state of liquid crystals. Chl a is found to decrease both the correlation length and the elastic constants in the DML bilayer.

A mismatch between the hydrophobic length of a lipid bilayer and that of an added protein has also been found to change the cooperative properties of the lecithin bilayer. Hydrophobic mismatch has been studied in a series GA' / lecithin bilayers. The dependence of 2H-NMR order parameters and relaxation rates on GA' concentration has been measured in selectively deuterated DML, dipalmitoyllecithin (DPL), and DSL systems. Order parameters, cooperative lengths, and elastic constants of the DML bilayer are most disrupted by GA', while the DSL bilayer is the least perturbed by GA'. Thus, it is concluded that the hydrophobic length of GA' best matches that of the DSL bilayer. Preliminary Raman spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry experiments of GA' /lecithin systems support this conclusion. Accommodation of hydrophobic mismatch is used to rationalize the absence of H_(II) phase formation in GA' /DML systems and the observation of H_(II) phase in GA' /DPL and GA' /DSL systems.

1. J. W. Doane and D. L. Johnson, Chem. Phy3. Lett., 6, 291-295 (1970). 2. R. J. Pace and S. I. Chan, J. Chem. Phy3., 16, 4217-4227 (1982).


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DNA charge transport (CT) involves the efficient transfer of electrons or electron holes through the DNA π-stack over long molecular distances of at least 100 base-pairs. Despite this shallow distance dependence, DNA CT is sensitive to mismatches or lesions that disrupt π-stacking and is critically dependent on proper electronic coupling of the donor and acceptor moieties into the base stack. Favorable DNA CT is very rapid, occurring on the picosecond timescale. Because of this speed, electron holes equilibrate along the DNA π-stack, forming a characteristic pattern of DNA damage at low oxidation potential guanine multiplets. Furthermore, DNA CT may be used in a biological context. DNA processing enzymes with 4Fe4S clusters can perform DNA-mediated electron transfer (ET) self-exchange reactions with other 4Fe4S cluster proteins, even if the proteins are quite dissimilar, as long as the DNA-bound [4Fe4S]3+/2+ redox potentials are conserved. This mechanism would allow low copy number DNA repair proteins to find their lesions efficiently within the cell. DNA CT may also be used biologically for the long-range, selective activation of redox-active transcription factors. Within this work, we pursue other proteins that may utilize DNA CT within the cell and further elucidate aspects of the DNA-mediated ET self-exchange reaction of 4Fe4S cluster proteins.

Dps proteins, bacterial mini-ferritins that protect DNA from oxidative stress, are implicated in the survival and virulence of pathogenic bacteria. One aspect of their protection involves ferroxidase activity, whereby ferrous iron is bound and oxidized selectively by hydrogen peroxide, thereby preventing formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals via Fenton chemistry. Understanding the specific mechanism by which Dps proteins protect the bacterial genome could inform the development of new antibiotics. We investigate whether DNA-binding E. coli Dps can utilize DNA CT to protect the genome from a distance. An intercalating ruthenium photooxidant was employed to generate oxidative DNA damage via the flash-quench technique, which localizes to a low potential guanine triplet. We find that Dps loaded with ferrous iron, in contrast to Apo-Dps and ferric iron-loaded Dps which lack available reducing equivalents, significantly attenuates the yield of oxidative DNA damage at the guanine triplet. These data demonstrate that ferrous iron-loaded Dps is selectively oxidized to fill guanine radical holes, thereby restoring the integrity of the DNA. Luminescence studies indicate no direct interaction between the ruthenium photooxidant and Dps, supporting the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. Thus DNA CT may be a mechanism by which Dps efficiently protects the genome of pathogenic bacteria from a distance.

Further work focused on spectroscopic characterization of the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. X-band EPR was used to monitor the oxidation of DNA-bound Dps after DNA photooxidation via the flash-quench technique. Upon irradiation with poly(dGdC)2, a signal arises with g = 4.3, consistent with the formation of mononuclear high-spin Fe(III) sites of low symmetry, the expected oxidation product of Dps with one iron bound at each ferroxidase site. When poly(dGdC)2 is substituted with poly(dAdT)2, the yield of Dps oxidation is decreased significantly, indicating that guanine radicals facilitate Dps oxidation. The more favorable oxidation of Dps by guanine radicals supports the feasibility of a long-distance protection mechanism via DNA CT where Dps is oxidized to fill guanine radical holes in the bacterial genome produced by reactive oxygen species.

We have also explored possible electron transfer intermediates in the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. Dps proteins contain a conserved tryptophan residue in close proximity to the ferroxidase site (W52 in E. coli Dps). In comparison to WT Dps, in EPR studies of the oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps following DNA photooxidation, W52Y and W52A mutants were deficient in forming the characteristic EPR signal at g = 4.3, with a larger deficiency for W52A compared to W52Y. In addition to EPR, we also probed the role of W52 Dps in cells using a hydrogen peroxide survival assay. Bacteria containing W52Y Dps survived the hydrogen peroxide challenge more similarly to those containing WT Dps, whereas cells with W52A Dps died off as quickly as cells without Dps. Overall, these results suggest the possibility of W52 as a CT hopping intermediate.

DNA-modified electrodes have become an essential tool for the study of the redox chemistry of DNA processing enzymes with 4Fe4S clusters. In many cases, it is necessary to investigate different complex samples and substrates in parallel in order to elucidate this chemistry. Therefore, we optimized and characterized a multiplexed electrochemical platform with the 4Fe4S cluster base excision repair glycosylase Endonuclease III (EndoIII). Closely packed DNA films, where the protein has limited surface accessibility, produce EndoIII electrochemical signals sensitive to an intervening mismatch, indicating a DNA-mediated process. Multiplexed analysis allowed more robust characterization of the CT-deficient Y82A EndoIII mutant, as well as comparison of a new family of mutations altering the electrostatics surrounding the 4Fe4S cluster in an effort to shift the reduction potential of the cluster. While little change in the DNA-bound midpoint potential was found for this family of mutants, likely indicating the dominant effect of DNA-binding on establishing the protein redox potential, significant variations in the efficiency of DNA-mediated electron transfer were apparent. On the basis of the stability of these proteins, examined by circular dichroism, we proposed that the electron transfer pathway in EndoIII can be perturbed not only by the removal of aromatic residues but also through changes in solvation near the cluster.

While the 4Fe4S cluster of EndoIII is relatively insensitive to oxidation and reduction in solution, we have found that upon DNA binding, the reduction potential of the [4Fe4S]3+/2+ couple shifts negatively by approximately 200 mV, bringing this couple into a physiologically relevant range. Demonstrated using electrochemistry experiments in the presence and absence of DNA, these studies do not provide direct molecular evidence for the species being observed. Sulfur K-edge X-ray absorbance spectroscopy (XAS) can be used to probe directly the covalency of iron-sulfur clusters, which is correlated to their reduction potential. We have shown that the Fe-S covalency of the 4Fe4S cluster of EndoIII increases upon DNA binding, stabilizing the oxidized [4Fe4S]3+ cluster, consistent with a negative shift in reduction potential. The 7% increase in Fe-S covalency corresponds to an approximately 150 mV shift, remarkably similar to DNA electrochemistry results. Therefore we have obtained direct molecular evidence for the shift in 4Fe4S reduction potential of EndoIII upon DNA binding, supporting the feasibility of our model whereby these proteins can utilize DNA CT to cooperate in order to efficiently find DNA lesions inside cells.

In conclusion, in this work we have explored the biological applications of DNA CT. We discovered that the DNA-binding bacterial ferritin Dps can protect the bacterial genome from a distance via DNA CT, perhaps contributing to pathogen survival and virulence. Furthermore, we optimized a multiplexed electrochemical platform for the study of the redox chemistry of DNA-bound 4Fe4S cluster proteins. Finally, we have used sulfur K-edge XAS to obtain direct molecular evidence for the negative shift in 4Fe4S cluster reduction potential of EndoIII upon DNA binding. These studies contribute to the understanding of DNA-mediated protein oxidation within cells.