289 resultados para Misa-Ceremonial
Vol. 1 contains "Histoire des anciens traitez ... par Mr. Barbeyrac," in 2 parts, each with special t.-p. and separate paging; vols. 4-5, "Le ceremonial diplomatique des cours de l'Europe ... " with special t.-p. and general half-title.
Esta pesquisa busca evidenciar e analisar a construção das representações simbólicas, imaginárias e midiáticas da monarquia britânica contemporânea nas narrativas do telejornalismo brasileiro, presentes na exibição de seus eventos rituais e cerimoniais, tornando-os acontecimentos midiáticos relevantes na programação das emissoras de maior audiência do país e tema recorrente na pauta dos meios de comunicação pesquisados. Analisa a dimensão mítica e simbólica da construção de suas representações, as quais, ao serem reproduzidas e exibidas pela televisão, ganham maior alcance comunicacional e midiático junto às diferentes culturas locais, no amplo espectro global. Para tanto, combina uma pesquisa bibliográfica e histórica com uma pesquisa empírica voltada à análise de narrativas telejornalísticas, presentes nas emissoras Globo e Record entre 2010 e 2013. Definiu-se nas imagens e narrativas telejornalísticas o corpus dessa pesquisa, por seu alcance e distribuição, além de referência, audiência e preferência popular entre os diversos veículos de comunicação no Brasil e no mundo.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine students’ perceptions of managerial mistakes and why (and why not) managers admit mistakes. Design/methodology/approach – This paper provides a reflective account of how students’ perceive management mistakes and deal with admitting “mea culpa” – “I am to blame”. Findings – The findings show a range of attitudes: they highlight the intermingling pressures associated with the cultural environment and mistakes; they identify media characteristics and its influences on mistakes and mea culpa; they highlight ceremonial processes and tasks that shape and influence the declaration of mea culpa; and they identify how the psychology and sociology of mistakes confronts and affects students. Taken together, the study highlights the varying degrees of wariness that is carried forward by the students from vicariously learning about management mistakes. Originality/value – This paper links up with recent discussions on retail failure and retail pedagogy. It is hoped that this paper will encourage more academics to address, and engage with, management mistakes creatively in their teaching.
Empirical examinations of the links between corporate governance and intellectual capital are underresearched, particularly from the context of emerging economies where corporate governance mechanisms tend to be largely ceremonial due to family dominance. This study aims to address this gap in the intellectual capital disclosure (ICD) literature by undertaking an empirical examination of the relationship between corporate governance and the extent of ICD of Bangladeshi companies. Inter alia, the key findings of this study suggest that there is a non-linear relationship between family ownership and the extent of ICD. This research also found that foreign ownership, board independence, and the presence of audit committees are positively associated with the extent of ICD. Conversely, family duality (i.e., where the positions of CEO and chairperson are occupied by two individuals from the same family) is negatively associated with the extent of ICD.
International migration sets in motion a range of significant transnational processes that connect countries and people. How migration interacts with development and how policies might promote and enhance such interactions have, since the turn of the millennium, gained attention on the international agenda. The recognition that transnational practices connect migrants and their families across sending and receiving societies forms part of this debate. The ways in which policy debate employs and understands transnational family ties nevertheless remain underexplored. This article sets out to discern the understandings of the family in two (often intermingled) debates concerned with transnational interactions: The largely state and policydriven discourse on the potential benefits of migration on economic development, and the largely academic transnational family literature focusing on issues of care and the micro-politics of gender and generation. Emphasizing the relation between diverse migration-development dynamics and specific family positions, we ask whether an analytical point of departure in respective transnational motherhood, fatherhood or childhood is linked to emphasizing certain outcomes. We conclude by sketching important strands of inclusions and exclusions of family matters in policy discourse and suggest ways to better integrate a transnational family perspective in global migration-development policy.
Este artículo analiza las estatuas-menhir noroccidentales que se distribuyen en el área comprendida entre los valles del río Duero y el río Miño, pero que descubrimientos recientes han extendido a regiones fuera de este área nuclear. Partiendo de tres aspectos claves para su interpretación (la cronología, su relación con el paisaje y su sentido iconográfico), se examinan las relaciones entre estas formas materiales y un paisaje socio-material de acción específico (las formas socio-materiales de interacción propias del Bronce final atlántico). Para ello, se tiene en cuenta diferentes conexiones materiales (presencia, encuentro, coexistencia, hibridación, etc.) que permiten contextualizar las estatuasmenhir dentro de un proceso histórico particular: la integración del noroeste de la península Ibérica en un contexto de relaciones mediterráneo-atlánticas, en la segunda mitad del II milenio a.C.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
A través de los tiempos los compositores consagrados de la historia de la música han hecho de la Misa de Difuntos o Réquiem una memorable remembranza de la idea de la vida y de la muerte; sus partes estructurales y textos proporcionan una intención dramática intrínseca que de por si pretenden mostrar el camino de la salvación y el perdón de un Ser Supremo hacia sus fieles difuntos. La obra contienen un profundo carácter social que le es conferido ya en su tema, Réquiem a los Migrantes ; la obra es una imagen de la realidad de nuestro país Ecuador, realidad social llamada Migración, que ha obligado al compositor a manifestarse de manera que sus conocimientos técnicos musicales compositivos sean una expresión y un llamado de atención a ese problema que padecemos como sociedad. El presente trabajo esta divido en tres partes, el primer capítulo dedicado a los antecedentes e influencias estilísticas del compositor de la Obra Sinfónico - Coral; a continuación en el segundo capítulo se muestra el aporte del compositor de la obra, particularmente en la utilización de la Música Litúrgica y sus textos, en el tercer capítulo se estudia de la obra completa Réquiem a los Migrantes desde el punto de vista del Encuadre Armónico, el Tratamiento de los Textos, Estructuración Formal y la Instrumentación Utilizada. Para terminar se realiza una breve descripción de las composiciones complementarias que son un requisito que exige la Escuela de Música de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Cuenca.
Una primera definición planteada por Eduardo Restrepo del Corral en su libro Etiqueta y ceremonial diplomático, dice que "el protocolo es una regla ceremonial diplomática, establecida por decreto o por costumbre”. Otro acercamiento al concepto, hace referencia al comportamiento acostumbrado en diferentes actos ceremoniales. Y una definición más práctica y sencilla la plantea la profesora Margarita Zuleta quien dice que el protocolo es "amabilidad y respeto”.A la altura de esta reflexión se dirá que hay situaciones tan delicadas y tan importantes en este mundo, que lo ya mencionado poco aporta al desarrollo y a la historia de las personas, de las organizaciones y de las ciudades. Sin embargo los detalles como el cumplimiento, lo memorable y no lo interminable, el orden lógico de los discursos, el respeto por los himnos y las banderas, permiten a las personas caer en la cuenta de si una actividad se hizo con todo el sello que dan el ceremonial y el protocolo. Protocolo y ceremonial se confunden así mismo en muchos casos con etiqueta, urbanidad o cortesía. Por ello nada mejor que abordar en este libro, en sus diferentes capítulos, las diferencias y las similitudes, para lograr seguridad, sentido común y proyección en toda situación.
The paper presents excavation results and analytical studies concerning the taxonomic classification of a funerary site identified with the communities of the early ‘barrow cultures’ settling the north-western Black Sea Coast in the 4th/3rd-2nd millennium BC. The study focuses on the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic, Yamnaya, Catacomb and Babyno cultures.
The paper presents the results of excavations and analytical studies regarding the taxonomic classification of a funeral site associated with the societies of ‘barrow cultures’ of the north-western Black Sea Coast in the first half of the 3rd and the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The study discusses the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic, Yamnaya and Noua cultures.
The paper presents excavation results and analytical studies concerning the taxonomic classification of a funerary site identified with the communities of the ‘barrow cultures’ settling the north-western Black Sea Coast in the first half of the 3rd and the middle of the 2nd millennia BC . The study focuses on the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic communities of the Babyno and Noua cultures .
The article presents the present state of research on the general issue of the dniester region of cultural contacts between communities settling the Baltic and Pontic drainage basins . Some five domains of research shall be brought to discussion in which it is possible to see fresh opportunities for archaeological study, on the basis of ‘Yampil studies’ on dniester-Podolia (forest-steppe) barrow-culture ceremonial centres from the latter half of the 4th millennium and first half of the 3rd millennium BC . This relates to the peoples of the Eneolithic and the Early Bronze age . in terms of topogenesis, embracing the Pontic-Tripolye, Yamnaya and Catacomb cultures, as well as Globular amphora and Corded ware in central prehistoric Europe .
A arte de dobrar papel teve origem na China no século I ou II d.C., e difundiu-se pelo Japão no século VI. Esta arte milenar tem cativado a atenção dos estudiosos ao longo de séculos. Inicialmente ligada ao culto religioso, adoptada posteriormente pelos samurais como entretenimento, é hoje mundialmente aceite como uma arte. Transmitido de mães para filhas durante gerações, foi no século XIX, pela mão do pedagogo Frõebel, introduzido no currículo escolar alemão, sendo desde então considerado por muitos como um instrumento primordial na aquisição de conhecimentos, especialmente na área a geometria e por outros um elemento básico de interdisciplinaridade. Este trabalho pretende demonstrar as potencialidades do Origami como instrumento essencial nas diversas áreas curriculares, especialmente no estudo de conceitos matemáticos, nomeadamente no âmbito da geometria e a sua inclusão no currículo escolar. O uso do Origami na sala de aula inspira curiosidade e motiva a criatividade. ABSTRACT: The art of paper folding arose in China during the first or second century A.D. By the sixth century, it had spread to Japan. This millenary art got the scientific community's attention for centuries. At the beginning, folding was associated with a ceremonial act, later on it was use by Samurais as entertainment, and today it is accepted as an art by all. Transmitted from mothers to children during generations, it was introduced by Frõebel in the German curriculum and since then has been considered by some as an instrument for teaching basic geometry and by others as essential in interdisciplinary concepts. With this work we would like to show the Origami potentialities as an instrument connecting different curriculum areas, especially in mathematics, particularly in geometry and his inclusion in education curriculum. The use of Origami in the classroom helps children to obtain and consolidate basic concepts and inspire curiosity and promote their creativity.