969 resultados para Mineral research


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Research has investigated the best nitrogen rate for maize under the most diverse types of soil management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of cover crops, soil management and topdressed N rates on the dry matter production, nutritional status, plant lodging, plant height and first-ear insertion of maize. Field experiments were carried out in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in the growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, on a clayey Rhodic Haplustox (20º 20' S and 51º 24' W, at 340 m asl). Thirty-six treatments were established with four replications, in a randomized blocks design, to test combinations of cover crops (millet, Crotalaria juncea and millet + Crotalaria juncea), soil management (tillage with chisel plow + lightweight disking, heavy disking + lightweight disking, and no-tillage system) and N rates (0, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 - urea as source). The maize hybrid DKB 350 YG® was used and topdressing N applied at stage V5 (fifth expanded leaf). Previously grown sunn hemp and millet + sunn hemp resulted in a higher shoot dry matter, P leaf content and total N, P and K uptake. In the no-tillage system, the initial and final population and shoot dry were highest, and first-ear insertion and plant height lower. The application of 120 kg ha-1 topdressed N increased the P leaf content, N and P in the entire plant, shoot dry matter, total N, P and K uptake, plant height, and the first-ear insertion of maize.


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Fruit quality is the result of the action of several factors, in particular the individual and combined effect of mineral nutrients. The proper evaluation of mineral nutritional requirements causes that fruit plants can express all their genetic potential. Thus, a research has been conducted in tropical fruit, for evaluating the influence of mineral nutrients on fruit quality; however, they appear dispersed. The objective of this review was to compile and report the effects of mineral nutrients on fruit quality of guava, mango, banana and papaya. Consequently, information about the influence of the essential elements in color, flavor, shape, size, appearance, penetration resistance, physiological disturbs disease incidence, physicochemical characteristics and lifetime of post - harvest fruit are presented.


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The constant search for sustainability of production systems have driven research to find alternatives to the problems arising from the intensified use such systems. In this context the present work aimed study the effects of substitution of mineral nitrogen by chicken litter in oat and corn crop in succession and the chemical characteristics of soil. The study was conducted during the period May 2009 to March 2010 in area of Oxisol. The design was of randomized block with four replications. The six treatments were obtained by a combination of different amounts of chicken litter (0, 1500, 3000, 4500, 6000 and 7500 kg ha(-1)) applied 30 days before the sowing of oats combined with the mineral nitrogen applied in coverage in corn (311.1, 257.8, 202.2, 148.9, 95.6, 42.2 kg ha(-1) of urea), for the total supply of 140 kg ha(-1) of nitrogen (N). The application of poultry litter in oat promotes increased the production of dry matter, and content and accumulation of N. The mineral nitrogen substitution by chicken litter increases the yield of corn crop. The use of poultry litter alters the chemical properties of soil, increasing the levels of organic matter, exchangeable Al and acidity potential. However lowers the pH, K, Ca, Mg, sum of bases and base saturation.


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The jambu belongs to the family Asteraceae, tropical crop, nowadays, this plant has been considered as a promising vegetable crop, because to its pharmacological properties. Despite this novelty, the vegetable remains invisible in the statistics of production and market in the state of Para, Brazil. This research was carried out with the aim of comparing the economic productivity and phenological development by the morpho-physiological growth indexes of two cultivars of jambu organic manure and mineral fertilizers. The experiment was carried out at the Sao Manuel Experimental Farm (Sao Manuel-SP), which belongs to the Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas - UNESP, campus Botucatu. The experimental design was a factorial randomized blocks (2 x 2) with two fertilization (organic and mineral) and two cultivars (Jambuarana and Nazareth), with six replications, two fertilization (organic and mineral) and two cultivars (Jambuarana and Nazareth). The following characteristics were evaluated: Plant height (cm), Leaf area (cm(2)), Fresh mass (g), Dry mass (g), Leaf area index (LAI), Leaf area ratio (LAR), Specific leaf Area (SLA), Leaf Weight Ratio (LWR), Amount of water in the plant (QAPA) (g per plant set), Leaf specific weight (LSW) (g cm(-2) per plant set) and Economic productivity. All data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and the Tukey test (1%) for mean comparison, with the software SISVAR. In the conditions of this experiment was carried out, it was possible to verify that the cultivar Jamburana had not only a good agronomic development and economic productivity under organic fertilization but also the best morpho-physiological indexes, showing that this kind of fertilization increases the agronomic effectiveness of this cultivar.


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This study investigated the effect of inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources on enzyme production by Myceliophthora thermophila M.7.7 in solid-state fermentation. Three kinds of lignocellulosic waste (corn straw, sugarcane bagasse and sugarcane straw) and six nitrogen sources (urea, calcium nitrate, analytical ammonium sulphate, yeast extract, agricultural fertilizer NPK 20-05-20 and fertilizing grade ammonium sulphate) were tested. Some physical-chermical parameters of the fermentation, such as temperature, initial pH and moisture content of the substrate on enzyme production, were evoluated. The maximum activities of xylanase (446.9 U/ml) endoglucanase (94.7 U/ml) and beta-glucosidase (2.8 U/ml) were observed in a mixture of corn straw and wheat bran (1:1 w/w) as the carbon source using fertilizer grade ammonium sulphate as the nitrogen source. This production occurred for an incubation period of 96 h, at 40°C, with initial moisture content of 70% and pH 5.0. These results have significant interest since they could be used for the future production of enzymes in a low-cost industrial process.


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Several factors influence the productivity and fruit quality of pineapple and passion fruit, among which are: climate, soil fertilization and irrigation practices. Mineral nutrition is essential to increase productivity and improve fruit quality; however, there is a few information about the effect of fertilization in these two fruit crops, especially under tropical conditions. The objective of this review was to compile the main research results, in which the influence of mineral nutrition on the fruit quality was evaluated. We considered the information recently published in scientific journals, and presented it for the macronutrients individually, then to NPK and, finally, the micronutrients. The review showed that it is difficult to say that some element favors or not certain characteristics of pineapple and passion fruit fruits, since the results are inconsistent and there is not many information. More than established the effects of mineral nutrients on the fruit quality of these two fruit crops, we stand out that research in this topic is very necessary.


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The acid weathering of pyrite-bearing Pennsylvanian clastic sedimentary rocks in southeastern Nebraska locally produces the secondary sulfate minerals alunogen, copiapite, epsomite, felsobanyaite/basaluminite, gypsum, halotrichite, jarosite, rozenite, and slavikite. Of these mineral occurrences, four are first-time discoveries in the state or the surrounding region. Slavikite (NaMg2Fe5 (S04)7 (OH) 6• 33H20), which has been reported only once before in North America and from a handful of sites in Europe and South America, was found in abundance at an outcrop at Brownville, NE. The pH values in 1:1 solutions of deionized water of the studied minerals, excluding epsomite, range from 1.94 to 4.82. Therefore, segregations of secondary minerals in themselves are significant microenvironmental reservoirs of acid that can be mobilized during precipitation events. Because of its role in liberating and concentrating ions such as Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mg3+, and SO42-, acid rock weathering should be considered in local to regional assessments of surface-water and groundwater chemistry. Observations also suggest that rock weathering by the growth of sulfate salts is a potential factor in local hillslope development, one that has not previously been considered in the study area.


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Mejillonesite, ideally NaMg(2)(PO(3)OH)(PO(4))(OH)center dot H(5)O(2), is a new mineral approved by the CNMNC (IMA 2010-068). It occurs as isolated crystal aggregates in thin zones in fine-grained opal-zeolite aggregate on the north slope of Cerro Mejillones, Antofagasta, Chile. Closely associated minerals are bobierrite, opal, clinoptilolite-Na, clinoptilolite-K, and gypsum. Mejillonesite forms orthorhombic, prismatic, and elongated thick tabular crystals up to 6 mm long, usually intergrown in radiating aggregates. The dominant form is pinacoid {100}. Prisms {hk0}, {h0l}, and {0kl} are also observed. The crystals are colorless, their streak is white, and the luster is vitreous. The mineral is transparent. It is non-fluorescent under ultraviolet light. Mohs' hardness is 4, tenacity is brittle. Cleavage is perfect on {100}, good on {010} and {001}, and fracture is stepped. The measured density is 2.36(1) g/cm(3); the calculated density is 2.367 g/cm(3). Mejillonesite is biaxial (-), alpha= 1.507(2), beta= 1.531(2), gamma= 1.531(2), 2V(meas) = 15(10)degrees, 2V(calc) = 0 degrees (589 nm). Orientation is X= a, Z= elongation direction. The mineral is non-pleochroic. Dispersion is r> v, medium. The IR spectrum contains characteristic bands of the Zundel cation (H(5)O(2)(+), or H(+)center dot 2H(2)O) and the groups P-OH and OH(-). The chemical composition is (by EDS, H(2)O by the Alimarin method, wt%): Na(2)O 9.19, MgO 26.82, P(2)O(5) 46.87, H(2)O 19, total 101.88. The empirical formula, based on 11 oxygen atoms, is Na(0.93)Mg(2.08)(PO(3)OH)(1.00) (PO(4)) (OH)(0.86) .0.95H(5)O(2) The strongest eight X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom(I)(hkl)] are: 8.095(100)(200), 6.846(9) (210), 6.470(8)(111), 3.317(5)(302), 2.959(5)(132), 2.706(12)(113), 2.157(19)(333), and 2.153(9) (622). The crystal structure was solved on a single crystal (R = 0.055) and gave the following data: orthorhombic, Pbca, a = 16.295(1), b = 13.009(2), c = 8.434(1) angstrom, V= 1787.9(4) angstrom(3), Z = 8. The crystal structure of mejillonesite is based on a sheet (parallel to the b-c plane) formed by two types of MgO(6) octahedra, isolated tetrahedra PO(4) and PO(3)OH whose apical vertices have different orientation with respect to the sheet. The sheets are connected by interlayer, 5-coordinated sodium ions, proton hydration complexes, and hydroxyl groups. The structure of mejillonesite is related to that of angarfite, NaFe(5)(3+)(PO(4))(4)(OH)(4).4H(2)O and bakhchisaraitsevite, Na(2)Mg(5)(PO(4))(4)center dot 7H(2)O.


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To investigate the potential role of vitamin or mineral supplementation on the risk of head and neck cancer (HNC), we analyzed individual-level pooled data from 12 casecontrol studies (7,002 HNC cases and 8,383 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology consortium. There were a total of 2,028 oral cavity cancer, 2,465 pharyngeal cancer, 874 unspecified oral/pharynx cancer, 1,329 laryngeal cancer and 306 overlapping HNC cases. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for self reported ever use of any vitamins, multivitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and calcium, beta-carotene, iron, selenium and zinc supplements were assessed. We further examined frequency, duration and cumulative exposure of each vitamin or mineral when possible and stratified by smoking and drinking status. All ORs were adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, study center, education level, pack-years of smoking, frequency of alcohol drinking and fruit/vegetable intake. A decreased risk of HNC was observed with ever use of vitamin C (OR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.590.96) and with ever use of calcium supplement (OR = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.420.97). The inverse association with HNC risk was also observed for 10 or more years of vitamin C use (OR = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.540.97) and more than 365 tablets of cumulative calcium intake (OR = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.160.83), but linear trends were not observed for the frequency or duration of any supplement intake. We did not observe any strong associations between vitamin or mineral supplement intake and the risk of HNC.


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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the pH, calcium ion release, setting time, and solubility of white mineral trioxide aggregate (WMTA) and white Portland cement (WPC) combined with the following radiopacifying agents: bismuth oxide (BO), calcium tungstate (CT), and zirconium oxide (ZO). Methods: Fifty acrylic teeth with root-end filling material were immersed in ultrapure water for measurement of pH and calcium release (atomic absorption spectrophotometry) at 3, 24, 72, and 168 hours. For evaluation of setting time, each material was analyzed according to the American Society for Testing and Materials guidelines 266/08. The solubility test was performed according to American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association specification no. 57/2000. Solubility, setting time, and pH values were compared by using analysis of variance and Tukey test, and the values of calcium release were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis and Miller tests. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: The pH and calcium release were higher at 3 and 24 hours. WPC was the material with the higher values for both properties. WMTA had the greatest solubility among all materials (P < .05). All radiopacifiers increased the setting time of WPC, and WMTA had the shortest setting time among all materials (P < .05). Conclusions: All materials released calcium ions. Except for WPC/CT at 168 hours, all materials promoted an alkaline pH. On the basis of the obtained results, ZO and CT can be considered as potential radiopacifying agents to be used in combination with Portland cement. (J Endod 2012;38:394-397)


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Witzkeite, ideally Na4K4Ca(NO3)(2)(SO4)(4)center dot 2H(2)O, is a new mineral found in the oxidation zone of the guano mining field at Punta de Lobos, Tarapaca region, Chile. It occurs as colorless, tabular crystals up to 140 mu m in length, associated with dittmanite and nitratine. Witzkeite is colorless and transparent, with a white streak and a vitreous luster. It is brittle, with Molts hardness 2 and distinct cleavage on {001}. Measured density is 2.40(2) g/cm(3), calculated density is 2.403 g/cm(3). Witzkeite is biaxial (-) with refractive indexes alpha = 1.470(5), beta = 1.495(5), gamma = 1.510(5), measured 2V = 50-70 degrees. The empirical composition is (electron microprobe, mean of five analyses, H2O, CO2, and N2O5 by gas chromatography; wt%): Na2O 12.83, K2O 22.64, CaO 7.57, FeO 0.44, SO3 39.96, N2O5 12.7, H2O 4.5, total 100.64; CO2 was not detected. The chemical formula, calculated based on 24 O, is: Na3.40K3.95Ca1.11Fe0.05(NO3)(1.93)(SO4)(4.10)(H4.10O1.81). Witzkeite is monoclinic, space group C2/c, with unit-cell parameters: a = 24.902(2), b = 5.3323(4), c = 17.246(1) angstrom, beta = 94.281(7)degrees, V = 2283.6(3) angstrom(3) (Z = 4). The crystal structure was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data and refined to R-1(F) = 0.043. Witzkeite belongs to a new structure type and is noteworthy for the very rare simultaneous presence of sulfate and nitrate groups. The eight strongest X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I in %) (h k l)] are: 12.38 (100) (2 0 0), 4.13 (19) (6 0 0), 3.10 (24) (8 0 0), 2.99 (7) ((8) over bar 02), 2.85 (6) (8 02), 2.69 (9) ((7) over bar 1 3), 2.48 (12) (10 0 0), and 2.07 (54) (12 0 0). The IR spectrum of witzkeite was collected in the range 390-4000 cm(-1). The spectrum shows the typical bands of SO42- ions (1192, 1154, 1116, 1101, 1084, 993, 634, and 617 cm(-1)) and of NO3- ions (1385, 1354, 830, 716, and 2775 cm(-1)). Moreover, a complex pattern of bands related to H2O is visible (bands at 3565, 3419, 3260, 2405, 2110, 1638, and 499 cm(-1)). The IR spectrum is discussed in detail.


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This study compared dentine demineralization induced by in vitro and in situ models, and correlated dentine surface hardness (SH), cross-sectional hardness (CSH) and mineral content by transverse microradiography (TMR). Bovine dentine specimens (n = 15/group) were demineralized in vitro with the following: MC gel (6% carboxymethylcellulose gel and 0.1 m lactic acid, pH 5.0, 14 days); buffer I (0.05 m acetic acid solution with calcium, phosphate and fluoride, pH 4.5, 7 days); buffer II (0.05 m acetic acid solution with calcium and phosphate, pH 5.0, 7 days), and TEMDP (0.05 m lactic acid with calcium, phosphate and tetraethyl methyl diphosphonate, pH 5.0, 7 days). In an in situ study, 11 volunteers wore palatal appliances containing 2 bovine dentine specimens, protected with a plastic mesh to allow biofilm development. The volunteers dripped a 20% sucrose solution on each specimen 4 times a day for 14 days. In vitro and in situ lesions were analyzed using TMR and statistically compared by ANOVA. TMR and CSH/SH were submitted to regression and correlation analysis (p < 0.05). The in situ model produced a deep lesion with a high R value, but with a thin surface layer. Regarding the in vitro models, MC gel produced only a shallow lesion, while buffers I and II as well as TEMDP induced a pronounced subsurface lesion with deep demineralization. The relationship between CSH and TMR was weak and not linear. The artificial dentine carious lesions induced by the different models differed significantly, which in turn might influence further de- and remineralization processes. Hardness analysis should not be interpreted with respect to dentine mineral loss


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Introduction The objective of this study was to assess three-dimensional bone geometry and density at the epiphysis and shaft of the third meta-carpal bone of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients in comparison to healthy controls with the novel method of peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT). Methods PQCT scans were performed in 50 female RA patients and 100 healthy female controls at the distal epiphyses and shafts of the third metacarpal bone, the radius and the tibia. Reproducibility was determined by coefficient of varia-tion. Bone densitometric and geometric parameters were compared between the two groups and correlated to disease characteristics. Results Reproducibility of different pQCT parameters was between 0.7% and 2.5%. RA patients had 12% to 19% lower trabecular bone mineral density (BMD) (P ≤ 0.001) at the distal epiphyses of radius, tibia and metacarpal bone. At the shafts of these bones RA patients had 7% to 16% thinner cortices (P ≤ 0.03). Total cross-sectional area (CSA) at the metacarpal bone shaft of pa-tients was larger (between 5% and 7%, P < 0.02), and relative cortical area was reduced by 13%. Erosiveness by Ratingen score correlated negatively with tra-becular and total BMD at the epiphyses and shaft cortical thickness of all measured bones (P < 0.04). Conclusions Reduced trabecular BMD and thinner cortices at peripheral bones, and a greater bone shaft diameter at the metacarpal bone suggest RA spe-cific bone alterations. The proposed pQCT protocol is reliable and allows measuring juxta-articular trabecular BMD and shaft geometry at the metacarpal bone.


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Osteoporosis is characterised by a progressive loss of bone mass and microarchitecture which leads to increased fracture risk. Some of the drugs available to date have shown reductions in vertebral and non-vertebral fracture risk. However, in the ageing population of industrialised countries, still more fractures happen today than are avoided, which highlights the large medical need for new treatment options, models, and strategies. Recent insights into bone biology, have led to a better understanding of bone cell functions and crosstalk between osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes at the molecular level. In the future, the armamentarium against osteoporotic fractures will likely be enriched by (1.) new bone anabolic substances such as antibodies directed against the endogenous inhibitors of bone formation sclerostin and dickkopf-1, PTH and PTHrp analogues, and possibly calcilytics; (2.) new inhibitors of bone resorption such as cathepsin K inhibitors which may suppress osteoclast function without impairing osteoclast viability and thus maintain bone formation by preserving the osteoclast-osteoblast crosstalk, and denosumab, an already widely available antibody against RANKL which inhibits osteoclast formation, function, and survival; and (3.) new therapeutic strategies based on an extended understanding of the pathophysiology of osteoporosis which may include sequential therapies with two or more bone active substances aimed at optimising the management of bone capital acquired during adolescence and maintained during adulthood in terms of both quantity and quality. Finally, one of the future challenges will be to identify those patients and patient populations expected to benefit the most from a given drug therapy or regimen. The WHO fracture risk assessment tool FRAX® and improved access to bone mineral density measurements by DXA will play a key role in this regard.