997 resultados para Metodologias de manutenção
Comparação de duas metodologias de amostragem atmosférica com ferramenta estatística não paramétrica
In atmospheric aerosol sampling, it is inevitable that the air that carries particles is in motion, as a result of both externally driven wind and the sucking action of the sampler itself. High or low air flow sampling speeds may lead to significant particle size bias. The objective of this work is the validation of measurements enabling the comparison of species concentration from both air flow sampling techniques. The presence of several outliers and increase of residuals with concentration becomes obvious, requiring non-parametric methods, recommended for the handling of data which may not be normally distributed. This way, conversion factors are obtained for each of the various species under study using Kendall regression.
A simple and didactic experiment was developed for image monitoring of the browning of fruit tissues caused by the enzyme polyphenol oxidase. The procedure, easy and inexpensive, is a valuable tool to teach and demonstrate the redox reaction between the enzyme and the natural polyphenols. To obtain the browning percentage for apple, pear and banana, digital photographs were employed, and the images were analyzed by means of Monte Carlo methods and digital analysis programs. The effects of several experimental conditions were studied, such as pH, light, temperature and the presence of oxygen or anti-oxidants. It was observed that each fruit presented a different condition that better minimized the oxidation process. The absence of oxygen and the application of a bissulphite solution were sufficient to keep the quality of all fruits tested.
This paper presents a review of some published proposals for the analysis of sodium alendronate. The drug is an aminobisphosphonate compound used to inhibit the osteoclastic resorption of bone, and different methods were developed for its quantitative determination. These methodologies employed reversed-phase or ion-exchange HPLC analysis, both associated with different detectors: UV and fluorescence detection after derivatization of the drug, conductivity and refractive index detectors, as well as the indirect UV detection. Titrimetry and spectrophotometry (with previous complexation of the drug), which are simpler procedures, were also described, but they showed poor specificity when compared to liquid chromatography.
Fumonisins are mycotoxins occurring worldwide, mainly in maize and maize-based food products, which could affect animal and human health. This paper reviews analytical methodologies for the determination of these fungal toxins in foods. It includes extraction, cleanup, derivatization procedures, detection, quantification, and confirmation procedures. Initial attempts at gas chromatographic methods and thin layer chromatography were supplanted by liquid chromatographic methods, mainly performed with fluorometric detection, or mass spectrometry detection, enabling the analysis of polar and thermolabile chemicals without chemical derivatization, which results in lower limits of detection. Alternative methods, such as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay or zone capillary zone electrophoresis, are also described.
The skin is a very complex organ, continuously exposed to physical, chemical and microbiological agents. Enzymes as well as low-molecular weight antioxidants are present in the cutaneous tissue to counterbalance the deleterious effect caused by an oxidative stress and thus maintain homeostasis. Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and extracts with these properties have been extensively used for treatment of pathologies and skin aging prevention. We review here different mechanisms that can interfere in the redox equilibrium of the skin, as well as the chemical reactions involved in these processes. Moreover, we discuss the importance of endogenous or exogenous antioxidants that can be acquired from the diet or from oral or topical administration, and methodologies that have been developed to evaluate their efficacy.
This work describes the development of electroanalytical methodologies for the determination of atrazine, ametrine and simazine by square wave voltammetry on a mercury electrode. For pure atrazine and pure ametrine, the detection limits (DL) were 3.7 and 4.3 µg L-1, respectively, while they increased to 4.8 and 6.5 µg L-1 in the presence of 3.0 x 10-6 mol L-1 of the other component (a mathematical deconvolution program was used in the mixture cases). The voltammetric response for simazine could not be separated from that of atrazine and measurements were carried out only in pure simazine solutions (DL: 7.5 µg L-1).
The efficiency for immobilizing microbial Candida rugosa lipase on a hybrid matrix of polysiloxane polyvinyl alcohol, by adsorption, covalent coupling and encapsulation was compared. The activities of immobilized derivatives were evaluated using p-nitrophenylpalmitate (hydrolysis) and butyric acid and butanol (esterification) as substrates. Operational stability and storage tests were also performed. Among the procedures tested, the proposed matrix was efficient for immobilizing C. rugosa lipase by adsorption and covalent coupling techniques and unsuitable for encapsulation purposes. The results reveal that better catalytic properties in both aqueous and organic media were demonstrated by the covalent coupling POS-PVA immobilized lipase, including also satisfactory half-life and good storage stability.
The international organizations CLSI and EUCAST developed reference methodologies for activity evaluation antifungal. The aim of this work was to compare the recommended methodologies by the CLSI and EUCAST in the antifungal activity evaluation of crude extracts of Azadirachta indica and green propolis. The results showed that the MIC values determined by the EUCAST methodology were smaller than that determined by the CLSI. Nevertheless, both methodologies were satisfactory to detect and evaluate antifungal activity of the crude extracts and isolated compounds. The EUCAST methodology showed advantage by making possible to obtain results in less time.
The earth diatomite is a material used by the industries in the filtration process and clarification of the beer. This material presents a reduced useful life due to the blockages of their pores during the filtration process. The objective of this work was to reactivate the properties of filtration of the earth diatomite, saturated with organic matter during the filtration stage, starting from a controlled thermal treatment. The obtained results demonstrated that the earth diatomite saturated with organic matter submitted to a controlled thermal treatment has their filtration properties reactivated, could be reused in the beer production process.
The oxidation of sulphur compounds upon burning emits large quantities of SOx into the atmosphere. Therefore, there is growing interest in fast and accurate methods for analyzing sulphur content in fuels. The objective of this work was to compare four different methods of total sulphur determination in solid fuels. The methods used in this work were Eschka, Infrared, Thermal Conductivity Detection (TCD) and Ultraviolet Fluorescence Detection (UV). The preliminary results showed that TCD and UV methods (nonstandard methods for solid fuels) have similar precision to the infrared method (standard method) for high-sulphur coal samples.
Knowing the mercury levels of an environment allows a diverse array of biogeochemical studies into the mercury cycle on a local or global scale. Among matrices commonly evaluated, water remains a challenge for research because its mercury levels can be very low, requiring development of complex analytical protocols. Currently, sample preservation methods, protocols that avoid contamination, and analytical techniques with low detection limits allow analysis of mercury in pristine waters. However, different protocols suggest different methods depending on a range of factors such as the characteristics of water sampled and storage time. In remote areas, such as oceanic and Amazonian regions, sample preservation and transport to a laboratory can be difficult, requiring processing of the water during the sampling expedition and the establishment of a field laboratory. Brazilian research on mercury in water can be limited due to difficulty obtaining reagents, lack of laboratory structure, qualified personnel, and financial support. Considering this complexity for analyzing water, we reviewed methodologies for sampling, preservation, and storage of water samples for analysis of the most commonly evaluated mercury species (dissolved gaseous mercury, reactive mercury, methylmercury and total mercury).
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer metodologias adequadas para o isolamento e inoculação de Septoria lactucae e avaliação de nove cultivares de alface (Lactuca sativa), Vitória-de-Santo-Antão, Uberlândia 10.000, Maioba, Elba, Aurélia, Black Seeded Simpson, Grand Rapids, Salad Bowl-Mimosa e Babá de Verão, quanto aos níveis de resistência à septoriose, em condições de casa de vegetação e campo. Os melhores resultados obtidos foram: a) para isolamento: transferência dos cirros de conídios diretamente para o meio de BDA com os antibióticos estreptomicina, cloranfenicol, ampicilina e rifampicilina; b) para inoculação: aspersão das plantas no estádio de seis a oito folhas com a suspensão de inóculo na concentração de 1 x 10(4)conídios/ml, e manutenção em câmara úmida por 48 h. Houve diferenças significativas entre as cultivares testadas em casa de vegetação e em campo. Tanto em casa de vegetação quanto em teste de campo as cultivares Maioba e Vitória de Santo Antão foram avaliadas como a mais susceptível e a mais resistente, respectivamente. Diante desses resultados, a metodologia de casa de vegetação pode ser considerada como altamente promissora para a avaliação rápida de grande número de variedades ou materiais genéticos, nos trabalhos de melhoramento de alface para a resistência à S. lactucae.
Amostras de urediniósporos de ferrugens das espécies Melampsora epitea Thum., Melampsora medusae Thuem., Hemileia vastatrix Berk., Uromyces appendiculatum Pers., Puccinia sorghi Schwein., Tranzschelia discolor Fuckel e Phakopsora euvitis Ono, coletadas dos hospedeiros, chorão (Salix sp.), álamo (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex. Marsh), cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.), feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), milho (Zea mays L.), pessegueiro (Prunus persicae L.) e videira (Vitis vinifera L.) respectivamente, foram processadas de 3 formas: a) método convencional (fixação em glutaraldeído e tetróxido de ósmio, desidratação em acetona e secagem ao ponto crítico); b) método do vapor de ósmio e metalização com ouro; c) metalização direta de amostras (utilizado para esporos soltos). A técnica de fratura de amostra congelada em nitrogênio líquido também foi testada para o estudo do interior de pústulas da ferrugem da videira (P. euvitis). As amostras foram visualizadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura no NAP/MEPA da ESALQ/USP. Procedeu-se à mensuração dos esporos e as imagens obtidas foram capturadas pelo software LeoUserInterface e processadas utilizando-se o programa de computador "Corel Draw". Em todos os métodos analisados obteve-se uma boa preservação da estrutura possibilitando imagens de alta qualidade. No entanto, para esporos livres (mantidos em cápsula de gelatina) o método da metalização direta foi mais prático e rápido. Para observação das pústulas em tecido vegetal os dois métodos de processamento de amostras avaliados proporcionaram resultados satisfatórios. A técnica de fratura em nitrogênio líquido também permitiu perfeita visualização do interior das pústulas da ferrugem da videira.
Na safra agrícola de 2007 foi instalado um experimento com a cultura do trigo com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do zinco, manganês e molibdênio aplicados juntamente com fungicidas sobre a severidade de doenças e duração da área foliar verde. As aplicações dos fungicidas foram realizadas no final do emborrachamento e no florescimento, e a de micronutrientes, somente no florescimento. Foram analisados os teores de micronutrientes nas folhas, severidade das doenças causadas por Drechslera tritici-repentis eSeptoria tritici, índice SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development), peso hectolítrico, peso de mil grãos, tamanho de espigas, e rendimento de grãos. O uso do epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina proporcionou o melhor controle de D. tritici-repentis e de S. tritici. Produtos com epoxiconazol e piraclostrobina atuaram na fisiologia da planta, incrementando os teores de micronutrientes nos tecidos e prolongando o tempo que o trigo permaneceu com área foliar fotossinteticamente ativa. Epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina, piraclostrobina e epoxiconazol pulverizados associados ou não a micronutrientes, propiciaram aumento do peso hectolítrico, peso de mil grãos e rendimento, quando comparados à testemunha.