352 resultados para Melochia arenosa


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O estudo do conteúdo de foraminíferos de 8 amostras de sedimentos superficiais coletados em manguezal do norte da Ilha do Cardoso, sul do Estado de São Paulo, no verão (período chuvoso) de 2001, ao longo de um transecto no sentido da Baía de Trapandé para o interior, revelou dois segmentos distintos: a) uma planície inferior lamosa, com menor tempo de exposição sub-aérea e maior diversidade específica, dominada por Ammotiumcassis, A.salsum, Arenoparrella mexicana e Trochamminainflata, com abundância expressiva de Caroniaexilis na parte mais baixa e de Miliammina fusca na parte mais alta; b) uma planície superior arenosa, com maior tempo de exposição sub-aérea e menor diversidade, dominada por M. fusca e com abundância expressiva de T. inflatana parte mais baixa. Os sedimentos investigados são colonizados por foraminíferos exclusivamente aglutinantes, representados por 21 espécies de 16 gêneros. Dados de abundância relativa, riqueza, diversidade e equitatividade das espécies ao longo do transecto são apresentados, bem como os valores de salinidade, pH, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura, medidos a partir da água intersticial dos sedimentos no momento da coleta das amostras. São feitas comparações com um estudo anterior, similar, que focalizou amostras coletadas, nos mesmos pontos, no inverno (período seco) de 2002. Os resultados obtidos interessam às análises de sistemas estuarinos modernos e antigos, bem como a projetos envolvidos com o diagnóstico do estado de conservação de áreas litorâneas, sendo úteis ao Setor de Petróleo e Gás


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The Pirambóia Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, positioned between the Corumbataí (lower) and Botucatu (upper) Formations on the eastern edge of the basin. This unit is focused by many studies due to its great importance as an essential component in the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG) and the petroleum system “Irati-Pirambóia”, as excellent reservoirs. The Pirambóia Formation is historically the subject of several controversies on issues like age, contact relationships with the upper unit and depositional paleoenvironment. Despite these aspects, the Pirambóia Formation is commonly taken to be of Triassic age and is considered a product of wet aeolian systems, with plenty of wet interdunes and subordinate fluvial facies. In this work, by using techniques such as facies analysis, depositional architecture and facies association, facies of this unit were characterized and their depositional paleoenvironment was inferred particularly in Jundu Mining, region of Descalvado in northeastern São Paulo. Techniques such as grain size and petrographic analyses, aimed to characterize this unit as a potential reservoir rock. Five facies were described for the Pirambóia Formation in the studied region: St, Sh, Sm, Sr and Gt facies, generated by sedimentary processes of the bottom load type, mostly under low flow regime (with exception for the Sh facies, which is formed by upper flow regime processes). In addition to that, four facies associations were recognized from the architectural elements, primarily contained within the main channel: complex channel bars, composed by foreset macroforms (FM), sandy bedforms (SB) and gravel bars and bedforms (GB); flood deposits, constituted by laminated sand sheets (LS); deposits of hyperconcentrated flows and eolian deposits. It was interpreted that the Pirambóia Formation in Descalvado (SP) is the record of the sedimentation of braided rivers, with dunes and interdunes deposits...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The increased use of herbicides, coupled with inadequate use of these molecules, also increased concerns about the risks of environmental contamination and its effects on humans and animals. The objective of this work evaluates the potential for leaching of herbicides in the crop of cane sugar, in contrasting soils. Used samples were used Psament (NR - sandy texture) and Oxisol Red (LR - clay texture). After application of herbicides ametryne (NR 1.60 kg ha(-1) and LR 2.40 kg ha(-1)), clomazone (NR 0.90 kg ha(-1) and LR 1.10 kg ha(-1)) and diuron (NR 1.60 kg ha(-1) and LR 3.20 kg ha(-1)), were irrigated blades of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mm of water in soil columns. Results indicate that ametryne in NR samples submitted to the handling layer of 5-10 cm when applied blades of 20 and 40 mm of water. It was evident that the clomazone, regardless of the soil, did not exceed 0-5 cm water depths of 0 to 20 mm of water and 5-10 cm deep in the blades above 40 mm of water. With blades up to 80 mm, the diuron leaching only in layers 0-5 cm deep in LR. Conclude that the potential of leaching of diuron and ametryne was influenced by soil texture together with the organic matter content, the same was not true for clomazone.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Agricultural mechanization improved the efficiency of field operations by providing an increase in crop production. The intensified mechanization, however, has led to higher energy use mainly in the area of fuel consumption. The objective of this study was to compare the fuel consumption of tractors using two different tire pressures for two different types of soil during tillage with irrigated cotton in semi-arid regions. These tests were performed at the Maricopa Agricultural Center (MAC), an experimental farm belonging to The University of Arizona with a Case 4x2 TDA 88kW equipped with an autopilot system. The results showed lower fuel consumption using a tire pressure of 124 kPa on sandy clay loan soil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)