935 resultados para Meeting Minutes
Because the Secretary was absent from the May 7, 1776 meeting, John Winthrop was chosen as Secretary pro hac vice (for that occasion only). Samuel Cooke, Secretary pro tempore, recorded the minutes for the June 4, 1776 meeting, and the minutes from the July 2, 1776 meeting are in an unknown hand.
These minutes concern General William Heath's request for permission to house the soldiers of John Burgoyne – British prisoners of war – at Harvard. The Overseers voted to recommend that the Corporation allow the soldiers to occupy one or more College buildings, in spite of various hesitations. It has not been decisively determined whether or not the British troops were ultimately housed at Harvard. Some sources assert that no buildings were occupied, while others claim that Burgoyne and his soldiers lived in Apthorp House for a time.
These minutes, recorded on the recto and verso of a single page, are incomplete excerpts.
The verso of these minutes contains a list of various gifts and bequests to Harvard, including what was presumably their current value.
These minutes pertain to discussions of the General Court's "act to repeal an act" (also called "the Act to alter and amend the Constitution of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College, and to regulate certain meetings of said Board") in February 1812, which repealed changes made in 1810 to the Constitution of the Board of Overseers. The Overseers present at these meetings doubted the act's legality and discussed ignoring and/or attempting to overturn the act.
The minutes contain votes of the Overseers relative to Prince's case. Checkley appears to have served as the Overseers' Clerk pro hac vice on several occasions.
The minutes contain votes of the Overseers relative to Prince's case.
Meeting Minutes of the College of Medicine Implementation Team (College of Medicine IT).