985 resultados para Medieval archaeology
Las relaciones entre actos festivos y espacios arquitectónicos, y las modalidades con que las ceremonias cortesanas llegaban a modificar los centros urbanos y las residen- cias palaciegas, han sido los temas principales del congreso internacional Making Space for Festival, 14001700. Interactions of Architecture and Performance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Festivals, que tuvo lugar del 21 al 24 de marzo de 2013 en el Palacio Pesaro-Papafava de Venecia, residencia de la Universidad de Warwick en la Laguna. La Society for European Festivals Research (SEFR), entidad vinculada a esta universidad, ha promovido el encuentro junto con la Red PALATIUM financia- da por el Research Networking Programme de la European Science Fundation (ESF) (2010-2015), dedicada al estudio de las residencias palaciegas de la Edad Moderna como espacios de intercambios políticos y culturales. El tema de las jornadas nacía de la unión de los intereses científicos de los grupos organizadores, dejando lugar a temáticas diferentes como: la articulación de un mensaje festivo a lo largo del recorri- do de procesiones y entradas públicas, la financiación y los aspectos más prácticos de la puesta en escena de un evento festivo, la tipificación de ceremonias y decoraciones en determinados contextos, el intercambio cultural a través de la fiesta, o la recepción de las modificaciones de los espacios por parte de los espectadores
L"estudi sobre la producció ceràmica de Barcelona en època medieval i postmedieval s'està fent des del Museu d"Història de Barcelona i des de l"ARQUB en aquest darrers anys. Aquest estudi s"ha reforçat amb els treballdesenvolupats en el marc del projecte de recerca Tecnolonial, cosa que ha permès ampliar les classes ceràmiques i el marc cronològic d"estudi. Els resultats aconseguits fins ara mostren que per a un mateix moment cronològic es preparen diverses pastes segons el producte final que es vol obtenir. Finalment, el canvi d"ubicació dels tallers que segurament es va produïr cap a finals del segle XIII / inicis del segle XIV podria estar relacionat amb l"explotació d"un nou llit d"argiles, la qual cosa coincidiria amb el fet que la producció del segle XIII és completament diferent químicament a la del segle XIV en endavant.
Durant les excavacions de l"avinguda de Cambó dutes a terme el 1986 es van recuperar, entre d"altres, diversos elements identificats com a alambins, que han estat relacionats amb la tècnica d"aplicació d"or al foc sobre objectes metàl·lics, activitat que podria haver tingut lloc en un dels àmbits identificats en el quarter de Sant Pere en època medieval.Amb l"objectiu de comprovar si els alambins recuperats són, d"una banda, de producció local i, d"una altra, si presenten evidències que puguin corroborar el seu ús en aquesta tècnica, es va procedir a la caracterització arqueomètrica de tres d"aquests objectes (BCN224, BCN225 i BCN226), de manera que la seva composicióquímica s"ha determinat per fluorescència de raigs X (FRX) i la composició mineralògica a través de la difracció de raigs X (DRX). Per a l"estudi de la microestructura i estadi de sinterització de la matriu i del vidriat, s"han dut a terme observacions i microanàlisis per microscòpia electrònica de rastreig (MER) utilitzant un microscopi Jeol JSM-840 equipat amb un detector de dispersió d"energies de raigs X (EDX). A més, amb la finalitat de fixarles característiques macroscòpiques dels individus es van realitzar observacions a partir de fractures fresques emprant una lupa binocular Olympus SZX10, amb una font d"il·luminació de llum freda Olympus KL 1500 LCD equipada amb filtre de llum de dia i una càmera digital de microfotografia Olympus DP25, amb el software Cell"A. La lupa binocular està equipada amb un objectiu de 1X i oculars de 10X, amb un zoom continuat, amb posicions fixes, que permet fer observacions de 6.3X a 63X, però que s"han estandarditzat a 10X i 25X.
[cat]Els treballs arqueològics duts a terme al solar localitzat entre la plaça de Pau Vila i els carrers del Dr. Aiguader i de la Marquesa, al peu del baluard del Migdia, han permès descriure l'evolució geoarqueològica d'un tram del front marítim de Barcelona i generar dades fiables de la configuració de la façana litoral. Sota una potent capa de sorres, s'identificà un paquet de llims i argiles orgàniques característiques d'un medi de baixa energia; és a dir, protegit de l'onatge marí probablement per barres sorrenques. Aquesta seqüència presenta una cronologia entre finals del segle IX i ca. 1440, moment en què es realitzaren els primers intents de construcció d'estructures portuàries. En aquest nivell llimoargilós s'han dut a terme analítiques paleoambientals consistents en l'estudi pol·línic, sedimentològic i geoquímic dels sediments que han posat en evidència els canvis ambientals del front marítim barceloní, del paisatge vegetal del pla, com també de les activitats agrícoles i productives urbanes en època medieval i inicis de l'edat moderna. La informació així obtinguda ha estat contrastada amb la informació històrica. [eng]The archaeological work conducted at the site located at the foot of the Baluard del Migdia bastion between Plaça Pau Vila and Carrer Dr. Aiguader and Carrer Marquesa has provided the opportunity to describe the geoarchaeological evolution of a stretch of the seafront of Barcelona and to generate reliable data on the configuration of the coastline. A layer of silt and organic clays typical of a low-energy environment was found below a thick layer of sands. In other words, this packet was protected from the swell of the sea, probably by sandbars. This sequence presents a chronology spanning from the late 9th century BC to around 1440, the time when the first attempts were made to build port structures. This layer of silt and clay has been subjected to palaeoenvironmental analyses consisting of the study of the pollen, sediment and the geochemistry of the sediments. The results of this analysis provide evidence of the environmental changes in the seafront of Barcelona and the landscape in the plain, as well as the urban agricultural and production activities in medieval times and the early modern age. The information obtained has been compared with historical information.
The purpose of this PhD thesis is to investigate a semantic relation present in the connection of sentences (more specifically: propositional units). This relation, which we refer to as contrast, includes the traditional categories of adversatives - predominantly represented by the connector but in English and pero in Modern Spanish - and concessives, prototypically verbalised through although / aunque. The aim is to describe, analyse and - as far as possible - to explain the emergence and evolution of different syntactic schemes marking contrast during the first three centuries of Spanish (also referred to as Castilian) as a literary language, i.e., from the 13th to the 15th century. The starting point of this question is a commonplace in syntax, whereby the semantic and syntactic complexity of clause linkage correlates with the degree of textual elaboration. In historical linguistics, i.e., applied to the phylogeny of a language, it is commonly referred to as the parataxis hypothesis A crucial part of the thesis is dedicated by the definition of contrast as a semantic relation. Although the label contrast has been used in this sense, mainly in functional grammar and text linguistics, mainstream grammaticography and linguistics remain attached to the traditional categories adversatives and concessives. In opposition to this traditional view, we present our own model of contrast, based on a pragma-semantic description proposed for the analysis of adversatives by Oswald Ducrot and subsequently adopted by Ekkehard König for the analysis of concessives. We refine and further develop this model in order for it to accommodate all, not just the prototypical instances of contrast in Spanish, arguing that the relationship between adversatives and concessives is a marked opposition, i.e., that the higher degree of semantic and syntactic integration of concessives restricts some possible readings that the adversatives may have, but that this difference is almost systematically neutralised by contextual factors, thus justifying the assumption of contrast as a comprehensive onomasiological category. This theoretical focus is completed by a state-of-the-question overview attempting to account for all relevant forms in which contrast is expressed in Medieval Spanish, with the aid of lexicographic and grammaticographical sources, and an empirical study investigating the expression of corpus in a corpus study on the textual functions of contrast in nine Medieval Spanish texts: Cantar de Mio Cid, Libro de Alexandre, Milagros de Nuestra Sehora, Estoria de Espana, Primera Partida, Lapidario, Libro de buen amor, Conde Lucanor, and Corbacho. This corpus is analysed using quantitative and qualitative tools, and the study is accompanied by a series of methodological remarks on how to investigate a pragma-semantic category in historical linguistics. The corpus study shows that the parataxis hypothesis fails to prove from a statistical viewpoint, although a qualitative analysis shows that the use of subordination does increase over time in some particular contexts.
We investigated the decayed historical church window glasses of two Catalonian churches, both under Mediterranean climate. Glass surfaces were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Their chemical composition was determined by avelength-dispersive spectrometry (WDS) microprobe analysis. The biodiversity was investigated by molecular methods: DNA extraction from glass, amplification by PCR targeting the16S rRNA and ITS regions, and fingerprint analyses by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Clone libraries containing either PCR fragments of the bacterial 16S rDNA or the fungal ITS regions were screened by DGGE. Clone inserts were sequenced and compared with the EMBL database.
The aim of this study is to explore the role and importance of different animal species in Turku through an analysis of osteological data and documentary evidence. The osteological material used in this study is derived from two town plots in Turku dating from the 13th century to the 19th century. The osteological material deposited in Turku represents animals bred both in the town and in the surrounding landscape. Animal husbandry in SW-Finland can also be examined through a number of historical documents. The importance of animals in Turku and its hinterland are closely connected and therefore the roles of the animals in both urban and rural settings are examined. The study has revealed the complexity of the depositional patterns in medieval and post-medieval Turku. In the different areas of Turku, characteristic patterns in the osteological material and different deposit types were evident. These patterns are reflections of the activities and therefore of the lifestyles practiced in Turku. The results emphasise the importance of context- awareness in the study of material culture from archaeological sites. Both the zooarchaeological and historical sources indicate that cattle were important in animal husbandry in Turku from the Middle Ages up to the 19th century. Sheep were the second most common species. When taking into consideration the larger size of cattle, the dominance of these animals when it come to meat consumption seems clear even in those phases where sheep bones are more abundant. Pig is less abundant in the material than either cattle or sheep and their importance for subsistence was probably fairly modest, albeit constant. Goats were not abundant in the material. Most of the identified goat bones came from low utility body parts (e.g. skulls and lower extremities), but some amount of goat meat was also consumed. Wild species were of minor importance when it came to consumption practices in Turku. The changes in Turku’s animal husbandry patterns between the medieval and post medieval periods is reflected in the change in age of the animals slaughtered, which was part of a wider pattern seen in North- and Central Europe. More mature animals are also present in the assemblages. This pattern is related to the more pronounced importance of cattle as a manure producer and a draught animal as a result of the intensification of crop cultivation. This change seems to occur later in Finland than in the more Southerly regions, and indeed it did not necessarily take hold in all parts of the country.
El año 2008 una intervención arqueológica en un solar cercano al Port Vell de Barcelona permitió estudiar y localizar una importante área del puerto medieval de la ciudad entre el que destacaría el muelle construido en el año 1477 y un pecio de construcción de casco previo y a tingladillo. El presente artículo realiza una aproximación al pecio Barceloneta I desde diferentes enfoques como los estudios palinológicos, dendrocronológicos, además del estudio histórico y arquitectónico. El conjunto de resultados permite situar la embarcación como la evidencia material de las complejas redes de comunicación marítima entre el Atlántico y el Mediterráneo en época Bajo Medieval así como avanzar en el conocimiento de la construcción naval en este periodo.
Majolica pottery was the most characteristic tableware produced in Spain during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. A study of the three main production centers in the historical region of Aragon during Middle Ages and Renaissance was conducted on a set of 71 samples. The samples were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical procedures. Our results show a clear discrimination among different production centers allowing a reliable provenance attribution of ceramic sherds from the Aragonese workshops.
Dial M for Murder: A Case of Passion Killing, Criminal Evidence and Sultanic Power in Medieval India
This paper considers the structures and applications of the criminal judicial system in the Islamic Later Middle Period as it developed in India under the sultans of Delhi (1200-1400 CE). A fundamental issue in crime and punishment is the relationship between sultanic power and religious authority. Particularly at stake in this relationship is the question of who can sanction the highest form of punishment, i.e. the death penalty (siyāsa). Contemporary historians and scholars in the study of religion investigating the relationship between sharīʿa and siyāsa to reveal the extent and limits of sultanic power show a system of governance that allowed for the delegation of authority, particularly in the area of the judiciary, from the sultan down to viziers and judges. Some scholars depict the relationship between the ʿulamāʾ and the sultan as a kind of stand off. The actual dynamics of legal jurisdiction were much more complex. This study proposes a new interpretive framework for understanding the relationship between political power and religious authority through a critical analysis of the criminal judicial system, law, and historical narrative. In particular, I consider a murder case described by Shams al-dīn Sirāj ʿAfīf in one of the most significant histories written in the later Delhi Sultanate, the Tārīkh-i Fīrūzshāhī.