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The migration of radioactive and chemical contaminants in clay materials and argillaceous host rocks is characterised by diffusion and retention processes. Valuable information on such processes can be gained by combining diffusion studies at laboratory scale with field migration tests. In this work, the outcome of a multi-tracer in situ migration test performed in the Opalinus Clay formation in the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory (Switzerland) is presented. Thus, 1.16 x 10(5) Bq/L of HTO, 3.96 x 10(3) Bq/L of Sr-85, 6.29 x 10(2) Bq/L of Co-60, 2.01 x 10(-3) mol/L Cs, 9.10 x 10(-4) mol/L I and 1.04 x 10(-3) mol/L Br were injected into the borehole. The decrease of the radioisotope concentrations in the borehole was monitored using in situ gamma-spectrometry. The other tracers were analyzed with state-of-the-art laboratory procedures after sampling of small water aliquots from the reservoir. The diffusion experiment was carried out over a period of one year after which the interval section was overcored and analyzed. Based on the experimental data from the tracer evolution in the borehole and the tracer profiles in the rock, the diffusion of tracers was modelled with the numerical code CRUNCH. The results obtained for HTO (H-3), I- and Br- confirm previous lab and in situ diffusion data. Anionic fluxes into the formation were smaller compared to HTO because of anion exclusion effects. The migration of the cations Sr-85(2+), Cs+ and Co-60(2+) was found to be governed by both diffusion and sorption processes. For Sr-85(2+), the slightly higher diffusivity relative to HTO and the low sorption value are consistent with laboratory diffusion measurements on small-scale samples. In the case of Cs+, the numerically deduced high diffusivity and the Freundlich-type sorption behaviour is also supported by ongoing laboratory data. For Co, no laboratory diffusion data were yet available for comparison; however, the modelled data suggests that Co-60(2+) sorption was weaker than would be expected from available batch sorption data. Overall, the results demonstrate the feasibility of the experimental setup for obtaining high-quality diffusion data for conservative and sorbing tracers. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Radiocarbon production, solar activity, total solar irradiance (TSI) and solar-induced climate change are reconstructed for the Holocene (10 to 0 kyr BP), and TSI is predicted for the next centuries. The IntCal09/SHCal04 radiocarbon and ice core CO2 records, reconstructions of the geomagnetic dipole, and instrumental data of solar activity are applied in the Bern3D-LPJ, a fully featured Earth system model of intermediate complexity including a 3-D dynamic ocean, ocean sediments, and a dynamic vegetation model, and in formulations linking radiocarbon production, the solar modulation potential, and TSI. Uncertainties are assessed using Monte Carlo simulations and bounding scenarios. Transient climate simulations span the past 21 thousand years, thereby considering the time lags and uncertainties associated with the last glacial termination. Our carbon-cycle-based modern estimate of radiocarbon production of 1.7 atoms cm−2 s−1 is lower than previously reported for the cosmogenic nuclide production model by Masarik and Beer (2009) and is more in-line with Kovaltsov et al. (2012). In contrast to earlier studies, periods of high solar activity were quite common not only in recent millennia, but throughout the Holocene. Notable deviations compared to earlier reconstructions are also found on decadal to centennial timescales. We show that earlier Holocene reconstructions, not accounting for the interhemispheric gradients in radiocarbon, are biased low. Solar activity is during 28% of the time higher than the modern average (650 MeV), but the absolute values remain weakly constrained due to uncertainties in the normalisation of the solar modulation to instrumental data. A recently published solar activity–TSI relationship yields small changes in Holocene TSI of the order of 1 W m−2 with a Maunder Minimum irradiance reduction of 0.85 ± 0.16 W m−2. Related solar-induced variations in global mean surface air temperature are simulated to be within 0.1 K. Autoregressive modelling suggests a declining trend of solar activity in the 21st century towards average Holocene conditions.
For autologous chondrocyte transplantation, articular chondrocytes are harvested from cartilage tissue and expanded in vitro in monolayer culture. We aimed to characterize with a cellular resolution the synthesis of collagen type II (COL2) and collagen type I (COL1) during expansion in order to further understand why these cells lose the potential to form cartilage tissue when re-introduced into a microenvironment that supports chondrogenesis. During expansion for six passages, levels of transcripts encoding COL2 decreased to <0.1%, whereas transcript levels encoding COL1 increased 370-fold as compared to primary chondrocytes. Flow cytometry for intracellular proteins revealed that chondrocytes acquired a COL2/COL1-double positive phenotype during expansion, and the COL2 positive cells were able to enter the cell cycle. While the fraction of COL2 positive cells decreased from 70% to <2% in primary chondrocytes to passage six cells, the fraction of COL1 positive cells increased from <1% to >95%. In parallel to the decrease of the fraction of COL2 positive cells, the cells' potential to form cartilage-like tissue in pellet cultures steadily decreased. Intracellular staining for COL2 enables for characterization of chondrocyte lineage cells in more detail with a cellular resolution, and it may allow predicting the effectiveness of expanded chondrocytes to form cartilage-like tissue.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of nutrient intake, genetic factors and common household environmental factors on the aggregation of fasting blood glucose among Mexican-Americans in Starr County, Texas. This study was designed to determine: (a) the proportion of variation of fasting blood glucose concentration explained by unmeasured genetic and common household environmental effects; (b) the degree of familial aggregation of measures of nutrient intake; and (c) the extent to which the familial aggregation of fasting blood glucose is explained by nutrient intake and its aggregation. The method of path analysis was employed to determine these various effects.^ Genes play an important role in fasting blood glucose: Genetic variation was found to explain about 40% of the total variation in fasting blood glucose. Common household environmental effects, on the other hand, explained less than 3% of the variation in fasting blood glucose levels among individuals. Common household effects, however, did have significant effects on measures of nutrient intake, though it explained only about 10% of the total variance in nutrient intake. Finally, there was significant familial aggregation of nutrient intake measures, but their aggregation did not contribute significantly to the familial aggregation of fasting blood glucose. These results imply that similarities among relatives for fasting blood glucose are not due to similarities in nutrient intake among relatives. ^
Objective: The present study offers a novel methodological contribution to the study of the configuration and dynamics of research groups, through a comparative perspective of the projects funded (inputs) and publication co-authorships (output). Method: A combination of bibliometric techniques and social network analysis was applied to a case study: the Departmento de Bibliotecología (DHUBI), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, for the period 2000-2009. The results were interpreted statistically and staff members of the department, were interviewed. Results: The method makes it possible to distinguish groups, identify their members and reflect group make-up through an analytical strategy that involves the categorization of actors and the interdisciplinary and national or international projection of the networks that they configure. The integration of these two aspects (input and output) at different points in time over the analyzed period leads to inferences about group profiles and the roles of actors. Conclusions: The methodology presented is conducive to micro-level interpretations in a given area of study, regarding individual researchers or research groups. Because the comparative input-output analysis broadens the base of information and makes it possible to follow up, over time, individual and group trends, it may prove very useful for the management, promotion and evaluation of science
Objective: The present study offers a novel methodological contribution to the study of the configuration and dynamics of research groups, through a comparative perspective of the projects funded (inputs) and publication co-authorships (output). Method: A combination of bibliometric techniques and social network analysis was applied to a case study: the Departmento de Bibliotecología (DHUBI), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, for the period 2000-2009. The results were interpreted statistically and staff members of the department, were interviewed. Results: The method makes it possible to distinguish groups, identify their members and reflect group make-up through an analytical strategy that involves the categorization of actors and the interdisciplinary and national or international projection of the networks that they configure. The integration of these two aspects (input and output) at different points in time over the analyzed period leads to inferences about group profiles and the roles of actors. Conclusions: The methodology presented is conducive to micro-level interpretations in a given area of study, regarding individual researchers or research groups. Because the comparative input-output analysis broadens the base of information and makes it possible to follow up, over time, individual and group trends, it may prove very useful for the management, promotion and evaluation of science
Objective: The present study offers a novel methodological contribution to the study of the configuration and dynamics of research groups, through a comparative perspective of the projects funded (inputs) and publication co-authorships (output). Method: A combination of bibliometric techniques and social network analysis was applied to a case study: the Departmento de Bibliotecología (DHUBI), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, for the period 2000-2009. The results were interpreted statistically and staff members of the department, were interviewed. Results: The method makes it possible to distinguish groups, identify their members and reflect group make-up through an analytical strategy that involves the categorization of actors and the interdisciplinary and national or international projection of the networks that they configure. The integration of these two aspects (input and output) at different points in time over the analyzed period leads to inferences about group profiles and the roles of actors. Conclusions: The methodology presented is conducive to micro-level interpretations in a given area of study, regarding individual researchers or research groups. Because the comparative input-output analysis broadens the base of information and makes it possible to follow up, over time, individual and group trends, it may prove very useful for the management, promotion and evaluation of science
Los algoritmos basados en registros de desplazamiento con realimentación (en inglés FSR) se han utilizado como generadores de flujos pseudoaleatorios en aplicaciones con recursos limitados como los sistemas de apertura sin llave. Se considera canal primario a aquel que se utiliza para realizar una transmisión de información. La aparición de los ataques de canal auxiliar (en inglés SCA), que explotan información filtrada inintencionadamente a través de canales laterales como el consumo, las emisiones electromagnéticas o el tiempo empleado, supone una grave amenaza para estas aplicaciones, dado que los dispositivos son accesibles por un atacante. El objetivo de esta tesis es proporcionar un conjunto de protecciones que se puedan aplicar de forma automática y que utilicen recursos ya disponibles, evitando un incremento sustancial en los costes y alargando la vida útil de aplicaciones que puedan estar desplegadas. Explotamos el paralelismo existente en algoritmos FSR, ya que sólo hay 1 bit de diferencia entre estados de rondas consecutivas. Realizamos aportaciones en tres niveles: a nivel de sistema, utilizando un coprocesador reconfigurable, a través del compilador y a nivel de bit, aprovechando los recursos disponibles en el procesador. Proponemos un marco de trabajo que nos permite evaluar implementaciones de un algoritmo incluyendo los efectos introducidos por el compilador considerando que el atacante es experto. En el campo de los ataques, hemos propuesto un nuevo ataque diferencial que se adapta mejor a las condiciones de las implementaciones software de FSR, en las que el consumo entre rondas es muy similar. SORU2 es un co-procesador vectorial reconfigurable propuesto para reducir el consumo energético en aplicaciones con paralelismo y basadas en el uso de bucles. Proponemos el uso de SORU2, además, para ejecutar algoritmos basados en FSR de forma segura. Al ser reconfigurable, no supone un sobrecoste en recursos, ya que no está dedicado en exclusiva al algoritmo de cifrado. Proponemos una configuración que ejecuta múltiples algoritmos de cifrado similares de forma simultánea, con distintas implementaciones y claves. A partir de una implementación sin protecciones, que demostramos que es completamente vulnerable ante SCA, obtenemos una implementación segura a los ataques que hemos realizado. A nivel de compilador, proponemos un mecanismo para evaluar los efectos de las secuencias de optimización del compilador sobre una implementación. El número de posibles secuencias de optimizaciones de compilador es extremadamente alto. El marco de trabajo propuesto incluye un algoritmo para la selección de las secuencias de optimización a considerar. Debido a que las optimizaciones del compilador transforman las implementaciones, se pueden generar automáticamente implementaciones diferentes combinamos para incrementar la seguridad ante SCA. Proponemos 2 mecanismos de aplicación de estas contramedidas, que aumentan la seguridad de la implementación original sin poder considerarse seguras. Finalmente hemos propuesto la ejecución paralela a nivel de bit del algoritmo en un procesador. Utilizamos la forma algebraica normal del algoritmo, que automáticamente se paraleliza. La implementación sobre el algoritmo evaluado mejora en rendimiento y evita que se filtre información por una ejecución dependiente de datos. Sin embargo, es más vulnerable ante ataques diferenciales que la implementación original. Proponemos una modificación del algoritmo para obtener una implementación segura, descartando parcialmente ejecuciones del algoritmo, de forma aleatoria. Esta implementación no introduce una sobrecarga en rendimiento comparada con las implementaciones originales. En definitiva, hemos propuesto varios mecanismos originales a distintos niveles para introducir aleatoridad en implementaciones de algoritmos FSR sin incrementar sustancialmente los recursos necesarios. ABSTRACT Feedback Shift Registers (FSR) have been traditionally used to implement pseudorandom sequence generators. These generators are used in Stream ciphers in systems with tight resource constraints, such as Remote Keyless Entry. When communicating electronic devices, the primary channel is the one used to transmit the information. Side-Channel Attack (SCA) use additional information leaking from the actual implementation, including power consumption, electromagnetic emissions or timing information. Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) are a serious threat to FSR-based applications, as an attacker usually has physical access to the devices. The main objective of this Ph.D. thesis is to provide a set of countermeasures that can be applied automatically using the available resources, avoiding a significant cost overhead and extending the useful life of deployed systems. If possible, we propose to take advantage of the inherent parallelism of FSR-based algorithms, as the state of a FSR differs from previous values only in 1-bit. We have contributed in three different levels: architecture (using a reconfigurable co-processor), using compiler optimizations, and at bit level, making the most of the resources available at the processor. We have developed a framework to evaluate implementations of an algorithm including the effects introduced by the compiler. We consider the presence of an expert attacker with great knowledge on the application and the device. Regarding SCA, we have presented a new differential SCA that performs better than traditional SCA on software FSR-based algorithms, where the leaked values are similar between rounds. SORU2 is a reconfigurable vector co-processor. It has been developed to reduce energy consumption in loop-based applications with parallelism. In addition, we propose its use for secure implementations of FSR-based algorithms. The cost overhead is discarded as the co-processor is not exclusively dedicated to the encryption algorithm. We present a co-processor configuration that executes multiple simultaneous encryptions, using different implementations and keys. From a basic implementation, which is proved to be vulnerable to SCA, we obtain an implementation where the SCA applied were unsuccessful. At compiler level, we use the framework to evaluate the effect of sequences of compiler optimization passes on a software implementation. There are many optimization passes available. The optimization sequences are combinations of the available passes. The amount of sequences is extremely high. The framework includes an algorithm for the selection of interesting sequences that require detailed evaluation. As existing compiler optimizations transform the software implementation, using different optimization sequences we can automatically generate different implementations. We propose to randomly switch between the generated implementations to increase the resistance against SCA.We propose two countermeasures. The results show that, although they increase the resistance against SCA, the resulting implementations are not secure. At bit level, we propose to exploit bit level parallelism of FSR-based implementations using pseudo bitslice implementation in a wireless node processor. The bitslice implementation is automatically obtained from the Algebraic Normal Form of the algorithm. The results show a performance improvement, avoiding timing information leakage, but increasing the vulnerability against differential SCA.We provide a secure version of the algorithm by randomly discarding part of the data obtained. The overhead in performance is negligible when compared to the original implementations. To summarize, we have proposed a set of original countermeasures at different levels that introduce randomness in FSR-based algorithms avoiding a heavy overhead on the resources required.