803 resultados para Mammary neoplasi
Emerging evidence suggests that cancers arise in stem/progenitor cells. Yet, the requirements for transformation of these primitive cells remains poorly understood. In this study, we have exploited the `mammosphere' system that selects for primitive mammary stem/progenitor cells to explore their potential and requirements for transformation. Introduction of Simian Virus 40 Early Region and hTERT into mammosphere-derived cells led to the generation of NBLE, an immortalized mammary epithelial cell line. The NBLEs largely comprised of bi-potent progenitors with long-term self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation potential. Clonal and karyotype analyses revealed the existence of heterogeneous population within NBLEs with varied proliferation, differentiation and sphere-forming potential. Significantly, injection of NBLEs into immunocompromised mice resulted in the generation of invasive ductal adenocarcinomas. Further, these cells harbored a sub-population of CD44(+)/CD24(-) fraction that alone had sphere- and tumor-initiating potential and resembled the breast cancer stem cell gene signature. Interestingly, prolonged in vitro culturing led to their further enrichment. The NBLE cells also showed increased expression of stemness and epithelial to mesenchymal transition markers, deregulated self-renewal pathways, activated DNA-damage response and cancer-associated chromosomal aberrations-all of which are likely to have contributed to their tumorigenic transformation. Thus, unlike previous in vitro transformation studies that used adherent, more differentiated human mammary epithelial cells our study demonstrates that the mammosphere-derived, less-differentiated cells undergo tumorigenic conversion with only two genetic elements, without requiring oncogenic Ras. Moreover, the striking phenotypic and molecular resemblance of the NBLE-generated tumors with naturally arising breast adenocarcinomas supports the notion of a primitive breast cell as the origin for this subtype of breast cancer. Finally, the NBLEs represent a heterogeneous population of cells with striking plasticity, capable of differentiation, self-renewal and tumorigenicity, thus offering a unique model system to study the molecular mechanisms involved with these processes. Oncogene (2012) 31, 1896-1909; doi:10.1038/onc.2011.378; published online 29 August 2011
Using cell based screening assay, we identified a novel anti-tubulin agent (Z)-5-((5-(4-bromo-3-chlorophenyl)furan-2-yl)methylene)-2-thioxothiazoli din-4-one (BCFMT) that inhibited proliferation of human cervical carcinoma (HeLa) (IC50, 7.2 +/- 1.8 mu M), human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) (IC50, 10.0 +/- 0.5 mu M), highly metastatic breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) (IC50, 6.0 +/- 1 mu M), cisplatin-resistant human ovarian carcinoma (A2780-cis) (IC50, 5.8 +/- 0.3 mu M) and multi-drug resistant mouse mammary tumor (EMT6/AR1) (IC50, 6.5 +/- 1 mu M) cells. Using several complimentary strategies, BCFMT was found to inhibit cancer cell proliferation at G2/M phase of the cell cycle apparently by targeting microtubules. In addition, BCFMT strongly suppressed the dynamics of individual microtubules in live MCF-7 cells. At its half maximal proliferation inhibitory concentration (10 mu M), BCFMT reduced the rates of growing and shortening phases of microtubules in MCF-7 cells by 37 and 40%, respectively. Further, it increased the time microtubules spent in the pause (neither growing nor shortening detectably) state by 135% and reduced the dynamicity (dimer exchange per unit time) of microtubules by 70%. In vitro, BCFMT bound to tubulin with a dissociation constant of 8.3 +/- 1.8 mu M, inhibited tubulin assembly and suppressed GTPase activity of microtubules. BCFMT competitively inhibited the binding of BODIPY FL-vinblastine to tubulin with an inhibitory concentration (K-i) of 5.2 +/- 1.5 mu M suggesting that it binds to tubulin at the vinblastine site. In cultured cells, BCFMT-treatment depolymerized interphase microtubules, perturbed the spindle organization and accumulated checkpoint proteins (BubR1 and Mad2) at the kinetochores. BCFMT-treated MCF-7 cells showed enhanced nuclear accumulation of p53 and its downstream p21, which consequently activated apoptosis in these cells. The results suggested that BCFMT inhibits proliferation of several types of cancer cells including drug resistance cells by suppressing microtubule dynamics and indicated that the compound may have chemotherapeutic potential.
Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) are members of the Retrovirus family comprising the closely related Visna/Maedi Virus (VMV) and the Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus (CAEV), which infect sheep and goats. Both infect cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage and cause lifelong infections. Infection by VMV and CAEV can lead to Visna/Maedi (VM) and Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE) respectively, slow progressive inflammatory diseases primarily affecting the lungs, nervous system, joints and mammary glands. VM and CAE are distributed worldwide and develop over a period of months or years, always leading to the death of the host, with the consequent economic and welfare implications. Currently, the control of VM and CAE relies on the control of transmission and culling of infected animals. However, there is evidence that host genetics play an important role in determining Susceptibility/Resistance to SRLV infection and disease progression, but little work has been performed in small ruminants. More research is necessary to understand the host-SRLV interaction.
Doses de radiação de baixa energia podem induzir quebras de dupla fita no DNA assim como também produzir perfis alterados de expressão de genes relacionados a estas lesões. Os danos não reparados ou mal reparados levam a uma maior suscetibilidade à transformação oncogênica já que os efeitos biológicos mais importantes causados pela radiação ionizante são mutação e carcinogênese. As lesões no DNA provocadas pela radiação podem também ocasionar o surgimento micronúcleos e as células podem ser induzidas à apoptose. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar in vitro a presença de micronúcleos e a apoptose ocasionados por Raios-X de baixa energia. Pretende-se analisar estes efeitos biológicos em relação à energia equivalente à utilizada em exames mamográficos usando duas linhagens estabelecias de células de mama: a MCF-7 (tumoral) e a HB-2 (não-tumoral). As células, em crescimento exponencial, foram irradiadas no equipamento de arranjo experimental de mamografia do LCR/UERJ. A dose de 5Gy na energia de 30 kV foi aplicada com taxa de 0,1 Gy/seg utilizando filtro de 0,03 mm de molibdênio. As irradiações foram realizadas duas vezes, após as irradiações, as células foram incubadas por 4, 24 ou 48 horas e posteriormente coradas com o corante Hoechst33258 para análise em microscopia de fluorescência. Para cada análise, 1000 células foram categorizadas pela morfologia do núcleo. Os resultados mostraram que a HB-2, utilizada neste estudo como célula mamária normal, apresentou maior sensibilidade aos efeitos da radiação, com 37 % das células em apoptose após 4 hs de incubação, enquanto a MCF-7 apresentou 6,5 %. Nas análises após 24 hs foi possível confirmar a radioresistência da MCF-7 tendo sido observadas 11% de células em apoptose no grupo irradiado. Houve um aumento crescente de micronúcleos radioinduzidos nas duas linhagens de acordo com os tempos de incubação. Na análise de 4 hs a HB-2 apresentou 3%, em 24 hs, 8,5% e 48 hs, 11,5 %. Diante destes resultados, foi possível concluir que a energia do feixe de raios-X utilizada na mamografia pode ser capaz de ocasionar aumento de ocorrência de apoptose e geração de micronúcleos nas duas linhagens estudadas
103 p.; 102 p.
A menopausa, fenômeno fisiológico que ocorre em todas as mulheres, em média, aos 51 anos, é acompanhada em cerca de 80% dos casos de sintomas como fogachos, secura vaginal, irritabilidade e insônia, que interferem na qualidade de vida e na produtividade socioeconômica das mulheres, além de predispô-las a doenças crônico-degenerativas, como arteriosclerose, obesidade e distúrbios cardiovasculares. A terapia de reposição hormonal à base de estrógenos, que visa reduzir os incômodos da menopausa, está associada ao aumento do risco de câncer de mama e do endométrio, como foi demonstrado em estudos científicos. Considerando que as mulheres orientais, consumidoras de soja, apresentam doenças crônico-degenerativas e câncer em taxas inferiores às dos países ocidentais, as isoflavonas da soja têm sido testadas em estudos clínicos e experimentais, porém com obtenção de dados até contraditórios. O presente estudo investigou o efeito da administração crônica de isoflavonas de soja no útero, mamas e tecidos adiposo e ósseo de ratas ovariectomizadas. Quarenta ratas Wistar adultas foram distribuídas em quatro grupos experimentais: a) ovariectomizadas: grupo ISO, recebendo isoflavonas de soja (100mg/kg/dia/v.o.); b) ovariectomizadas: grupo BE, recebendo benzoato de estradiol (10g/kg/dia/s.c.); c) ovariectomizadas: grupo OVX, recebendo salina (0,1ml/100g/dia/v.o.); d) controles: grupo FO, recebendo salina (0,1ml/100g/dia/v.o.). Antes e durante os 90 dias de tratamento, foram analisados os esfregaços vaginais, para acompanhamento do ciclo estral, determinação do peso corporal e do consumo de ração semanal. Após esse período, os animais foram anestesiados e o sangue coletado para análise de estradiol e progesterona séricos, por radioimunoensaio; e lipidograma e glicose, por espectrofotometria. Posteriormente, os animais foram sacrificados e necropsiados, coletando-se o útero, mamas, gordura intra-abdominal e fêmur para macroscopia e pesagem. Os tecidos selecionados para o estudo foram corados em HE, analisados por microscopia óptica e histomorfometria, visando investigar alterações do crescimento celular (software V.S NIH Image-J; imagens digitais-optronicos CCD). No grupo tratado com isoflavonas, o peso corporal diminuiu em relação OVX, no qual ocorreu aumento de peso em comparação aos animais falso-operados. O exame macroscópico revelou que o útero diminuiu de peso nas ratas do grupo ISO, semelhante às do OVX. Além disso, a histopatologia das glândulas endometriais não mostrou alterações entre os grupos ISO e OVX. Contudo, o grupo BE apresentou proliferação glandular, pseudoestratificação epitelial, frequentes mitoses típicas, metaplasia escamosa, infiltrado eosinofílico e hidrométrio. A concentração de estradiol no grupo ISO foi semelhante à do OVX. Porém, no grupo BE, o estradiol e o peso uterino apresentaram-se aumentados em relação ao OVX. Não foram observadas diferenças na histomorfometria mamária entre os grupos. Houve redução no peso do tecido adiposo abdominal no grupo ISO, comparado com o OVX, sem identificação de alterações morfológicas significativas, apenas hipotrofia celular, confirmada pela histomorfometria. Apesar de não ter havido diferenças na concentração de glicose, colesterol total e triglicerídeos, entre os grupos, o colesterol-HDL apresentou aumento no grupo ISO. Não houve diferença na densitometria do fêmur entre os grupos avaliados. Esses resultados indicam que o tratamento crônico com isoflavonas de soja, na dose testada, não induz mudanças significativas no útero, mamas e tecidos adiposo e ósseo, sugerindo segurança no tratamento, sem risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer.
A mamoplastia de aumento está associada a alto grau de satisfação e significativa melhora da qualidade de vida das pacientes. Apesar disso, uma das principais causas de reoperação após esse procedimento se refere a deformidades de contorno e questões volumétricas. Ainda existem poucos dados objetivos para análise volumétrica pós-operatória da mamoplastia de aumento. O parênquima mamário sofre alterações microvasculares quando sob compressão mecânica, porém o tecido muscular é mais suscetível à lesão quando submetido a pressão do que outros tecidos, tendo pouca tolerância à compressão mecânica. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar e comparar as alterações no parênquima mamário na mamoplastia de aumento subglandular e submuscular, além de avaliar as alterações volumétricas e funcionais da musculatura peitoral após a inserção de implantes no plano submuscular. Cinquenta e oito pacientes do sexo feminino foram randomizadas em dois grupos de estudo, com 24 pacientes cada, e um grupo controle com dez pacientes, de acordo com critérios de inclusão e não inclusão. Das pacientes do grupo de estudo, 24 foram submetidas à mamoplastia de aumento com inserção de implantes no plano suglandular e 24 foram submetidas ao procedimento no plano submuscular. As pacientes do grupo subglandular realizaram análise volumétrica da glândula mamária e as pacientes dos grupos submuscular e controle, além da volumetria mamária, também realizaram volumetria do músculo peitoral maior. A avaliação volumétrica foi realizada no pré-operatório e no pós-operatório, aos seis e 12 meses, por meio de ressonância magnética. Apenas as pacientes do grupo submuscular foram submetidas à avaliação da força muscular, com a utilização de teste isocinético, no pré-operatório e no pós-operatório, aos três, seis e 12 meses. Todas as pacientes estavam sob uso de anticoncepcional oral de baixa dosagem e as pacientes do grupo submuscular permaneceram afastadas de atividades físicas por um período de dois meses no pós-operatório. O grupo subglandular apresentou 22,8% de atrofia da glândula mamária ao final dos 12 meses, enquanto que o grupo submuscular não apresentou atrofia glandular ao final de um ano. O grupo submuscular apresentou atrofia muscular de 49,80% e redução da força muscular em adução após um ano de estudo. Não se observou correlação da forca muscular com a perda volumétrica, assim como não se observou alteração de forca em abdução. Concluímos que a mamoplastia de aumento suglandular causa atrofia do parênquima mamário, enquanto que o procedimento submuscular não causa esta alteração no parênquima mamário após o período de 12 meses pós-operatórios. Em contrapartida, a mamoplastia de aumento submuscular causa atrofia do músculo peitoral maior com diminuição da força muscular em adução após 12 meses de pós-operatório, sem correlação com a alteração de volume muscular.
The giant panda skeletal muscle cells, uterus epithelial cells and mammary gland cells from an adult individual were cultured and used as nucleus donor for the construction of interspecies embryos by transferring them into enucleated rabbit eggs. All the three kinds of somatic cells were able to reprogram in rabbit ooplasm and support early embryo development, of which mammary gland cells were proven to be the Lest, followed by uterus epithelial cells and skeletal muscle cells. The experiments showed that direct injection of mammary gland cell into enucleated rabbit ooplasm, combined with in vivo development in ligated rabbit oviduct, achieved higher blastocyst development than in vitro culture after the somatic cell was injected into the perivitelline space and fused with the enucleated egg by electrical stimulation. The chromosome analysis demonstrated that the genetic materials in reconstructed blastocyst cells were the same as that in panda somatic cells. In addition, giant panda mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was shown to exist in the interspecies reconstructed blastocyst. The data suggest that (i) the ability of ooplasm to dedifferentiate somatic cells is not species-specific; (ii) there is compatibility between interspecies somatic nucleus and ooplasm during early development of the reconstructed egg.
We have cloned a mouse homologue (designated Myak) of the yeast protein kinase YAK1. The 1210 aa open reading frame contains a putative protein kinase domain, nuclear localization sequences and PEST sequences. Myak appears to be a member of a growing family of YAK1-related genes that include Drosophila and human Minibrain as well as a recently identified rat gene ANPK that encode a steroid hormone receptor interacting protein. RNA blot analysis revealed that Myak is expressed at low levels ubiquitously but at high levels in reproductive tissues, including testis, epididymis, ovary, uterus, and mammary gland, as well as in brain and kidney. In situ hybridization analysis on selected tissues revealed that Myak is particularly abundant in the hormonally modulated epithelia of the epididymis, mammary gland, and uterus, in round spermatids in the testis, and in the corpora lutea in the ovary, Myak is also highly expressed in the aqueduct of the adult brain and in the brain and spinal cord of day 12.5 embryos, Mol. Reprod. Dev. 55:372-378, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The consequence of activation status or gain/loss of an X-chromosome in terms of the expression of tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes in breast cancer has not been clearly addressed. In this study, we investigated the activation status of the X-chromosomes in a panel of human breast cancer cell lines, human breast carcinoma, and adjacent mammary tissues and a panel of murine mammary epithelial sublines ranging from low to high invasive potentials. Results show that most human breast cancer cell lines were homozygous, but both benign cell lines were heterozygous for highly polymorphic X-loci (IDS and G6PD). On the other hand, 60% of human breast carcinoma cases were heterozygous for either IDS or G6PD markers. Investigation of the activation status of heterozygous cell lines revealed the presence of only one active X-chromosome, whereas most heterozygous human breast carcinoma cases had two active X-chromosomes. Furthermore, we determined whether or not an additional active X-chromosome affects expression levels of tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. Reverse transcription-PCR data show high expression of putative tumor suppressor genes Rsk4 and RbAp46 in 47% and 79% of breast carcinoma cases, respectively, whereas Cldn2 was down-regulated in 52% of breast cancer cases compared with normal adjacent tissues. Consistent with mRNA expression, immunostaining for these proteins also showed a similar pattern. In conclusion, our data suggest that high expression of RbAp46 is likely to have a role in the development or progression of human breast cancer. The activation status of the X-chromosome may influence the expression levels of X-linked oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes.
Responsive biomaterials play important roles in imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) containing hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments are one class of biomaterial utilized for these purposes. The incorporation of luminescent molecules into NPs adds optical imaging and sensing capability to these vectors. Here we report on the synthesis of dual-emissive, pegylated NPs with "stealth"-like properties, delivered intravenously (IV), for the study of tumor accumulation. The NPs were created by means of stereocomplexation using a methoxy-terminated polyethylene glycol and poly(D-lactide) (mPEG-PDLA) block copolymer combined with iodide-substituted difluoroboron dibenzoylmethane-poly(L-lactide) (BF2dbm(I)PLLA). Boron nanoparticles (BNPs) were fabricated in two different solvent compositions to study the effects on BNP size distribution. The physical and photoluminescent properties of the BNPs were studied in vitro over time to determine stability. Finally, preliminary in vivo results show that stereocomplexed BNPs injected IV are taken up by tumors, an important prerequisite to their use as hypoxia imaging agents in preclinical studies.
The interaction of laser-generated tandem microbubble (maximum diameter of about 50 μm) with single (rat mammary carcinoma) cells is investigated in a 25-μm liquid layer. Antiphase and coupled oscillation of the tandem microbubble leads to the formation of alternating, directional microjets (with max microstreaming velocity of 10 m/s) and vortices (max vorticity of 350 000 s{-1}) in opposite directions. Localized and directional membrane poration (200 nm to 2 μm in pore size) can be produced by the tandem microbubble in an orientation and proximity-dependent manner, which is absent from a single oscillating microbubble of comparable size and at the same stand-off distance.
BACKGROUND: Over the past two decades more than fifty thousand unique clinical and biological samples have been assayed using the Affymetrix HG-U133 and HG-U95 GeneChip microarray platforms. This substantial repository has been used extensively to characterize changes in gene expression between biological samples, but has not been previously mined en masse for changes in mRNA processing. We explored the possibility of using HG-U133 microarray data to identify changes in alternative mRNA processing in several available archival datasets. RESULTS: Data from these and other gene expression microarrays can now be mined for changes in transcript isoform abundance using a program described here, SplicerAV. Using in vivo and in vitro breast cancer microarray datasets, SplicerAV was able to perform both gene and isoform specific expression profiling within the same microarray dataset. Our reanalysis of Affymetrix U133 plus 2.0 data generated by in vitro over-expression of HRAS, E2F3, beta-catenin (CTNNB1), SRC, and MYC identified several hundred oncogene-induced mRNA isoform changes, one of which recognized a previously unknown mechanism of EGFR family activation. Using clinical data, SplicerAV predicted 241 isoform changes between low and high grade breast tumors; with changes enriched among genes coding for guanyl-nucleotide exchange factors, metalloprotease inhibitors, and mRNA processing factors. Isoform changes in 15 genes were associated with aggressive cancer across the three breast cancer datasets. CONCLUSIONS: Using SplicerAV, we identified several hundred previously uncharacterized isoform changes induced by in vitro oncogene over-expression and revealed a previously unknown mechanism of EGFR activation in human mammary epithelial cells. We analyzed Affymetrix GeneChip data from over 400 human breast tumors in three independent studies, making this the largest clinical dataset analyzed for en masse changes in alternative mRNA processing. The capacity to detect RNA isoform changes in archival microarray data using SplicerAV allowed us to carry out the first analysis of isoform specific mRNA changes directly associated with cancer survival.
BACKGROUND: The lactogenic hormones prolactin (PRL) and placental lactogens (PL) play central roles in reproduction and mammary development. Their actions are mediated via binding to PRL receptor (PRLR), highly expressed in brown adipose tissue (BAT), yet their impact on adipocyte function and metabolism remains unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: PRLR knockout (KO) newborn mice were phenotypically characterized in terms of thermoregulation and their BAT differentiation assayed for gene expression studies. Derived brown preadipocyte cell lines were established to evaluate the molecular mechanisms involved in PRL signaling on BAT function. Here, we report that newborn mice lacking PRLR have hypotrophic BAT depots that express low levels of adipocyte nuclear receptor PPARgamma2, its coactivator PGC-1alpha, uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) and the beta3 adrenoceptor, reducing mouse viability during cold challenge. Immortalized PRLR KO preadipocytes fail to undergo differentiation into mature adipocytes, a defect reversed by reintroduction of PRLR. That the effects of the lactogens in BAT are at least partly mediated by Insulin-like Growth Factor-2 (IGF-2) is supported by: i) a striking reduction in BAT IGF-2 expression in PRLR KO mice and in PRLR-deficient preadipocytes; ii) induction of cellular IGF-2 expression by PRL through JAK2/STAT5 pathway activation; and iii) reversal of defective differentiation in PRLR KO cells by exogenous IGF-2. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that the lactogens act in concert with IGF-2 to control brown adipocyte differentiation and growth. Given the prominent role of brown adipose tissue during the perinatal period, our results identified prolactin receptor signaling as a major player and a potential therapeutic target in protecting newborn mammals against hypothermia.
The transcription factor Ets-1 is implicated in various physiological processes and invasive pathologies. We identified a novel variant of ets-1, ets-1Delta(III-VI), resulting from the alternative splicing of exons III to VI. This variant encodes a 27 kDa isoform, named Ets-1 p27. Ets-1 p27 lacks the threonine-38 residue, the Pointed domain and the transactivation domain, all of which are required for the transactivation of Ets-1 target genes. Both inhibitory domains surrounding the DNA-binding domain are conserved, suggesting that Ets-1 p27, like the full-length Ets-1 p51 isoform, is autoinhibited for DNA binding. We showed that Ets-1 p27 binds DNA in the same way as Ets-1 p51 does and that it acts both at a transcriptional and a subcellular localization level, thereby constituting a dual-acting dominant negative of Ets-1 p51. Ets-1 p27 blocks Ets-1 p51-mediated transactivation of target genes and induces the translocation of Ets-1 p51 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Furthermore, Ets-1 p27 overexpression represses the tumor properties of MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells in correlation with the known implication of Ets-1 in various cellular mechanisms. Thus the dual-acting dominant-negative function of Ets-1 p27 gives to the Ets-1 p27/Ets-1 p51 ratio a determining effect on cell fate.