768 resultados para Mallette, Rick


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Since the 1990s there has been a rise in both the prevalence of party drug use in Australia and the use of party drug-related websites. This study investigates whether it is feasible to recruit and survey party drug users via the internet. It took place in Victoria, Australia. Participants were directed to a website where they completed a brief, structured internet-based survey. A total of 460 responses were received over 31 days, 393 of which fitted all inclusion criteria. The sample consisted predominately of young, male polydrug users and is one of the largest samples of party drug users in Australia reported thus far. It was concluded that it is feasible to recruit and survey current party drug users via the internet and that this method is quicker and cheaper than traditional survey methods, although samples are not necessarily representative of the party drug-using population. Other limitations and advantages are discussed.


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A critical requirement in the ecological management of fire is knowledge of the age-class distribution of the vegetation. Such knowledge is important because it underpins the distribution of ecological features important to plants and animals including retreat sites, food sources and foraging microhabitats. However, in many regions, knowledge of the age-class distribution of vegetation is severely constrained by the limited data available on fire history. Much fire-history mapping is restricted to post-1972 fires, following satellite imagery becoming widely available. To investigate fire history in the semi-arid Murray Mallee region in southern Australia, we developed regression models for six species of mallee eucalypt (Eucalyptus oleosa F.Muell. ex. Miq. subsp. oleosa, E. leptophylla F.Muell. ex. Miq., E. dumosa J. Oxley, E. costata subsp. murrayana L. A. S. Johnson & K. D. Hill, E. gracilis F.Muell. and E. socialis F.Muell. ex. Miq.) to quantify the relationship between mean stem diameter and stem age (indicated by fire-year) at sites of known time since fire. We then used these models to predict mean stem age, and thus infer fire-year, for sites where the time since fire was not known. Validation of the models with independent data revealed a highly significant correlation between the actual and predicted time since fire (r = 0.71, P < 0.001, n = 88), confirming the utility of this method for ageing stands of mallee eucalypt vegetation. Validation data suggest the models provide a conservative estimate of the age of a site (i.e. they may under-estimate the minimum age of sites >35 years since fire). Nevertheless, this approach enables examination of post-fire chronosequences in semi-arid mallee ecosystems to be extended from 35 years post-fire to over 100 years. The predicted ages identified for mallee stands imply a need for redefining what is meant by ‘old-growth’ mallee, and challenges current perceptions of an over-abundance of ‘long-unburnt’ mallee vegetation. Given the strong influence of fire on semi-arid mallee vegetation, this approach offers the potential for a better understanding of long-term successional dynamics and the status of biota in an ecosystem that encompasses more than 250 000 km2 of southern Australia.


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Mismatches in boundaries between natural ecosystems and land governance units often complicate an ecosystem approach to management and conservation. For example, information used to guide management, such as vegetation maps, may not be available or consistent across entire ecosystems. This study was undertaken within a single biogeographic region (the Murray Mallee) spanning three Australian states. Existing vegetation maps could not be used as vegetation classifications differed between states. Our aim was to describe and map ‘tree mallee’ vegetation consistently across a 104 000km2 area of this region. Hierarchical cluster analyses, incorporating floristic data from 713 sites, were employed to identify distinct vegetation types. Neural network classification models were used to map these vegetation types across the region, with additional data from 634 validation sites providing a measure of map accuracy. Four distinct vegetation types were recognised: Triodia Mallee, Heathy Mallee, Chenopod Mallee and Shrubby Mallee. Neural network models predicted the occurrence of three of them with 79% accuracy. Validation results identified that map accuracy was 67% (kappa = 0.42) when using independent data. The framework employed provides a simple approach to describing and mapping vegetation consistently across broad spatial extents. Specific outcomes include: (1) a system of vegetation classification suitable for use across this biogeographic region; (2) a consistent vegetationmapto inform land-use planning and biodiversity management at local and regional scales; and (3) a quantification of map accuracy using independent data. This approach is applicable to other regions facing similar challenges associated with integrating vegetation data across jurisdictional boundaries.


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Large overbank flood events play an important role in maintaining largescale ecological processes and connectivity along and across the floodplains and between the rivers and their floodplains in the southern Murray-Darling Basin. However, the regulation of rivers means that extensive overbank flooding can only occur in the rare circumstance of extreme flood events. Recent environmental water allocations have focussed on the largest floodplain blocks (‘icon’ sites) and a small set of specific values (e.g. colonial nesting waterbirds), as well as on trialling fine-scale manipulation of infrastructure (e.g. pumping) to water relatively small areas. There has been no comprehensive systematic assessment of the entire floodplain and its wider set of flood-dependent natural assets (such as ecosystems and species; herein referred to as ‘natural values’) to maximise the effectiveness of environmental water use and to catalogue values likely to be lost. This paper describes an assessment of some 220 000 ha found to support flood-dependent natural values in Victoria. We mapped the geographic distribution and estimated components of the flooding requirements (natural flooding frequency, and maximum period without flooding and minimum duration of each flooding event before significant deterioration) for each natural value. Using an example of one stretch of the River Murray, we show how the resultant spatial data can be used with floodplain inundation modelling to compare the outcomes of real or planned environmental watering events; potentially providing tools for management agencies to conserve a wider range of floodplain values than is currently the case. That is, water managers and the public can see what ecosystems and threatened species are intended to be maintained by environmental watering and what values are intended to be abandoned across the whole floodplain, rather than just seeing the small subset of values and ‘icon’ sites that are intended to be maintained. Examples are provided to illustrate how information about the location, water requirements and extent covered by potential floods for specific values can be used to build adaptive watering strategies for areas as large as the whole floodplain.


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Overbank flooding of rivers is a key process in the maintenance of vegetation types and the species that rely on the floodplain forests and woodlands of northern Victoria. Yet the flooding requirements of species and vegetation types are poorly known. Here we present initial estimates of the water requirements for flood dependent Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) and rare and threatened flora and fauna species associated with the floodplain of the Murray River and its tributaries. Some 110 EVCs were found to be at least partly flood-dependent on the Murray River floodplains. The total current extent of these EVCs in the study area is 224 247 ha, of which 162 266 ha are on public land. One hundred and twenty-four rare or threatened plant taxa and 62 threatened vertebrate fauna taxa (excluding fish) were classified as at least partly flood-dependent. These initial estimates provide important information for land and water managers and researchers alike.


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Construction degrees are in significant demand in Australian universities. Entry students believe that graduation will lead to well-paid industry employment. Previous studies have identified trends in graduate starting salaries, but often combine categories of graduates to produce inadequate generalisations and salary averages. This study, conducted at RMIT University, Melbourne, examined a specific cohort of construction management students and provided an insight into their employment conditions and starting salaries. The results provide useful up to date information for undergraduate students and academic staff alike.


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Australian universities now have a more diverse undergraduate student population in construction degrees than at any other time in their history. The linguistic, ethnic and indigenous diversity of the Australian university student population has never been richer and this is reflected in construction classrooms. Wider participation rates of domestic students combined with the internationalisation and globalisation of higher education has resulted in a student population of identifiable sub-groups that were significantly under-represented or not represented at all in previous decades. This changing student cohort and the inherent pressures and challenges arising from this changing population is the subject of considerable discussion within the Australian tertiary sector. The extent to which Australian universities and the construction degree educators have responded to these pressures is under scrutiny. This paper argues that the climate, culture and curriculum of higher education within construction schools in Australia has not reflected this diversity and that rather than accommodate and embrace the effects of internationalisation Australian university construction schools may have missed a vital opportunity to be part of a global learning network.


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This research investigates effectiveness of real site visits within an undergraduate course. Experiential learning is a process of providing education, based on the experiences and observations of real-world examples. Some of the theory of experiential learning has been used to examine whether site visits assist the students learning experience.

The results of the research show that students generally have a positive attitude towards site visits and see them as beneficial. Although the study identified that some aspects of construction technology could be easily replaced by computer simulations and the like, other aspects of the curriculum are more effectively taught by retaining real site visits. The research was intended to provide a more structured approach to determining the value of site-based learning in construction-related courses.