304 resultados para MYCORRHIZAL
El análisis de los factores que determinan el establecimiento y supervivencia de orquídeas epífitas, incluyen: a) las condiciones microambientales de los bosques que las mantienen, b) preferencias por las características de los hospederos donde crecen, c) limitación en la dispersión de semillas, d) interacciones planta-planta, y e) asociaciones micorrízicas para la germinación y resultan esenciales para el desarrollo de estrategias para la conservación y manejo de este grupo de plantas. Este trabajo ha evaluado la importancia de estos factores en Epidendrum rhopalostele, orquídea epífita del bosque de niebla montano, a través de los análisis de los patrones espaciales de los árboles que la portan y de la propia orquídea, a escala de población, estudios de asociación y métodos moleculares. Estos últimos han consistido en el uso de marcadores AFLP para el análisis de la estructura genética de la orquídea y en la secuenciación-clonación de la región ITS para la identificación de los hongos micorrízicos asociados. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por tanto, una mejor comprensión de los factores que condicionan la presencia de orquídeas epífitas en los remanentes de bosque de niebla montano y una evaluación de las implicaciones para la conservación y mantenimiento de sus hábitats y la permanencia de sus poblaciones. El estudio fue realizado en un fragmento de bosque de niebla montano de sucesión secundaria situado al este de la Cordillera Real, en los Andes del sur de Ecuador, a 2250 m.s.n.m y caracterizado por una pendiente marcada, temperatura media anual de 20.8°C y precipitación anual de 2193 mm. En este fragmento se mapearon, identificaron y caracterizaron todos los árboles presentes con DBH > 1 cm y todos los individuos de Epidendrum rhopalostele. Así mismo se tomaron muestras de hoja para obtener ADN de todas las orquídeas registradas y muestras de raíces de individuos con flor de E. rhopalostele, uno por cada forófito, para el análisis filogenético de micorrizas. Análisis espaciales de patrones de puntos basados en la K de Ripley y la distancia al vecino más cercano fueron usados para los árboles, forófitos y la población de E. rhopalostele. Se observó que la distribución espacial de árboles y forófitos de E. rhopalostele no es aleatoria, ya que se ajusta a un proceso agregado de Poisson. De ahí se infiere una limitación en la dispersión de las semillas en el fragmento estudiado y en el establecimiento de la orquídea. El patrón de distribución de la población de E. rhopalostele en el fragmento muestra un agrupamiento a pequeña escala sugiriendo una preferencia por micro-sitios para el establecimiento de la orquídea con un kernel de dispersión de las semillas estimado de 0.4 m. Las características preferentes del micro-sitio como tipos de árboles (Clusia alata y árboles muertos), tolerancia a la sombra, corteza rugosa, distribución en los dos primeros metros sugieren una tendencia a distribuirse en el sotobosque. La existencia de una segregación espacial entre adultos y juveniles sugiere una competencia por recursos limitados condicionada por la preferencia de micro-sitio. La estructura genética de la población de E. rhopalostele analizada a través de Structure y PCoA evidencia la presencia de dos grupos genéticos coexistiendo en el fragmento y en los mismos forófitos, posiblemente por eventos de hibridización entre especies de Epidendrum simpátricas. Los resultados del análisis de autocorrelación espacial efectuados en GenAlex confirman una estructura genético-espacial a pequeña escala que es compatible con un mecanismo de dispersión de semillas a corta distancia ocasionada por gravedad o pequeñas escorrentías, frente a la dispersión a larga distancia promovida por el viento generalmente atribuida a las orquídeas. Para la identificación de los micobiontes se amplificó la región ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, y 47 secuencias fueron usadas para el análisis filogenético basado en neighborjoining, análisis bayesiano y máximum-likelihood que determinó que Epidendrum rhopalostele establece asociaciones micorrízicas con al menos dos especies diferentes de Tulasnella. Se registraron plantas que estaban asociadas con los dos clados de hongos encontrados, sugiriendo ausencia de limitación en la distribución del hongo. Con relación a las implicaciones para la conservación in situ resultado de este trabajo se recomienda la preservación de todo el fragmento de bosque así como de las interacciones existentes (polinizadores, micorrizas) a fin de conservar la diversidad genética de esta orquídea epífita. Si fuere necesaria una reintroducción se deben contemplar distancias entre los individuos en cada forófito dentro de un rango de 0.4 m. Para promover el reclutamiento y regeneración de E. rhopalostele, se recomienda que los forófitos correspondan preferentemente a árboles muertos o caídos y a especies, como Clusia alata, que posean además corteza rugosa, sean tolerantes a la sombra, y en el área del sotobosque con menor luminosidad. Además es conveniente que las orquídeas en su distribución vertical estén ubicadas en los primeros metros. En conclusión, la limitación en la dispersión, las características del micro-sitio, las interacciones intraespecíficas y con especies congenéricas simpátricas y las preferencias micorrízicas condicionan la presencia de esta orquídea epífita en este tipo de bosque. ABSTRACT The analysis of factors that determine the establishment and survival of epiphytic depends on factors such as a) microenvironmental conditions of forest, b) preference for host characteristics where orchids grow, c) seed dispersal limitation, d) plant-plant interaction, e) priority mycorrhizal associations for germination, are essential for the development of strategies for management and conservation. This work evaluated the importance of these factors in Epidendrum rhopalostele, an epiphytic orchid of montane cloud forest through the analysis of spatial patterns of host trees and the orchid, in a more specific scale, with association studies and molecular methods, including AFLPs for orchid population genetic structure and the sequencing of the ITS region for associated mycorrhizal fungi. The aim of this thesis is to understand the factors that condition the presence of epiphytic orchids in the remnants of montane cloud forest and to assess the implications for the conservation and preservation of their habitats and the persistence of the orchid populations. The study was carried out in a fragment of montane cloud forest of secondary succession on the eastern slope of Cordillera Real in the Andes of southern Ecuador, located at 2250 m a.s.l. characterized by a steep slope, mean annual temperature of 20.8°C and annual precipitation of 2193 mm. All trees with DBH > 1 cm were mapped, characterized and identified. All E. rhopalostele individuals present were counted, marked, characterized and mapped. Leaf samples of all orchid individuals were collected for DNA analysis. Root samples of flowering E. rhopalostele individuals were collected for phylogenetic analysis of mycorrhizae, one per phorophyte. Spatial point pattern analysis based on Ripley`s K function and nearest neighbor function was used for trees, phorophytes and orchid population. We observed that spatial distribution of trees and phorophytes is not random, as it adjusts to a Poisson cluster process. This suggests a limitation for seed dispersal in the study fragment that is affecting orchid establishment. Furthermore, the small-scale spatial pattern of E. rhopalostele evidences a clustering that suggests a microsite preference for orchid establishment with a dispersal kernel of 0.4 m. Microsite features such as types of trees (dead trees or Clusia alata), shade tolerance trees, rough bark, distribution in the first meters suggest a tendency to prefer the understory for their establishment. Regarding plant-plant interaction a spatial segregation between adults and juveniles was present suggesting competition for limited resources conditioned for a microsite preference. Analysis of genetic structure of E. rhopalostele population through Structure and PCoA shows two genetic groups coexisting in this fragment and in the same phorophyte, possibly as a result of hybridization between sympatric species of Epidendrum. Our results of spatial autocorrelation analysis develop in GenAlex confirm a small-scale spatial-genetic structure within the genetic groups that is compatible with a short-distance dispersal mechanism caused by gravity or water run-off, instead of the long-distance seed dispersal promoted by wind generally attributed to orchids. For mycobionts identification ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA region was amplified. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with neighborjoining, Bayesian likelihood and maximum-likelihood for 47 sequences yielded two Tulasnella clades. This orchid establishes mycorrhizal associations with at least two different Tulasnella species. In some cases both fungi clades were present in same root, suggesting no limitation in fungal distribution. Concerning the implications for in situ conservation resulting from this work, the preservation of all forest fragment and their interactions (pollinators, mycorrhiza) is recommended to conserve the genetic diversity of this species. If a reintroduction were necessary, distances between individuals in each phorophyte within a range of 0.4 m, are recommended. To promote recruitment and regeneration of E. rhopalostele it is recommended that phorophytes correspond to dead or fallen trees or species, such as Clusia alata. Trees that have rough bark and are shade tolerant are also recommended. Furthermore, regarding vertical distribution, it is also convenient that orchids are located in the first meter (in understory, area with less light). In conclusion, limitation on seed dispersal, microsite characteristics, plant-plant interactions or interaction with cogeneric sympatric species and mycorrhizal preferences conditioned the presence of this epiphytic orchid in this fragment forest.
Transcripts for two genes expressed early in alfalfa nodule development (MsENOD40 and MsENOD2) are found in mycorrhizal roots, but not in noncolonized roots or in roots infected with the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. These same two early nodulin genes are expressed in uninoculated roots upon application of the cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine. Correlated with the expression of the two early nodulin genes, we found that mycorrhizal roots contain higher levels of trans-zeatin riboside than nonmycorrhizal roots. These data suggest that there may be conservation of signal transduction pathways between the two symbioses—nitrogen-fixing nodules and phosphate-acquiring mycorrhizae.
Changes in intracellular calcium in pea root hairs responding to Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae nodulation (Nod) factors were analyzed by using a microinjected calcium-sensitive fluorescent dye (dextran-linked Oregon Green). Within 1–2 min after Nod-factor addition, there was usually an increase in fluorescence, followed about 10 min later by spikes in fluorescence occurring at a rate of about one spike per minute. These spikes, corresponding to an increase in calcium of ≈200 nM, were localized around the nuclear region, and they were similar in terms of lag and period to those induced by Nod factors in alfalfa. Calcium responses were analyzed in nonnodulating pea mutants, representing seven loci that affect early stages of the symbiosis. Mutations affecting three loci (sym8, sym10, and sym19) abolished Nod-factor-induced calcium spiking, whereas a normal response was seen in peas carrying alleles of sym2A, sym7, sym9, and sym30. Chitin oligomers of four or five N-acetylglucosamine residues could also induce calcium spiking, although the response was qualitatively different from that induced by Nod factors; a rapid increase in intracellular calcium was not observed, the period between spikes was lower, and the response was not as sustained. The chitin-oligomer-induced calcium spiking did not occur in nodulation mutants (sym8, sym10, and sym19) that were defective for Nod-factor-induced spiking, suggesting that this response is related to nodulation signaling. From our data and previous observations on the lack of mycorrhizal infection in some of the sym mutants, we propose a model for the potential order of pea nodulation genes in nodulation and mycorrhizal signaling.
Mt4 is a cDNA representing a phosphate-starvation-inducible gene from Medicago truncatula that is down-regulated in roots in response to inorganic phosphate (Pi) fertilization and colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Split-root experiments revealed that the expression of the Mt4 gene in M. truncatula roots is down-regulated systemically by both Pi fertilization and colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. A comparison of Pi levels in these tissues suggested that this systemic down-regulation is not caused by Pi accumulation. Using a 30-bp region of the Mt4 gene as a probe, Pi-starvation-inducible Mt4-like genes were detected in Arabidopsis and soybean (Glycine max L.), but not in corn (Zea mays L.). Analysis of the expression of the Mt4-like Arabidopsis gene, At4, in wild-type Arabidopsis and pho1, a mutant unable to load Pi into the xylem, suggests that Pi must first be translocated to the shoot for down-regulation to occur. The data from the pho1 and split-root studies are consistent with the presence of a translocatable shoot factor responsible for mediating the systemic down-regulation of Mt4-like genes in roots.
Two cDNAs (AtPT1 and AtPT2) encoding plant phosphate transporters have been isolated from a library prepared with mRNA extracted from phosphate-starved Arabidopsis thaliana roots, The encoded polypeptides are 78% identical to each other and show high degree of amino acid sequence similarity with high-affinity phosphate transporters of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Neurospora crassa, and the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus versiforme. The AtPT1 and AtPT2 polypeptides are integral membrane proteins predicted to contain 12 membrane-spanning domains separated into two groups of six by a large charged hydrophilic region. Upon expression, both AtPT1 and AtPT2 were able to complement the pho84 mutant phenotype of yeast strain NS219 lacking the high-affinity phosphate transport activity. AtPT1 and AtPT2 are representatives of two distinct, small gene families in A. thaliana. The transcripts of both genes are expressed in roots and are not detectable in leaves. The steady-state level of their mRNAs increases in response to phosphate starvation.
O processo de beneficiamento do zinco, extraído em Vazante pela Companhia Mineira de Metais - CMM produz um rejeito alcalino e com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização de espécies leguminosas noduladas e micorrizadas na revegetação de barragem de rejeito da CMM. Neste sentido, foram instalados dois experimentos de campo onde foi realizado o plantio prévio de Brachiaria sp. O primeiro experimento foi composto por 36 tratamentos que foram formados por uma combinação de 17 espécies + 1 testemunha (ausência de plantas) na presença e na ausência de esterco de curral (2,0 L) na cova de plantio. Cada unidade experimental foi formada por 20 exemplares da mesma espécie que foram plantadas em covas abertas manualmente (25 x 25 x 25 cm) num espaçamento de 2 x 2 m. Todas as covas receberam a adubação básica formada por 125 g de superfosfato simples e 60 g de cloreto de potássio. Entre as 17 espécies avaliadas, 3 não pertencem a família Leguminosae e receberam, além da adubação básica, cerca de 25 g de sulfato de amônio por cobertura. O segundo experimento foi montado com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de espécies leguminosas beneficiarem o estabelecimento e crescimento de espécies não leguminosas na revegetação de barragem de rejeito da CMM. Foram utilizadas três espécies leguminosas (Enterolobium scomburkii, Acacia mangium e Acacia holosericea) e três não leguminosas (Lithraea brasiliensis, Cinnamomum glaziovii e Eugenia jambolana) num esquema fatorial (3 x 3) + 1 testemunha, formando dez tratamentos distribuídos em blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Cada parcela foi formada por 20 plantas (10 leguminosas + 10 não leguminosas) plantadas em espaçamento 2 x 2 m e com a mesma adubação básica utilizada no primeiro experimento. Todas as espécies leguminosas utilizadas foram previamente inoculadas com estirpes selecionadas de bactérias fixadoras de Nitrogênio atmosférico e com uma mistura de fungos micorrízicos provenientes da Embrapa/Agrobiologia. Os experimentos foram avaliados quanto ao estabelecimento e crescimento de plantas (altura e diâmetro do colo) aos 4, 12 e 24 meses após o plantio. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que dentre as espécies avaliadas, as mais indicadas para a primeira etapa da revegetação da barragem de rejeito da CMM são: Acacia holosericea, Acacia farnesiana, Acacia auriculiformis, Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa birmucronata, Enterolobium schomburkii e Prosopis juliflora. O sucesso do consórcio de espécies leguminosas e não leguminosas depende da escolha das espécies a serem combinadas, de maneira que não exista uma efetiva competição por água, nutrientes e luz que possa prejudicar as espécies de menor plasticidade. Das combinações avaliadas, as de maiores potencialidades para o programa de revegetação das barragens de rejeito da CMM são aquelas envolvendo a espécieLithraea brasiliensis.
Aim of study. Orchidaceae has the largest number of species of any family in the plant kingdom. This family is subject to a high risk of extinction in natural environments, such as natural parks and protected areas. Recent studies have shown the prevalence of many species of orchids to be linked to fungal soil diversity, due to their myco-heterotrophic behaviour. Plant communities determine fungal soil diversity, and both generate optimal conditions for orchid development. Area of study. The work was carried out in n the two most important natural parks in Alicante (Font Roja and Sierra Mariola), in South-eastern of Spain. Material and Methods. We designed a molecular tool to monitor the presence of Russula spp. in soil and orchids roots, combined with phytosociological methods. Main results. Using a PCR-based method, we detected the presence in the soil and Limodorum abortivum orchid roots of the mycorrhizal fungi Russula spp. The species with highest coverage was Quercus rotundifolia in areas where the orchid was present. Research highlights. We present a useful tool based on PCR to detect the presence of Russula spp. in a natural environment. These results are consistent with those obtained in different studies that linked the presence of the mycorrhizal fungi Russula spp. in roots of the species Limodorum and the interaction between these fungal species and Quercus ilex trees in Mediterranean forest environments.
Sporocarps of macrofungi have been recorded in two neighbouring pure stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies) of different age due to a wind-throw in the subalpine zone of the Alps. The still open young stand of 30 years with trees up to 6 m displayed 80 species, the mature closed forest stand 90 species. Species richness of mycorrhizal fungi is higher in the mature stand than in the younger one, however, with an almost doubled sporocarp production in the latter one. The opposite is found with saprotrophic fungi. Several fungi appeared only in one forest type confirming the concept of early stage versus late stage fungi. Wind-throws as irregular events in subalpine forests, create gaps and add considerably to the species diversity of macrofungi.
Two-way N transfers mediated by Pisolithus sp. were examined by excluding root contact and supplying (NH4+)-N-15 or (NO3-)-N-15 to 6-month-old Eucalyptus maculata or Casuarina cunninghamiana grown in two-chambered-pots separated by 37 m screens. Mycorrhizal colonization was 35% in Eucalyptus and 66% in Casuarina (c. 29% N-2-fixation). Using an environmental scanning electron microscope, living hyphae were observed to interconnect Eucalyptus and Casuarina. Biomass and N accumulation was greatest in nodulated mycorrhizal Casuarina/mycorrhizal Eucalyptus pairs, less in nonnodulated mycorrhizal Casuarina/mycorrhizal Eucalyptus pairs, and least in nonnodulated nonmycorrhizal Casuarina/nonmycorrhizal Eucalyptus pairs. In nonnodulated mycorrhizal pairs, N transfers to Eucalyptus or to Casuarina were similar (2.4-4.1 mg per plant in either direction) and were 2.6-4.0 times greater than in nonnodulated nonmycorrhizal pairs. In nodulated mycorrhizal pairs, N transfers were greater to Eucalyptus (5-7 times) and to Casuarina (12-18 times) than in nonnodulated mycorrhizal pairs. Net transfer to Eucalyptus or to Casuarina was low in both nonnodulated nonmycorrhizal (< 0.7 mg per plant) and nonnodulated mycorrhizal pairs (< 1.1 mg per plant). In nodulated mycorrhizal pairs, net transfer to Casuarina was 26.0 mg per plant. The amount and direction of two-way mycorrhiza-mediated N transfer was increased by the presence of Pisolithus sp. and Frankia, resulting in a net N transfer from low-N-demanding Eucalyptus to high-N-demanding Casuarina.
To determine the effects of nitrogen source on rates of net N transfer between plants connected by a common mycorrhizal network, we measured transfer of N supplied as (NH4NO3)-N-15-N-14 or (NH4NO3)-N-14-N-15 in three Casuarina/Eucalyptus treatments interconnected by a Pisolithus sp. The treatments were nonnodulated nonmycorrhizal/nonmycorrhizal; nonnodulated mycorrhizal/mycorrhizal; and nodulated mycorrhizal/mycorrhizal. Mycorrhization was 67% in Eucalyptus and 36% in Casuarina. N-2 fixation supplied 38% of the N in Casuarina. Biomass, N and N-15 contents were lowest in nonmycorrhizal plants and greatest in plants in the nodulated/mycorrhizal treatment. Nitrogen transfer was enhanced by mycorrhization and by nodulation, and was greater when N was supplied as (NH4+)-N-15 than (NO3-)-N-15. Nitrogen transfer rates were lowest in the nonmycorrhizal treatment for either N-15 source, and greatest in the nodulated, mycorrhizal treatment. Transfer was greater to Casuarina than to Eucalyptus and where ammonium rather than nitrate was the N source. Irrespective of N-15 source and of whether Casuarina or Eucalyptus was the N sink, net N transfer was low and was similar in both nonnodulated treatments. However, when Casuarina was the N sink in the nodulated, mycorrhizal treatment, net N transfer was much greater with (NH4+)-N-15 than with (NO3-)-N-15. High N demand by Casuarina resulted in greater net N transfer from the less N-demanding Eucalyptus. Net transfer of N from a non-N-2-fixing to an N-2-fixing plant may reflect the very high N demand of N-2-fixing species.
We studied the relationships among plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal diversity, and their effects on ecosystem function, in a series of replicate tropical forestry plots in the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Forestry plots were 12 yr old and were either monocultures of three tree species, or polycultures of the tree species with two additional understory species. Relationships among the AM fungal spore community, host species, plant community diversity and ecosystem phosphorus-use efficiency (PUE) and net primary productivity (NPP) were assessed. Analysis of the relative abundance of AM fungal spores found that host tree species had a significant effect on the AM fungal community, as did host plant community diversity (monocultures vs polycultures). The Shannon diversity index of the AM fungal spore community differed significantly among the three host tree species, but was not significantly different between monoculture and polyculture plots. Over all the plots, significant positive relationships were found between AM fungal diversity and ecosystem NPP, and between AM fungal community evenness and PUE. Relative abundance of two of the dominant AM fungal species also showed significant correlations with NPP and PUE. We conclude that the AM fungal community composition in tropical forests is sensitive to host species, and provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that the diversity of AM fungi in tropical forests and ecosystem NPP covaries.
Ectomycorrhizal (EM) associations facilitate plant nitrogen (N) acquisition, but the contribution of EM associations to tree N nutrition is difficult to ascertain in ecosystems. We studied the abilities of subtropical EM fungi and nutritionally contrasting Eucalyptus species, Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden and Eucalyptus racemosa Cav, to use N sources in axenic and soil cultures, and determined the effect of EM fungi on plant N use and plant N-15 natural abundance (delta N-15). As measured by seedling growth, both species showed little dependence on EM when growing in the N-rich minerotrophic soil from E. grandis rainforest habitat or in axenic culture with inorganic N sources. Both species were heavily dependent on EM associations when growing in the N-poor, organotrophic soil from the E. racemosa wallum habitat or in axenic culture with organic N sources. In axenic culture, EM associations enabled both species to use organic N when supplied with amide-, peptide- or protein-N. Grown axenically with glutamine- or protein-N, delta N-15 of almost all seedlings was lower than source N. The delta N-15 of all studied organisms was higher than the N source when grown on glutathione. This unexpected N-15 enrichment was perhaps due to preferential uptake of an N moiety more N-15-enriched than the bulk molecular average. Grown with ammonium-N, the delta N-15 of non-EM seedlings was mostly higher than that of source N. In contrast, the delta N-15 of EM seedlings was mostly lower than that of source N, except at the lowest ammonium concentration. Discrimination against N-15 was strongest when external ammonium concentration was high. We suggest that ammonium assimilation via EM fungi may be the cause of the often observed distinct foliar delta N-15 of EM and non-EM species, rather than use of different N sources by species with different root specialisations. In support of this notion, delta N-15 of soil and leaves in the rainforest were similar for E. grandis and co-occurring non-mycorrhizal Proteaceae. In contrast, in wallum forest, E. racemosa leaves and roots were strongly N-15-depleted relative to wallum soil and Proteaceae leaves. We conclude that foliar delta N-15 may be used in conjunction with other ecosystem information as a rapid indicator of plant dependency on EM associations for N acquisition.
Nodulation in legumes provides a major conduit of available nitrogen into the biosphere. The development of nitrogen-fixing nodules results from a symbiotic interaction between soil bacteria, commonly called rhizobia, and legume plants. Molecular genetic analysis in both model and agriculturally important legume species has resulted in the identification of a variety of genes that are essential for the establishment, maintenance and regulation of this symbiosis. Autoregulation of nodulation (AON) is a major internal process by which nodule numbers are controlled through prior nodulation events. Characterisation of AON-deficient mutants has revealed a novel systemic signal transduction pathway controlled by a receptor-like kinase. This review reports our present level of understanding on the short- and long-distance signalling networks controlling early nodulation events and AON.
This study surveys the occurrence of nodulation in woody legume species in Panamá and Costa Rica, describes nodule and root characteristics, and researches host-bacteria specificity, nodulation potential of soils, and the effects of light, added nitrogen, and rhizobia and VA mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on seedling growth. I examined 83 species in 37 genera and found 80% to be nodulated. Percent nodulated species in the Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, and Papilionoideae was 17, 95, and 86, respectively, with no correlation between nodule morphology and tribal classification. Nodules formed mainly at root branch points which supports epidermal breaks as an important rhizobia infection route. More non-nodulated than nodulated species had root hairs. Several species emitted volatile sulfur-containing compounds, including the toxic compound ethylmercaptan, from roots, germinating seeds, and other tissues. These emissions may have an allelopathic action against pathogens, predators, or other plants. In contrast to the general non-specificity of most legumes for rhizobia, Mimosa pigra L. was highly specific and only nodulated in flooded soils. This species' specificity, combined with a limited occurrence of its root nodule bacteria may limit its natural distribution, but its spread as an invasive weed is facilitated when fill material from rivers is deposited in other areas. ^ An experimental light level of 1.5% of full sun completely inhibited seedling nodulation, as do similar naturally low levels in forest understory. In the forest, trees and seedlings were not nodulated. in some soils with suspected high N content. For six experimental species, added N progressively increased seedling growth while decreasing nodule biomass; at the highest level of added N nodulation was completely suppressed. Species and individuals showed variation in nodule biomass at high N applications which may indicate an opportunity for genetic selection for optimal N acquisition. Rhizobia inoculation had a small positive effect on seedling shoot growth, but VA mycorrhiza inoculation overwhelmingly increased seedling size, biomass, and leaf mineral concentration. In lowland tropical forest, VA mycorrhizal colonization appears indispensable for legume nodulation because of the fungus' ability to supply P in deficient soils. This requirement makes the legume-rhizobia-mycorrhiza association obligately tripartite. ^