1000 resultados para MICELLAR MEDIUM


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This paper presents the thermal vibration analysis of single-layer graphene sheet embedded in polymer elastic medium, using the plate theory and nonlocal continuum mechanics for small scale effects. The graphene is modeled based on continuum plate theory and axial stress caused by the thermal effects is also considered. Nonlocal governing equation of motion for this graphene sheet system is derived from the principle of virtual displacements. The closed form solution for thermal-vibration frequencies of a simply supported rectangular nanoplate has been obtained by using the Navier's method of solution. Numerical results obtained by the present theory are compared with available solutions in the literature and the molecular dynamics results. The influences of the small scale coefficient, the room or low temperature, the high temperature, the half wave number and the aspect ratio of nanoplate on the natural frequencies are considered and discussed in detail. The thermal vibration analysis of single- and double-layer graphene sheets are considered for the analysis. The mode shapes of the respective graphene system are also captured in this work. The present analysis results can be used for the design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the thermal vibration properties of the graphene.


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Nanodendritic Pd is electrodeposited on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) coated carbon paper electrode. Electrodeposited Pd is non-dendritic in the absence of PEDOT. The electrooxidation of C-3-aliphatic alcohols, namely, propanol (PA), 1,2- propanediol (1, 2-PD), 1, 3-propanediol (1, 3-PD), and glycerol (GL) is studied in 1.0 M NaOH. The catalytic activity of nanodendritic Pd is greater than that of non-dendritic Pd for oxidation of the four alcohols molecules. Among those molecules the oxidation rate increases as: PA< 1, 2-PD < 1, 3-PD < GL. The cyclic voltammetric oxidation current peak appearing in the reverse direction of the sweep is greatly influenced by the nature of alcohol. The reduction of oxide film on Pd surface is attributed to affect the magnitude of backward peak current density. The amperometry and repeated cyclic voltammetry data suggest a high stability of nanodendritic Pd in alkaline medium. Glycerol is expected to be an appropriate alcohol for application as a fuel in alkaline fuel cells at nanodendritic electrodeposited Pd.


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A new scheme for nine-level voltage space-vector generation for medium-voltage induction motor (IM) drives with open-end stator winding is presented in this paper. The proposed nine-level power converter topology consists of two conventional three-phase two-level voltage source inverters powered by isolated dc sources and six floating-capacitor-connected H-bridges. The H-bridge capacitor voltages are effectively maintained at the required asymmetrical levels by employing a space vector modulation (SVPWM) based control strategy. An interesting feature of this topology is its ability to function in five-or three-level mode, in the entire modulation range, at full-power rating, in the event of any failure in the H-bridges. This feature significantly improves the reliability of the proposed drive system. Each leg of the three-phase two-level inverters used in this topology switches only for a half cycle of the reference voltage waveform. Hence, the effective switching frequency is reduced by half, resulting in switching loss reduction in high-voltage devices. The transient as well as the steady-state performance of the proposed nine-level inverter-fed IM drive system is experimentally verified in the entire modulation range including the overmodulation region.


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We report a new protocol for the synthesis of M@rGO (M = Au, Pt, Pd, Ag and rGO = reduced graphene oxide) hybrid nanostructures at room temperature in Zn-acid medium. The roles of Zn-acid are to reduce the GO by generated hydrogen and the deposition of metal nanoparticles on rGO by galvanic replacement reaction between Zn and Mn+.


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In this paper, a current error space vector (CESV)-based hysteresis current controller for a multilevel 12-sided voltage space vector-based inverter-fed induction motor (IM) drive is proposed. The proposed controller gives a nearly constant switching frequency operation throughout different speeds in the linear modulation region. It achieves the elimination of 6n +/- 1, n = odd harmonics from the phase voltages and currents in the entire modulation range, with an increase in the linear modulation range. It also exhibits fast dynamic behavior under different transient conditions and has a simple controller implementation. Nearly constant switching frequency is obtained by matching the steady-state CESV boundaries of the proposed controller with that of a constant switching frequency SVPWM-based drive. In the proposed controller, the CESV reference boundaries are computed online, using the switching dwell time and voltage error vector of each applied vector. These quantities are calculated from estimated sampled reference phase voltages. Vector change is decided by projecting the actual current error along the computed hysteresis space vector boundary of the presently applied vector. The estimated reference phase voltages are found from the stator current error ripple and the parameters of the IM.


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Light wave transmission - its compression, amplification, and the optical energy storage in an ultra slow wave medium (USWM) is studied analytically. Our phenomenological treatment is based entirely on the continuity equation for the optical energy flux, and the well-known distribution-product property of Dirac delta-function. The results so obtained provide a clear understanding of some recent experiments on light transmission and its complete stoppage in an USWM.


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In the present investigation, the corrosive behaviour of Al 6061-TiN particulate composites prepared by liquid metallurgy has been studied in chloride medium using electroanalytical techniques such as Tafel, cyclic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Surface morphology of the sample electrodes was examined using scanning electron micrography and energy dispersive X-ray methods. X-ray diffraction technique was used to confirm inclusion of TiN particulates in the matrix alloy and identify the alloying elements and intermetallic compounds in the Al 6061 composites. Polarization studies indicate an increase in the corrosion resistance in composites compared to the matrix alloy. EIS study reveals that the polarization resistance (R (p)) increases with increase in TiN content in composites, thus confirming improved corrosion resistance in composites. The observed decrease in corrosion rate in the case of composites is due to decoupling between TiN particles and Al 6061 alloy. It is understood that after the initiation of corrosion, interfacial corrosion products may have decoupled the conducting ceramic TiN from Al 6061 matrix alloy thus eliminating the galvanic effect between them.


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The vertical uplift resistance of two closely spaced horizontal strip plate anchors has been investigated by using lower and upper bound theorems of the limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear optimization. The interference effect on uplift resistance of the two anchors is evaluated in terms of a nondimensional efficiency factor (eta(c)). The variation of eta(c) with changes in the clear spacing (S) between the two anchors has been established for different combinations of embedment ratio (H/B) and angle of internal friction of the soil (phi). An interference of the anchors leads to a continuous reduction in uplift resistance with a decrease in spacing between the anchors. The uplift resistance becomes a minimum when the two anchors are placed next to each other without any gap. The critical spacing (S-cr) between the two anchors required to eliminate the interference effect increases with an increase in the values of both H/B and phi. The value of S-cr was found to lie approximately in the range 0.65B-1.5B with H/B = 1 and 11B-14B with H/B = 7 for phi varying from 0 degrees to 30 degrees.


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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are very selective filters that sit on the membrane of the nucleus and monitor the transport between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm. For the central plug of NPC two models have been suggested in the literature. The first suggests that the plug is a reversible hydrogel while the other suggests that it is a polymer brush. Here we propose a model for the transport of a protein through the plug, which is general enough to cover both the models. The protein stretches the plug and creates a local deformation, which together with the protein, we refer to as the bubble. We start with the free energy for creation of the bubble and consider its motion within the plug. The relevant coordinate is the center of the bubble which executes random walk. We find that for faster relaxation of the gel, the diffusion of the bubble is greater. (C) 2014 Elsevier-B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study reports the constitutive response and energy absorption capabilities of fluid-impregnated carbon nanotube (CNT) foams under compressive loading as a function of fluid viscosity and loading rates. At all strain rates tested, we observe two characteristic regimes: below a critical value, increasing fluid viscosity increases the load bearing and energy absorption capacities; after a critical value of the fluid's viscosity, we observe a rapid decrease in the systems' mechanical performance. For a given fluid viscosity, the load bearing capacity of the structure slightly decreases with strain rate. A phenomenological model, accounting for fluid-CNT interaction, is developed to explain the observed mechanical behavior. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We have synthesized Ag-Cu alloy nanoparticles of four different compositions by using the laser ablation technique with the target under aqueous medium. Following this, we report a morphological transition in the nanoparticles from a normal two-phase microstructure to a structure with random segregation and finally a core shell structure at small sizes as a function of Cu concentration. To illustrate the composition dependence of morphology, we report observations carried out on nanoparticles of two different sizes: similar to 5 and similar to 20 nm. The results could be rationalized through the thermodynamic modeling of free energy of phase mixing and wettability of the alloying phases.


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Monte Carlo modeling of light transport in multilayered tissue (MCML) is modified to incorporate objects of various shapes (sphere, ellipsoid, cylinder, or cuboid) with a refractive-index mismatched boundary. These geometries would be useful for modeling lymph nodes, tumors, blood vessels, capillaries, bones, the head, and other body parts. Mesh-based Monte Carlo (MMC) has also been used to compare the results from the MCML with embedded objects (MCML-EO). Our simulation assumes a realistic tissue model and can also handle the transmission/reflection at the object-tissue boundary due to the mismatch of the refractive index. Simulation of MCML-EO takes a few seconds, whereas MMC takes nearly an hour for the same geometry and optical properties. Contour plots of fluence distribution from MCML-EO and MMC correlate well. This study assists one to decide on the tool to use for modeling light propagation in biological tissue with objects of regular shapes embedded in it. For irregular inhomogeneity in the model (tissue), MMC has to be used. If the embedded objects (inhomogeneity) are of regular geometry (shapes), then MCML-EO is a better option, as simulations like Raman scattering, fluorescent imaging, and optical coherence tomography are currently possible only with MCML. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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The role of elastic Taylor-Couette flow instabilities in the dynamic nonlinear viscoelastic response of an entangled wormlike micellar fluid is studied by large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) rheology and in situ polarized light scattering over a wide range of strain and angular frequency values, both above and below the linear crossover point. Well inside the nonlinear regime, higher harmonic decomposition of the resulting stress signal reveals that the normalized third harmonic I-3/I-1 shows a power-law behavior with strain amplitude. In addition, I-3/I-1 and the elastic component of stress amplitude sigma(E)(0) show a very prominent maximum at the strain value where the number density (n(v)) of the Taylor vortices is maximum. A subsequent increase in applied strain (gamma) results in the distortions of the vortices and a concomitant decrease in n(v), accompanied by a sharp drop in I-3 and sigma(E)(0). The peak position of the spatial correlation function of the scattered intensity along the vorticity direction also captures the crossover. Lissajous plots indicate an intracycle strain hardening for the values of gamma corresponding to the peak of I-3, similar to that observed for hard-sphere glasses.


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The paper explores the synthesis of oxide-free nanoparticles of Ag and Cu through laser ablation of pure targets under aqueous medium and tuning the quality and size through addition of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in the medium. The size distribution of nanoparticles reduces from 37 +/- 30 nm and 13 +/- 5 nm to 32 +/- 12 nm and 4 +/- 1 nm for Ag and Cu with changes in PVP concentration from 0.00 to 0.02 M, respectively. Irregular shaped particles of Ag with Ag2O phase and a Cu-Cu2O core-shell particles form without the addition of PVP, while oxide layer is absent with 0.02 M of PVP. The recent understanding of the mechanism of particle formation during laser ablation under liquid medium allows us to rationalize our observation.


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Multilevel inverters with dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vector structure have advantages, such as complete elimination of fifth and seventh harmonics, reduction in electromagnetic interference, reduction in device voltage ratings, reduction of switching frequency, extension of linear modulation range, etc., making it a viable option for high-power medium-voltage drives. This paper proposes two power circuit topologies capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with symmetric triangles (for the first time) with minimum number of dc-link power supplies and floating capacitor H-bridges. The first power topology is composed of two hybrid cascaded five-level inverters connected to either side of an open-end winding induction machine. Each inverter consists of a three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter, which is cascaded with an isolated H-bridge making it a five-level inverter. The second topology is for a normal induction motor. Both of these circuit topologies have inherent capacitor balancing for floating H-bridges for all modulation indexes, including transient operations. The proposed topologies do not require any precharging circuitry for startup. A simple pulsewidth modulation timing calculation method for space vector modulation is also presented in this paper. Due to the symmetric arrangement of congruent triangles within the voltage space vector structure, the timing computation requires only the sampled reference values and does not require any offline computation, lookup tables, or angle computation. Experimental results for steady-state operation and transient operation are also presented to validate the proposed concept.