299 resultados para Míkel de Epalza


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Abstract Software product metrics aim at measuring the quality of software. Modu- larity is an essential factor in software quality. In this work, metrics related to modularity and especially cohesion of the modules, are considered. The existing metrics are evaluated, and several new alternatives are proposed. The idea of cohesion of modules is that a module or a class should consist of related parts. The closely related principle of coupling says that the relationships between modules should be minimized. First, internal cohesion metrics are considered. The relations that are internal to classes are shown to be useless for quality measurement. Second, we consider external relationships for cohesion. A detailed analysis using design patterns and refactorings confirms that external cohesion is a better quality indicator than internal. Third, motivated by the successes (and problems) of external cohesion metrics, another kind of metric is proposed that represents the quality of modularity of software. This metric can be applied to refactorings related to classes, resulting in a refactoring suggestion system. To describe the metrics formally, a notation for programs is developed. Because of the recursive nature of programming languages, the properties of programs are most compactly represented using grammars and formal lan- guages. Also the tools that were used for metrics calculation are described.


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Título anterior de la publicación : Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO


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Título anterior de la publicación : Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO


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During a 4-week run in October–November 2006, a pilot experiment was performed at the CERN Proton Synchrotron in preparation for the Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets (CLOUD) experiment, whose aim is to study the possible influence of cosmic rays on clouds. The purpose of the pilot experiment was firstly to carry out exploratory measurements of the effect of ionising particle radiation on aerosol formation from trace H2SO4 vapour and secondly to provide technical input for the CLOUD design. A total of 44 nucleation bursts were produced and recorded, with formation rates of particles above the 3 nm detection threshold of between 0.1 and 100 cm−3 s−1, and growth rates between 2 and 37 nm h−1. The corresponding H2SO4 concentrations were typically around 106 cm−3 or less. The experimentally-measured formation rates and H2SO4 concentrations are comparable to those found in the atmosphere, supporting the idea that sulphuric acid is involved in the nucleation of atmospheric aerosols. However, sulphuric acid alone is not able to explain the observed rapid growth rates, which suggests the presence of additional trace vapours in the aerosol chamber, whose identity is unknown. By analysing the charged fraction, a few of the aerosol bursts appear to have a contribution from ion-induced nucleation and ion-ion recombination to form neutral clusters. Some indications were also found for the accelerator beam timing and intensity to influence the aerosol particle formation rate at the highest experimental SO2 concentrations of 6 ppb, although none was found at lower concentrations. Overall, the exploratory measurements provide suggestive evidence for ion-induced nucleation or ion-ion recombination as sources of aerosol particles. However in order to quantify the conditions under which ion processes become significant, improvements are needed in controlling the experimental variables and in the reproducibility of the experiments. Finally, concerning technical aspects, the most important lessons for the CLOUD design include the stringent requirement of internal cleanliness of the aerosol chamber, as well as maintenance of extremely stable temperatures (variations below 0.1 _C).


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This chapter argues that in the international career context there is a need to conceptualise the adjustment of the family unit holistically. We discuss what that means and how it can be done. We note that to date the family has almost always been conceptualised as a hindrance to or a support for the working expatriate. However, in international assignments the family as a whole is expatriated and the family may become part of the expatriate resources with the line between work and family/personal life blurring. We draw on the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response (FAAR) literature to argue that previous conceptions of adjustment have failed to capture the complexity of the process from the family perspective and we use that literature to develop our understanding of the process of adjustment of the family unit and suggest ways forward.


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We examine how the development of three types of career capital (knowing how, knowing whom, and knowing why) during an international assignment affects the perceived marketability of organizational expatriates. Using the perceived marketability perspective and long-term follow-up data, we show that knowing how is seen as the most transferable type of career capital, while the development of other aspects of career capital has little impact on perceived marketability. We also show that career capital development is more recognized in the external market than by current employers. Our findings expand our understanding of long-term career marketability among people who have completed international assignments.


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Building on a modern careers approach, we assess the effects of working abroad on individuals’ career capital. Given the dearth of longitudinal studies, we return to a sample of economics graduates in Finland eight years later. We measure changes in three dimensions of career capital; ‘knowing how’, ‘knowing whom’, ‘knowing why’ and find that company assigned expatriates learn more than self-initiated expatriates. All three career capital areas benefit from international experience and all are increasingly valued over time. Based on our findings we conclude that a dynamic notion of career capital acquisition and use is needed. Managerial implications include the need for a wider view of talent management for international businesses.


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka arten av och betydelsen av patientarbetet på Säters hospital mellan perioden 1912-1942.Det använda källmaterialet är årsberättelser, ekonomiska översikter, utgående skrivelser, skrivelser från Medicinalstyrelsen, protokoll och bilagor samt personalrullar från perioden mellan 1912-1942. Utifrån detta material så har arbetets omfattning sammanställs och även har innehållet av arbetet undersökts. Arbetets omfattning och innehåll har undersökts ur ett könsperspektiv. Betydelsen av arbetet har undersökts utifrån två perspektiv, det terapeutiska samt den ekonomiska betydelsen. När det gäller den ekonomiska betydelsen har man utgått från den enskilda patienten men även hospitalet. Resultaten visar, att när det gäller arbetets omfattning ökade antalet arbetstimmar radikalt efter 1930-talet eftersom arbetsterapin blev en mer accepterad form av terapi. När det gäller antalet arbetstimmar mellan könen var männen dominerande. Arbetets innehåll var fördelat efter kön samt efter vilken avdelning man var inlagd på. Det som styrde fördelningen av arbetet mellan könen var de traditionella uppfattningarna om könsrollerna. Den terapeutiska betydelsen var av mer betydelse för patienterna än den ekonomiska, medan den ekonomiska betydelsen var starkare för hospitalet.


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur gymnasieelever uppfattar skolans demokratiska fostrande roll samt hur den lokala skolan har lyckats i sin roll som demokratiska fostrare. För att svara på syftet har vi ställt följande frågeställningar: Hur medvetna är eleverna egentligen om skolans demokratiska fostrande roll? Vilken typ av regler anser eleverna vara de viktigaste? Stämmer de demokratiska mål som presenteras i den undersökta skolans arbetsplan och skolplan väl överens med de mål som finns i läroplanen Lpf 94 och skollagen?Det använda källmaterialet består av enkätundersökningar gjorda med elever som går årskurs 3 på gymnasiet samt även arbetsplan och skolplan från den undersökta skolan. Resultaten visar på att eleverna är medvetna om skolans demokratiska fostrande roll i de flesta aspekterna. Däremot visar undersökningen på att det praktiska arbetet kring skolans demokratiska fostran är bristfällig. Enligt resultaten är det regler som rör moraliska värderingar viktigast i skolan. Undersökningen visar även på att de demokratiska mål som presenteras i den undersökta skolans arbetsplan samt skolplan stämmer väl överens med de mål som finns i Lpf 94 samt skollagen. Generellt kan man säga att eleverna uppfattar skolans demokratiska fostrande roll positivt. Den undersökta skolan lyckas med att förmedla de demokratiska idéerna till eleverna men inte ge dem de rätta verktygen för att uppnå målen.


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Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur lärare och rektorer på ett specifikt utbildningscentrum uppfattar, möjliggör och förverkligar flexibelt lärande samt få deras insikt i vad flexibelt lärande bidrar till när det gäller elevers lärande. För att uppnå syftet med denna undersökning har följande frågeställnings ställts: Hur uppfattas flexibelt lärande av lärare och rektorer, vad uppfattar rektorer och lärare som positivt samt negativt med flexibelt lärande, hur möjliggörs och förverkligas utbildningscentrumets vision om flexibelt lärande av lärare och rektorer samt hur ser lärare och rektorer på det flexibla lärandets funktion när det gäller elevers lärande?Det använda källmaterialet består av intervjuer gjorda med 2 rektorer och 4 lärare som arbetar med flexibelt lärande på ungdomsgymnasiet och vuxenutbildning på ett utbildningscentrum i mellersta Sverige. Resultaten visar på att den generella uppfattningen om flexibelt lärande hos rektorerna och lärarna är positiv. Man kan se utifrån intervjuerna att de positiva sakerna med flexibelt lärande ofta cirkulerar kring relationen mellan lärare och eleven, medan de negativa sakerna ofta berör mer praktiska saker som angår både lärare och elev. Möjliggörandet och förverkligandet kan man säga består till största del att tillgodose elevers önskemål och behov. Detta innebär att man inte begränsar sig på något sätt, eleverna erbjuds alla möjligheter till studier. Utifrån intervjuerna kan man dra slutsatsen att flexibelt lärande bidrar till elevers lärande på ett sådant sätt att kunskapen fördjupas och eleverna får en annan förståelse för den kunskap som dom skapar. Den problematik vi kan se när det gäller det flexibla lärandet utifrån intervjuerna är att det saknas en allmän rådande definition av begreppet flexibelt lärande och att den socialkonstruktivistiska teorin inte är tillräckligt förankrad. Detta är nödvändigt för att projektet Flexibelt lärande ska lyckas.


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Woody Guthrie’s song, “The 1913 Massacre,” written around 1940-41, has become something of a folk anthem for progressives, leftists, and labor supporters. It depicts the Italian Hall Disaster of December 24, 1913, in a plainspoken and colorful way, but has been (rightfully) described as “deeply flawed historically.” Much like Guthrie’s English-language folk songs, Finnish immigrant Santeri Mäkelä had a major impact on capturing the working-world around him. Mäkelä’s lyrics for the “Kaivantomiehen Laulu (The Miners’ Song)” were first published in Hancock, 1909, in “Uusi Työväen Laulukirja (The New Workers’ Songbook),” and was probably sung widely by Finnish strikers during the 1913-14 Michigan Copper Strike. Leading up to, and during this Strike Centennial year, there have been renewed performances of the song, both in Finland and the United States—but only in the original Finnish language. This presentation will delve into the accuracy, history, and lyrics of these two important, but historically problematic labor songs.


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BACKGROUND: Unlike most antihyperglycaemic drugs, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists have a glucose-dependent action and promote weight loss. We compared the efficacy and safety of liraglutide, a human GLP-1 analogue, with exenatide, an exendin-based GLP-1 receptor agonist. METHODS: Adults with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes on maximally tolerated doses of metformin, sulphonylurea, or both, were stratified by previous oral antidiabetic therapy and randomly assigned to receive additional liraglutide 1.8 mg once a day (n=233) or exenatide 10 microg twice a day (n=231) in a 26-week open-label, parallel-group, multinational (15 countries) study. The primary outcome was change in glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA(1c)). Efficacy analyses were by intention to treat. The trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00518882. FINDINGS: Mean baseline HbA(1c) for the study population was 8.2%. Liraglutide reduced mean HbA(1c) significantly more than did exenatide (-1.12% [SE 0.08] vs -0.79% [0.08]; estimated treatment difference -0.33; 95% CI -0.47 to -0.18; p<0.0001) and more patients achieved a HbA(1c) value of less than 7% (54%vs 43%, respectively; odds ratio 2.02; 95% CI 1.31 to 3.11; p=0.0015). Liraglutide reduced mean fasting plasma glucose more than did exenatide (-1.61 mmol/L [SE 0.20] vs -0.60 mmol/L [0.20]; estimated treatment difference -1.01 mmol/L; 95% CI -1.37 to -0.65; p<0.0001) but postprandial glucose control was less effective after breakfast and dinner. Both drugs promoted similar weight losses (liraglutide -3.24 kg vs exenatide -2.87 kg). Both drugs were well tolerated, but nausea was less persistent (estimated treatment rate ratio 0.448, p<0.0001) and minor hypoglycaemia less frequent with liraglutide than with exenatide (1.93 vs 2.60 events per patient per year; rate ratio 0.55; 95% CI 0.34 to 0.88; p=0.0131; 25.5%vs 33.6% had minor hypoglycaemia). Two patients taking both exenatide and a sulphonylurea had a major hypoglycaemic episode. INTERPRETATION: Liraglutide once a day provided significantly greater improvements in glycaemic control than did exenatide twice a day, and was generally better tolerated. The results suggest that liraglutide might be a treatment option for type 2 diabetes, especially when weight loss and risk of hypoglycaemia are major considerations.