997 resultados para Luiz Thomaz Reis


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Al nacer Soares dos Reis, en 1847, la escultura portuguesa atravasaba una acentuada crisis de decadencia.. Machado de Castro, el gran escultor y maestro había muerto en 1822. y se puede decir que no había dejado discípulos. Sería Soares el continuador de su obra. Estudió en la Academia Portuense de Bellas Artes. Ante tan genial talento, apenas acabó el curso fue enviado a París pensionado y obtuvo una mención honorífica, medallas y un premio pecuniario. La guerra francoprusiana de 1870 le obligó a abandonar París y marchar a Italia y en Roma, modeló la célebre estatua de El Desterrado, la primera obra prima de la escultura del siglo XX..Obra de un gran artista en la que la pena, la ausencia, la nostalgia, el desaliento, alcanzan proporciones de superlativo dolor. Pero es en la estatua del Conde Ferreira, en donde su genio se revela plenamente. Es una obra maestra de penetrante observación. Ingresó en la Academia de Oporto fue un verdadero reformador de la enseñanza de la escultura, cuya acción didáctica influyó en el medio artístico portugués, todavía muy limitado en aquella época. Pero muy joven, con cuarenta y ocho años, en plena gloria y cuando tanto había que espera de su talento, Soares dos Reis encontró la muerte en el suicidio, en su propio taller, víctima de su carácter melancólico y de su enfermizo y amargo pesimismo.


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Dins l'obra de Jaume Vicens Vives les pàgines dedicades a l'època medieval ocupen un lloc destacat. Ben especialment els seus estudis sobre el rei Ferran el Catòlic i el conflicte remença, a qui va dedicar bona part de la seva activitat investigadora. Els seus llibres i articles sobre el tema son el resultat d'una recerca exhaustiva als arxius, bàsicament reials i municipals. Això és especialment cert pel cas de la seva fonamental 'Historia de los remensas (en el siglo XV)', editada l'any 1945, acompanyada d'abundant aparell crític i transcripcions de documents en notes a peu de página


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Background: We evaluated the outcome of newborns admitted in the neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Diadema, Brazil. Methods: We evaluated 72 newborns, data were extracted from research forms, newborns` hospital records, mothers interviews, domiciliary inquiry made with the responsible for the newborn care, and paediatric accompaniment cards. Results: 48.93% presented low birth weight, 48% were considered to have normal birth weight and 2% had a birth weight higher than 4000g. Concerning gestational age, 57.44% were younger than 37 weeks old. During hospitalisation, newborn had appointments with doctors from other specialties (inter-appointments), around 40% were cardiologists. After hospital discharge 82.98% were referred to local primary health care units, and the main specialities were cardiology and neurology. Among the newborns evaluated 85.11% were accompanied by paediatric health care units. Conclusion: The implementation of a specialised newborn health accompaniment program in Brazil after ICU discharge is important for positive outcomes regarding newborns growth and development.


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Hydroquinone (HQ) is an environmental contaminant which causes immune toxicity. In this study, the effects of exposure to low doses of HQ on neutrophil mobilization into the LPS-inflamed lung were investigated. Male Swiss mice were exposed to aerosolized vehicle (control) or 12.5, 25 or 50 ppm HQ (1 h/day for 5 days). One hour later, oxidative burst, cell cycle. DNA fragmentation and adhesion molecules expressions in circulating neutrophils were determined by flow cytometry, and plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured by HPLC. Also, 1 h later the last exposures, inflammation was induced by LPS inhalation (0.1 mg/ml/10 min) and 3 h later, the numbers of leukocytes in peripheral blood and in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were determined using a Neubauer chamber and stained smears; adhesion molecules expressed on lung microvessel endothelial cells were quantified by immunohistochemistry; myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity was measured in the lung tissue by colorimetric assay; and cytokines in the BALF were determined by ELISA. In vivo HQ exposure augmented plasma MDA levels and oxidative activity of neutrophils, but did not cause alterations in cell cycle and DNA fragmentation. Under these conditions, the number of circulating leukocytes was not altered, but HQ exposure reduced LPS-induced neutrophil migration into the alveolar space, as these cells remained in the lung tissue. The impaired neutrophil migration into BALF may not be dependent on reduced cytokines secretions in the BALF and lung endothelial adhesion molecules expressions. However, HQ exposure increased the expression of beta(2) and beta(3) integrins and platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) in neutrophils, which were not further enhanced by fMLP in vitro stimulation, indicating that HQ exposure activates circulating neutrophils, impairing further stimulatory responses. Therefore, it has been shown, for the first time, that neutrophils are target of lower levels of in vivo HQ exposure, which may be considered in host defense in infectious diseases. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nutrients (nitrogen, zinc and boron) on fungal growth and fumonisins production in corn samples obtained at the beginning of grain formation and at harvest. Three nitrogen doses were applied to the corn plants through soil in combination with three zinc doses and two boron doses during sowing. Mycological analysis of grains, using Dichloran Rose-Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar, collected at the beginning of formation demonstrated a fungal population predominantly of yeasts. Analysis of freshly harvested corn revealed a higher frequency of Penicillium spp. (72%) and F verticillioides (27%). High Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis revealed that 100% of grains were contaminated with fumonisins B, at levels ranging from 0.3 to 24.3 mg/kg and 93% contaminated with fumonisin B(2) at levels ranging from 0.05 to 5.42 mg/kg. Nitrogen (50 kg/ha) in combination with boron (0.5 kg/ha) resulted in an increased fumonisin B2 production. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Endurance exercise is known to enhance peripheral insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin secretion. However, it is unknown whether the latter effect is due to the reduction in plasma substrate availability or alterations in beta-cell secretory machinery. Here, we tested the hypothesis that endurance exercise reduces insulin secretion by altering the intracellular energy-sensitive AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) signaling pathway. Male Wistar rats were submitted to endurance protocol training one, three, or five times per week, over 8 weeks. After that, pancreatic islets were isolated, and glucose-induced insulin secretion (GIIS), glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) protein content, total and phosphorylated calmodulin kinase kinase (CaMKII), and AMPK levels as well as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1-alpha (PGC-1 alpha) and uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) content were measured. After 8 weeks, chronic endurance exercise reduced GIIS in a dose-response manner proportionally to weekly exercise frequency. Contrariwise, increases in GLUT2 protein content, CaMKII and AMPK phosphorylation levels were observed. These alterations were accompanied by an increase in UCP2 content, probably mediated by an enhancement in PGC-1 alpha protein expression. In conclusion, chronic endurance exercise induces adaptations in beta-cells leading to a reduction in GIIS, probably by activating the AMPK signaling pathway. Journal of Endocrinology (2011) 208, 257-264


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The Pierre Auger Observatory is a hybrid detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It combines a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level together with a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The fluorescence detector comprises 24 large telescopes specialized for measuring the nitrogen fluorescence caused by charged particles of cosmic ray air showers. In this paper we describe the components of the fluorescence detector including its optical system, the design of the camera, the electronics, and the systems for relative and absolute calibration. We also discuss the operation and the monitoring of the detector. Finally, we evaluate the detector performance and precision of shower reconstructions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, surpassing breast cancer as the primary cause of cancer-related mortality in women. The goal of the present study was to identify early molecular changes in the lung induced by exposure to tobacco smoke and thus identify potential targets for chemoprevention. Female A/J mice were exposed to either tobacco smoke or HEPA-filtered air via a whole-body exposure chamber (6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 3, 8, and 20 weeks). Gene expression profiles of lung tissue from control and smoke-exposed animals were established using a 15K cDNA microarray. Cytochrome P450 1b1, a phase I enzyme involved in both the metabolism of xenobiotics and the 4-hydroxylation of 17 beta-estradiol (E(2)), was modulated to the greatest extent following smoke exposure. A panel of 10 genes were found to be differentially expressed in control and smoke-exposed lung tissues at 3, 8, and 20 weeks (P < 0.001). The interaction network of these differentially expressed genes revealed new pathways modulated by short-term smoke exposure, including estrogen metabolism. In addition, E(2) was detected within murine lung tissue by gas chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry and immunohistochemistry. Identification of the early molecular events that contribute to lung tumor formation is anticipated to lead to the development of promising targeted chemopreventive therapies. In conclusion, the presence of E2 within lung tissue when combined with the modulation of cytochrome P450 1b1 and other estrogen metabolism genes by tobacco smoke provides novel insight into a possible role for estrogens in lung cancer. Cancer Prev Res; 3(6); 707-17. (C) 2010 AACR.


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Soft tissue tumors represent a group of neoplasia with different histologic and biological presentations varying from benign, locally confined to very aggressive and metastatic tumors. The molecular mechanisms responsible for such differences are still unknown. The understanding of these molecular alterations mechanism will be critical to discriminate patients who need systemic treatment from those that can be treated only locally and could also guide the development of new drugs` against this tumors. Using 102 tumor samples representing a large spectrum of these tumors, we performed expression profiling and defined differentially expression genes that are likely to be involved in tumors that are locally aggressive and in tumors with metastatic potential. We described a set of 12 genes (SNRPD3, MEGF9, SPTAN-1, AFAP1L2, ENDOD1, SERPIN5, ZWINTAS, TOP2A, UBE2C, ABCF1, MCM2, and ARL6IP5) showing opposite expression when these two conditions were compared. These genes are mainly related to cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions and cell proliferation and might represent helpful tools for a more precise classification and diagnosis as well as potential drug targets.


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The clear cell subtype of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most lethal and prevalent cancer of the urinary system. To investigate the molecular changes associated with malignant transformation in clear cell RCC, the gene expression profiles of matched samples of tumor and adjacent non-neoplastic tissue were obtained from six patients. A custom-built cDNA microarray platform was used, comprising 2292 probes that map to exons of genes and 822 probes for noncoding RNAs mapping to intronic regions. Intronic transcription was detected in all normal and neoplastic renal tissues. A subset of 55 transcripts was significantly down-regulated in clear cell RCC relative to the matched nontumor tissue as determined by a combination of two statistical tests and leave-one-out patient cross-validation. Among the down-regulated transcripts, 49 mapped to untranslated or coding exons and 6 were intronic relative to known exons of protein-coding genes. Lower levels of expression of SIN3B, TRIP3, SYNJ2BP and NDE1 (P<0.02), and of intronic transcripts derived from SND1 and ACTN4 loci (P<0.05), were confirmed in clear cell RCC by Real-time RT-PCR. A subset of 25 transcripts was deregulated in additional six nonclear cell RCC samples, pointing to common transcriptional alterations in RCC irrespective of the histological subtype or differentiation state of the tumor. Our results indicate a novel set of tumor suppressor gene candidates, including noncoding intronic RNAs, which may play a significant role in malignant transformations of normal renal cells. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Resumo não disponível.


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Durante o resgate do material arqueológico dos sítios da região de Piratuba, SC, e de Aratiba, Machadinho e Maximiliano de Almeida, RS, área de influência da Usina Hidroelétrica de Machadinho, foram observadas grandes quantidades de ossos e escamas de peixes incorporando os restos alimentares encontrados nestes locais. Utilizando uma coleção osteológica de referência pudemos identificar restos de Salminus maxillosus Valenciennes, 1850, Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1849), Pogonopoma obscurum Quevedo & Reis, 2002, Hemiancistrus fuliginosus Cardoso & Malabarba, 1999, Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836), Schizodon sp., Leporinus sp., Hoplias sp., Hypostomus sp. e Crenicichla sp. Com base em medições realizadas em exemplares de coleções, foram obtidas regressões a partir das dimensões do osso pré-maxilar em Crenicichla spp. e do esporão peitoral em Hemiancistrus fuliginosus, Pogonopoma obscurum e Hypostomus spp. correlacionadas com o comprimento padrão e peso dos espécimes. A partir das estimativas de comprimento padrão e peso das peças ósseas encontradas foi possível formular hipóteses sobre a tecnologia de pesca utilizada pelos habitantes destes sítios.


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Esta dissertação aborda questões sobre a imagem e a desrazão construídas no contexto da história da Arte Reclusa no Brasil, desde os anos vinte do século passado, até o ano de 2002, inserindo e discutindo neste panorama um estudo sobre a produção plástica de Manoel Luiz da Rosa, portador de deficiência mental. Os fundamentos teóricos têm como origem as pesquisas dos pioneiros nestes estudos no Brasil, como Osório César, Nise da Silveira e Mario Pedrosa, que estimularam e apoiaram as atividades dos ateliês de arte em instituições psiquiátricas, com debates, críticas e publicações, construído assim um campo de conhecimento, conhecido como Arte e Loucura. A relevância da proposta é dada pelo destaque que se confere, hoje, aos espaços que lidam com arte em instituições da saúde, da educação e da cultura, que propiciam a reabilitação pessoal e social dos indivíduos portadores de necessidades especiais, discutindo as limitações dos indivíduos com prejuízo mental, como capazes de desenvolver uma expressão própria, e dar sentido a sua produção, no momento em que estabelecem uma comunicação com o mundo Estas discussões nos conduzem ao questionamento do quanto uma produção plástica pode ficar oculta no cotidiano marcado pelas relações familiares e diagnósticos insuficientes, e que não fornecem informações sobre a real condição das pessoas diferenciadas. É o caso de Manoel Luiz da Rosa, que freqüentou por 41 anos, e ainda freqüenta, um centro de Arte-educação livre de imposições curriculares formais, criado segundo Augusto Rodrigues. Sua produção plástica remete à expressão do corpo, como um lugar desenhado ou pintado, que cria significados, meios de apreensão do mundo e mediação com este mesmo mundo. Até o presente momento Manoel parece percorrer os caminhos da arte savant, naif, bruta, e da desrazão, mas sem pertencer totalmente a nenhuma destas categorias classificatórias. Sua produção em alguns momentos questiona conceitos teóricos a respeito da doença mental como incapacitante e limitante dos sentidos e da imaginação, onde o apelo criador não desaparece, ao contrário, muitas vezes se intensifica.


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Este trabalho consiste de uma investigação sobre a utilização dos elementos da escrita idiomática violinística nas três peças para violino e piano de Luiz Cosme. Através da abordagem das partes de violino, o estudo proposto pretende definir as características da escrita do compositor gaúcho para este instrumento tendo como referência o repertório tradicional.