501 resultados para Longhorned beetles


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Many species of bark and ambrosia beetles use host volatiles as cues for breeding site location. In a study where the objectives were to identify the different volatiles released by Pinus taeda L. billets as they age, to determine the arrival sequence of scolytids (Colcoptera: Scolytidae), and to correlate volatile emission by the billets with beetle catches, 25 species of scolytids were trapped. Bark beetles were more attracted to the billets in the beginning of the period. whereas ambrosia beetles arrived later. Among the bark beetles, Dendroctonus terebrans (Olivier) was significantly more attracted during the Ist 3 wk after tree felling, Hylastes tenuis Eichhoff in the Ist 2 wk. Pityophtorus pulicarius (Zimmermann) in weeks 2 and 3, and Ips grandicollis (Eichhoff) was more attracted on weeks 3 and 4. Among the ambrosia beetles, Xyleborinus saxeseni (Ratzeburg) was more attracted to billets during weeks 4-6, whereas Xyleborus pubescens Zimmermann and Xyleborus californicus Wood were more attracted during week 6. The billets showed marked decline in attractiveness to all scolytids after 8 wk. Volatiles collected during the beetle trapping periods included 15 hydrocarbon monoterpenes, 18 oxygenated monoterpenes, 4-allylanisole, and ethanol. The hydrocarbon monoterpenes and 4-allylanisole decreased sharply over time, but oxygenated monoterpenes and ethanol increased up to weeks 4-6, after which they also decreased. Good correlations between certain billet volatiles and catches for some beetle species were obtained, but their biological significance could not be determined.


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A utilização incorreta dos solos vem causando alterações neles, tornando-os cada vez menos produtivos, aumentando as áreas com solos degradados. O presente trabalho teve por objetivos estudar ações para acelerar a formação do horizonte A de um Latossolo Vermelho degradado, via uso de adubos verdes, lodo de esgoto e cultivo de uma espécie arbórea nativa de Cerrado, e selecionar indicadores para detectar alterações da camada superficial do solo. O monitoramento das alterações do solo foi realizado anualmente. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos, em cinco repetições. Os tratamentos foram: testemunha - solo exposto (sem manejo); vegetação nativa (Cerrado); espécie arbórea Astronium fraxinifolium; Astronium fraxinifolium + Canavalia ensiformis; Astronium fraxinifolium + Raphanus sativus; e Astronium fraxinifolium + Brachiaria decumbens + lodo de esgoto (60 t ha-1). Avaliou-se no solo: porosidade, densidade do solo, cátions trocáveis, pH, acidez potencial (H + Al), soma de bases (SB), saturação por bases (V), CTC e macrorganismos. Nos adubos verdes, foi avaliada a massa seca e, para a espécie arbórea, a altura e o diâmetro de caule. A mobilização do solo e a mobilização mais a adubação verde e o lodo de esgoto estão recuperando as propriedades do solo degradado, com comportamento semelhante entre elas após um ano de adoção. O melhor indicador físico das alterações do solo foi sua densidade. Os tratamentos adotados são semelhantes quanto à população de macrorganismos do solo e contribuindo positivamente para recuperação da macrofauna. A presença de larva e besouro foi indicadora da melhoria da macrofauna do solo.


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Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) are very useful insects, as they improve the chemo-physical properties of soil, clean pastures from dung pads, and help control symbovine flies associated with bovine cattle. Their importance makes it fundamental to sample and survey them adequately. The objectives of the present study were to determine the influence of decaying insects trapped in pitfalls on the attractiveness of Moura pig Sus scrofa L. (Suidae) and collared peccary Tayassu tajacu (L.) (Tayassuidae) dung used as baits to lure dung beetles, and to establish how long these baits remain attractive to dung beetles when used in these traps. Some dung beetle species seemed to be able to discriminate against foul smell from decaying insects within the first 24 h, hence decreasing trap efficiency. This was more evident in peccary dung-baited traps, which proved to be the least attractive bait. Attractiveness lasted only 24 h for peccary dung, after which it became unattractive, whereas the pig dung bait was highly attractive for 48 h, after which its attractiveness diminished but was not completely lost.


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Although many tropical insects carry infectious diseases, cutaneous injury can occur by other mechanisms, for example erucism (envenomation by caterpillars) or lepidopterism (dermatitis from moths). Pararama is a unique form of erucism seen in workers in contact with rubber trees in the Amazon, and it is caused by Premolis larvae, resulting in progressive periarticular fibrosis, ankylosis, and the loss of articulation. Ants and aquatic insects of the Belostomatidae family can cause painful bites and stings. Anaphylactic shock and death can result from the venom of bees and wasps. Beetles can cause vesicular dermatitis via cantharidin or paederin. Myiasis results from fly larvae (maggots) feeding on live or necrotic tissue of humans or other hosts, while New World screwworm fly larvae feed only on living tissue and burrow (ie, screw) more deeply when attempts are made to remove them. Tungiasis is characterized by very pruritic and painful papules and ulcers resulting from a Tunga flea penetrating the host's skin. Dermatologists should be able to diagnose and treat the cutaneous manifestations of these tropical insects and educate their patients on prevention. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2012; 67:339.e1-14.)


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It is believed that habitat heterogeneity can change the extent of predator-prey interactions. Therefore, in this study we examined the effect of habitat heterogeneity (characterized here as an addition of refuge) on D. ater predation on M. domestica. Predation of D. ater on M. domestica larvae was carried out in experimental habitats with and without refuge, and examined at different prey densities. The number of prey eaten by beetles over 24 h of predator-prey interaction was recorded, and we investigated the strength of interaction between prey and predator in both experimental habitats by determining predator functional response. The mean number of prey eaten by beetles in the presence of refuge was significantly higher than in the absence of refuge. Females had greater weight gains than males. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both experimental habitats, even though data did not fit well into the random predator model. Results suggest that the addition of refuge in fact enhanced predation, as prey consumption increased in the presence of refuge. Predators kept in the presence of refuge also consumed more prey at high prey densities. Thus, we concluded that the addition of refuge was an important component mediating D. ater-M. domestica population interactions. Refuge actually acted as a refuge for predators from prey, since prey behaviors detrimental to predators were reduced in this case.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sexual dimorphism, reproduction and diet are described for Stenocercus caducus from semideciduous forest, in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Central Brazil. Lizards are collected in pitfall traps from December 2000, to December 2001. Sexual dimorphism in S. caducus is apparent, mainly in coloration; although females reach a larger SVL than males. A wide variety of arthropods are fed by S. caducus, with ants and termites numerically, and orthopterans and beetles volumetrically the most common prey items. Ontogenetic differences in diet were noted for S. caducus, with juveniles feeding on lesser prey types and smaller sized prey than adults. The reproduction was seasonal, concentrated in the rainy season, with deposition of more than one clutch per season.


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The seed dispersal system of Attalea geraensis (Arecaceae), an acaulescent palm, was investigated during one year in two Cerrado fragments in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. A. geraensis had inflorescences and infrutescences throughout the year. Two scatter-hoarding rodents (the spiny rat, Clyomys bishopi and agoutis, Dasyptocta azarae) were identified as seed predators/dispersers, able to move seeds up to 30 in from the palms, although most of the fruits (57.5%) were dispersed less than 2 in. The removal rates were high and after 20 days, 97.2% of the fruits were removed. Fruit fate was not related to fruit mass, length and diameter. The application of Morisita's index showed a more clumped distribution of adults in the smaller fragment, probably because of the absence of agoutis. Higher seed removal by rodents in the large Cerrado remnant may decrease seed predation by beetles. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Intraspecific variation in seed size is common in wild plant populations and has important consequences for the reproductive success of individual plants. Multiple, often conflicting evolutionary forces mediated by biotic as well as abiotic agents may maintain such a variation. In this paper we assessed seed size variation in a population of the threatened, commercially important palm Euterpe edulis in southeast Brazil. We investigated (i) how this variation affects the probability of attack by vertebrate and invertebrate post-dispersal seed predators, and (ii) if seed size influences the outcome of seeds damaged by beetles in terms of seed germination and early survival of seedlings. Euterpe edulis seeds varied in diameter from 8.3 to 14.1 mm. Neither insects nor rodents selected the seeds they preyed upon based on seed size. Seed germination and total, shoot and root biomasses of one-year seedlings were significantly and positively affected by seed size. Root biomass and seedling survival were negatively affected by seed damage caused by a scolytid beetle (Coccotrypes palmarum) whose adults bore into seeds to consume part of the endosperm, but do not oviposit on them. Seed size had a marginally significant effect on seedling survival. Therefore, if any advantage is accrued by E. edulis individuals producing large seeds, this is because of greater seed germination success and seedling vigor. If this is so, even a relatively narrow range of variation in seed size as observed in the E. edulis population studied may translate into differential success of individual plants. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Programas que visam o controle biológico precisam ser embasados principalmente em liberações de predadores e parasitóides para tentar minimizar efeitos adversos para o ambiente. Os coleópteros da família Histeridae como predam larvas de dípteros sinantrópicos podem auxiliar no controle das moscas que se desenvolvem em fezes acumuladas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento das espécies de histerídeos em granja avícola no município de São João da Boa Vista, estado de São Paulo, verificar seu padrão sazonal de ocorrência e investigar possíveis associações entre as mesmas. As coletas foram realizadas de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2002, utilizando-se dois métodos de coleta (armadilhas de solo e o funil de Berlese - Tullgren). As espécies de histerídeos encontradas foram: Euspilostus modestus, Euspilostus (Hesperosaprinus) spp., Carcinops troglodytes e Hololepta quadridentata. O número de cada espécie diferiu entre os métodos utilizados. Na armadilha de solo, E. modestus correspondeu a 87,01% do número total de indivíduos capturados, enquanto que no funil, C. troglodytes obteve maior destaque (84,38%). E. modestus e H. quadridentata apresentaram padrões de variação mensal positivamente correlacionada com a precipitação pluviométrica (P<0,05 e P<0,01, respectivamente).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)