731 resultados para Live video


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The problem of automatic recognition of the fish from the video sequences is discussed in this Master’s Thesis. This is a very urgent issue for many organizations engaged in fish farming in Finland and Russia because the process of automation control and counting of individual species is turning point in the industry. The difficulties and the specific features of the problem have been identified in order to find a solution and propose some recommendations for the components of the automated fish recognition system. Methods such as background subtraction, Kalman filtering and Viola-Jones method were implemented during this work for detection, tracking and estimation of fish parameters. Both the results of the experiments and the choice of the appropriate methods strongly depend on the quality and the type of a video which is used as an input data. Practical experiments have demonstrated that not all methods can produce good results for real data, whereas on synthetic data they operate satisfactorily.


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Shock and resuscitation render patients more susceptible to acute lung injury due to an exacerbated immune response to subsequent inflammatory stimuli. To study the role of innate immunity in this situation, we investigated acute lung injury in an experimental model of ischemia-reperfusion (I-R) followed by an early challenge with live bacteria. Conscious rats (N = 8 in each group) were submitted to controlled hemorrhage and resuscitated with isotonic saline (SS, 0.9% NaCl) or hypertonic saline (HS, 7.5% NaCl) solution, followed by intratracheal or intraperitoneal inoculation of Escherichia coli. After infection, toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and 4 mRNA expression was monitored by RT-PCR in infected tissues. Plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukins 6 and 10 were determined by ELISA. All animals showed similar hemodynamic variables, with mean arterial pressure decreasing to nearly 40 mmHg after bleeding. HS or SS used as resuscitation fluid yielded equal hemodynamic results. Intratracheal E. coli inoculation per se induced a marked neutrophil infiltration in septa and inside the alveoli, while intraperitoneal inoculation-associated neutrophils and edema were restricted to the interseptal space. Previous I-R enhanced lung neutrophil infiltration upon bacterial challenge when SS was used as reperfusion fluid, whereas neutrophil influx was unchanged in HS-treated animals. No difference in TLR expression or cytokine secretion was detected between groups receiving HS or SS. We conclude that HS is effective in reducing the early inflammatory response to infection after I-R, and that this phenomenon is achieved by modulation of factors other than expression of innate immunity components.


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This thesis regards exhaustion of copyright’s distribution right in intangible transfers of video games. It analyses whether, under the current law of the European Union, the phenomenon of digital exhaustion, especially in relation to games exists. The thesis analyses the consumers’ position in the market for copyright protected goods. It uses video games market as an example of the wider phenomenon of the effect of latest technological developments on consumers. The research conducted for the thesis is mostly legal dogmatic, although also comparative analysis, law and economics and law and technology methods are utilised. The thesis evaluates the effects of the most recent case law of the European Court of Justice to analyse the current state of digital exhaustion. In the analysis of effects that the existence of digital exhaustion has, the thesis uses the consumers’ point of view. The thesis introduces the current state of technology in the field of video games from a legal perspective. Furthermore the thesis analyses the effects on consumers of a scenario that no digital exhaustion exists in the future. Such scenario under the recent European case law at the moment seems realistic. The conclusion of my research is most importantly that the consumer position in the market for digital goods has deteriorated and that the probable exclusion of the exhaustion for digital goods is another piece of evidence of this development. Most importantly however, the state of affairs where no certainty prevails on whether digital exhaustion exists, creates injustice from the consumers’ point of view. Accordingly, acts by EU legislators of the Court of Justice of the European Union are required to clarify the issue.


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Introduction: The treatment offered to chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients before starting hemodialysis (HD) impacts prognosis. Objective: We seek differences among incident HD patients according to the distance between home and the dialysis center. Methods: We included 179 CKD patients undergoing HD. Patients were stratified in two groups: "living near the dialysis center" (patients whose hometown was in cities up to 100 km from the dialysis center) or as "living far from the dialysis center" (patients whose hometown was more than 100 km from the dialysis center). Socioeconomic status, laboratory results, awareness of CKD before starting HD, consultation with nephrologist before the first HD session, and type of vascular access when starting HD were compared between the two groups. Comparisons of continuous and categorical variables were performed using Student's t-test and the Chi-square test, respectively. Results: Ninety (50.3%) patients were classified as "living near the dialysis center" and 89 (49.7%) as "living far from the dialysis center". Patients living near the dialysis center were more likely to know about their condition of CKD than those living far from the dialysis center, respectively 46.6% versus 28.0% (p = 0.015). Although without statistical significance, patients living near the dialysis center had more frequent previous consultation with nephrologists (55.5% versus 42.6%; p = 0.116) and first HD by fistula (30.0% versus 19.1%; p = 0.128) than those living far from the dialysis center. Conclusion: There are potential advantages of CKD awareness, referral to nephrologists and starting HD through fistula among patients living near the dialysis center.


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Tehohoitopotilaan kivun arvioiminen on usein haastavaa, johtuen potilaan kyvyttömyydestä kommunikoida. Kivun arvioinnin avuksi onkin tästä syystä kehitetty käyttäytymiseen perustuvia kipumittareita. Tehohoitajilla on keskeinen asema kivun arvioinnissa, mutta tutkimusten perusteella tehohoitajien kivun arvioinnin osaaminen on puutteellista niin tietojen kuin taitojen osalta ja heillä on ennakkoasenteita kivun arviointiin liittyen. Tehohoitajien kouluttaminen kivun arviointiin liittyen on tärkeä keino tehohoitopotilaan kivun arvioinnin edistämisessä. Koulutuksen tulee kuitenkin olla helposti saatavilla, ottaen huomioon hoitotodellisuuden siihen tuomat haasteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida video-opetuksen vaikutusta tehohoitajien tietoihin ja taitoihin tehohoitopotilaalle kehitetyn Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT)-kipumittarin käyttöön liittyen, sekä kuvailla tehohoitajien kokemuksia video-opetuksesta oppimismenetelmänä. Yhdeltä teho-osastolta 48 tehohoitajaa katsoi tutkimusta varten kehitetyn CPOT-opetusvideon, jonka jälkeen he arvioivat kahden potilaan kipua CPOT-kipumittarilla, tutkijan tehdessä samanaikaisesti rinnakkaisarvioinnit potilaista. Arviointien jälkeen tehohoitajat tekivät tietotestin ja täyttivät CPOT-arviointilomakkeen. Tehohoitajien CPOT-kipumittarin käyttötaitoja arvioitiin tarkastelemalla tehohoitajien ja tutkijan tekemien kivunarviointien yhdenmukaisuutta interrater reliabiliteettilaskelmin. Kaksikymmentä tehohoitajaa haastateltiin heidän kokemuksista oppimismenetelmään liittyen. Haastattelut analysoitiin deduktiivisella temaattisella analyysillä. Tehohoitajat oppivat CPOT-kipumittarin käytön periaatteet ja kokivat oppineensa mittarin käytön, mutta interrater reliabiliteetti suhteessa tutkijan tekemiin kivun arviointeihin oli keskinkertainen. Video-opetus koettiin positiivisena, vaikkakin vuorovaikutuksellisuutta kaivattiin. Tutkimus osoitti video-opetuksen olevan käyttökelpoinen oppimismenetelmä CPOT-kipumittarin käytön periaatteiden oppimiseen, mutta parempien käyttötaitojen saavuttaminen vaatii lisäharjoittelua. Koska tehohoitajien subjektiivinen arvio käyttötaidoista ei välttämättä vastaa todellisia käyttötaitoja, oleellista olisi varmistaa myös objektiivisesti mittarin käyttötaidot koulutuksen jälkeen. Jatkossa tulisi tutkia käytäntöön soveltuvia keinoja varmistaa mittarin käyttötaidot, sekä teho-osastojen oppimiskulttuuria ja tehohoitajien motivaatiota ja asenteita työhön liittyvään oppimiseen.


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The review of intelligent machines shows that the demand for new ways of helping people in perception of the real world is becoming higher and higher every year. This thesis provides information about design and implementation of machine vision for mobile assembly robot. The work has been done as a part of LUT project in Laboratory of Intelligent Machines. The aim of this work is to create a working vision system. The qualitative and quantitative research were done to complete this task. In the first part, the author presents the theoretical background of such things as digital camera work principles, wireless transmission basics, creation of live stream, methods used for pattern recognition. Formulas, dependencies and previous research related to the topic are shown. In the second part, the equipment used for the project is described. There is information about the brands, models, capabilities and also requirements needed for implementation. Although, the author gives a description of LabVIEW software, its add-ons and OpenCV which are used in the project. Furthermore, one can find results in further section of considered thesis. They mainly represented by screenshots from cameras, working station and photos of the system. The key result of this thesis is vision system created for the needs of mobile assembly robot. Therefore, it is possible to see graphically what was done on examples. Future research in this field includes optimization of the pattern recognition algorithm. This will give less response time for recognizing objects. Presented by author system can be used also for further activities which include artificial intelligence usage.


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Live-konserttien tarjonnan kasvu ja kysynnän uhkaava lasku ovat johtaneet siihen, että artistit ja tapahtumanjärjestäjät kilpailevat yleisön suosiosta ja menestyksestä aiempaa enemmän. Ratkaisuna kuluttajille pyritään luomaan elämyksellisiä kulutusympäristöjä, joissa heille tarjotaan ikimuistoinen konserttikokemus. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella vuorovaikutuksen muotoja ja merkitystä elämysten tuottamisessa ja kokemisessa live-konserteissa. Tutkimuksessa oltiin kiinnostuneita siitä, millaista vuorovaikutus live-konserteissa on, keiden välillä sitä on ja mitkä tekijät edesauttavat tai haittaavat vuorovaikutuksen ja elämyksen syntymistä. Tavoitteena oli tunnistaa tekijät, joilla vuorovaikutukseen voidaan vaikuttaa. Tutkimuksen teoriakeskustelu pohjautui elämyksiä, arvon yhteisluomista ja vuorovaikutusta käsittelevään kirjallisuuteen sekä musiikin kuluttamista käsittelevään kirjallisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa oli laadullinen ote, ja tutkimusaineisto muodostui kolmen suomalaisen artistin, Jukka Pojan, Olavi Uusivirran ja Apulannan, konserttien havainnoinnista sekä artisti- ja yleisöhaastatteluista. Live-konserteissa tuottajan ja kuluttajan roolit sekoittuvat, sillä artisti tuottaa, jakaa ja kokee elämyksiä yhdessä yleisön kanssa. Elämys on subjektiivinen kokemus, mutta se syntyy vuorovaikutuksessa muiden kanssa. Live-konserteissa tapahtuu yhtä aikaa monensuuntaista vuorovaikutusta, ja siksi vuorovaikutuksen merkitys elämysten tuottamisessa ja kokemisessa on suurempi kuin perinteisessä palveluasetelmassa. Vuorovaikutus live-konserteissa on moninaista sen dynaamisuuden, ajassa tunnistettavien vaiheiden, eri vuorovaikutustyyppien ja niiden yhtäaikaisuudesta johtuvien eri tasojen takia. Vuorovaikutusta voi olla yksittäisen artistin tai yhtyeen ja yleisön välillä sekä artistin tai yhtyeen ja yksilön välillä. Sitä voi kuitenkin olla myös yleisön sekä artistien keskuudessa. Tämä johtaa siihen, että vuorovaikutuksen muodot ovat monimutkaisia, eikä selkeää muotokategoriaa voida siksi osoittaa. Toimintaympäristö, tapahtuman luonne, fyysinen ja henkinen etäisyys sekä yleisön motiivit osallistua tapahtumaan ohjaavat vuorovaikutuksen suuntaa ja intensiteettiä. Toimintaympäristötekijöillä voidaan edesauttaa tai haitata vuorovaikutuksen ja elämyksen syntymistä, ja tapahtumanjärjestäjällä on vastuu vuorovaikutusmahdollisuuden luomisessa. Artistin vastuulla on kiinnittää vuorovaikutus artistia ja yleisöä yhdistävään artisti- tai konserttilähtöiseen tekijään, joka on koko vuorovaikutuksen perusta. Siinä onnistuminen nostaa vuorovaikutuksen intensiteettiä ja johtaa todennäköisimmin hurmokseen, joka liikuttaa massoja, ei vain yksilöä


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Desarrollo empresarial y creación de empresa


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The strength and nature of the video game practice effect on tests of visual and perceptual skills were examined using high functioning Grades Four and Five students who had been tested with the WISC-R .for the purpose of gifted identification and placement. The control group, who did not own and .play video games on a sustained basis, and the experimental group, who did own a video game system and had some mastery of video games, including the -Nintendo game, "Tetris", were each composed of 18 juniorg:r;-ade students and were chosen from pre-existing conditions. The experimental group corresponded to the control group in terms of age, sex, and community. Data on the Verbal and Performance I.Q. Scores were· collected for both groups and the author was interested in the difference between the Verbal and Performance Scores within each group, anticipating a P > V outcome for the experimental group. The results showed a significant P > V difference in the experimental, video game playing group, as expected, but no significant difference between the Performance $cores of the control and experimental groups. The results, thus, indicated lower Verbal I.Q. Scores in the experimental group relat'ive to 'the control group.' The study conclu~ed that information about a sUbject's video game experience and "learhing style pref~rence is important for a clear interpretation of the Verbal and Performance I.Q. Scores of the WISC-R. Although the time spent on video game play may, 'indeed, increase P~rformance Scores relative to Verbal Scores for an individual, the possibilities exist that the time borrowed and spent away from language based activities may retard verbal growth and/or that the cognitive style associated with some Performance I.Q.subtests may have a negative effect on the approach to the tasks on the Verbal I.Q. Scale. The study also discussed the possibility that exposure to ,the video game experience, in pre-puberty, can provide spatial instruction which will result in improved spatial skills. strong spatial skills have been linked to improved performance and preference in mathematics, science, and engineering and it was suggested that appropriate video game play might be a way to involve girls more in the fields of mathematics and science.


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The implementation of imagery and video feedback programs has become an important tool for aiding athletes in achieving peak performance (Halliwell, 1990). The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of strategic imagery training and video feedback on immediate performance. Participants were two university goaltenders. An alternating treatment design (ATD; Barlow & Hayes, 1979; Tawney & Gast, 1984) was employed. The strategies were investigated using three plays originating from the right side by a right-handed shooting defenceman from the blueline. The baseline condition consisted of six practices and was used to establish a stable and "ideal" measure of performance. The intervention conditions included alternating the use of strategic imagery (Cognitive general; Paivio, 1985) and video feedback. Both participants demonstrated an increase in the frequency of Cognitive general use. Specific and global performance measures were assessed to determine the relative effectiveness of the interventions. Poor inter-rater reliability resulted in the elimination of specific performance measures. Consequently, only the global measure (i.e., save percentage) was used in subsequent analyses. Visual inspection of participant save percentage was conducted to determine the benefits of the intervention. Strategic imagery training resulted in performance improvements for both participants. Video feedback facilitated performance for Participant 2, but not Participant 1. Results are discussed with respect to imagery and video interventions and the challenges associated with applied research. KEYWORDS: imagery, video, goaltenders, alternating treatment design.