938 resultados para Linux (Operating system) -- TFC


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People remember moving objects as having moved farther along in their path of motion than is actually the case; this is known as representational momentum (RM). Some authors have argued that RM is an internalization of environmental properties such as physical momentum and gravity. Five experiments demonstrated that a similar memory bias could not have been learned from the environment. For right-handed Ss, objects apparently moving to the right engendered a larger memory bias in the direction of motion than did those moving to the left. This effect, clearly not derived from real-world lateral asymmetries, was relatively insensitive to changes in apparent velocity and the type of object used, and it may be confined to objects in the left half of visual space. The left–right effect may be an intrinsic property of the visual operating system, which may in turn have affected certain cultural conventions of left and right in art and other domains.


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With research on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) becoming more and more mature in the past five years, researchers from universities all over the world have set up testbeds of wireless sensor networks, in most cases to test and evaluate the real-world behavior of developed WSN protocol mechanisms. Although these testbeds differ heavily in the employed sensor node types and the general architectural set up, they all have similar requirements with respect to management and scheduling functionalities: as every shared resource, a testbed requires a notion of users, resource reservation features, support for reprogramming and reconfiguration of the nodes, provisions to debug and remotely reset sensor nodes in case of node failures, as well as a solution for collecting and storing experimental data. The TARWIS management architecture presented in this paper targets at providing these functionalities independent from node type and node operating system. TARWIS has been designed as a re-usable management solution for research and/or educational oriented research testbeds of wireless sensor networks, relieving researchers intending to deploy a testbed from the burden to implement their own scheduling and testbed management solutions from scratch.


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This project addresses the unreliability of operating system code, in particular in device drivers. Device driver software is the interface between the operating system and the device's hardware. Device drivers are written in low level code, making them difficult to understand. Almost all device drivers are written in the programming language C which allows for direct manipulation of memory. Due to the complexity of manual movement of data, most mistakes in operating systems occur in device driver code. The programming language Clay can be used to check device driver code at compile-time. Clay does most of its error checking statically to minimize the overhead of run-time checks in order to stay competitive with C's performance time. The Clay compiler can detect a lot more types of errors than the C compiler like buffer overflows, kernel stack overflows, NULL pointer uses, freed memory uses, and aliasing errors. Clay code that successfully compiles is guaranteed to run without failing on errors that Clay can detect. Even though C is unsafe, currently most device drivers are written in it. Not only are device drivers the part of the operating system most likely to fail, they also are the largest part of the operating system. As rewriting every existing device driver in Clay by hand would be impractical, this thesis is part of a project to automate translation of existing drivers from C to Clay. Although C and Clay both allow low level manipulation of data and fill the same niche for developing low level code, they have different syntax, type systems, and paradigms. This paper explores how C can be translated into Clay. It identifies what part of C device drivers cannot be translated into Clay and what information drivers in Clay will require that C cannot provide. It also explains how these translations will occur by explaining how each C structure is represented in the compiler and how these structures are changed to represent a Clay structure.


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Though 3D computer graphics has seen tremendous advancement in the past two decades, most available mechanisms for computer interaction in 3D are high cost and targeted for industry and virtual reality applications. Recent advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) devices have brought forth a variety of new low-cost, low-power, miniature sensors with high accuracy, which are well suited for hand-held devices. In this work a novel design for a 3D computer game controller using inertial sensors is proposed, and a prototype device based on this design is implemented. The design incorporates MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes from Analog Devices to measure the three components of the acceleration and angular velocity. From these sensor readings, the position and orientation of the hand-held compartment can be calculated using numerical methods. The implemented prototype is utilizes a USB 2.0 compliant interface for power and communication with the host system. A Microchip dsPIC microcontroller is used in the design. This microcontroller integrates the analog to digital converters, the program memory flash, as well as the core processor, on a single integrated circuit. A PC running Microsoft Windows operating system is used as the host machine. Prototype firmware for the microcontroller is developed and tested to establish the communication between the design and the host, and perform the data acquisition and initial filtering of the sensor data. A PC front-end application with a graphical interface is developed to communicate with the device, and allow real-time visualization of the acquired data.


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Research on open source software (OSS) projects often focuses on the SourceForge collaboration platform. We argue that a GNU/Linwr distribution, such as Debian, is better suited for the sampling ofprojects because it avoids biases and contains unique information only available in an integrated environment. Especially research on the reuse of components can build on dependency information inherent in the Debian GNU/Linux packaging system. This paper therefore contributes to the practice of sampling methods in OSS research and provides empirical data on reuse dependencies in Debian.


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Under the 12th International Conference on Building Materials and Components is inserted this communication related to the field of management of those assets that constitute the Spanish Cultural Heritage and maintenance. This work is related to the field of management of those assets that constitute the Spanish Cultural Heritage which share an artistic or historical background. The conservation and maintenance become a social demand necessary for the preservation of public values, requiring the investment of necessary resources. The legal protection involves a number of obligations and rights to ensure the conservation and heritage protection. The duty of maintenance and upkeep exceeds the useful life the property that must endure more for their cultural value for its usability. The establishment of the necessary conditions to prevent deterioration and precise in order to fulfill its social function, seeking to prolong the life of the asset, preserving their physical integrity and its ability to convey the values protected. This obligation implies a substantial financial effort to the holder of the property, either public or private entity, addressing a problem of economic sustainability. Economic exploitation, with the aim of contributing to their well-maintained, is sometimes the best way to get resources. The work will include different lines of research with the following objectives. - Establishment of processes for assessing total costs over the building life cycle (LCC), during the planning stages or maintenance budgets to determine the most advantageous operating system. - Relationship between the value of property and maintenance costs, and establishing a sensitivity analysis.


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The improvement of energy efficiency in existing buildings is always a challenge due to their particular, and sometimes protected, constructive solutions. New constructive regulations in Spain leave a big undefined gap when a restoration is considered because they were developed for new buildings. However, rehabilitation is considered as an opportunity for many properties because it allows owners to obtain benefits from the use of the buildings. The current financial and housing crisis has turned society point of view to existing buildings and making them more efficient is one of the Spanish government’s aims. The economic viability of a rehabilitation action should take all factors into account: both construction costs and the future operative costs of the building must be considered. Nevertheless, the application of these regulations in Spain is left to the designer’s opinion and always under a subjective point of view. With the research work described in this paper and with the help of some case-studies, the cost of adapting an existing building to the new constructive regulations will be studied and Energetic Efficiency will be evaluated depending on how the investment is recovered. The interest of the research is based on showing how new constructive solutions can achieve higher levels of efficiency in terms of energy, construction and economy and it will demonstrate that Life Cycle Costing analysis can be a mechanism to find the advantages and disadvantages of using these new constructive solutions. Therefore, this paper has the following objectives: analysing constructive solutions in existing buildings - to establish a process for assessing total life cycle costs (LCC) during the planning stages with consideration of future operating costs - to select the most advantageous operating system – To determine the return on investment in terms of construction costs based on new techniques, the achieved energy savings and investment payback periods.


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Este proyecto, titulado “Caracterización de colectores para concentración fotovoltaica”, consiste en una aplicación en Labview para obtener las características de los elementos ópticos utilizados en sistemas de concentración fotovoltaica , atendiendo a la distribución espacial del foco de luz concentrado que generan. Un sistema de concentración fotovoltaica utiliza un sistema óptico para transmitir la radiación luminosa a la célula solar aumentando la densidad de potencia luminosa. Estos sistemas ópticos están formados por espejos o lentes para recoger la radiación incidente en ellos y concentrar el haz de luz en una superficie mucho menor. De esta manera se puede reducir el área de material semiconductor necesario, lo que conlleva una importante reducción del coste del sistema. Se pueden distinguir diferentes sistemas de concentración dependiendo de la óptica que emplee, la estructura del receptor o el rango de concentración. Sin embargo, ya que el objetivo es analizar la distribución espacial, diferenciaremos dos tipos de concentradores dependiendo de la geometría que presenta el foco de luz. El concentrador lineal o cilíndrico que enfoca sobre una línea, y el concentrador de foco puntual o circular que enfoca la luz sobre un punto. Debido a esta diferencia el análisis en ambos casos se realizará de forma distinta. El análisis se realiza procesando una imagen del foco tomada en el lugar del receptor, este método se llama LS-CCD (Difusión de luz y captura con CCD). Puede utilizarse en varios montajes dependiendo si se capta la imagen por reflexión o por transmisión en el receptor. En algunos montajes no es posible captar la imagen perpendicular al receptor por lo que la aplicación realizará un ajuste de perspectiva para obtener el foco con su forma original. La imagen del foco ofrece información detallada acerca de la uniformidad del foco mediante el mapa de superficie, que es una representación en 3D de la imagen pero que resulta poco manejable. Una representación más sencilla y útil es la que ofrecen los llamados “perfiles de intensidad”. El perfil de intensidad o distribución de la irradiancia que representa la distribución de la luz para cada distancia al centro, y el perfil acumulado o irradiancia acumulada que representa la luz contenida en relación también al centro. Las representaciones de estos perfiles en el caso de un concentrador lineal y otro circular son distintas debido a su diferente geometría. Mientras que para un foco lineal se expresa el perfil en función de la semi-anchura del receptor, para uno circular se expresa en función del radio. En cualquiera de los casos ofrecen información sobre la uniformidad y el tamaño del foco de luz necesarios para diseñar el receptor. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una aplicación software que realice el procesado y análisis de las imágenes obtenidas del foco de luz de los sistemas ópticos a caracterizar. La aplicación tiene una interfaz sencilla e intuitiva para que pueda ser empleada por cualquier usuario. Los recursos necesarios para realizar el proyecto son: un PC con sistema operativo Windows, el software Labview 8.6 Professional Edition y los módulos NI Vision Development Module (para trabajar con imágenes) y NI Report Generation Toolkit (para realizar reportes y guardar datos de la aplicación). ABSTRACT This project, called “Characterization of collectors for concentration photovoltaic systems”, consists in a Labview application to obtain the characteristics of the optical elements used in photovoltaic concentrator, taking into account the spatial distribution of concentrated light source generated. A concentrator photovoltaic system uses an optical system to transmit light radiation to the solar cell by increasing the light power density. This optical system are formed by mirrors or lenses to collect the radiation incident on them and focus the beam of light in a much smaller surface area. In this way you can reduce the area of semiconductor material needed, which implies a significant reduction in system cost. There are different concentration systems depending on the optics used, receptor structure or concentration range. However, as the aim is to analyze the spatial distribution, distinguish between two types of concentrators depending on the geometry that has the light focus. The linear or cylindrical concentrator that focused on a line, and the circular concentrator that focused light onto a point. Because this difference in both cases the analysis will be carried out differently. The analysis is performed by processing a focus image taken at the receiver site, this method is called “LS-CCD” (Light Scattering and CCD recording). Can be used in several mountings depending on whether the image is captured by reflection or transmission on the receiver. In some mountings it is not possible to capture the image perpendicular to the receivers so that the application makes an adjustment of perspective to get the focus to its original shape. The focus image provides detail information about the uniformity of focus through the surface map, which is a 3D image representation but it is unwieldy. A simple and useful representation is provided by so called “intensity profiles”. The intensity profile or irradiance distribution which represents the distribution of light to each distance to the center. The accumulated profile or accumulated irradiance that represents the cumulative light contained in relation also to the center. The representation of these profiles in the case of a linear and a circular concentrator are different due to their distinct geometry. While for a line focus profile is expressed in terms of semi-width of the receiver, for a circular concentrator is expressed in terms of radius. In either case provides information about the uniformity and size of focus needed to design the receiver. The objective of this project is the creation of a software application to perform processing and analysis of images obtained from light source of optical systems to characterize.The application has a simple and a intuitive interface so it can be used for any users. The resources required for the project are: a PC with Windows operating system, LabVIEW 8.6 Professional Edition and the modules NI Vision Development Module (for working with images) and NI Report Generation Toolkit (for reports and store application data .)


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El proyecto realizado, trata de una aplicación desarrollada en la plataforma Android, orientada a personas con algún tipo de discapacidad sensorial o psíquica. Dicha aplicación fomenta el uso y la integración de dispositivos móviles en este tipo de sector de población. Está pensada, para que, un usuario con discapacidad, pueda interactuar con ella y de forma transparente a él, se ha creado un sistema mediante el cual, se registra todo el comportamiento que ese usuario ha tenido durante el tiempo de uso de la aplicación, con el fin de llevar un seguimiento del mismo; evaluar si existen cambios en él; determinar si son necesarios algunos cambios en la aplicación que favorezcan una mejoría en cuanto al uso y consecución de resultados en el paciente, etc. Se ha combinado el uso de una aplicación instalada sobre un sistema operativo de libre distribución, concretamente Android, con un juguete de código abierto, como es Sphero. Eso ha permito el desarrollo de una aplicación perfectamente ajustada a los requisitos funcionales definidos, con una robustez y eficiencia similar a una aplicación de sistemas operativos móviles cerrados. Es importarte remarcar, que la primera finalidad de este proyecto es ofrecer la posibilidad de usar un juguete, como Sphero, que está orientado a un sector de población sin discapacidad, haciendo uso de cualquier dispositivo móvil, a personas con diferentes grados de discapacidad sensorial, motora y psíquica. Siempre clarificando, que no existe la posibilidad de usar esta aplicación para cualquier tipo y grado de discapacidad, ya que, ello supondría, un proyecto de una envergadura enorme. El hecho de usar un dispositivo móvil, es un derecho, que todos tenemos. Y por ello, se espera que tras la lectura y comprensión de este proyecto, se motive a los lectores a seguir desarrollando aplicaciones para que cualquier usuario, con discapacidad o no, tenga las mismas oportunidades de interactuación con dispositivos móviles. The carried out project, is an application developed on the Android platform , aimed at people with some kind of sensory or mental disability . This application encourages the use and integration of mobile devices in this type of population sector. It is designed to be interacted by a disable person and transparently to that user, it has been created a system by which all behavior, that user has had during the time of use of the application, is recorded, that’s to keep track of it ; assess whether there are changes in it, determine if changes are needed in the application that favor an improvement in the use and achieving patient outcomes , etc. . It has combined the use of an application installed on an open source operating system, namely Android, an open source toy , as is Sphero . That has made it possible to develop an application perfectly adjusted to the functional requirements defined with a robustness and efficiency similar to a mobile OS application closed. It is important to note, that the first aim of this project is to offer the possibility of using a toy, like Sphero , which is geared to a sector of the population without disabilities , using any mobile device , for people with different degrees of sensory impairment , motor and mental . Always clarifying that there is no possibility to use this application for any type and degree of disability, because the magnitude of the project would have been infinitely greater. The fact of using a mobile device, is a right we all have. And so, it is expected that upon reading and understanding of this project, motivate readers to continue developing applications for any user , disabled or not, have the same opportunities for interaction with mobile devices .


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El proyecto que he realizado ha consistido en la creación de un sistema de información geográfica para el Campus Sur UPM, que puede servir de referencia para su implantación en cualquier otro campus universitario. Esta idea surge de la necesidad por parte de los usuarios de un campus de disponer de una herramienta que les permita consultar la información de los distintos lugares y servicios del campus, haciendo especial hincapié en su localización geográfica. Para ello ha sido necesario estudiar las tecnologías actuales que permiten implementar un sistema de información geográfica, dando lugar al sistema propuesto, que consiste en un conjunto de medios informáticos (hardware y software), que van a permitir al personal del campus obtener la información y localización de los elementos del campus desde su móvil. Tras realizar un análisis de los requisitos y funcionalidades que debía tener el sistema, el proyecto ha consistido en el diseño e implementación de dicho sistema. La información a consultar estará almacenada y disponible para su consulta en un equipo servidor accesible para el personal del campus. Para ello, durante la realización del proyecto, ha sido necesario crear un modelo de datos basado en el campus y cargar los datos geográficos de utilidad en una base de datos. Todo esto ha sido realizado mediante el producto software Smallword Core 4.2. Además, ha sido también necesario desplegar un software servidor que permita a los usuarios consultar dichos datos desde sus móviles vía WIFI o Internet, el producto utilizado para este fin ha sido Smallworld Geospatial Server 4.2. Para la realización de las consultas se han utilizado los servicios WMS(Web Map Service) y WFS(Web Feature Service) definidos por el OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium). Estos servicios están adaptados para la consulta de información geográfica. El sistema también está compuesto por una aplicación para dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo Android, que permite a los usuarios del sistema consultar y visualizar la información geográfica del campus. Dicha aplicación ha sido diseñada y programada a lo largo de la realización del proyecto. Para la realización de este proyecto también ha sido necesario un estudio del presupuesto que supondría una implantación real del sistema y el mantenimiento que implicaría tener el sistema actualizado. Por último, el proyecto incluye una breve descripción de las tecnologías futuras que podrían mejorar las funcionalidades del sistema: la realidad aumentada y el posicionamiento en el interior de edificios. ABSTRACT. The project I've done has been to create a geographic information system for the Campus Sur UPM, which can serve as a reference for implementation in any other college campus. This idea arises from the need for the campus users to have a tool that allows them to view information from different places and services, with particular emphasis on their geographical location. It has been necessary to study the current technologies that allow implementing a geographic information system, leading to the proposed system, which consists of a set of computer resources (hardware and software) that will allow campus users to obtain information and location of campus components from their mobile phones. Following an analysis of the requirements and functionalities that the system should have, the project involved the design and implementation of the system . The information will be stored and available on a computer server accessible to campus users. Accordingly, during the project, it was necessary to create a data model based on campus data and load this data in a database. All this has been done by Smallword Core 4.2 software product. In addition, it has also been necessary to deploy a server software that allows users to query the data from their phones via WIFI or Internet, the product used for this purpose has been Smallworld Geospatial Server 4.2 . To carry out the consultations have used the services WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service) defined by the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). These services are tailored to the geographic information retrieval. The system also consists of an application for mobile devices with Android operating system, which allows users to query and display geographic information related to the campus. This application has been designed and programmed over the project. For the realization of this project has also been necessary to study the budget that would be a real system implementation and the maintenance that would have the system updated. Finally, the project includes a brief description of future technologies that could improve the system's functionality: augmented reality and positioning inside the buildings.


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La cámara Kinect está desarrollada por Prime Sense en colaboración con Microsoft para la consola XBox, ofrece imágenes de profundidad gracias a un sensor infrarrojo. Este dispositivo también incluye una cámara RGB que ofrece imágenes a color además de una serie de micrófonos colocados de tal manera que son capaces de saber de qué ángulo proviene el sonido. En un principio Kinect se creó para el ocio doméstico pero su bajo precio (en comparación con otras cámaras de iguales características) y la aceptación por parte de desarrolladores han explotado sus posibilidades. El objetivo de este proyecto es, partiendo de estos datos, la obtención de variables cinemáticas tales como posición, velocidad y aceleración de determinados puntos de control del cuerpo de un individuo como pueden ser el cabeza, cuello, hombros, codos, muñecas, caderas, rodillas y tobillos a partir de los cuales poder extraer patrones de movimiento. Para ello se necesita un middleware mediante el entorno de libre distribución (GNU) multiplataforma. Como IDE se ha utilizado Processing, un entorno open source creado para proyectos de diseño. Además se ha utilizado el contenedor SimpleOpenNI, desarrollado por estudiantes e investigadores que trabajan con Kinect. Esto ofrece la posibilidad de prescindir del SDK de Microsoft, el cual es propietario y obliga a utilizar su sistema operativo, Windows. Usando estas herramientas se consigue una solución viable para varios sistemas operativos. Se han utilizado métodos y facilidades que ofrece el lenguaje orientado a objetos Java (Proccesing hereda de este), y se ha planteado una solución basada en un modelo cliente servidor que dota de escalabilidad al proyecto. El resultado del proyecto es útil en aplicaciones para poblaciones con riesgo de exclusión (como es el espectro autista), en telediagnóstico, y en general entornos donde se necesite estudiar hábitos y comportamientos a partir del movimiento humano. Con este proyecto se busca tener una continuidad mediante otras aplicaciones que analicen los datos ofrecidos. ABSTRACT. The Kinect camera is developed by PrimeSense in collaboration with Microsoft for the xBox console provides depth images thanks to an infrared sensor. This device also includes an RGB camera that provides color images in addition to a number of microphones placed such that they are able to know what angle the sound comes. Kinect initially created for domestic leisure but its low prices (compared to other cameras with the same characteristics) and acceptance by developers have exploited its possibilities. The objective of this project is based on this data to obtain kinematic variables such as position, velocity and acceleration of certain control points of the body of an individual from which to extract movement patterns. These points can be the head, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. This requires a middleware using freely distributed environment (GNU) platform. Processing has been used as a development environment, and open source environment created for design projects. Besides the container SimpleOpenNi has been used, it developed by students and researchers working with Kinect. This offers the possibility to dispense with the Microsoft SDK which owns and agrees to use its operating system, Windows. Using these tools will get a viable solution for multiple operating systems. We used methods and facilities of the Java object-oriented language (Processing inherits from this) and has proposed a solution based on a client-server model which provides scalability to the project. The result of the project is useful in applications to populations at risk of exclusion (such as autistic spectrum), in remote diagnostic, and in general environments that need study habits and behaviors from human motion. This project aims to have continuity using other applications to analyze the data provided.


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We discuss experiences gained by porting a Software Validation Facility (SVF) and a satellite Central Software (CSW) to a platform with support for Time and Space Partitioning (TSP). The SVF and CSW are part of the EagleEye Reference mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). As a reference mission, EagleEye is a perfect candidate to evaluate practical aspects of developing satellite CSW for and on TSP platforms. The specific TSP platform we used consists of a simulate D LEON3 CPU controlled by the XtratuM separation micro-kernel. On top of this, we run five separate partitions. Each partition ru n s its own real-time operating system or Ada run-time kernel, which in turn are running the application software of the CSW. We describe issues related to partitioning; inter-partition communication; scheduling; I/O; and fault-detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR)


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Reconociendo que podía ser útil para los alumnos una aplicación móvil para que pudieran acceder a información relacionada con sus estudios de forma rápida y sobre la marcha, se decide realizar una prueba de concepto cuyo resultado satisfactorio conduce a dar el siguiente paso en el desarrollo de la aplicación móvil. En este contexto es donde se enmarca el proyecto “Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil iOS de información a estudiantes universitarios” que tiene como finalidad aprovechar las ventajas que nos brindan las nuevas tecnologías. En el prototipo de aplicación móvil fueron encontrados problemas de mantenibilidad y la versión del sistema operativo había quedado obsoleta. Por lo tanto el primer paso fue refactorizar todos los paquetes del proyecto, después de esto fue necesario crear un estándar de codificación y una documentación del proyecto. El segundo paso fue adaptar el proyecto a la última versión del sistema operativo, iOS 7, siguiendo la guía de transición de la interfaz de usuario de Apple. Además de todo esto, había nuevas funcionalidades que incluir al prototipo, estas nuevas funcionalidades han sido probadas en una evaluación con usuarios para obtener comentarios y sugerencias de los alumnos universitarios para mejorar la aplicación en la medida de lo posible. ----ABSTRACT----Recognizing that could be useful a mobile app for students to enable them to access information related to their studies quickly and on the go, it was decided to perform a proof of concept whose satisfactory results leads to take the next step in the development of the mobile app. In this context is where the project “Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil iOS de información a estudiantes universitarios” takes part whose aim is to exploit the advantages offered by the new technologies. Maintenance problems were found in the mobile app prototype and the operating system version was outdated. So the first step was to refactor all the Project packages, after that it was necessary to create a coding standard and a Project documentation. The second step was to adapt the project to the latest versión of the operating system, iOS7, following the Apple UI transition guide. In addition to all of this, there were new features to include to the prototype, these new features have been tested in an user evaluation to obtain feedback and suggestions from college students to improve the app as far as possible.


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El Trabajo Fin de Grado ha consistido en el diseño e implementación de una herramienta para la gestión y administración de los entrenamientos de atletas de deportes individuales. Hasta ahora los deportistas debían gestionar sus entrenamientos a través de hojas de cálculo, teniendo que dedicar tiempo al aprendizaje de herramientas como Microsoft Excel u OpenOffice Excel para personalizar las plantillas y guardar los datos, utilizar otras herramientas como Google Calendar para obtener una visión de un calendario con los entrenamientos realizados o bien utilizar programas hechos a medida para un deporte e incluso para un deportista. El objetivo principal consistía en desarrollar una herramienta que unificara todas las tareas para ofrecer al deportista las funciones de configuración de plantillas, registro y generación de gráficas de los datos registrados y visionado del calendario de entrenamientos de una forma ágil, sencilla e intuitiva, adaptándose a las necesidades de cualquier deporte o deportista. Para alcanzar el objetivo principal realizamos encuestas a atletas de una gran diversidad de deportes individuales, detectando las particularidades de cada deporte y analizando los datos que nos ofrecían para alcanzar el objetivo de diseñar una herramienta versátil que permitiera su uso independientemente de los parámetros que se quisiera registrar de cada entrenamiento. La herramienta generada es una herramienta programada en Java, que ofrece portabilidad a cualquier sistema operativo que lo soporte, sin ser necesario realizar una instalación previa. Es una aplicación plug and play en la que solo se necesita del fichero ejecutable para su funcionamiento; de esta forma facilitamos que el deportista guarde toda la información en muy poco espacio, 6 megabytes aproximadamente, y pueda llevarla a cualquier lado en un pen drive o en sistemas de almacenamiento en la nube. Además, los ficheros en los que se registran los datos son ficheros CSV (valores separados por comas) con un formato estandarizado que permite la exportación a otras herramientas. Como conclusión el atleta ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo en tareas ajenas a la práctica del deporte y disfruta de una herramienta que le permite analizar de diferentes maneras cada uno de los parámetros registrados para ver su evolución y ayudarle a mejorar aquellos aspectos que sean deficientes. ---ABSTRACT---The Final Project consists in the design and implementation of a tool for the management and administration of training logs for individual athletes. Until now athletes had to manage their workouts through spreadsheets, having to spend time in learning tools such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice in order to save the data, others tools like Google Calendar to check their training plan or buy specifics programs designed for a specific sport or even for an athlete. The main purpose of this project is to develop an intuitive and straightforward tool that unifies all tasks offering setup functions, data recording, graph generation and training schedule to the athletes. Whit this in mind, we have interviewed athletes from a wide range of individual sports, identifying their specifications and analyzing the data provided to design a flexible tool that registers multitude of training parameters. This tool has been coded in Java, providing portability to any operating system that supports it, without installation being required. It is a plug and play application, that only requires the executable file to start working. Accordingly, athletes can keep all the information in a relative reduced space (aprox 6 megabytes) and save it in a pen drive or in the cloud. In addition, the files whit the stored data are CSV (comma separated value) files whit a standardized format that allows exporting to other tools. Consequently athletes will save time and effort on tasks unrelated to the practice of sports. The new tool will enable them to analyze in detail all the existing data and improve in those areas with development opportunities.


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Mode switches are used to partition the system’s behavior into different modes to reduce the complexity of large embedded systems. Such systems operate in multiple modes in which each one corresponds to a specific application scenario; these are called Multi-Mode Systems (MMS). A different piece of software is normally executed for each mode. At any given time, the system can be in one of the predefined modes and then be switched to another as a result of a certain condition. A mode switch mechanism (or mode change protocol) is used to shift the system from one mode to another at run-time. In this thesis we have used a hierarchical scheduling framework to implement a multi-mode system called Multi-Mode Hierarchical Scheduling Framework (MMHSF). A two-level Hierarchical Scheduling Framework (HSF) has already been implemented in an open source real-time operating system, FreeRTOS, to support temporal isolation among real-time components. The main contribution of this thesis is the extension of the HSF featuring a multimode feature with an emphasis on making minimal changes in the underlying operating system (FreeRTOS) and its HSF implementation. Our implementation uses fixed-priority preemptive scheduling at both local and global scheduling levels and idling periodic servers. It also now supports different modes of the system which can be switched at run-time. Each subsystem and task exhibit different timing attributes according to mode, and upon a Mode Change Request (MCR) the task-set and timing interfaces of the entire system (including subsystems and tasks) undergo a change. A Mode Change Protocol specifies precisely how the system-mode will be changed. However, an application may not only need to change a mode but also a different mode change protocol semantic. For example, the mode change from normal to shutdown can allow all the tasks to be completed before the mode itself is changed, while changing a mode from normal to emergency may require aborting all tasks instantly. In our work, both the system mode and the mode change protocol can be changed at run-time. We have implemented three different mode change protocols to switch from one mode to another: the Suspend/resume protocol, the Abort protocol, and the Complete protocol. These protocols increase the flexibility of the system, allowing users to select the way they want to switch to a new mode. The implementation of MMHSF is tested and evaluated on an AVR-based 32 bit board EVK1100 with an AVR32UC3A0512 micro-controller. We have tested the behavior of each system mode and for each mode change protocol. We also provide the results for the performance measures of all mode change protocols in the thesis. RESUMEN Los conmutadores de modo son usados para particionar el comportamiento del sistema en diferentes modos, reduciendo así la complejidad de grandes sistemas empotrados. Estos sistemas tienen multiples modos de operación, cada uno de ellos correspondiente a distintos escenarios y para distintas aplicaciones; son llamados Sistemas Multimodales (o en inglés “Multi-Mode Systems” o MMS). Normalmente cada modo ejecuta una parte de código distinto. En un momento dado el sistema, que está en un modo concreto, puede ser cambiado a otro modo distinto como resultado de alguna condicion impuesta previamente. Los mecanismos de cambio de modo (o protocolos de cambio de modo) son usados para mover el sistema de un modo a otro durante el tiempo de ejecución. En este trabajo se ha usado un modelo de sistema operativo para implementar un sistema multimodo llamado MMHSF, siglas en inglés correspondientes a (Multi-Mode Hierarchical Scheduling Framework). Este sistema está basado en el HSF (Hierarchical Scheduling Framework), un modelo de sistema operativo con jerarquía de dos niveles, implementado en un sistema operativo en tiempo real de libre distribución llamado FreeRTOS, capaz de permitir el aislamiento temporal entre componentes. La principal contribución de este trabajo es la ampliación del HSF convirtiendolo en un sistema multimodo realizando los cambios mínimos necesarios sobre el sistema operativo FreeRTOS y la implementación ya existente del HSF. Esta implementación usa un sistema de planificación de prioridad fija para ambos niveles de jerarquía, ocupando el tiempo entre tareas con un “modo reposo”. Además el sistema es capaz de cambiar de un modo a otro en tiempo de ejecución. Cada subsistema y tarea son capaces de tener distintos atributos de tiempo (prioridad, periodo y tiempo de ejecución) en función del modo. Bajo una demanda de cambio de modo (Mode Change Request MCR) se puede variar el set de tareas en ejecución, así como los atributos de los servidores y las tareas. Un protocolo de cambio de modo espeficica precisamente cómo será cambiado el sistema de un modo a otro. Sin embargo una aplicación puede requerir no solo un cambio de modo, sino que lo haga de una forma especifica. Por ejemplo, el cambio de modo de “normal” a “apagado” puede permitir a las tareas en ejecución ser finalizadas antes de que se complete la transición, pero sin embargo el cambio de “normal” a “emergencia” puede requerir abortar todas las tareas instantaneamente. En este trabajo ambas características, tanto el modo como el protocolo de cambio, pueden ser cambiadas en tiempo de ejecución, pero deben ser previamente definidas por el desarrollador. Han sido definidos tres protocolos de cambios: el protocolo “suspender/continuar”, protocolo “abortar” y el protocolo “completar”. Estos protocolos incrementan la flexibilidad del sistema, permitiendo al usuario seleccionar de que forma quieren cambiar hacia el nuevo modo. La implementación del MMHSF ha sido testada y evaluada en una placa AVR EVK1100, con un micro-controlador AVR32UC3A0. Se ha comprobado el comportamiento de los distintos modos para los distintos protocolos, definidos previamente. Como resultado se proporcionan las medidades de rendimiento de los distintos protocolos de cambio de modo.