1000 resultados para Link 16


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In our society, accidents constitute a major public health problem, especially among youth. The objective of this paper was to describe the incidence of nonfatal injuries that required medical care among 16 to 20 year-old in Switzerland, its distribution by type of injury and whether there were differences by gender or by academic track and whether these injuries had sequels (hospitalisation, physical and psychological sequels). Overall, 28.3% of the sample reported at least one accident needing medical care in the previous 12 months, with males having more accidents than females and apprentices more than students. By type of accident, sports were the most frequently reported, followed by traffic, leisure time and work accidents. Half of males and one-third of females reported more than one accident, and 16% and 8% of them, respectively, reported four or more. Both physical and psychological sequels were more frequent among females, while hospitalisation was more frequent among males. Accident prevalence rates remain high among adolescents. Safety counselling and environmental measures need to be implemented.


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We report the prevalence of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) variants in women with cervical lesions from the Federal District, Central Brazil. We analyzed 34 HPV-16 samples, identifying the sequence variations of E6 and L1 genes and correlating variant frequency with disease status. The most prevalent HPV-16 variant was the European (50%), followed by Asian-American (41.2%), African-1 (5.9%), and African-2 (2.9%). European and non-European variants appeared in equal frequencies among the cytological types of lesions - atypical squamous or glandular cells of undetermined significance, cytological alterations suggesting HPV infection, cervical intraepithelial neoplasias, squamous cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma.


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This intervention aims to promote: Increased fitness Participation in extra curricula activities at school Knowledge on how to make healthy food choices It aims to provide tools, knowledge and strategies to enable families to enjoy a healthier lifestyle and to target improvements to families confidence, self-efficacy and self esteem


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In this paper, four different approaches attempting to reproduce the schistosomal liver fibrosis in undernourished mice are reported: shifting from a deficient to a balanced diet and vice-versa, repeated infections, influence of the genetic background, and immunological response. Infections were performed with 30 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and lasted at least four months. Undernourished mice were unable to reproduce the picture of "pipestem" fibrosis, except the C57 BL/10 inbred strain, four out of 21 mice developing the liver lesion. A link of this histological finding to the type of parasite strain can not be discarded at the moment. Repeated infections increased collagen deposition mainly in well nourished animals (seven out of 16 Swiss mice developed "pipestem"-like fibrosis). In undernourished infected Swiss mice the serum levels of soluble egg antigen specific antibodies IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 were two to four times lower than those detected for well nourished controls. The decreased humoral immune response coupled to the morphological, morphometric, and biochemical results reinforce the influence of the host nutritional status on the connective tissue changes of hepatic schistosomiasis.


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Information about drugs and alcohol - what parents need to know: information for parents, carers and anyone who works with young people. About this leaflet This is one in a series of leaflets for parents, teachers and young people entitled Mental Health and Growing Up. These leaflets aim to provide practical, up-to-date information about mental health problems (emotional, behavioural and psychiatric disorders) that can affect children and young people. This leaflet offers practical advice for parents, teachers and carers who are worried that a young person is misusing drugs or alcohol. Why do I need to know about a young person using drugs or alcohol? Many young people smoke, drink alcohol and may try drugs. It is important you are aware of this and do not ignore it as a time when they are just having fun or experimenting. It doesnââ,‰"¢t take much for the young people to soon lose control and to need help to recover from this problem. How common is it? By the age of 16, up to half of young people have tried an illegal drug. Young people are trying drugs earlier and more are drinking alcohol. What are the different types of drugs which cause problems? The most commonly used, readily available and strongly addictive drugs are tobacco and alcohol. There are numerous others that can be addictive. Alcohol and cannabis are sometimes seen as ââ,¬Ëogatewayââ,‰"¢ drugs that lead to the world of other drugs like cocaine and heroin. Drugs are also classed as ââ,¬Ëolegalââ,‰"¢ andââ,¬Ëoillegalââ,‰"¢. The obviously illegal drugs include cannabis (hash), speed (amphetamines), ecstasy (E), cocaine and heroin. Using ââ,¬Ëolegalââ,‰"¢ drugs (like cigarettes, alcohol, petrol, glue) does not mean they are safe or allowed to be misused. It just means they may be bought or sold for specific purposes and are limited to use by specific age groups. There are clear laws regarding alcohol and young people. For more detailed information on various drugs, their side-effects and the law, see ââ,¬ËoFurther Informationââ,‰"¢ at the end of the factsheet. Why do young people use drugs or alcohol? Young people may try or use drugs or alcohol for various reasons. They may do it for fun, because they are curious, or to be like their friends. Some are experimenting with the feeling of intoxication. Sometimes they use it to cope with difficult situations or feelings of worry and low mood. A young person is more likely to try or use drugs or alcohol if they hang out or stay with friends or family who use them. What can be the problems related to using drugs or alcohol? Drugs and alcohol can have different effects on different people. In young people especially the effects can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Even medications for sleep or painkillers can be addictive and harmful if not used the way they are prescribed by a doctor. Drugs and alcohol can damage health. Sharing needles or equipment can cause serious infections, such as HIV and hepatitis. Accidents, arguments and fights are more likely after drinking and drug use. Young people are more likely to engage in unprotected sex when using drugs. Using drugs can lead to serious mental illnesses, such as psychosis and depression. When does it become addiction or problem? It is very difficult to know when exactly using drugs or alcohol is more than just ââ,¬Ëocasualââ,‰"¢. Addiction becomes more obvious when the young person spends most of their time thinking about, looking for or using drugs. Drugs or alcohol then become the focus of the young personââ,‰"¢s life. They ignore their usual work, such as not doing their schoolwork, or stop doing their usual hobbies/sports such as dancing or football. How do I know if there is a problem or addiction? Occasional use can be very difficult to detect. If the young person is using on a regular basis, their behaviour often changes. Look for signs such as: ïâ?s§ unexplained moodiness ïâ?s§ behaviour that is ââ,¬Ëoout of character' ïâ?s§ loss of interest in school or friends ïâ?s§ unexplained loss of clothes or money ïâ?s§ unusual smells and items like silver foil, needle covers. Remember, the above changes can also mean other problems, such as depression, rather than using drugs. What do I do if I am worried? If you suspect young person is using drugs, remember some general rules. ïâ?s§ Pay attention to what the child is doing, including schoolwork, friends and leisure time. ïâ?s§ Learn about the effects of alcohol and drugs (see websites listed below). ïâ?s§ Listen to what the child says about alcohol and drugs, and talk about it with them. ïâ?s§ Encourage the young person to be informed and responsible about drugs and alcohol. ïâ?s§ Talk to other parents, friends or teachers about drugs - the facts and your fears and seek help. If someone in the family or close friend is using drugs or alcohol, it is important that they seek help too. It may be hard to expect the young person to give up, especially if a parent or carer is using it too. My child is abusing drugs. What do I do? ïâ?s§ If your child is using drugs or alcohol, seek help. ïâ?s§ Do stay calm and make sure of facts. ïâ?s§ Don't give up on them, get into long debates or arguments when they are drunk, stoned or high. ïâ?s§ Donââ,‰"¢t be angry or blame themââ,‰?othey need your help and trust to make journey of recovery. Where can I get help? You can talk in confidence to a professional like your GP or practice nurse, a local drug project or your local child and adolescent mental health. They can refer your child to relevant services and they will be able to offer you advice and support. You may also be able to seek help through a school nurse, teacher or social worker. You can find this information from your local area telephone book or council website, or ask for the address from your health centre. [For the full factsheet, click on the link above]This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Making the links between Obesity & Well-being. A briefing paper developed for Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) North West. The paper covers the epidemiology and evidence of links between health and obesity. Mental well-being is a key factor of obesity and weight management. Good mental health is a protective factor for good physical health and against physical illness and is essential for making healthy lifestyle choices and behaviour changes. Poor mental health can lead to unhealthy lifestyle choices and unhealthy weight management. Obesity and physical illness can also lead to poor mental health. People with mental health problems, especially severe, are also at increased risk of obesity and related poor health. In order to ensure that strategies and programmes effectively address the relevant mental well-being factors, a mental well-being impact assessment (MWIA) could be undertaken. This process is based on health impact assessment methodology and a set of evidence based mental well-being determinants and factors, grouped under the four themes of enhancing control, increasing resilience and community assets, facilitating participation and promoting inclusion. The process also involves identifying indicators to measure progress. Evaluation shows it is effective in engaging stakeholders in service development and evaluation and it increases understanding of mental well-being and its determinants.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Le Dieu qui juge : voilà un sujet de la théologie biblique qui n'est pas sans poser problème ! Le jugement est-il l'expression de la violence de Dieu ou d'un esprit vindicatif ? S'y manifeste-t-il une image choquante de Dieu, en particulier à une époque qui, à raison, se montre sensible à toute sorte de violence légitimée par des motifs religieux ? Les auteurs de ce volume, amis et collègues de Raymond Kuntzmann, professeur d'Ancien Testament à l'université Marc-Bloch de Strasbourg, ont abordé ce thème du jugement afin de faire apparaître la multitude d'aspects que revêt ce terme trop général. D'où le besoin d'examiner à frais nouveaux tout un ensemble de textes pour replacer le jugement dans tous ses contextes, tant historiques que théologiques. A y regarder ainsi de plus près, il résulte que l'idée de jugement est étroitement liée à celles de droit et de justice, valeurs dont Dieu s'avère être le garant ultime, et à celles de miséricorde et de salut. Et l'on suivra ici ses transformations remarquables au fil de l'évolution de la théologie biblique. Le présent volume, qui est consacré aux textes de l'Ancien Testament, est complété par un autre portant sur les textes du Nouveau Testament.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Mit der vorliegenden Dokumentation werden die wichtigsten sozialen Ordnungen im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts in unserer Gegenwartssprache publiziert und Lehrenden wie Studierenden als Arbeitsbuch an die Hand gegeben. Im gegenwärtigen Ringen um soziale Reformen angesichts der Krisen und neuen Herausforderungen, aber auch um Konvergenzen zwischen den gewachsenen nationalen Sozialordnungen in Europa ist es unabdingbar, deren sozialgeschichtliche Ausgangsbedingungen zu beleuchten. Damit soll ein zentraler Bestand des gemeinsamen sozial-kulturellen Erbes in Europa ans Licht und in unser heutiges Bewusstsein gehoben werden.


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As acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) with inv(16) (p13q22) or t(16;16)(p13;q22) has been shown to result from the fusion of transcription factor subunit core binding factor (CBFB) to a myosin heavy chain (MYH11), we sought to design methods to detect this rearrangement using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In all of 27 inv(16)(p13q22) and four t(16;16)(p13;q22) cases tested, a chimeric CBFB-MYH11 transcript coding for an in-frame fusion protein was detected. In a more extensive RT-PCR analysis with different primer pairs, we detected a second new chimeric CBFB-MYH11 transcript in 10 of 11 patients tested. The CBFB-MYH11 reading frame of the second transcript was maintained in one patient but not in the others. We show that the different CBFB-MYH11 transcripts in one patient arise from alternative splicing. Translation of the transcript in which the CBFB-MYH11 reading frame is not maintained leads to a slightly truncated CBFB protein.


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During a 6-year period, we isolated three Abiotrophia defectiva, six Granulicatella adiacens and two G. 'para-adiacens' strains from clinical specimens. All A. defectiva strains were isolated from immunocompetent patients with endovascular infections, whereas the Granulicatella spp. strains were isolated from immunosuppressed patients with primary bacteremia. As the capacity of bacteria to adhere to the host extracellular matrix (ECM) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endovascular infection, we investigated the ability of A. defectiva and Granulicatella spp. isolates to bind different ECM components immobilized in microtiter plates. Adherence tests showed a strong attachment of A. defectiva strains to fibronectin, whereas Granulicatella spp. strains were not adherent. The poor adherence of Granulicatella spp. strains to the ECM could be correlated with a lower propensity to induce endocarditis.


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Rapport de synthèse : OBJECTIF: évaluer l'impact cumulatif des facteurs individuels et environnementaux associés au mésusage d'alcool chez les adolescents et leurs corrélations avec ses conséquences perçues. METHODE : enquête scolaire transversale d'un échantillon représentatif de la population nationale, incluant 7548 apprentis et élèves ayant terminé l'école obligatoire âgés de 16 à 20 ans, en Suisse, en 2002. Le mésusage de l'alcool est fondé sur les réponses aux questions portant sur la fréquence 1) de sa consommation, 2) des épisodes d'ivresse et 3) de la conduite d'un véhicule sous son emprise. RÉSULTATS : quinze facteurs de risque significatifs ont été identifiés pour les adolescents des deux sexes. Un score individuel de facteurs de risques cumulés a été calculé en les additionnant. L'association entre ce score et la probabilité d'être engagé dans le mésusage d'alcool s'est révélée hautement significative et dose dépendante (p<0.001). Une proportion importante des adolescents rapporte des conséquences subjectives néfastes liées à leur consommation d'alcool. Il existe une corrélation linéaire (p<0.001) entre le score de facteurs de risque et la proportion d'adolescents rapportant des problèmes liés à la consommation d'alcool tels que mauvaises performances scolaires, comportements à risque, problèmes relationnels et comportements sexuels à risques. CONCLUSION : les facteurs de risque du mésusage d'alcool chez les adolescents sont cumulatifs et peuvent être synthétisés par un score individuel corrélé à la tendance à ce mésusage. La relation linéaire de ce score avec des problèmes subjectifs consécutifs à ce mésusage est un indicateur supplémentaire de sa validité.


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BACKGROUND: Shared Decision Making (SDM) is increasingly advocated as a model for medical decision making. However, there is still low use of SDM in clinical practice. High impact factor journals might represent an efficient way for its dissemination. We aimed to identify and characterize publication trends of SDM in 15 high impact medical journals. METHODS: We selected the 15 general and internal medicine journals with the highest impact factor publishing original articles, letters and editorials. We retrieved publications from 1996 to 2011 through the full-text search function on each journal website and abstracted bibliometric data. We included publications of any type containing the phrase "shared decision making" or five other variants in their abstract or full text. These were referred to as SDM publications. A polynomial Poisson regression model with logarithmic link function was used to assess the evolution across the period of the number of SDM publications according to publication characteristics. RESULTS: We identified 1285 SDM publications out of 229,179 publications in 15 journals from 1996 to 2011. The absolute number of SDM publications by journal ranged from 2 to 273 over 16 years. SDM publications increased both in absolute and relative numbers per year, from 46 (0.32% relative to all publications from the 15 journals) in 1996 to 165 (1.17%) in 2011. This growth was exponential (P < 0.01). We found fewer research publications (465, 36.2% of all SDM publications) than non-research publications, which included non-systematic reviews, letters, and editorials. The increase of research publications across time was linear. Full-text search retrieved ten times more SDM publications than a similar PubMed search (1285 vs. 119 respectively). CONCLUSION: This review in full-text showed that SDM publications increased exponentially in major medical journals from 1996 to 2011. This growth might reflect an increased dissemination of the SDM concept to the medical community.


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Background and Aims: To protect the population from environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) Switzerland introduced a nationwide rather heterogeneous smoking ban in May 2010. The exposure situation of non-smoking hospitality workers before and after implementation of the new law is being assessed in a prospective cohort study. Methods: Exposure to ETS was measured using a novel method developed by the Institute for Work and Health in Lausanne. It is a passive sampler called MoNIC (Monitor of NICotine). The nicotine of the ETS is fixed onto a filter and transformed into salt of not volatile nicotine. Subsequently the number of passively smoked cigarettes is calculated. Badges were placed at the workplace as well as distributed to the participants for personal measuring. Additionally a salivary sample was taken to determine nicotine concentration. Results: At baseline Spearman's correlation between workplace and personal badge was 0.47. The average cigarette equivalents per day at the workplace obtained by badge significantly dropped from 5.1 (95%- CI: 2.4 to 7.9) at baseline to 0.3 (0.2 to 0.4) at first follow-up (n=29) three months later (p<0.001). For personal badges the number of passively smoked cigarettes declined from 1.5 (2.7 to 0.4) per day to 0.5 (0.3 to 0.8) (n=16).Salivary nicotine concentration in a subset of 13 participants who had worked on the day prior to the examination was 2.63 ng/ml before and 1.53 ng/ml after the ban (p=0.04). Spearman's correlation of salivary nicotine was 0.56 with workplace badge and 0.79 with personal badge concentrations. Conclusions: Workplace measurements clearly reflect the smoking regulation in a venue. The MoNIC badge proves to be a sensitive measuring device to determine personal ETS exposure and it is a demonstrative measure for communication with lay audiences and study participants as the number of passively smoked cigarettes is an easily conceivable result.


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The chapter provides an account of the changing role played by active labour market policies (ALMPs) in Europe since the post-war years. Focusing on six countries (Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom), it shows that the role of ALMPs is related to the broad economic situation. At times of rapid expansion and labour shortage, like the 1950s and 1960s, their key objective was to upskill the workforce. After the oil shocks of the 1970s, the raison d'être of ALMPs shifted from economic to social policy, and since the mid-1990s, we see the development of a new function, well captured by the notion of activation, which refers to the strengthening of work incentives and the removal of obstacles to employment, mostly for low-skilled people. The adequacy between economic context and policy is not always optimal, though. Like other ones, this policy domain suffers from inertia, with the result that the countries that have led the way in one period have more difficulty adapting to the economic conditions prevailing in the following one.