863 resultados para Life-course perspective
There is a growing literature which documents the importance of early life environment for outcomes across the life cycle. Research, including studies based on Irish data, demonstrates that those who experience better childhood conditions go on to be wealthier and healthier adults. Therefore, inequalities at birth and in childhood shape inequality in wellbeing in later life, and the historical evolution of the mortality and morbidity of children born in Ireland is important for understanding the current status of the Irish population. In this paper, I describe these patterns by reviewing the existing literature on infant health in Ireland over the course of the 20th century. Up to the 1950s, infant mortality in Ireland (both North and South) was substantially higher than in other developed countries, with a large penalty for those born in urban areas. The subsequent reduction in this penalty, and the sustained decline in infant death rates, occurred later than would be expected from the experience in other contexts. Using records from the Rotunda Lying-in Hospital in Dublin, I discuss sources of disparities in stillbirth in the early 1900s. Despite impressive improvements in death rates since that time, a comparison with those born at the end of the century reveals that Irish children continue to be born unequal. Evidence from studies which track people across the life course, for example research on the returns to birthweight, suggests that the economic cost of this early life inequality is substantial.
For the past three decades or so, criminal justice policies have been enacted under the assumption that individuals who have been convicted of a sex offense are life course persistent sex offenders. In that context, research has been heavily focused on the assessment of risk and the prediction of sexual recidivism.Simultaneously, little to no attention has been given to the majority of individuals convicted of sex offenses who are not arrested or convicted again.Researchers have witnessed a growing gap between scientific knowledge and the sociolegal response to sexual violence and abuse. The current legal landscapecarries important social implications and significant life course impact for a growing number of individuals. More recently, theoretical and research breakthroughs in the study of desistance from crime and delinquency have been made that can help shed some light on desistance from sex offending. Desistance research, in the context of sex offending, however, represents serious theoretical, ethical, legal, and methodological challenges. To that end, this article introduces a special issue exploring current themes in desistance research by examining the life course of individuals convicted of a sexual offense while contextualizing their experiences of desistance.
The article uses a form of content focused conversation analysis to explore processes of learning and attributing meaning when upper secondary students work with two primary source assignments in history. Empirical data was collected through audio recordings of students’ collaborative work on the assignments, which consisted in analysing two primary sources in small groups. The article addresses one primary research question: what is characteristic for the processes of learning and meaning-making when students work with two source analysis assignments? As a first step, the students’ learning processes, understood as a change in participation in the learning activity, are described. As a second step, the article describes how the students’ construct meaning when working with the primary sources. The main results are descriptions of the students’ learning, and meaning-making, processes. Based on the analysis of the students’ conversations it is suggested that the temporal aspect is discerned in a contrastive process between the present and the past in terms of values, ideas and societal conditions. In relation to the human aspect the students experienced a difficult balancing act in contrasting their own perspective with the historical actor’s perspective. However, a successful strategy was to take on the role of hypothetical historical agents. Finally, in relation to the contextual aspect once the students were involved in a process of inquiry and reasoning they managed to discern subtexts of the sources in relation to the historical context. It is suggested that certain aspects of school culture might inhibit the students’ learning of primary source analysis, as they occasionally strive to find the "right answers" rather than engaging in interpretative work. One interesting finding was the vital role of the students’ life-world perspective in creating meaning while working with the primary sources, and it is suggested that this perspective should be regarded in educational design.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Objetivos: O processo de duplo envelhecimento é universal. Em Portugal, este processo é acompanhado por um aumento e diversificação dos sistemas de suporte. Perante esta realidade, surge a necessidade de investigação acerca dos acontecimentos que influenciam na escolha do sistema de suporte. Assim, os objetivos deste estudo são perceber se as trajetórias de vida influenciam nesta escolha compreender os condicionantes e condicionadores inerentes a esta opção. Metodologias: Este é um estudo exploratório de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa (análise estatística descritiva, correlacional e de conteúdo). A amostra é composta por 255 pessoas idosas: 130 não usufruem de qualquer resposta social e 125 frequentam uma resposta social. Aplicou-se um inquérito de questões fechadas e abertas que abrangia diversas áreas como acontecimentos de vida, envelhecimento, e equipamentos utilizados, etc. Resultados: Os resultados indicaram que as pessoas idosas preferem o cuidado familiar em detrimento das respostas sociais, em caso de necessidade. Foi possível aferir que variável “com quem vive” relaciona-se significativamente com a opção pelo cuidado em caso de necessidade. As pessoas que vivem com o cônjuge e/ou filhos optam preferencialmente pelo cuidado familiar. Conclusões: Dado os resultados apresentados considera-se importante o desenvolvimento e adaptação do sistema de suporte social nomeadamente das famílias e da rede de suporte formal. Estes devem desenvolver-se e organizar-se para que seja possível tornar exequível as preferências de cuidado da pessoa idosa seja este ou não nos seus próprios meios.
INTRODUCTION: In common with much of the developed world, Scotland has a severe and well established problem with overweight and obesity in childhood with recent figures demonstrating that 31% of Scottish children aged 2-15 years old were overweight including obese in 2014. This problem is more pronounced in socioeconomically disadvantaged groups and in older children across all economic groups (Scottish Health Survey, 2014). Children who are overweight or obese are at increased risk of a number of adverse health outcomes in the short term and throughout their life course (Lobstein and Jackson-Leach, 2006). The Scottish Government tasked all Scottish Health Boards with developing and delivering child healthy weight interventions to clinically overweight or obese children in an attempt to address this health problem. It is therefore imperative to deliver high quality, affordable, appropriately targeted interventions which can make a sustained impact on children’s lifestyles, setting them up for life as healthy weight adults. This research aimed to inform the design, readiness for application and Health Board suitability of an effective primary school-based curricular child healthy weight intervention. METHODS: the process involved in conceptualising a child healthy weight intervention, developing the intervention, planning for implementation and subsequent evaluation was guided by the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model (Green and Kreuter, 2005) and the Intervention Mapping protocol (Lloyd et al. 2011). RESULTS: The outputs from each stage of the development process were used to formulate a child healthy weight intervention conceptual model then develop plans for delivery and evaluation. DISCUSSION: The Fit for School conceptual model developed through this process has the potential to theoretically modify energy balance related behaviours associated with unhealthy weight gain in childhood. It also has the potential to be delivered at a Health Board scale within current organisational restrictions.
A prática regular de atividade física constitui um elemento essencial à promoção da saúde e prevenção de algumas doenças que acometem indivíduos e grupos populacionais. Apesar dos jovens serem a parcela mais ativa da população, os indicadores de sedentarismo crescente têm alertado os profissionais de saúde pública. Para diminuir o sedentarismo, estudos destacam a necessidade dos indivíduos modificarem seus estilos de vida, adquirindo e mantendo ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças durante todo o curso de vida. Nesse sentido, a atividade física praticada regularmente, pelo menos desde a adolescência, proporciona benefícios físicos e psicológicos considerados preditores da condição de saúde para a vida adulta. Conforme mencionado, os índices de sedentarismo têm constituído uma grande preocupação da saúde pública mundial. Isto pode ser causado, entre outros fatores, pela falta de esclarecimento adequado sobre os efeitos decorrentes da prática de atividade física regular. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral deste ensaio é sintetizar e analisar as informações disponíveis sobre a importância da prática da atividade física para a saúde de crianças e adolescentes, indicando possíveis limitações dos estudos e necessidades de pesquisas futuras. Espera-se que estas informações forneçam subsídios para o desenvolvimento de programas de promoção da atividade física para crianças e adolescentes e incentivem os próprios jovens a buscarem estilos de vida mais saudáveis e ativos. A atividade física deve ser disponibilizada e praticada por todos os jovens, em virtude dos benefícios, a curto e longo prazo, que proporciona à saúde. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Resumen Analizar la coyuntura económica, social y ambiental desde la perspectiva de una economía para la vida exige objetividad científica y un compromiso político con el bien común. Además, no es un análisis desde “lo económico” o desde “lo social”. Se trata de un análisis desde los efectos (directos e indirectos, intencionales y no intencionales) que las tendencias hacia la irracionalidad del sistema capitalista provocan sobre el ser humano y el medio ambiente. Hablamos de estos efectos como “desequilibrios”. Desequilibrios en las relaciones humanas, el empleo, la distribución, el consumo, la personalidad, la sustentabilidad ambiental, las amenazas globales o planetarias, etc. En resumen, un análisis que se centra en los efectos de la dinámica socioeconómica en el ser humano y la naturaleza. Abstract Monitoring the economic, social and environmental conjuncture from a Life Economics perspective requires both, scientific objectivity and a political commitment with the common good. Moreover, it is not an analysis from a particular economic or social view. It is an analysis from the effects (direct, indirect, intentional and non-intentional) that irrationality trends of capitalism cause on human being and nature. We talk about these effects as “disequilibriums”. These are disequilibriums in human relationships, employment, income distribution, consumption, personality, development, environment, and global or planetary threats, and so on. As a summary, we suggest an analysis focused on the social dynamic effects upon human being and nature.
Résumé : Contexte: Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont un enjeu contemporain de santé publique. Or, des recherches cliniques démontrent que certaines interventions sont efficaces dans leur traitement et prévention. Il s’agit d’interventions nutritionnelles éducatives priorisant des aliments végétaux minimalement transformés (VMT). Ces interventions promeuvent l’adoption de postures alimentaires se caractérisant par la consommation à volonté d’une grande variété d’aliments d’origine végétale (e.g. légumineuses, céréales entières, fruits, légumes) et par une diminution de la consommation d’aliments d’origine animale (e.g. viandes, œufs et produits laitiers) et ultra-transformés (e.g. riches en sucres, sel ou gras, et faibles en fibres). Objectifs: À l’aide d’un devis mixte concomitant imbriqué, nous avons évalué les effets d’un programme d’interventions éducatives visant à augmenter la consommation de VMT chez des adultes à risque de MCV et exploré les déterminants des modifications comportementales observées. Méthodologie : Divers paramètres physiologiques et anthropométriques ont été mesurés pré-post programme (n = 72) puis analysés avec un test t pour échantillons appariés ou un test signé des rangs de Wilcoxon. D’autre part, 10 entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisés post-programme et soutenus par un guide d’entretien basé sur le Food Choice Process Model. Les verbatims intégraux ont été codés selon la méthode d’analyse thématique. Résultats : Après 12 semaines, le poids (-10,5 lb, IC 95 %: 9,0-12,0), le tour de taille (-7,4 cm, IC 95 %:6,5-8,4), la tension artérielle diastolique (-3,2 mmHg, IC 95 %: 0,1-6,3), le cholestérol total (-0,87 mmol/ L, IC 95 %:0,57-1,17), le cholestérol LDL (-0,84 mmol/ L, IC 95 %: 0,55-1,13) et l’hémoglobine glyquée (-1,32 %, IC 95 %:-0,17-2,80) se sont significativement améliorés. L’analyse thématique des données qualitatives révèle que le programme, par la stimulation de valeurs de santé, d’éthique et d’intégrité, favorise la transformation des choix alimentaires vers une posture davantage axée sur les VMT durant une période clé du parcours de vie (i.e. pré-retraite). D’autres déterminants pouvant favoriser l’adoption d’une alimentation VMT ont été identifiés, dont les bénéfices importants observables à court terme, l’absence de restriction à l’égard de la quantité d’aliments VMT et le développement de compétences de planification dans l’acquisition et la préparation des aliments. Conclusion : Une intervention priorisant les VMT permet d’améliorer le profil cardiométabolique d’individus pré-retraités en raison de ses caractéristiques intrinsèques, mais aussi parce qu’elle modifie les valeurs impliquées dans les choix alimentaires.
Introducción: La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad autoinmune-inflamatoria, que compromete las articulaciones diartrodiales. Tiene una importante repercusión sistémica que incluye la depresión; por lo tanto, tiene un severo impacto sobre la calidad de vida. Es posible que mecanismos de defensa, tales como la resiliencia, puedan amortiguar dicho impacto. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal, multicéntrico (análisis inicial dentro del grupo AR, con muestra no probabilística de 66 pacientes, posterior selección aleatoria simple de 16 pacientes de la muestra inicial y selección de 16 individuos sanos pareados). Posteriormente, se comparó la resiliencia entre sujetos con AR y sujetos sanos, mediante las escalas RS y CD-RISC25. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron las escalas EEAE, EADZ, SF-36 y PANAS. Los datos fueron evaluados mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, las pruebas U Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Wallis, T de Student y análisis de varianza. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas en las estrategias de afrontamiento no espirituales en grupos de resiliencia baja, media y alta; diferencias en las medianas de resiliencia en los grupos de depresión por EAZD en los pacientes. No se encontraron resultados significativos en las variables clínicas de la AR ni en la comparación con sujetos sanos. Conclusiones: el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento no espirituales y la ausencia de depresión, se asoció a mayores niveles de resiliencia en los pacientes con AR, por lo cual, los componentes emocionales y cognitivos se asocian a la resiliencia.
This thesis argues that insofar as we want to account for the normative dimension of social life, we must be careful to avoid construing that normative dimension in such a way as to exclude that which the second-person perspective reveals is important to social life and our ability to participate in it.¦The second-person perspective reveals that social life ought to be understood as a mix or balance of the regular and the irregular, where, in addition, those one interacts with are always to some extent experienced as other in a way that is neither immediately, nor perhaps ultimately, understandable. For persons to be able to participate in social life, conceived of in this way, they must have abilities that allow them to be, to some extent, hesitant and tentative in their relations with others, and thus tolerant of ambiguity, uncertainty and unpredictability, and responsive to and capable of learning from the otherness of others in the course of interacting with them.¦Incorporating the second-person perspective means we have to make some changes to the way we think about the normative in general, and the normative dimension of social life in particular. It does not mean giving up on the distinction between the normative and the regular - that continues to be fundamentally important but it does mean not excluding, as part of social life and as worthy of explanation, all that which is irregular. A radical way of putting it would be to say that there must be a sense in which the irregular is part of the normative. A less radical way, and the way adopted by this thesis, is to say that any account of the normative dimension of social life must not be such as to exclude the importance of irregularity from social life. This will mean 1) not characterising conventions, norms and rules as determinants of appropriateness and inappropriateness; 2) not thinking of them as necessary; 3) not thinking of them as necessarily governing minds; and 4) not thinking of them as necessarily shared.¦-¦L'argument principal de la thèse est que, pour rendre compte de la dimension normative de la vie sociale, il faut veiller à ne pas exclure la perspective de la deuxième personne - une perspective importante pour comprendre la vie sociale et la capacité requise pour y participer.¦Cette perspective nous permet d'imaginer la vie sociale comme un mélange ou un équilibre entre le régulier et l'irrégulier, l'interaction entre des individus pouvant être appréhendée comme l'expérience de chaque personne avec «l'autre» d'une manière qui n'est pas immédiatement compréhensible, et qui ne peut pas, peut-être, être ultimement comprise. Pour participer à la vie sociale, l'on doit avoir la capacité de rester hésitant et «réactif» dans ses relations avec les autres, de rester ouvert à leur altérité et de tolérer l'ambiguïté, l'incertitude et l'imprévisibilité des interactions sociales.¦Adopter une perspective «à la deuxième personne» conduit à une autre manière de penser la normativité en général, et la dimension normative de la vie sociale en particulier. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'il faut abandonner la distinction entre le normatif et le régulier - une distinction qui garde une importance fondamentale - mais qu'il faut reconnaître l'irrégulier comme faisant partie de la vie sociale et comme étant digne, en tant que tel, d'être expliqué. Une conception radicale pourrait même concevoir l'irrégulier comme faisant partie intégrante de la normativité. Une approche moins radicale, qui est celle adoptée dans cette thèse, est de dire que tout compte-rendu de la dimension normative de la vie sociale doit prendre en considération l'importance de l'irrégularité dans la vie sociale. Une telle approche implique que les conventions, normes et règles (1) ne déterminent pas ce qui est approprié ou inapproprié; (2) ne sont pas toujours nécessaires ; (3) ne gouvernent pas le fonctionnement de l'esprit ; et (4) ne sont pas nécessairement partagées.
BACKGROUND: Mentoring Programs have been developed in several medical schools, but few studies have investigated the mentors'perspective. PURPOSES: To explore mentors'perceptions regarding their experience. METHODS: Mentors at a medical school were invited to participate in an in-depth interview including questions on satisfaction, difficulties, and perception of changes resulting from the program. RESULTS: Mentors' satisfaction and difficulties are strongly associated with students'involvement in the activity. Mentors believe changes observed in students were more related to life issues; for some mentors, there is no recognition or awareness of the program. However, most of the mentors acknowledged important changes in relation to themselves: as teachers, faculty members, and individuals. CONCLUSION: Attendance is crucial for both the mentoring relationship and strengthening of the program. Students involved in the activity motivate mentors in teaching and curriculum development, thereby creating a virtuous circle and benefiting undergraduate medical education as a whole.
Method. Participants were 18 years of age or older, who had been discharged from hospitalisation between 6 months and 1 year before the interview, or who underwent reconstructive surgery during the previous year, or who were under outpatient follow-up awaiting reconstructive surgery. Data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews. Results. Thirty-eight of the 44 participants (86.4%) reported some type of changes associated with the burn injury, the treatment, or both, regarding the following aspects: work, leisure, relationships, religious ties, educational activities and habits (smoking, using alcohol and drugs and dressing style). The data showed a statistically significant association between burns on at least one of the upper limbs (with or without hands) and changes in work. Conclusions. Some of the aspects mentioned by the participants, such as work and leisure activities, need to be further researched in order to improve our understanding of the impact that these changes causes in the person`s life.
Methods. aEuro integral Thirty mothers of disabled children participated in the study. The control group comprised of 18 healthy mothers of children without disabilities. All mothers agreed to participate in the study. They completed the evaluation forms of the SF-36 health survey, a well-documented, self-administered QOL scoring system. Results. aEuro integral The results of our study support the premise that mothers of children with CP, as a group, have poorer QOL than mothers of not disabled children. Conclusions. aEuro integral We also observed that mothers of children with CP and epilepsy have poorer QOL than mothers of children with CP without epilepsy.
We use a new molecular phylogeny, developed from small and large subunit ribosomal RNA genes, to explore evolution of the digenean life cycle. Our approach is to map character states on the phylogeny and then use parsimony to infer how the character evolved. We conclude that, plesiomorphically, digenean miracidia hatched from eggs and penetrated gastropod first intermediate hosts externally. Fork-tailed cercariae were produced in rediae and emerged from the snail to be eaten directly by the teleost definitive host. These plesiomorphic characters are seen in extant Bivesiculidae. We infer that external encystment and the use of second intermediate hosts are derived from this behaviour and that second intermediate hosts have been adopted repeatedly. Tetrapod definitive hosts have also been adopted repeatedly. The new phylogeny proposes a basal dichotomy between 'Diplostomida' (Diplostomoidea, Schistosomatoidea and Brachylaimoidea) and 'Plagiorchiida' (all other digeneans). There is no evidence for coevolution between these clades and groups of gastropods. The most primitive life cycles are seen in basal Plagiorchiida. Basal Diplostomida have three-host life cycles and are associated with tetrapods. The blood flukes (Schistosomatoidea) are inferred to have derived their two-host life cycles by abbreviating three-host cycles. Diplostomida have no adult stages in fishes except by life cycle abbreviation. We present and test a radical hypothesis that the blood-fluke cycle is plesiomorphic within the Diplostomida.