1000 resultados para Ley 79 de 1988


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El volum recull 42 de les comunicacions presentades al llarg de les Jornades. Les comunicions provenen de 12 àmbits geogràfics diferents dins de l'estat espanyol i la temàtica que tracten és molt variada. Respon per tant a la voluntat de difondre el més ampli ventall possible d'enfocaments dintre de la Medicina Legal.


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El volum recull les 20 comunicacions presentades durant la cel·lebració d'aquestes jornades.L'objectiu d'aquestes jornades era reunir en un fòrum comú tots els investigadors i grups que estudien a Espanya l'hexaclorobenzè des dels diferents punts de vista possibles.


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L'obra recull el programa d'aquestes jornades i els resums de les ponències i comunicacions que s'hi varen presentar.


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El volum recull 42 de les comunicacions presentades al llarg de les Jornades. Les comunicions provenen de 12 àmbits geogràfics diferents dins de l'estat espanyol i la temàtica que tracten és molt variada. Respon per tant a la voluntat de difondre el més ampli ventall possible d'enfocaments dintre de la Medicina Legal.


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El volum recull les 20 comunicacions presentades durant la cel·lebració d'aquestes jornades.L'objectiu d'aquestes jornades era reunir en un fòrum comú tots els investigadors i grups que estudien a Espanya l'hexaclorobenzè des dels diferents punts de vista possibles.


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This brochure contains information on the Raptor Rehabilitation Center at the Macbride Nature Recreation Center located on county road F28 between North Liberty and Solon.


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La actual situación económica y las perspectivas presupuestarias a largo plazo han suscitado una discusión acerca de la conveniencia de la Ley de Estabilidad Presupuestaria. Este trabajo, empleando contabilidad generacional, evalúa la sostenibilidad de la política fiscal española ampliando el horizonte temporal más allá del ciclo de los negocios, considerando los efectos del ciclo demográfico. Los resultados muestran que, aunque el proceso de consolidación fiscal ha mejorado ostensiblemente la situación financiera de las AA.PP, se sigue trasladando al futuro una deuda implí­cita sustancial


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Quan faltava poc més de tres mesos per al seu 85è aniversari, ha mort, el 12 de setembre de 1988, a Olot, on havia nascut el 23 de desembre de 1903, el Dr. Miquel de Garganta i Fàbrega, historiador de la Botànica i membre d'una coneguda familia d'intellectuals de la Garrotxa.


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Mast cells are well known for their role in hypersensitivity reactions. However, there is increasing evidence that they might also participate in both developing and weakening atherosclerotic plaques, potentially causing plaque instability. Some clinical studies have therefore postulated the existence of relationships between blood β-tryptase levels and acute coronary syndromes. In this study, we investigated postmortem serum β-tryptase levels in a series of 90 autopsy cases with various degrees of coronary atherosclerosisthat had undergone medico-legal investigations. β-tryptase concentrations in these cases were compared to levels observed in 6 fatal anaphylaxis cases following contrast material administration. Postmortem serum β-tryptase concentrations in the anaphylactic deaths ranged from 146 to 979 ng/ml. In 9 out of 90 cases of cardiac deaths, β-tryptase levels were higher than clinical reference values of 11.4 ng/ml and ranged from 21 to 65 ng/ml. These results indicate that increased postmortem serum β-tryptase levels can be observed, though not systematically, in cardiac deaths with varying degrees of coronary atherosclerosis disease, thereby suggesting that mast cell activation in this disease cannot be ascertained by postmortem serum β-tryptase measurements.


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The foamed asphalt concept has been around since the 1950's. Rising oil prices have created a renewed interest in this process. The purpose of this project was to construct an asphalt base using the foamed asphalt process and to evaluate its performance. A 4.2 mile length of Muscatine County road A-91 was selected for the research project. Asphalt contents of 4.5% and 5.5%, moisture contents of 70% and 90% of optimum, and fog, single chip, and double chip seal coats were used in various combinations to lay 9 test sections of 4-inch foamed asphalt base. After five years of service and evaluation, several conclusions can be made concerning the performance of the foamed asphalt bases: (1) the foamed asphalt process can work as shown by the excellent performance of Sections 2 and 3; (2) foamed asphalt base requires a well compacted subgrade and a road profile suitable for good drainage of water--test section failures were mostly due to a poor subgrade and subsurface moisture; and (3) when the base is placed in two or more lifts, extreme care must be exercised to insure adequate bonding is achieved between lifts. Any future research with foamed asphalt should include various asphalt depths in order to determine a thickness/strength relationship for foamed asphalt.


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The objective of this study was to determine the practicality and effectiveness of using submerged vanes ("Iowa Vanes") to control bank erosion in a bend of East Nishnabotna River, Iowa. The vane system was constructed during the summer of 1985. It functions by eliminating, or reducing, the centrifugally induced helical motion of the flow in the bend, which is the root cause of bank undermining. The system was monitored over a 2-year period, from September 1985 to October 1987. Two surveys were conducted in the spring of 1986 in which data were taken of depths and velocities throughout the bend and of water-surface slope. The movement of the bank was determined from aerial photos and from repeated measurements of the vane-to-bank distance. The bankfull scour depths and velocities along the bank have been reduced significantly; and the movement of the bank has been stopped or considerably reduced. The improvements were obtained without changing the energy slope of the channel. Areas of design improvements were identified.


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This report describes the field application of the tilt sensing method for monitoring movement of the Black Hawk and Karl King Bridges. The study objectives were: to design a data acquisition system for tilt sensing equipment utilizing a telephone telemetry system; to monitor possible movement of the main span pier, Pier No. 2, on the Black Hawk Bridge in Lansing and the possible long-term movement of Pier No. 4 on the Karl King Bridge in Fort Dodge; and to assess the feasibility, reliability, and accuracy of the instrumentation system used in this study.


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This project consisted of slipforming a 4-inch thick econocrete subbase on a 6-mile section of US 63. The project location extends south from one mile south of Denver, Iowa to Black Hawk County Road C-66 and consisted of the reconstruction and new construction of a divided four-lane facility. The econocrete was placed 27.3 feet wide in a single pass. Fly ash was used in this field study to replace 30, 45 and 60 percent of the portland cement in three portland cement econocrete base paving mixes. The three mixes contained 300, 350 and 400 pounds of cementitious material per cubic yard. Two Class "C" ashes from Iowa approved sources were used. The ash was substituted on the basis of one pound of ash for each pound of cement removed. The work was done October 6-29, 1987 and May 25-June 9, 1988. The twelve subbase mixes were placed in sections 2500 to 3000 feet in length on both the north and southbound roadways. Compressive strengths of all mixes were determined at 3 and 28 days of age. Flexural strengths of all mixes were determined at 7 and 14 days. In all cases strengths were adequate. The freeze/thaw durability of the econocrete mixes used was reduced by increased fly ash levels but remained above acceptable limits. The test results demonstrate the feasibility of producing econocrete with satisfactory properties even using fly ash at substitution rates up to 45 percent.


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This research project was conducted in an attempt to determine the cause of paste strength variability in Iowa fly ashes and to develop test methods to more adequately reflect fly ash physical and chemical characteristics. An extensive three year sampling and testing program was developed and initiated which incorporated fly ash from several Iowa power plants. Power plant design and operating data were collected. The variability was directly linked to power plant maintenance schedules and to sodium carbonate coal pretreatment. Fly ash physical and chemical properties can change drastically immediately before and after a maintenance outage. The concentrations of sulfate bearing minerals in the fly ash increases sharply during shutdown. Chemical, mineralogical, and physical testing indicated that the sodium, sulfate bearing minerals, lime and tricalcium aluminate contents of the fly ashes play important roles in the development of hydration reaction products in fly ash pastes. The weak pastes always contained ettringite as the major reaction product. The strong pastes contained straetlingite and monosulfoaluminate as the major reaction products along with minor amounts of ettringite. Recommendations for testing procedure changes and suggested interim test methods are presented.


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La valoración del grado de dependencia de los pacientes en diálisis ha sido objeto de interés como indicador clínico y organizativo. El objetivo del estudio es conocer el grado de dependencia que presentan las personas sometidas a tratamiento con diálisis en Catalunya, según los criterios de la Ley sobre Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de dependencia. Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo transversal en 42 centros de Cataluña sobre el grado de dependencia de los pacientes en hemodiálisis. La recogida de datos se hizo mediante una encuesta basada en el baremo de la Ley más datos sociodemográfico y características del tratamiento. De los pacientes que componían la población renal de Cataluña fueron considerados por los profesionales sanitarios con algún grado de dependencia 806, de ellos 425 eran hombres y 381 mujeres; un 61% tienen edades superiores a 70 años. El 53% viven en pareja y el 80,1% tenían uno o más hijos. El 77,4% de los pacientes habían sido trabajadores no cualifi cados, y el 65,4% dijeron no tener estudios. Se consideraron no dependientes 137 pacientes, con dependencia moderada 350, con dependencia