959 resultados para Leaf extract


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Rock phosphates have low solubility in water, but good solubility in acid. The use of organic compounds together with these phosphorus sources applied to the basal leaf axils of pineapple can increase the solubility of this phosfate source and increase the P availability to the crop. A greenhouse experiment was conducted using Araxá rock phosphate (10 g) in combination or not with solutions containing increasing concentrations of humic acids (0 to 40 mmol L-1 of carbon), with or without citric acid (0.005 mmol L-1), applied to basal leaf axils of pineapple cv. Pérola. Growth and nutritional characteristics of aerial plant parts were assessed. Growth rates of aerial parts and N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents increased curvilinearly with increasing concentration of carbon in the form of humic acids. Maximum values were found for the concentration of 9.3 mmol L-1 of carbon combined with 0.005 mmol L-1 of citric acid and natural phosphate.


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Reduction in leaf area in corn plants during reproduction changes physiological metabolism and consequently the accumulation of dry matter in grains. The aim of this work was to study changes in agronomic characteristics caused by defoliation in corn during the reproduction phase. The experiment was carried out in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais state, in the agricultural year 2007/2008. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, consisting of seven treatments: control without defoliation, removal of two apical leaves, removal of four apical leaves, removal of all leaves above spike, removal of four intermediate leaves, removal of all leaves below spike, and removal of all plant leaves, with five repetitions. The genotype used for the evaluations was hybrid NB 7376. Defoliation was carried out when plants were at the growth stage R2. The variables assessed were: yield, density of spikes and corncobs, root resistance and stem integrity. When all leaves above the spike were removed, grain yield was reduced by 20%. Corncob density, stem integrity and root resistance to uprooting were also affected. Spike density was only affected when all plant leaves were removed. The leaf area remaining physiologically active above the spike was found to be most efficient in terms of grain yield.


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Morpho-physiological characteristics and chemical composition are directly related to superior competitive ability of crops. This study intended to make a comparative analysis of dry matter production, leaf area and amount of epicuticular wax of three species of Sida spp: S. urens L., S. rhombifolia L. and S. spinosa L. Plants were collected at three growth stages: V1: stage described as up to 10 fully expanded leaves; V2: between 11 leaves and flowering; and R: after flowering. At stages V2 and R, the highest number of leaves was recorded for S. rhombifolia, followed by S. spinosa at V2 and S. urens at R. These results were relatively proportional to leaf area for all species. S. spinosa at the vegetative stage produced the highest values of specific leaf area (SLA), with no significant differences between species at the stage R. The amount of wax per unit of leaf area between species at the same developmental stage was significantly different only at the reproductive stage, where S. spinosa produced 23.18 and 6.23 fold more wax than S. urens and S. rhombifolia respectively. Between the growth stages of each species, there was decrease in the amount of wax with plant age and increase in leaf area (AFE), number of leaves and dry matter. The leaves of the Sida species exhibit different characteristics and this information can be used to optimize the use of herbicides in the control of these weeds.


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Natural ventilation system facilitates gaseous exchanges in in vitro plants promoting changes in the leaf tissue, which can be evaluated through the leaf anatomy, and it allows a cultivation closer to the photoautrophic micropropagation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects on in vitro growth and on the leaf anatomy of Cattleya walkeriana grown in natural and conventional ventilation system with different concentrations of sucrose (0; 15; 30 and 45 L-1) combined with different cultivation systems (conventional micropropagation and natural ventilation system). The culture medium was composed of MS salts, solidified with 7 g L-1 of agar and pH adjusted to 5.8. Forty milliliters of culture medium were distributed in 250 mL flasks, autoclaved at 120 ºC for 20 minutes. The greater plant growth, as well as the greater thickness of the mesophyll was observed with the use of 20 g L-1 sucrose in natural ventilation system. Plants grown in natural ventilation system showed a thicker leaf mesophyll, which is directly related to photoautotrophic crops. The natural ventilation system induced more elliptical stomata and probably more functional formats.


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Light and soil water availability may limit carbon uptake of trees in tropical rainforests. The objective of this work was to determine how photosynthetic traits of juvenile trees respond to variations in rainfall seasonality, leaf nutrient content, and opening of the forest canopy. The correlation between leaf nutrient content and annual growth rate of saplings was also assessed. In a terra firme rainforest of the central Amazon, leaf nutrient content and gas exchange parameters were measured in five sapling tree species in the dry and rainy season of 2008. Sapling growth was measured in 2008 and 2009. Rainfall seasonality led to variations in soil water content, but it did not affect leaf gas exchange parameters. Subtle changes in the canopy opening affected CO2 saturated photosynthesis (A pot, p = 0.04). Although A pot was affected by leaf nutrient content (as follows: P > Mg > Ca > N > K), the relative growth rate of saplings correlated solely with leaf P content (r = 0.52, p = 0.003). At present, reduction in soil water content during the dry season does not seem to be strong enough to cause any effect on photosynthesis of saplings in central Amazonia. This study shows that leaf P content is positively correlated with sapling growth in the central Amazon. Therefore, the positive effect of atmospheric CO2 fertilization on long-term tree growth will depend on the ability of trees to absorb additional amount of P


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ABSTRACT The analytical determination of nutrient levels in recently mature leaves in order to diagnose nutritional status is based on the fact that leaves are metabolically active and more sensitive to variation in nutrients of the soil. In most of cases, there is a direct well known between foliar content and the development and yield of the plant. However, for a more accurate interpretation, it is essential to establish the index leaf. There are few published studies about Jatropha with contrasting results. In order to establish the index leaf, in adult plants, the macronutrient levels were evaluated in samples collected in experimental plots, in which doses of nitrogen and phosphorus were applied, in two parts of the floral branches (in the top and in the middle thirds); and in three positions of leaves of the floral branch (between the 1st and 3rd, 6th and 8th, and 13th and 15th leaves below the inflorescence). The location of the leaf on the plant significantly affects nutrient contents. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur tend to have higher concentration in young tissues. Calcium and magnesium showed higher levels in the basal leaves of floral branches. Samples collected in the top third of plants (between the 6th and 15th leaves of the floral branch) are more sensitive to variations of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Therefore, we indicate the 6th to 15th leaves of the top third plants as index leaves estimate nutritional status of Jatropha.


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6th Spanish-Portuguese-Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium, Lisboa, de 18 a 20 de Julho de 2012 (Poster Communication).


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Chapter in Book Proceedings with Peer Review First Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2003, Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, JUne 4-6, 2003. Proceedings


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The interest in zero-valent iron nanoparticles has been increasing significantly since the development of a green production method in which extracts from natural products or wastes are used. However, this field of application is yet poorly studied and lacks knowledge that allows the full understanding of the production and application processes. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the viability of the utilization of several tree leaves to produce extracts which are capable of reducing iron(III) in aqueous solution to form nZVIs. The quality of the extracts was evaluated concerning their antioxidant capacity. The results show that: i) dried leaves produce extracts with higher antioxidant capacities than non-dried leaves, ii) the most favorable extraction conditions (temperature, contact time, and volume:mass ratio) were identified for each leaf, iii) with the aim of developing a green, but also low-cost,method waterwas chosen as solvent, iv) the extracts can be classified in three categories according to their antioxidant capacity (expressed as Fe(II) concentration): >40 mmol L−1; 20–40 mmol L−1; and 2–10 mmol L−1; with oak, pomegranate and green tea leaves producing the richest extracts, and v) TEManalysis proves that nZVIs (d=10–20 nm) can be produced using the tree leaf extracts.


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Folk medicine is a relevant and effective part of indigenous healthcare systems which are, in practice, totally dependent on traditional healers. An outstanding coincidence between indigenous medicinal plant uses and scientifically proved pharmacological properties of several phytochemicals has been observed along the years. This work focused on the leaves of a medicinal plant traditionally used for therapeutic benefits (Angolan Cymbopogon citratus), in order to evaluate their nutritional value. The bioactive phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of leaf extracts prepared with different solvents (water, methanol and ethanol) were also evaluated. The plant leaves contained ~60% of carbohydrates, protein (~20%), fat (~5%), ash (~4%) and moisture (~9%). The phytochemicals screening revealed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, and terpenoids in all extracts. Methanolic extracts also contained alkaloids and steroids. Several methods were used to evaluate total antioxidant capacity of the different extracts (DPPH; NO; and H2O2 scavenging assays, reducing power, and FRAP). Ethanolic extracts presented a significantly higher antioxidant activity (p < 0.05) except for FRAP, in which the best results were achieved by the aqueous extracts. Methanolic extracts showed the lowest radical scavenging activities for both DPPH; and NO; radicals.


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Modern real-time systems, with a more flexible and adaptive nature, demand approaches for timeliness evaluation based on probabilistic measures of meeting deadlines. In this context, simulation can emerge as an adequate solution to understand and analyze the timing behaviour of actual systems. However, care must be taken with the obtained outputs under the penalty of obtaining results with lack of credibility. Particularly important is to consider that we are more interested in values from the tail of a probability distribution (near worst-case probabilities), instead of deriving confidence on mean values. We approach this subject by considering the random nature of simulation output data. We will start by discussing well known approaches for estimating distributions out of simulation output, and the confidence which can be applied to its mean values. This is the basis for a discussion on the applicability of such approaches to derive confidence on the tail of distributions, where the worst-case is expected to be.


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O recente surgimento de nanopartículas de ferro valente-zero (nFZV), um material com elevada capacidade de remediação de solos por via de reacções de oxidação/redução pode ser uma opção viável para a remoção de fármacos do solo. A sua aplicação já é uma realidade em alguns tipos de solos contaminados por compostos específicos e, com este trabalho, procura-se estudar a sua capacidade de remediação de solos contaminados por compostos farmacêuticos, recorrendo-se a uma tecnologia “verde” de síntese destas nanopartículas. Esta tecnologia é bastante recente, ainda não aplicada no campo de trabalho, que se baseia no uso de folhas de certas árvores para produzir extratos naturais que reduzem o ferro (III) a ferro zero valente, formando nFZV. Desta forma procedeu-se, à escala laboratorial, ao estudo da eficiência das nFZV na degradação de um fármaco – paracetamol – e comparou-se com a eficiência demonstrada por oxidantes, muito utilizados hoje em dia em casos de remediação in situ como o permanganato de potássio, o peróxido de hidrogénio, o persulfato de sódio e o reagente de Fenton. O estudo foi efectuado em dois meios diferentes: solução aquosa e solo arenoso. De forma muito sucinta, o estudo baseou-se na introdução dos oxidantes/nFZV em soluções/solos contaminados com paracetamol e consequente monitorização do processo de remediação através de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Nos ensaios com soluções aquosas contaminadas com paracetamol, o permanganato de potássio e o reagente de Fenton revelaram capacidade para degradar o paracetamol, atingindo mesmo um grau de degradação de 100%. O persulfato de sódio também demonstrou uma capacidade de degradação do paracetamol, chegando a atingir 99% de degradação, mas apenas recorrendo ao uso de um volume de oxidante elevado quando comparado com os outros dois oxidantes já referidos. Por outro lado, o peróxido de hidrogénio não demonstrou qualquer capacidade de degradação do paracetamol, pelo que o seu uso não passou desta fase. Verificou-se também que o uso de ferro granulado para o tratamento de água contaminada com paracetamol revelou resultados diferentes dos observados no uso de nFZV, obtendo-se eficiências de 87%. Existiram dificuldades analíticas na quantificação do paracetamol, especificamente relacionadas com o uso do extracto de folhas de amoreira, cuja composição continha substâncias que causaram dificuldades acentuadas na análise dos cromatogramas. Por fim, um pequeno teste de combinação do reagente de Fenton com os fenómenos de biodegradação resultantes dos microrganismos presentes em folhas do extracto de chá preto demonstrou que este pode ser uma área que pode e deve ser mais estudada. Desta forma, a utilização das nFZV para o tratamento de água contaminada com paracetamol não permitiu a retirada de conclusões seguras sobre a capacidade que as nFZV produzidas com extractos de folhas de amoreira e de chá preto têm de degradação do paracetamol. Nos testes de remediação de solos contaminados os resultados demonstraram que, mais uma vez, tanto o permanganato de potássio como o reagente de Fenton se revelam como os melhores oxidantes para a degradação do paracetamol, obtendo-se a degradação total do paracetamol. Por outro lado, voltou a ser necessário uma elevada quantidade de persulfato de sódio quando comparada com os dois anteriores, para que ocorra a degradação desta mesma quantidade de paracetamol, demonstrando mais uma vez que, apesar de não ideal, o persulfato demonstra capacidade de degradação do paracetamol.


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The mineral content (phosphorous (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu)) of eight ready-to-eat baby leaf vegetables was determined. The samples were subjected to microwave-assisted digestion and the minerals were quantified by High-Resolution Continuum Source Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (HR-CS-AAS) with flame and electrothermal atomisation. The methods were optimised and validated producing low LOQs, good repeatability and linearity, and recoveries, ranging from 91% to 110% for the minerals analysed. Phosphorous was determined by a standard colorimetric method. The accuracy of the method was checked by analysing a certified reference material; results were in agreement with the quantified value. The samples had a high content of potassium and calcium, but the principal mineral was iron. The mineral content was stable during storage and baby leaf vegetables could represent a good source of minerals in a balanced diet. A linear discriminant analysis was performed to compare the mineral profile obtained and showed, as expected, that the mineral content was similar between samples from the same family. The Linear Discriminant Analysis was able to discriminate different samples based on their mineral profile.


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Pea-shoots are a new option as ready-to-eat baby-leaf vegetable. However, data about the nutritional composition and the shelf-life stability of these leaves, especially their phytonutrient composition is scarce. In this work, the macronutrient, micronutrient and phytonutrients profile of minimally processed pea shoots were evaluated at the beginning and at the end of a 10-day storage period. Several physicochemical characteristics (color, pH, total soluble solids, and total titratable acidity) were also monitored. Standard AOAC methods were applied in the nutritional value evaluation, while chromatographic methods with UV–vis and mass detection were used to analyze free forms of vitamins (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS), carotenoids (HPLC-DAD-APCI-MSn) and flavonoid compounds (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn). Atomic absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-AAS) was employed to characterize the mineral content of the leaves. As expected, pea leaves had a high water (91.5%) and low fat (0.3%) and carbohydrate (1.9%) contents, being a good source of dietary fiber (2.1%). Pea shoots showed a high content of vitamins C, E and A, potassium and phosphorous compared to other ready-to-eat green leafy vegetables. The carotenoid profile revealed a high content of β-carotene and lutein, typical from green leafy vegetables. The leaves had a mean flavonoid content of 329 mg/100 g of fresh product, mainly composed by glycosylated quercetin and kaempferol derivatives. Pea shoots kept their fresh appearance during the storage being color maintained throughout the shelf-life. The nutritional composition was in general stable during storage, showing some significant (p < 0.05) variation in certain water-soluble vitamins.


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The study of Electricity Markets operation has been gaining an increasing importance in the last years, as result of the new challenges that the restructuring produced. Currently, lots of information concerning Electricity Markets is available, as market operators provide, after a period of confidentiality, data regarding market proposals and transactions. These data can be used as source of knowledge, to define realistic scenarios, essential for understanding and forecast Electricity Markets behaviour. The development of tools able to extract, transform, store and dynamically update data, is of great importance to go a step further into the comprehension of Electricity Markets and the behaviour of the involved entities. In this paper we present an adaptable tool capable of downloading, parsing and storing data from market operators’ websites, assuring actualization and reliability of stored data.