887 resultados para Law|Psychology, Social|Psychology, Experimental
This paper engages with contemporary discussions in relation to the commodification of policing and security. It suggests that the existing literature regarding these trends has been geared primarily towards commercial security providers and has failed to address the processes by which public policing models are commodified and marketed both within, and through, the transnational policing community. Drawing upon evidence from the police change process in Northern Ireland, we argue that a Northern Irish Policing Model (NIPM) has emerged in the aftermath of the Independent Commission on Policing (ICP) reforms. This is increasingly branded and promoted on the global stage. Furthermore, we suggest that the NIPM is not monolithic, but segmented, and targeted towards a number of different 'consumers' both domestically and transnationally. Reflecting these diverse markets, the NIPM draws upon two seemingly incongruous constituent elements: the 'best practice' lessons of policing transition, as embodied in the ICP reforms; and, the legacy of counter-terrorism expertise drawn from the preceding decades of conflict. The discussion concludes by querying as to which of these components of the NIPM is in the ascendancy.
Self-help (or mutual aid) processes play a substantial role in the reintegration of stigmatized individuals, in particular, a substantial self-help movement has developed around addiction recovery. Prisoners and ex-prisoners have also established self-help groups around the world. This paper focuses in particular on the role of self-help principles and practices among “politically motivated” former prisoners from all sides of the Northern Irish conflict. The concept of self-help and its application to former prisoners are analysed theoretically, then applied to the Northern Irish case study through a series of interviews with ex-prisoners whose incarceration has been related to the conflict in Northern Ireland. We draw on the implications of this case study for wider issues of reintegration for politically motivated and ordinary prisoners.
Global development has, in recent years, been shaped by the rise of transnational capital. This has implications for the quality and effectiveness of those national laws, regulations and policies in place to monitor transnational capital, ensure that multi national organisations assume responsibility and hold them accountable should they fail to do so. In balancing these objectives, contrasting issues come to the fore, such as the fear of capital flight; an issue especially profound in small open economies where the balance may tip in the favour of retaining, as opposed to regulating, foreign capital.
This paper can be considered in three parts. First, the paper addresses the shift in global leadership from national governments to multinational corporations (with particular reference to the rise of the Transnational Capitalist Class). This shift will incorporate the connotations of the Third Way. In considering this ideology, it will propose the Third Way as a transition phase to a stage when government is more the “third wheel” than an equal partner in governance structures. Second, the implications of the changing nature of governance on the capacity of nation states to develop effective laws, regulations and policies is discussed which leads on to the third aspect of the paper which identifies the challenges for governments, business and society in reimagining the governance structure pertaining to law, regulation and policy and the need to reconsider existing structures in light of global shifts in power structures.
A new leadership structure, both within the national and international governance system has far reaching implications. Boundary constraints no longer an issue, the potential for equality and global democracy is huge. Instead, a post recessionary world faces new governance challenges in the shape of; legitimacy; accountability and responsibility. Capitalism has invaded government and the primary challenge will be in avoiding the same issues that have dogged our financial markets for the last number of years. The challenge then to laws, regulations and public policy is huge, especially considering that the governments regulating are smaller than those dictating agenda on a global level
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a cinética de secagem do bacalhau salgado verde (Gadus morhua) em secador convectivo. É apresentada a análise da composição físico-química dos bacalhaus utilizados nos ensaios experimentais, bem como o estudo das isotermas de sorção do produto, através de experiências e modelação matemática. Dos modelos usados para o ajuste das isotermas de sorção do bacalhau salgado verde, o que melhor se adaptou aos resultados experimentais foi o modelo de GAB Modificado, com coeficientes de correlação variando entre 0,992 e 0,998. Para o controlo do processo de secagem (nomeadamente os parâmetros temperatura, humidade relativa e velocidade do ar) foi utilizada lógica difusa, através do desenvolvimento de controladores difusos para o humidificador, desumidificador, resistências de aquecimento e ventilador. A modelação do processo de secagem foi realizada através de redes neuronais artificiais (RNA), modelo semi-empírico de Page e modelo difusivo de Fick. A comparação entre dados experimentais e simulados, para cada modelo, apresentou os seguintes erros: entre 1,43 e 11,58 para o modelo de Page, 0,34 e 4,59 para o modelo de Fick e entre 1,13 e 6,99 para a RNA, com médias de 4,38, 1,67 e 2,93 respectivamente. O modelo obtido pelas redes neuronais artificiais foi submetido a um algoritmo de otimização, a fim de buscar os parâmetros ideais de secagem, de forma a minimizar o tempo do processo e maximizar a perda de água do bacalhau. Os parâmetros ótimos obtidos para o processo de secagem, após otimização realizada, para obter-se uma humidade adimensional final de 0,65 foram: tempo de 68,6h, temperatura de 21,45°C, humidade relativa de 51,6% e velocidade de 1,5m/s. Foram também determinados os custos de secagem para as diferentes condições operacionais na instalação experimental. Os consumos por hora de secagem variaram entre 1,15 kWh e 2,87kWh, com uma média de 1,94kWh.
In order to produce packaging films with a broad spectrum of action on microorganisms, the
effect of two antimicrobial (AM) to be included in the films, carvacrol and GSE were studied
separately on different microorganisms. Carvacrol was more effective against the grampositive
bacteria than against the gram-negative bacterium. GSE was not effective against
yeast. Subsequently, a search for optimal combinations of carvacrol, GSE and the addition of
chitosan (as a third component with film forming properties) was carried out. Response
surface analysis showed several synergetic effects and three optimal AM combinations
(OAMC) were obtained for each microorganism. The experimental validation confirmed that
the optimal solutions found can successfully predict the response for each microorganism.
The optimization of mixtures of the three components, but this time, using the same
concentration for all microorganisms, was also studied to obtain an OAMC with wide spectrum
of activity. The results of the response surface analysis showed several synergistic effects for
all microorganisms. Three OAMC, OAMC-1, OAMC-2, OAMC-3, were found to be the optimal
mixtures for all microorganisms. The radical scavenging activity (RSA) of the different agents
was then compared with a standard antioxidant (AOX) BHT, at different concentrations; as also
at the OAMC. The RSA increased in the following order: chitosan
This article aims to interrogate law's ambivalent relationship with urban space. It deals with the paradoxical relation between law and the city, visibility and invisibility, materiality and abstraction, and polis and metropolis. It builds on previous work on the lawscape, namely the priority of invitation by law or the city to be conditioned by the other, and expands this line of thought towards a more tangible understanding of visibility and its mutual constitution with invisibility. We believe that spatialisation is a relevant avenue for law's (re)conceptualisation because it moves away from a description of humanism based on the universality of subjectivity, and paves the way for a particularised and material description of law's multiplicity that specifically addresses law's social positioning. This inevitably leads to a dematerialisation of space and the reinstatement of circularity between concreteness and abstraction. Inspired by some of the themes addressed by the contributors in this issue, we begin constructing a vocabulary of lawscaping, where law and urban space are brought together in an epistemological embrace that targets and eventually questions the solipsistic way in which the two of them have been conceptualised so far.
The present work aims to understand the process of expansion and consolidation of the organized criminal group the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) in São Paulo’s prison system over the past 20 years, and the social configuration that has formed as a result of the PCCs monopolization of opportunities of power. To this end, the work of Norbert Elias is utilized to analyze empirical data collected from various sources. The article consists of two lines of analysis. First, the PCC phenomenon is approached from a macro-sociological point of view, focusing on the social, political and administrative problems that are directly or indirectly linked to the PCCs social development. Second, a figurational analysis is used to explore the social dynamics produced from this process. In comparison to the “pre-PCC” situation, it is shown that the new social configuration produced from the hegemony of the PCC consists of a complexity of interdependencies, including greater functional division and social integration. Given this intensification of mutual dependencies, the social controls on individual behavior have been expanded and centralized. Here, the structure and organization of the PCC, its political dynamics, and individual self-control are central issues. The article concludes by calling into question the view that the most significant effect of the PCCs consolidation has been social pacification of São Paulo’s prison system. Fragilities in the power of the PCC are explored, principally the precarious nature of the relationship between the PCC and state authorities, and the extent to which the PCC’s authority is imposed.
The following report reflects a five-month internship in the Department of Legal Affairs of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from 4 August to 30 December 2014. This report mainly had as a basis the knowledge from the Administrative Law, Procedural Administrative Law, Labour Law, Special Labour Law and Social Law classes. Thus, it was possible to experience procedural administrative phases, such as the hierarchical appeal, the impugnation of public tender, witness hearing, among others. Apart from these, it was possible to collaborate on the elaboration of a Handbook of Good Practices of Administrative Law and to receive training on Public Procurement.
Estee Klar is the founder and executive director of The Autism Acceptance Project, an organization that strives to support people with autism by promoting acceptance and inclusion of these individuals. She is the mother of a son, Adam, who has autism, and writes about her experiences with him on her blog, found at http://www.esteeklar.com. She also writes about issues concerning autism in the area of human rights, law, and social justice, and has contributed to several books, including The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism, Between Interruptions: Thirty Women Tell the Truth about Motherhood, and Concepts of Normality: The Autistic and Typical Spectrum. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate at York University, Critical Disability Studies, as well as a writer and freelance curator of art.
Le présent mémoire se penche sur la constitutionnalité des articles 517 et 539 C.cr., qui prévoient des ordonnances de non-publication à l'enquête sur mise en liberté provisoire ainsi qu'à l'enquête préliminaire. L'auteur présente d'abord les modalités d'application de chacune de ces ordonnances. Suit ensuite un portrait de la jurisprudence sur la constitutionnalité de ces deux dispositions. L'auteur applique par la suite aux dispositions le test élaboré dans l'arrêt Oakes. Il conclut que l'objectif des dispositions, qui consiste à assurer un procès équitable à l'accusé, est urgent et réel. L'auteur constate ensuite que le critère du lien rationnel n'est pas satisfait puisque, ordonnance ou pas, les informations préjudiciables pour un accusé seront de toute façon dispersées dans le public, notamment grâce aux nouvelles technologies de l'information. À défaut de profiter d'informations fiables retransmises par les médias, le public devra se concentrer sur les rumeurs non vérifiables propagées par le Web. Le critère de l'atteinte minimale est également examiné. L'auteur estime que ni les récusations motivées, ni le changement de venue, ni les directives aux jurés ne sont en mesure de remplacer des ordonnances de non-publication. Enfin, l'auteur estime que les articles 517 et 539 C.cr. échouent le critère de proportionnalité entre les effets préjudiciables et les effets bénéfiques. En conclusion, comme alternative aux interdits de publication, l'auteur propose une réforme du processus de récusations motivées.
Thèse de doctorat réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Institut du social et du politique de l'École Normale supérieure de Cachan.
Cette étude aborde les questionnements relatifs à l’homologation et à l’entérinement d’une entente de règlement amiable conclue dans le cadre des processus de médiation ou de conciliation administrative. L’étude vise d’abord à clarifier les concepts en définissant précisément la terminologie privilégiée. La mise en œuvre des demandes est ensuite analysée au regard de la compétence des tribunaux administratifs et de celle des tribunaux de droit commun à l’égard d’un accord de conciliation ou d’une transaction conclu dans le cadre d’un litige administratif. Les formalités relatives à la présentation de la demande sont exposées. Les tests de conformité à la loi et à l’ordre public sont ensuite circonscrits pour terminer par un examen des conséquences de l’homologation ou de l’entérinement de l’entente sur les recours ultérieurs possibles tels que le recours en révision administrative ou le recours en révision judiciaire.
L’auteur s’intéresse à la question de savoir si le droit du travail américain est plus favorable à l’investissement direct étranger (IDE) que le droit du travail québécois dans le contexte de l’ALENA. Pour ce faire, il fait une revue de littérature sur les déterminants de la localisation de l’IDE afin de clarifier l’importance du droit du travail national dans les décisions d’investissement des entreprises multinationales. Celle-ci révèle que la localisation de l’IDE est un processus complexe et multidimensionnel impliquant un grand nombre de facteurs, dont certains sont associés à la demande, d’autres aux coûts, d’autres aux caractéristiques des pays-hôtes, et d’autres, enfin, au risque. Le droit du travail national, bien que revêtant une certaine importance, n’est qu’un facteur parmi d’autres. Elle révèle également que l’importance relative des déterminants de la localisation de l’IDE, incluant le droit du travail national, varie elle-même en fonction d’autres facteurs, comme le secteur d’activité de l’entreprise, sa stratégie, sa taille et la motivation de l’IDE. Ensuite, il fait une étude de droit comparé entre le Québec et le Massachusetts afin d’identifier les principales différences qui existent entre les deux régimes de droit du travail. Cette étude a permis d’identifier des différences importantes entre les deux systèmes étudiés. Ainsi, dans l’ensemble, le droit du travail applicable au Massachusetts se fonde davantage sur les principes de la liberté contractuelle et du laisser-faire que le droit du travail québécois, qui est beaucoup plus interventionniste. Enfin, l’auteur analyse les différences observées dans le cadre de l’étude de droit comparé à la lumière des conclusions de sa revue de littérature sur les déterminants de la localisation de l’IDE. Il en vient à la conclusion que bien qu’à de nombreux égards le droits du travail québécois s’avère plus avantageux que le droit du travail applicable au Massachusetts aux fins de la localisation de l’IDE, c’est plutôt ce dernier qui, de façon générale, s’avère le plus avantageux à ce chapitre. En effet, dans l’ensemble, le droit du travail québécois est susceptible d’imposer des coûts de main-d’œuvre supérieurs et de réduire la flexibilité du marché du travail davantage que le droit du travail applicable au Massachusetts. Or, considérant que le droit du travail national n’est qu’un facteur parmi d’autres dans la décision de localisation de l’IDE, le Québec n’est pas sans moyens. En effet, il possède d’autres avantages comparatifs qu’il peut faire valoir auprès des entreprises qui œuvrent dans des secteurs d’activités où ces avantages concurrentiels sont valorisés et susceptibles d’être exploités. De plus, considérant que le droit du travail national a un importance relative qui varie elle-même en fonction d’autres facteurs, le droit du travail québécois n’a pas nécessairement le même effet sur tous les investisseurs. Enfin, considérant que le droit du travail remplit des fonctions sociales autant que des fonctions économiques, c’est un faux débat que de mettre l’accent uniquement sur les conséquences « négatives » du droit du travail national sur l’IDE. En effet, c’est faire complètement abstraction de la question des coûts sociaux que le droit du travail permet de prévenir au sein d’une société.
Ce mémoire traite de la portée de la protection constitutionnelle du droit à la vie privée informationnelle au Canada, au regard de la surveillance électronique gouvernementale à grande échelle des métadonnées des communications électroniques, à des fins de sécurité nationale. Il est soutenu, après une présentation de l’importance démocratique de la vie privée, de même que de la nature et de la portée de certaines activités gouvernementales de surveillance électronique, que le cadre d’analyse du « Biographical core », qui conditionne l’étendue de la protection de la vie privée informationnelle en droit constitutionnel canadien, est susceptible d’inclure les métadonnées des communications électroniques. Cette position est appuyée par un argumentaire juridique fondé sur les règles d’interprétation et la jurisprudence constitutionnelle pertinente. Cet argumentaire se trouve renforcé par potentiel considérablement révélateur des métadonnées, des particularités propres aux activités de surveillance électronique analysées, ainsi que des implications non-juridiques soulevées par ces dernières.