934 resultados para Late colonial period


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BACKGROUND: Posttraumatic knee stiffness is a very debilitating condition. Judet's quadricepsplasty technique has been used for more than 50 years. However, few reports of quadricepsplasty results exist in the literature. METHODS: We report the results of 45 cases of posttraumatic arthrofibrosis of the knee treated with Judet's quadricepsplasty. The results of the procedure were analyzed by measuring the degrees of flexion of the operated knees at different time points (before, immediately after, and late postoperatively). RESULTS: The degree of flexion increased from 33.6 degrees (range, 5-80 degrees) preoperatively to 105 degrees (range, 45-160 degrees) immediately after surgery, followed by a slight fall in the range of motion (ROM) in the late postoperative period, which reached an average of 84.8 degrees. There was no significant correlation between knee strength and the patient's gender, but there was a slight trend of lower strength with age. Although Judet's quadricepsplasty technique dates from more than 50 years ago, it still provides good outcomes in the treatment of rigid knees of various etiologies. In general, all cases showed the same pattern of a small decrease in the ROM in the late postoperative period. CONCLUSION: Judet's quadricepsplasty can increase the ROM of rigid knees. The ROM obtained with the surgery persists long term. (J Trauma. 2012; 72: E77-E80. Copyright (C) 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)


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The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce. The maritime commerce consisted of the main way of circulation of the goods between the Brazilian provinces until the second half of century XIX. Although the relatively big importance of the flows of commerce with the exterior, we note significant exchange of goods by sea between the Brazilian regions since the colonial period. A part of these exchanges derived from products destined in last instance to the foreigner or imported of the exterior. However, another part elapsed of national goods that had not arrived at be exported to the international market. Many goods for the colonial and imperial consumption had circulated by the Brazilian coasts in expressive sums. From the information raised for the imperial period, especially the decades of 1860 and 1870, we verify that most of the goods commercialized between the provinces consisted of national products destined to the internal consumption.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer before and after surgical treatment. METHODS: Fourteen patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer were studied. Cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated during the preoperative and late postoperative periods were stimulated with concanavalin A and Bacille Calmette-Guerin, and the supernatant concentrations of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 were measured. RESULTS: For non-stimulated cultures, the interferon-gamma levels produced by the preoperative period and the late postoperative period cultures were lower than the levels produced by the control group cultures. The interferon-gamma levels after stimulation with concanavalin A were higher in the late postoperative period cultures than in the preoperative evaluation cultures. Stimulation with Bacille Calmette-Guerin led to the production of similar levels of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by all cultures; thus, stimulation increased the levels of interferon-gamma produced by both the preoperative and postoperative cultures relative to the levels produced by the corresponding unstimulated cultures. CONCLUSION: Patients with advanced supraglottic laryngeal cancer exhibit an in vitro deficiency in interferongamma secretion by mononuclear cells. Stimulated cells seem to recover this function during the postoperative period.


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The prehistoric cemetery of Barshalder is located along the main road on the boundary between Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, near the southern end of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The cemetery was used from c. AD 1-1100. The level of publication in Swedish archaeology of the first millennium AD is low compared to, for instance, the British and German examples. Gotland’s rich Iron Age cemeteries have long been intensively excavated, but few have received monographic treatment. This publication is intended to begin filling this gap and to raise the empirical level of the field. It also aims to make explicit and test the often somewhat intuitively conceived results of much previous research. The analyses deal mainly with the Migration (AD 375–540), Vendel (AD 520–790) and Late Viking (AD 1000–1150) Periods. The following lines of inquiry have been prioritised. 1. Landscape history, i.e. placing the cemetery in a landscape-historical context. (Vol. 1, section 2.2.6) 2. Migration Period typochronology, i.e. the study of change in the grave goods. (Vol. 2, chapter 2) 3. Social roles: gender, age and status. (Vol. 2, chapter 3) 4. Religious identity in the 11th century, i.e. the study of religious indicators in mortuary customs and grave goods, with particular emphasis on the relationship between Scandinavian paganism and Christianity.. (Vol. 2, chapter 4) Barshalder is found to have functioned as a central cemetery for the surrounding area, located on peripheral land far away from contemporary settlement, yet placed on a main road along the coast for maximum visibility and possibly near a harbour. Computer supported correspondence analysis and seriation are used to study the gender attributes among the grave goods and the chronology of the burials. New methodology is developed to distinguish gender-neutral attributes from transgressed gender attributes. Sub-gender grouping due to age and status is explored. An independent modern chronology system with rigorous type definitions is established for the Migration Period of Gotland. Recently published chronology systems for the Vendel and Viking Periods are critically reviewed, tested and modified to produce more solid models. Social stratification is studied through burial wealth with a quantitative method, and the results are tested through juxtaposition with several other data types. The Late Viking Period graves of the late 10th and 11th centuries are studied in relation to the contemporary Christian graves at the churchyards. They are found to be symbolically soft-spoken and unobtrusive, with all pagan attributes kept apart from the body in a space between the feet of the deceased and the end of the over-long inhumation trench. A small number of pagan reactionary graves with more forceful symbolism are however also identified. The distribution of different 11th century cemetery types across the island is used to interpret the period’s confessional geography, the scale of social organisation and the degree of allegiance to western and eastern Christianity. 11th century society on Gotland is found to have been characterised by religious tolerance, by an absence of central organisation and by slow piecemeal Christianisation.


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[ES] El propósito de este trabajo es hacer un recorrido histórico, rastreando la presencia africana y afrodescendiente en el actual territorio argentino, desde el período colonial hasta la actualidad. Centraremos nuestro análisis en los momentos más significativos de su llegada, observando ciertos parámetros que las caracterizan y, al mismo tiempo, identificaremos patrones de marginación o exclusión social de los migrantes africanos y sus descendientes.


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Since 1900, the Yoruba people of South-western Nigeria have put its ethnic history at work in the construction of its identity in Nigeria. The exercise resulted in the creation of ethno-nationalist movements and the practice of ethnic politics, often expressed through violent attacks on the Nigerian State and some ethnic groups in Nigeria. Relying on mythological attachment to its traditions and subjective creation of cultural pride, the people created a sense of history that established a common interest among different Yoruba sub-groups in form of pan-Yoruba interest which forms the basis for the people’s imagination of nation. Through this, historical consciousness and socio-political space in which Yoruba people are located acted as instrumental forces employed by Yoruba political elites, both at colonial and post-colonial periods to demand for increasing access to political and economic resources in Nigeria. In form of nationalism, nationalist movements and ethnic politics continued in South-western Nigeria since 1900, yet without resulting to actual creation of an independent Yoruba State up to 2009. Through ethnographic data, the part played by history, tradition and modernity is examined in this paper. While it is concluded that ethno-nationalist movement and ethnic politics in Yoruba society are constructive agenda dated back to pre-colonial period, it continues to transform both in structure and function. Thus, Yoruba ethno-nationalist movement and ethnic politics is ambiguous, dynamic and complex, to the extent that it remains a challenge to State actions in Nigeria.


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La dissertazione si articola attorno all’idea di tradizione e alla concettualizzazione di genere nella musica di villaggio dei Banyoro e dei Batooro dell’Uganda occidentale. Il lavoro si sviluppa nel complesso in tre parti principali. Nella prima si presentano le trasformazioni storiche intervenute nelle relazioni di genere dal periodo precoloniale al presente e si introduce la musica di villaggio delle popolazioni considerate, ponendola a confronto con la musica di corte e con quella religiosa. La seconda sezione è dedicata allo studio dei repertori vocali e di danza di villaggio, a partire dalla documentazione realizzata con informatori anziani: di queste musiche sono considerate le caratteristiche stilistiche ed è condotta un’analisi che mira a mettere in luce le idee di genere trasmesse attraverso questi repertori. L’ultima parte del lavoro prende in considerazione le trasformazioni intervenute nel panorama musicale ugandese nell’ultimo secolo, a partire dall’influenza di musiche esterne, dall’insegnamento della musica tradizionale nelle scuole e dall’istituzione di festival scolastici e di gruppi folklorici: diverse performance attuali di canti e di danza sotto sottoposte a studio analitico. Nel complesso, si rileva una generale rifunzionalizzazione di musiche e idee di genere che si rifanno al passato, ma hanno valore soprattutto per il recupero della cultura locale nel presente,connotato dal contesto multiculturale dell’Uganda contemporanea e dalle politiche, promosse dal Governo, che favoriscono l’emancipazione femminile.


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La VI regio augustea di Roma rappresenta uno dei settori urbani maggiormente investiti dalle modifiche radicali compiute dall’uomo nel processo di urbanizzazione della città che ne hanno modificato profondamente la situazione altimetrica e la conformazione originaria. Questi notevoli cambiamenti ebbero origine sin dall’età antica, ma si intensificarono profondamente soprattutto nel periodo rinascimentale quando a partire da Pio IV e soprattutto con Sisto V, attivo in tante altre zone della città, si svilupparono numerose opere di rinnovamento urbanistico che incisero notevolmente sul volto e sulle caratteristiche della zona in esame. A partire dal Rinascimento fino ad arrivare ai grandi scavi della fine del 1800 tutto il quartiere incominciò a “popolarsi” di numerosi edifici di grande mole che andarono ad intaccare completamente le vestigia del periodo antico: la costruzione del Palazzo del Quirinale e dei vari palazzi nobiliari ma soprattutto la costruzione dei numerosi ministeri e della prima stazione Termini alla fine dell’800 comportarono numerosi sventramenti senza la produzione di una adeguata documentazione delle indagini di scavo. Questa ricerca intende ricostruire, in un’ottica diacronica, la topografia di uno dei quartieri centrali della Roma antica attraverso l’analisi dei principali fenomeni che contraddistinguono l’evoluzione del tessuto urbano sia per quanto riguarda le strutture pubbliche che in particolar modo quelle private. Infatti, il dato principale che emerge da questa ricerca è che questa regio si configura, a partire già dal periodo tardo-repubblicano, come un quartiere a vocazione prevalentemente residenziale, abitato soprattutto dall’alta aristocrazia appartenente alle più alte cariche dello Stato romano; oltre a domus ed insulae, sul Quirinale, vennero costruiti lungo il corso di tutta l’età repubblicana alcuni tra i più antichi templi della città che con la loro mole occuparono parte dello spazio collinare fino all’età tardoantica, rappresentando così una macroscopica e costante presenza nell’ingombro dello spazio edificato.


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This thesis was part of a multidisciplinary research project funded by the German Research Foundation (“Bevölkerungsgeschichte des Karpatenbeckens in der Jungsteinzeit und ihr Einfluss auf die Besiedlung Mitteleuropas”, grant no. Al 287/10-1) aimed at elucidating the population history of the Carpathian Basin during the Neolithic. The Carpathian Basin was an important waypoint on the spread of the Neolithic from southeastern to central Europe. On the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld), the first farming communities appeared around 6000 cal BC. They belonged to the Körös culture, which derived from the Starčevo-Körös-Criş complex in the northern Balkans. Around 5600 cal BC the Alföld-Linearbandkeramik (ALBK), so called due to its stylistic similarities with the Transdanubian and central European LBK, emerged in the northwestern Alföld. Following a short “classical phase”, the ALBK split into several regional subgroups during its later stages, but did not expand beyond the Great Hungarian Plain. Marking the beginning of the late Neolithic period, the Tisza culture first appeared in the southern Alföld around 5000 cal BC and subsequently spread into the central and northern Alföld. Together with the Herpály and Csőszhalom groups it was an integral part of the late Neolithic cultural landscape of the Alföld. Up until now, the Neolithic cultural succession on the Alföld has been almost exclusively studied from an archaeological point of view, while very little is known about the population genetic processes during this time period. The aim of this thesis was to perform ancient DNA (aDNA) analyses on human samples from the Alföld Neolithic and analyse the resulting mitochondrial population data to address the following questions: is there population continuity between the Central European Mesolithic hunter-gatherer metapopulation and the first farming communities on the Alföld? Is there genetic continuity from the early to the late Neolithic? Are there genetic as well as cultural differences between the regional groups of the ALBK? Additionally, the relationships between the Alföld and the neighbouring Transdanubian Neolithic as well as other European early farming communities were evaluated to gain insights into the genetic affinities of the Alföld Neolithic in a larger geographic context. 320 individuals were analysed for this study; reproducible mitochondrial haplogroup information (HVS-I and/or SNP data) could be obtained from 242 Neolithic individuals. According to the analyses, population continuity between hunter-gatherers and the Neolithic cultures of the Alföld can be excluded at any stage of the Neolithic. In contrast, there is strong evidence for population continuity from the early to the late Neolithic. All cultural groups on the Alföld were heavily shaped by the genetic substrate introduced into the Carpathian Basin during the early Neolithic by the Körös and Starčevo cultures. Accordingly, genetic differentiation between regional groups of the ALBK is not very pronounced. The Alföld cultures are furthermore genetically highly similar to the Transdanubian Neolithic cultures, probably due to common ancestry. In the wider European context, the Alföld Neolithic cultures also highly similar to the central European LBK, while they differ markedly from contemporaneous populations of the Iberian Peninsula and the Ukraine. Thus, the Körös culture, the ALBK and the Tisza culture can be regarded as part of a “genetic continuum” that links the Neolithic Carpathian Basin to central Europe and likely has its roots in the Starčevo -Körös-Criş complex of the northern Balkans.


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In this thesis I examine the issues of postcolonial Algerian identity expressed in literature, and the difficulty of defining an Algerian identity independent of French influence. I analyze and contextualize three novels (Le Polygone etoile by Kateb Yacine,L'Amour, la fantasia by Assia Djebar, and Le Village de l'allemand ou le journal des freres Schiller) representative of their respective periods. I explore the evolution of expressions of identity through post-liberation Algeria. The years immediately following decolonization are marked by the effort to return to aprecolonial blank slate, an effort that Yacine cautions against. The 1980s and 1990s are most concerned with re-inserting Algeria into the Western historical discourse, and the most recent literature moves beyond decolonization to discuss the current Islamistchallenge and immigration. Among the pertinent issues are language, oral vs. written traditions, the often blatant absence of Algerians and women from the accounts in the French colonial archives, and, of course, the Self/Other binary. I have found that theserepresentative authors and texts use asynchronic time, fragmented narrative, re-written history, and expressions of violence in an attempt to cope with the colonial period and decolonization. I show that these authors provide a commentary on those who have triedto erase their French side, but with little success. Ultimately, though in different ways, each author writes that Algerians much accept their French past and move beyond it,rather than fighting their collective history.


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The liver has an important role in metabolic regulation and control of the somatotropic axis to adapt successfully to physiological and environmental changes in dairy cows. The aim of this study was to investigate the adaptation to negative energy balance (NEB) at parturition and to a deliberately induced NEB by feed restriction at 100 days in milk. The hepatic gene expression and the endocrine system of the somatotropic axis and related parameters were compared between the early and late NEB period. Fifty multiparous cows were subjected to 3 periods (1=early lactation up to 12 wk postpartum, 2=feed restriction for 3 wk beginning at around 100 days in milk with a feed-restricted and a control group, and 3=subsequent realimentation period for the feed-restricted group for 8 wk). In period 1, plasma growth hormone reached a maximum in early lactation, whereas insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), leptin, the thyroid hormones, insulin, and the revised quantitative insulin sensitivity check index increased gradually after a nadir in early lactation. Three days after parturition, hepatic mRNA abundance of growth hormone receptor 1A, IGF-I, IGF-I receptor and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) were decreased, whereas mRNA of IGFBP-1 and -2 and insulin receptor were upregulated as compared with wk 3 antepartum. During period 2, feed-restricted cows showed decreased plasma concentrations of IGF-I and leptin compared with those of control cows. The revised quantitative insulin sensitivity check index was lower for feed-restricted cows (period 2) than for control cows. Compared with the NEB in period 1, the changes due to the deliberately induced NEB (period 2) in hormones were less pronounced. At the end of the 3-wk feed restriction, the mRNA abundance of IGF-I, IGFBP-1, -2, -3, and insulin receptor was increased as compared with the control group. The different effects of energy deficiency at the 2 stages in lactation show that the endocrine regulation changes qualitatively and quantitatively during the course of lactation.


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Deir el-Bachit is the largest known Coptic monastery complex in Thebes-West. It dates to the Late Antiquity period between the 6th and the beginning of the 10th century AD. So far, at least 26 individuals from the site were analysed anthropologically. 22 of them were excavated directly at the necropolis, the other 4 are special burials that were found at other locations nearby.Most individuals from the necropolis are male adults. There are two categories of human remains: “mummified” and “skeletonised”. The differences are probably due to social stratification. A substance similar to bitumen was found at the mummies. At that time, resin containing oils and bitumen were normally not used any more. One of the Special burials was an approximately three years old child which was found enclosed within a wall. Another special burial was a juvenile or young adult female who was found in the vault of an abandoned granary. The female was most likely pregnant and fell victim to a violent crime. This is indicated by the bones of a six months old foetus and an intravital skull fracture. She was no contemporary from the time the monastery was cultivated but was later deposited in this area.


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The main aim of this project was to verify the possibility raised in the publication of new archival data in 1980 that the group of panel paintings attributed to the Master of the Rajhrad Altarpiece and his workshop were not created before 1420, as earlier academic opinion held, but in fact only around 1450. It included a detailed analysis of the 21 panels forming the group, including infrared reflectography research. This helped identify the highly personal underdrawing style of the "Rajhrad Master" as common to all the panels in the group, proving that they really form a coherent whole. Questions of the painter's education and the nature of Bohemian society around 1450 were also considered, as. Bartlova felt these had been neglected in earlier studies. She concludes that the Master studied in Prague in the late 1430s and then continued studying in Vienna and Munich from 1440. The new dating of the group of panels connected with this anonymous master and his workshop throws new light on Bohemian artistic production during the late Hussite period (c.1430-c.1470). It was generally thought that artistic activity moved out of Prague after the outbreak of the Hussite wars in the 1420s, but this research revealed considerable activity there throughout the period. Numerous painters listed in the Book of the Prague Painters' Guild for this period can now be linked with extant panels, although most of these have survived outside Prague, principally in South Bohemia. These findings have broad implications for studies of Bohemian art in this period.


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A continuous and highly sensitive absorption method for detection of soluble phosphate in ice cores has been developed using a molybdate reagent and a 2m liquid waveg- uide (LWCC). The method is optimized to meet the low concentrations of phosphate in Greenland ice, it has a detection limit of around 0.1ppb and a depth resolution of approximately 2cm. The new method has been applied to obtain phosphate concen- trations from segments of two Northern Greenland ice cores: from a shallow firn core covering the most recent 120yr and from the recently obtained deep NEEM ice core in which sections from the late glacial period have been analysed. Phosphate con- centrations in 20th century ice are around 0.32ppb with no indication of anthropogenic influence in the most recent ice. In the glacial part of the NEEM ice core concentra- tions in the cold stadial periods are significantly higher, in the range of 6–24ppb, while interstadial ice concentrations are around 2ppb. In the shallow firn core, a strong cor- relation between concentrations of phosphate and insoluble dust suggests a similar deposition pattern for phosphate and dust. In the glacial ice, phosphate and dust also correlate quite strongly, however it is most likely that this correlation originates from the phosphate binding to dust during transport, with only a fraction coming directly from dust. Additionally a constant ratio between phosphate and potassium concentrations shows evidence of a possible biogenic land source.


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The seasonal appearance of a deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) in Lake Superior is a striking phenomenon that is widely observed; however its mechanisms of formation and maintenance are not well understood. As this phenomenon may be the reflection of an ecological driver, or a driver itself, a lack of understanding its driving forces limits the ability to accurately predict and manage changes in this ecosystem. Key mechanisms generally associated with DCM dynamics (i.e. ecological, physiological and physical phenomena) are examined individually and in concert to establish their role. First the prevailing paradigm, “the DCM is a great place to live”, is analyzed through an integration of the results of laboratory experiments and field measurements. The analysis indicates that growth at this depth is severely restricted and thus not able to explain the full magnitude of this phenomenon. Additional contributing mechanisms like photoadaptation, settling and grazing are reviewed with a one-dimensional mathematical model of chlorophyll and particulate organic carbon. Settling has the strongest impact on the formation and maintenance of the DCM, transporting biomass to the metalimnion and resulting in the accumulation of algae, i.e. a peak in the particulate organic carbon profile. Subsequently, shade adaptation becomes manifest as a chlorophyll maximum deeper in the water column where light conditions particularly favor the process. Shade adaptation mediates the magnitude, shape and vertical position of the chlorophyll peak. Growth at DCM depth shows only a marginal contribution, while grazing has an adverse effect on the extent of the DCM. The observed separation of the carbon biomass and chlorophyll maximum should caution scientists to equate the DCM with a large nutrient pool that is available to higher trophic levels. The ecological significance of the DCM should not be separated from the underlying carbon dynamics. When evaluated in its entirety, the DCM becomes the projected image of a structure that remains elusive to measure but represents the foundation of all higher trophic levels. These results also offer guidance in examine ecosystem perturbations such as climate change. For example, warming would be expected to prolong the period of thermal stratification, extending the late summer period of suboptimal (phosphorus-limited) growth and attendant transport of phytoplankton to the metalimnion. This reduction in epilimnetic algal production would decrease the supply of algae to the metalimnion, possibly reducing the supply of prey to the grazer community. This work demonstrates the value of modeling to challenge and advance our understanding of ecosystem dynamics, steps vital to reliable testing of management alternatives.