942 resultados para Late Bronze Age
When travelling north-east across the Somerset Levels and Moors the eye is drawn to the dark mass of the Mendip Hills, a Carboniferous Limestone ridge which rises abruptly from the flatness of its surroundings. The Historic Landscape of the Mendip Hills explores the archaeology and architecture of this remarkable corner of England, beginning with evidence for the first hunting groups who passed through the region over half a million years ago. Succeeding generations have left their mark on the Hills, from the enigmatic ceremonial structures of the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, to the ancient farming landscapes and brooding hillforts of the Later Prehistoric period. Field archaeology, combined with architectural and historical enquiry, has also allowed a complex narrative to be constructed for more recent periods of history. This is a story dominated by adaptation and change, evidenced by the developing architecture of manorial centres and the shadowy remains of earlier structures fossilized within village houses. This volume presents a synthesis of the results of recent fieldwork undertaken by English Heritage and traces this region’s remarkable past, revealing ways in which it has shaped the landscape we see and value today.
Excavations at Haua Fteah cave in Cyrenaica, Libya, have revealed a cultural sequence that may span the last glacial–interglacial-glacial cycle. The TRANS-NAP project has been re-excavating Haua Fteah and conducting geoarchaeological survey of an ecologically diverse landscape that includes the fertile Gebel Akhdar and littoral, pre-desert, and desert biomes. A major aim of this project is to characterize cultural and environmental changes across the region and correlate the surface archaeology with that from Haua Fteah. To date, 181 sites have been recorded, ranging from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) to Late Stone Age (LSA). Their geographic distribution suggests temporal variation in patterns of hominin habitat preference, with significantly more LSA than MSA sites at higher elevations. The surface archaeology also points to substantial spatiotemporal technological variation within the MSA. These patterns may be explained by both paleoenvironmental change and paleodemographic shifts in the region, resulting in a variety of hominin adaptive responses.
We report 6 K-Ar ages and paleomagnetic data from 28 sites collected in Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks of the Santa Marta massif, to test previous hypothesis of rotations and translations of this massif, whose rock assemblage differs from other basement-cored ranges adjacent to the Guyana margin. Three magnetic components were identified in this study. A first component has a direction parallel to the present magnetic field and was uncovered in all units (D 352, I = 25.6, k = 57.35, a95 = 5.3, N = 12). A second component was isolated in Cretaceous limestone and Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks (D = 8.8, I = 8.3, k = 24.71, a95 = 13.7, N = 6), and it was interpreted as of Early Cretaceous age. In Jurassic sites with this component, Early Cretaceous K-Ar ages obtained from this and previous studies are interpreted as reset ages. The third component was uncovered in eight sites of Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks, and its direction indicates negative shallow to moderate inclinations and northeastward declinations. K-Ar ages in these sites are of Early (196.5 +/- 4.9 Ma) to early Late Jurassic age (156.6 +/- 8.9 Ma). Due to local structural complexity and too few Cretaceous outcrops to perform a reliable unconformity test, we only used two sites with (1) K-Ar ages, (2) less structural complexity, and (3) reliable structural data for Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks. The mean direction of the Jurassic component is (D = 20.4, I = -18.2, k = 46.9, a95 = 5.1, n = 18 specimens from two sites). These paleomagnetic data support previous models of northward along-margin translations of Grenvillian-cored massifs. Additionally, clockwise vertical-axis rotation of this massif, with respect to the stable craton, is also documented; the sense of rotation is similar to that proposed for the Perija Range and other ranges of the southern Caribbean margin. More data is needed to confirm the magnitudes of rotations and translations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article is an analysis of the story of the killing of Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī at Karbalāʾ in 61/680, as it is presented by Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad b. Jarīr al-Ṭabarī (d. 310/923). The main argument is that the notion of the divine covenant, which permeates the Qur’an, constitutes a framework through which al-Ṭabarī views this event. The Qur’anic idea of the covenant is read in structural/thematic continuity with the Hebrew Bible account of the covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrew people, which has, in turn, been traced back in its basic form to Late Bronze Era treaties between rulers and their vassals. The present study focusses on four speeches ascribed to Ḥusayn during the encounter he and his group had with the vanguard of the Kūfan army led by al-Ḥurr. These are analysed in accordance with their use of Qur’anic covenant vocabulary. They are also categorised within the broader framework of the eight standard characteristics of Ancient West Asian and Biblical covenants, as presented by George Mendenhall and Gary Herion, which have recently been developed in a Qur’anic context by Rosalind Ward Gwynne. This article argues that al-Ṭabarī’s Karbalāʾ narrative presents the pact of loyalty to Ḥusayn as a clear extension of the divine covenant.
Some Upper Permian conchostracans from the Rio do Rasto Formation (Parana Basin, South Brazil) have very characteristic recurved growth lines at the dorsal margin. All previously described specimens were classified as Palaeolimnadiopsis subalata (Reed) Raymond. However, a re-analysis of these fossils and of additional recently- collected specimens demonstrated that not all can be included in a single species, nor only in the Family Palaeolimnadiopseidae. According to their shape and the size of the umbo, they are classified into three species. The sub-elliptic carapaces with small anterior umbo are maintained in Palaeolimnadiopsis subalata (Reed, 1929) Raymond, 1946. The sub-circular carapaces with small sub-central umbo correspond to the new species Palaeolimnadiopsis riorastensis. The small size of the umbo is a character of the Family Palaeolimnadiopseidae. The small elliptic valves with large anterior umbo are assigned to the new species Falsisca brasiliensis of the Family Perilimnadiidae, which is characterized by large umbos. Palaeolimnadiopsis has a wide chronostratigraphic distribution, but Falsisca is restricted to the Upper Permian-Lower Triassic of Europe and Asia. This interval is in agreement with the probable Late Permian age of the respective strata of the Rio do Rasto formation. Falsisca was not previously recorded in Gondwana.
Geological, petrographic, chemical and zircon typology data from the Cunhaporanga and Tres Corregos granitoid complexes are presented and discussed. Both complexes of Late Precambrian age evolved by crystal fractionation. By its zircon typology the Cunhaporanga is classified as a low temperature calc-alkaline batholith and the Tres Corregos as a medium temperature calc-alkaline complex. This classification implies a major participation of mantle material during the generation of the Tres Corregos magma in relation to the Cunhaporanga ones. In this way both complexes define a magmatic zoning from NW to SE done by a increasing in the depth of magma generation. -from English summary
Some Upper Permian conchostracans from the Rio do Rasto Formation (Paraná Basin, South Brazil) have very characteristic recurved growth lines at the dorsal margin. All previously described specimens were classified as Palaeolimnadiopsis subalata (Reed) Raymond. However, a re-analysis of these fossils and of additional recently- collected specimens demonstrated that not all can be included in a single species, nor only in the Family Palaeolimnadiopseidae. According to their shape and the size of the umbo, they are classified into three species. The sub-elliptic carapaces with small anterior umbo are maintained in Palaeolimnadiopsis subalata (Reed, 1929) Raymond, 1946. The sub-circular carapaces with small sub-central umbo correspond to the new species Palaeolimnadiopsis riorastensis. The small size of the umbo is a character of the Family Palaeolimnadiopseidae. The small elliptic valves with large anterior umbo are assigned to the new species Falsisca brasiliensis of the Family Perilimnadiidae, which is characterized by large umbos. Palaeolimnadiopsis has a wide chronostratigraphic distribution, but Falsisca is restricted to the Upper Permian-Lower Triassic of Europe and Asia. This interval is in agreement with the probable Late Permian age of the respective strata of the Rio do Rasto Formation. Falsisca was not previously recorded in Gondwana.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The research involving new materials has always been considered as a differential in the development of a technology company. This occurred naturally since ancient times, often motivated by reasons of a certain age, where the most common material used was also the name of your time and may be cited as an example the Bronze Age, and later was the Iron. Currently, the use of firearms are they used in resolving conflicts between countries, or a more equivocal, as an instrument of social banditry make innovations in the area of shielding welcome, whether for personal use, in the form of vests or vehicle such as cars, tanks and even aircraft. In this context, is a Silicon Carbide Ceramic, with low density and high hardness. Thus, the aim of this study is the evaluation and comparison of these materials, seeking to improve their properties by means of additives such as boron and silicon metal and amorphous YAG. For this work, the specimens were pre-shaped by means of uniaxial later to be referred for isostatic pressing and sintering. The maximum percentage for each additive was 5%, except for the YAG whose percentage was 8.2% (mass percentage). All compositions were subjected to the same tests (x-ray diffraction, apparent density, optical microscopy, Vickers hardness, scanning electron Microscopita), so that one could draw a comparison between the materials under study, samples that showed better mechanical properties and micro structural, related here by hardness testing and microscopy (optical and SEM) were the silicon carbide doped with YAG and alumina samples, demonstrating the potential of these materials for ballistic protection. Other compositions have high porosity, which is highly undesirable, since in order to harmful influences on the mechanical properties discussed below
The study of the objects LaTène type found in middle-eastern alpine region (Trentino Alto Adige-Südtirol, Engadina, North Tirol, Voralberg and Villach basin) is aimed to a better comprehension of the complex net of relationships established among the Celts, settled both in the central Europe territories and, since the IV century b.C., in the Po Plain, and the local populations. The ancient authors, who called the inhabitants of this area Raeti, propose for this territory the usual pattern according to which, the population of a region was formed consequently to a migration or was caused by the hunting of pre-existing peoples. The archaeologists, in the last thirty years, recognized a cultural facies typical of the middle-eastern alpine territory during the second Iron Age, and defined that as Fritzens-Sanzeno culture (from the sites of Fritzens, Inn valley, and Sanzeno, Non Valley). The so-called Fritzens-Sanzeno culture spread out without breaks from the material culture of the final Bronze Age and the first Iron Age. This local substratum, characterized by a ceramic repertoire strongly standardized, by peculiar architectural solutions and by a particular typology of rural sacred places (Brandopferplätze), accepted, above all during the second Iron Age, the strong influences coming from the Etruscan world and from the Celtic one (evident in the presence of objects of ornament, of glass artefacts, of elements of the weaponry and of coins). The objects LaTène type become, with different degrees of reliability, important markers of the relationships existing between the Celts and the Raeti, although the ways of interaction (cultural influence, people's movements, commercial exchanges, gifts among élites etc.) is not still clear. The revision of published data and the study of unpublished materials allows to define a rich and articulated picture both to chronological level and to territorial one.
L'area dei Lungarni di Pisa nel tardo Medioevo (XIV-XV secolo). un tentativo di ricostruzione in 3D.
Lo scopo di questa ricerca è la ricostruzione dei Lungarni di Pisa nel Tardo Medioevo (XIV-XV secolo); lo studio intende sottolineare le trasformazioni urbanistiche che hanno cambiato il volto di Pisa nel corso del tempo e ricordare che l’area fluviale ebbe un ruolo di primo piano come baricentro commerciale ed economico della città, vocazione che si è in gran parte persa con l’età moderna e contemporanea. La metodologia seguita, affinata e perfezionata durante la partecipazione al progetto Nu.M.E. (Nuovo Museo Elettronico della Città di Bologna), si basa sull’analisi e il confronto di fonti eterogenee ma complementari, che includono precedenti studi di storia dell’urbanistica, un corpus di documentazione di epoca medievale (provvedimenti amministrativi come gli Statuti del Comune di Pisa, ma anche descrizioni di cronisti e viaggiatori), fonti iconografiche, tra cui vedute e mappe cinquecentesche o successive, e fonti materiali, come le persistenze medievali ancora osservabili all’interno degli edifici ed i reperti rinvenuti durante alcune campagne di scavo archeologiche. Il modello 3D non è concepito come statico e “chiuso”, ma è liberamente esplorabile all’interno di un engine tridimensionale; tale prodotto può essere destinato a livelli di utenza diversi, che includono sia studiosi e specialisti interessati a conoscere un maggior numero di informazioni e ad approfondire la ricerca, sia semplici cittadini appassionati di storia o utenti più giovani, come studenti di scuole medie superiori e inferiori.