915 resultados para LED Lamps
The UK’s Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) has celebrated its centenary in 2014, marking 100 years of close relationships between university-based planning schools and a professional body focused on planning practice. During this period, the context for university education and the very idea of planning have changed dramatically contributing to a continual renegotiation of the relationships between the planning profession and the educational institutions it accredits. These changes have been particularly pronounced in the last 10 years where a number of factors have forced a rapid change in the nature of planjavascript:void(0);ning education in the UK. This has included a boom and then slump in the number of planning students linked to the dynamics of national economic situation, a reorganization of many planning school curricula, and their merger with cognate disciplines such as geography and an increased focus on research output, rather than professional engagement as the key indicator of institutional success. This last factor adds a particularly new dimension to the profession-university relationship, which could potentially lead to either straining of tensions or a synergy through research-led teaching that could significantly benefit both. This chapter will briefly review the evolution of UK planning schools and of the main ideas informing planning education. It will then describe the current profile of UK planning schools, based on an extensive national survey conducted on behalf of the Royal Town Planning Institute. The paper will then critically review the main challenges and opportunities facing UK planning schools in the context of changes in both planning practice and higher education. It will then move on to the concept of research-led teaching, drawing on current practice in the UK and review how well this concept serves students and the idea of developing reflective planning practitioners. Finally, the paper will seek to draw broad lessons from the experience of the UK and reflect on the type of planning education that can best serve planning professions in a variety of international contexts in the future.
Objectives To investigate whether and how structured feedback sessions can increase rates of appropriate antimicrobial prescribing by junior doctors.
Methods This was a mixed-methods study, with a conceptual orientation towards complexity and systems thinking. Fourteen junior doctors, in their first year of training, were randomized to intervention (feedback) and 21 to control (routine practice) groups in a single UK teaching hospital. Feedback on their antimicrobial prescribing was given, in writing and via group sessions. Pharmacists assessed the appropriateness of all new antimicrobial prescriptions 2 days per week for 6 months (46 days). The mean normalized prescribing rates of suboptimal to all prescribing were compared between groups using the t-test. Thematic analysis of qualitative interviews with 10 participants investigated whether and how the intervention had impact.
Results Data were collected on 204 prescriptions for 166 patients. For the intervention group, the mean normalized rate of suboptimal to all prescribing was 0.32 ± 0.36; for the control group, it was 0.68 ± 0.36. The normalized rates of suboptimal prescribing were significantly different between the groups (P = 0.0005). The qualitative data showed that individuals' prescribing behaviour was influenced by a complex series of dynamic interactions between individual and social variables, such as interplay between personal knowledge and the expectations of others.
Conclusions The feedback intervention increased appropriate prescribing by acting as a positive stimulus within a complex network of behavioural influences. Prescribing behaviour is adaptive and can be positively influenced by structured feedback. Changing doctors' perceptions of acceptable, typical and best practice could reduce suboptimal antimicrobial prescribing.
The increasing interest in coral culture for biotechnological applications, to supply the marine aquarium trade, or for reef restoration programs, has prompted researchers to optimize coral culture protocols, with emphasis to ex situ production. When cultured ex situ, the growth performance of corals can be influenced by several physical, chemical and biological parameters. For corals harbouring zooxanthellae, light is one of such key factors, as it can influence the photosynthetic performance of these endosymbionts, as well as coral physiology, survival and growth. The economic feasibility of ex situ coral aquaculture is strongly dependent on production costs, namely those associated with the energetic needs directly resulting from the use of artificial lighting systems. In the present study we developed a versatile modular culture system for experimental coral production ex situ, assembled solely using materials and equipment readily available from suppliers all over the world; this approach allows researchers from different institutions to perform truly replicated experimental set-ups, with the possibility to directly compare experimental results. Afterwards, we aimed to evaluate the effect of contrasting Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) levels, and light spectra emission on zooxanthellae photochemical performance, through the evaluation of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (monitored non-invasively and non-destructively through Pulse Amplitude Modulation fluorometry, PAM), chlorophyll a content (also determined non-destructively by using the spectral reflectance index Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI), photosynthetic and accessory pigments, number of zooxanthellae, coral survival and growth. We studied two soft coral species, Sarcophyton cf. glaucum and Sinularia flexibilis, as they are good representatives of two of the most specious genera in family Alcyoniidae, which include several species with interest for biotechnological applications, as well as for the marine aquarium trade; we also studied two commercially important scleractinian corals: Acropora formosa and Stylophora pistillata. We used different light sources: hydrargyrum quartz iodide (HQI) lamps with different light color temperatures, T5 fluorescent lamps, Light Emitting Plasma (LEP) and Light Emitting Diode (LED). The results achieved revealed that keeping S. flexibilis fragments under the same light conditions as their mother colonies seems to be photobiologically acceptable for a short-term husbandry, notwithstanding the fact that they can be successfully stocked at lower PAR intensities. We also proved that low PAR intensities are suitable to support the ex situ culture S. cf. glaucum in captivity at lower production costs, since the survival recorded during the experiment was 100%, the physiological wellness of coral fragments was evidenced, and we did not detect significant differences in coral growth. Finally, we concluded that blue light sources, such as LED lighting, allow a higher growth for A. formosa and S. pistillata, and promote significant differences on microstructure organization and macrostructure morphometry in coral skeletons; these findings may have potential applications as bone graft substitutes for veterinary and/or other medical uses. Thus, LED technology seems to be a promising option for scleractinian corals aquaculture ex situ.
If a ‘Renaturing of Cities’ strategy is to maximise the ecosystem service provision of urban green infrastructure (UGI), then detailed consideration of a habitat services, biodiversity-led approach and multifunctionality are necessary rather than relying on the assumed benefits of UGI per se. The paper presents preliminary data from three case studies, two in England and one in Germany, that explore how multifunctionality can be achieved, the stakeholders required, the usefulness of an experimental approach for demonstrating transformation, and how this can be fed back into policy. We argue that incorporating locally contextualised biodiversity-led UGI design into the planning and policy spheres contributes to the functioning and resilience of the city and provides the adaptability to respond to locally contextualised challenges, such as overheating, flooding, air pollution, health and wellbeing as well as biodiversity loss. Framing our research to encompass both the science of biodiversity-led UGI and co-developing methods for incorporating a strategic approach to implementation of biodiversity-led UGI by planners and developers addresses a gap in current knowledge and begins to address barriers to UGI implementation. By combining scientific with policy learning and defined urban environmental targets with community needs, our research to date has begun to demonstrate how nature-based solutions to building resilience and adaptive governance can be strategically incorporated within cities through UGI.
Dissertação mest., Gestão Sustentável de Espaços Rurais, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
A dependência energética das grandes economias mundiais, alertaram o mundo para a necessidade de mudar o comportamento relativo ao consumo de energia. O sector dos edifícios representa 40% dos consumos globais de energia na União Europeia, já no panorama nacional, o sector dos edifícios representa 28% dos consumos globais da energia, constituindo uma parte significativa no consumo global de energia, sendo portanto, essencial avaliar o desempenho energético dos edifícios, no sentido de promover a sua eficiência energética e beneficiar do grande potencial de economia de energia. Portugal à luz das linhas de orientação da União Europeia com o objectivo de instigar o aumento da eficiência energética nos edifícios, lançou o programa nacional para a eficiência energética nos Edifícios (P3E). Posteriormente, da transposição da Directiva 2002/91/CE para a ordem jurídica nacional surgiu o SCE, o RCCTE e o RSECE. Já em 2013, com a necessidade de transpor para a ordem da jurídica nacional a Directiva n.º 2010/31/EU, surge o Decreto-Lei n.º 118/2013, reunindo num só diploma o SCE, o REH e o RECS, promovendo uma revisão da legislação nacional, garantindo e promovendo a melhoria do desempenho energético dos edifícios. Através da presente dissertação, pretende-se avaliar o desempenho energético de uma pequena fracção de serviços existente tendo por base a metodologia regulamentar revogada do RSECE e a vigente metodologia regulamentar do RECS. Após apresentação dos dois regulamentos e da identificação das principais diferenças entre as duas metodologias regulamentares, procedeu-se ao enquadramento da fracção em estudo no âmbito de aplicação do RSECE e do RECS. Segundo os dois regulamentos a fracção não está sujeita a requisitos mínimos de qualidade térmica, nem a quaisquer requisitos energéticos e de eficiência dos sistemas técnicos, ao tratar-se de uma pequena fracção de serviços existente. Recorrendo ao software DesignBuilder, gerou-se o modelo da fracção em estudo, que através da simulação dinâmica multizona permitiu obter os consumos de energia anuais e a sua desagregação por utilização final. A partir dos consumos energia, determinaram-se os indicadores de eficiência energética de acordo com as duas metodologias, permitindo deste modo, proceder à classificação energética da fracção em estudo. De acordo com o RSECE a fracção em estudo obteve a classificação D, já segundo o RECS alcançou a classe C. Para aumentar a eficiência energética da fracção e consequentemente diminuir o consumo energético, foi proposto proceder à substituição das lâmpadas existentes por lâmpadas tubulares de tecnologia LED e à substituição do sistema de ventilação mecânico por um sistema de ventilação dimensionado para os novos valores de caudal de ar novo regulamentares. Com a implementação destas duas medidas a fracção em estudo melhoraria a sua classificação energética, exigindo um investimento baixo e apresentando um período de retorno de 1 ano e 5 meses. Segundo o RSECE passaria para a classe B, e aplicando a metodologia regulamentar do RECS alcançaria a classe B-.
Contient : « Extraict tiré de Longey, 5 lieues de Falaize, autour d'une salle », concernant « messire Jehan de Harcourt, dict le preuxdhomme, conte d'Aresecot,... messire Robert de Harcourt, conte d'Aresecot,... messire Richard de Harcourt, conte d'Aresecot,... messire Raoul d'Harcourt, conte d'Aresecot... » ; « Genealogie de Harcourt » ; Un acte de HENRI IV, roi de France, portant « erection du marquisat de La Motte Harcourt » au bailliage de Caen, en faveur de « Pierre de Ha[r]court », gentilhomme de sa chambre et capitaine de cinquante hommes d'armes de ses ordonnances, et des héritiers dudit Pierre d'Harcourt. St-Denis en France, août 1593. Copie
Contient : Ce premier extrait est suivi de la « coppie de tiltres et admortissemens de l'eglise et abbaye N. D. du Pont aux Dames, de l'ordre de Cisteaulx, ou diocese de Meauls en Brye, faicte par l'ordonnance du roy, en l'an 1547 »
This study investigated the impact of an instructional learning strategy, peer-led team learning (PLTL), on secondary school students' conceptual understanding of biology concepts related to the topic of evolution. Using a mixed methods approach, data were gathered quantitatively through pre/posttesting using a repeated measures design and qualitatively through observations, questionnaires, and interviews. A repeated measures design was implemented to explore the impact of PLTL on students' understanding of concepts related to evolution and students' attitudes towards PLTL implementation. Results from quantitative data comparing pre/posttesting were not able to be compared through inferential statistics as a result of inconsistencies in the data due to a small sample size and design limitations; however, qualitative data identified positive attitudes towards the implementation of PLTL, with students reporting gains in conceptual understanding, academic achievement, and interdependent work ethic. Implications of these findings for learning, teaching, and the educational literature include understanding of student attitudes towards PLTL and insight into the role PLTL plays in improving conceptual understanding of biology concepts. Strategies are suggested to continue further research in the area of PLTL.
The design and development of a cost-effective, simple, sensitive and portable LED based fiber optic evanescent wave sensor for simultaneously detecting trace amounts of chromium and nitrite in water are presented. In order to obtain the desired performance, the middle portions of two multimode plastic clad silica fibers are unclad and are used as the sensing elements in the two arms of the sensor. Each of the sensor arms is sourced by separate super bright green LEDs, which are modulated in a time-sharing manner and a single photo detector is employed for detecting these light signals. The performance and characteristics of this system clearly establish the usefulness of the technique for detecting very low concentrations of the dissolved contaminants.
Light emitting polymers (LEP) have drawn considerable attention because of their numerous potential applications in the field of optoelectronic devices. Till date, a large number of organic molecules and polymers have been designed and devices fabricated based on these materials. Optoelectronic devices like polymer light emitting diodes (PLED) have attracted wide-spread research attention owing to their superior properties like flexibility, lower operational power, colour tunability and possibility of obtaining large area coatings. PLEDs can be utilized for the fabrication of flat panel displays and as replacements for incandescent lamps. The internal efficiency of the LEDs mainly depends on the electroluminescent efficiency of the emissive polymer such as quantum efficiency, luminance-voltage profile of LED and the balanced injection of electrons and holes. Poly (p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) and regio-regular polythiophenes are interesting electro-active polymers which exhibit good electrical conductivity, electroluminescent activity and high film-forming properties. A combination of Red, Green and Blue emitting polymers is necessary for the generation of white light which can replace the high energy consuming incandescent lamps. Most of these polymers show very low solubility, stability and poor mechanical properties. Many of these light emitting polymers are based on conjugated extended chains of alternating phenyl and vinyl units. The intra-chain or inter-chain interactions within these polymer chains can change the emitted colour. Therefore an effective way of synthesizing polymers with reduced π-stacking, high solubility, high thermal stability and high light-emitting efficiency is still a challenge for chemists. New copolymers have to be effectively designed so as to solve these issues. Hence, in the present work, the suitability of a few novel copolymers with very high thermal stability, excellent solubility, intense light emission (blue, cyan and green) and high glass transition temperatures have been investigated to be used as emissive layers for polymer light emitting diodes.