928 resultados para Kruger, Barbara
Introduction: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in patients with agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors and to compare the findings with the prevalence of these anomalies in the general population. Methods: A sample of 126 patients, aged 7 to 35 years, with agenesis of at least 1 maxillary lateral incisor was selected. Panoramic and periapical radiographs and dental casts were used to analyze other associated dental anomalies, including agenesis of other permanent teeth, ectopia of unerupted permanent teeth, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors, and supernumerary teeth. The occurrence of these anomalies was compared with prevalence data previously reported for the general population. Statistical testing was performed with the chi-square test (P<0.05) and the odds ratio. Results: Patients with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis had a significantly increased prevalence rate of permanent tooth agenesis (18.2%), excluding the third molars. The occurrence of third-molar agenesis in a subgroup aged 14 years or older (n = 76) was 35.5%. The frequencies of maxillary second premolar agenesis (10.3%), mandibular second premolar agenesis (7.9%), microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors (38.8%), and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars (3.9%) were significantly increased in our sample compared with the general population. In a subgroup of patients aged 10 years or older (n = 115), the prevalence of palatally displaced canines was elevated (5.2%). The prevalences of mesioangulation of mandibular second molars and supernumerary teeth were not higher in the sample. Conclusions: Permanent tooth agenesis, maxillary lateral incisor microdontia, palatally displaced canines, and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars are frequently associated with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis, providing additional evidence of a genetic interrelationship in the causes of these dental anomalies. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137:732.e1-732.e6)
Purpose: The double system of support, in which the distal-extension removable partial denture adapts, causes inadequate stress around abutment teeth, increasing the possibility of unequal bone resorption. Several ways to reduce or more adequately distribute the stress between abutment teeth and residual ridges have been reported; however, there are no definitive answers to the problem. The purpose of this study was to analyze, by means of photoelasticity, the most favorable stress distribution using three retainers: T bar, rest, proximal plate, I bar (RPI), and circumferential with mesialized rest. Materials and Methods: Three photoelastic models were made simulating a Kennedy Class II inferior arch. Fifteen dentures with long saddles, five of each design, were adjusted to the photoelastic patterns and submitted first to uniformly distributed load, and then to a load localized on the last artificial tooth. The saddles were then shortened and the tests repeated. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of stress intensity were done manually and by photography, respectively. For intragroup analyses the Wilcoxon test for paired samples was used, while for intergroup analyses Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used to better identify the differences (p < 0.05). Results: The RPI retainer, followed by the T bar, demonstrated the best distribution of load between teeth and residual ridge. The circumferential retainer caused greater concentration of stress between dental apexes. Stress distribution was influenced by the type of retainer, the length of the saddle, and the manner of load application. Conclusions: The long saddles and the uniformly distributed loads demonstrated better distribution of stress on support structures.
A survey (N= 352) was conducted among British passengers of a cross-channel ferry. The survey aimed to test hypotheses drawn from Realistic Group Conflict, Social Identity and Contact theories using mainly a correlational design. However, an intervention by members of the outgroup (French fishermen blockading a port) also allowed a quasi-experimental test of the effects of a direct experience of intergroup conflict. Results supported the hypotheses since conflict and national identification were associated with more negative and with less positive attitudes toward the outgroup, while contact had the reverse effects. In addition, the salience of group membership in the contact relationship weakly moderated the effect of contact.
Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein with growth regulatory and immunomodulatory properties. Human platelet-derived EPF shares amino acid sequence identity with chaperonin 10 (Cpn10), a mitochondrial matrix protein which functions as a molecular chaperone. The striking differences in cellular localization and function of the two proteins suggest differential regulation of production reflecting either alternative transcription of the same gene or transcription from different genes. In mammals and more distantly related genera, there is a large gene family with homology to CPN 10 cDNA, which includes intronless copies of the coding sequence. To determine whether this could represent the gene for EPF, we have screened a mouse genomic library and sequenced representative Cpn10 family members, looking for a functional gene distinct from that of Cpn 10, which could encode EPF. Eight distinct genes were identified. Cpn10 contains introns, while other members are intronless. Six of these appear to be pseudogenes, and the remaining member, Cpn10-rs1, would encode a full-length protein. The 309-bp open reading frame (ORF) is identical to that of mouse Cpn10 cDNA with the exception of three single-base changes, two resulting in amino acid changes. Only one further single nucleotide difference between the Cpn10-rs1 and Cpn10 cDNAs is observed, located in the 3' UTR. Single nucleotide primer extension was applied to discriminate between Cpn10-rs1 and Cpn10 expression. Cpn10, which is ubiquitous, was detected in all tissue samples tested, whereas Cpn10-rs1 was expressed selectively. The pattern was completely coincident with known patterns of EPF activity, strongly suggesting that Cpn10-rs1 does encode EPF. The complete ORF of Cpn10-rs1 was expressed in E. coli. The purified recombinant protein was found to be equipotent with native human platelet-derived EPF in the bioassay for EPF, the rosette inhibition test.
Paget disease of bone (PDB) is characterized by increased osteoclast activity and localized abnormal bone remodeling. PDB has a significant genetic component, with evidence of linkage to chromosomes 6p21.3 (PDB1) and 18q21-22 (PDB2) in some pedigrees. There is evidence of genetic heterogeneity, with other pedigrees showing negative linkage to these regions. TNFRSF11A, a gene that is essential for osteoclast formation and that encodes receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK), has been mapped to the PDB2 region. TNFRSF11A mutations that segregate in pedigrees with either familial expansile osteolysis or familial PDB have been identified; however, linkage studies and mutation screening have excluded the involvement of RANK in the majority of patients with PDB. We have excluded linkage, both to PDB1 and to PDB2, in a large multigenerational pedigree with multiple family members affected by PDB. We have conducted a genomewide scan of this pedigree, followed by fine mapping and multipoint analysis in regions of interest. The peak two-point LOD scores from the genomewide scan were 2.75, at D7S507, and 1.76, at D18S70. Multipoint and haplotype analysis of markers flanking D7S507 did not support linkage to this region. Haplotype analysis of markers flanking D18S70 demonstrated a haplotype segregating with PDB in a large subpedigree. This subpedigree had a significantly lower age at diagnosis than the rest of the pedigree (51.2 +/- 8.5 vs. 64.2 +/- 9.7 years; P = .0012). Linkage analysis of this subpedigree demonstrated a peak two-point LOD score of 4.23, at marker D18S1390 (theta = 0), and a peak multipoint LOD score of 4.71, at marker D18S70. Our data are consistent with genetic heterogeneity within the pedigree and indicate that 18q23 harbors a novel susceptibility gene for PDB.
The association of sustained cerebral edema with poor neurological outcome following hypoxia-ischaemia in the neonate suggests that measurement of cerebral edema may allow early prediction of outcome in these infants. Direct measurements of cerebral impedance have been widely used in animal studies to monitor cerebral edema, but such invasive measurements are not possible in the human neonate. This study investigated the ability of noninvasive cerebral impedance measurements to detect cerebral edema following hypoxia-ischaemia. One-day-old piglets were anaesthetized, intubated and ventilated. Hypoxia was induced by reducing the inspired oxygen concentration to 4-6% O-2. Noninvasive cerebral bioimpedance was measured using gel electrodes attached to the scalp. Cerebral bioimpedance was also measured directly by insertion of two silver-silver chloride electrodes subdurally. Noninvasive and invasive measurements were made before, during and after hypoxia. Whole body impedance was measured to assess overall fluid movements. Intracranial pressure was measured continuously via a catheter inserted subdurally, as an index of cerebral edema. There was good agreement between noninvasive and invasive measurements of cerebral impedance although externally obtained responses were attenuated. Noninvasive measurements were also well correlated with intracranial pressure. Whole body impedance changes did not account for increases in noninvasively measured cerebral impedance. Results suggest that noninvasive cerebral impedance measurements do reflect intracranial events, and are able to detect cerebral edema following hypoxia-ischaemia in the neonate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Expression of membrane-bound Fas ligand (FasL) by colorectal cancer cells may allow the development of an immune-privileged site by eliminating incoming tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in a Fas-mediated counter-attack. Sporadic colorectal cancer can be subdivided into three groups based on the level of DNA microsatellite instability (NISI). High-level NISI (NISI-High) is characterized by the presence of TILs and a favourable prognosis, while microsatellite-stable (MSS) cancers are TIL-deficient and low-level MSI (MSI-Low) is associated with an intermediate TIL density. The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between MSI status and FasL expression in primary colorectal adenocarcinoma. Using immunohistochemistry and a selected series of 101 cancers previously classified as 31 MSI-High, 30 NISI-Low, and 40 MISS, the present study sought to confirm the hypothesis that increased TIL density in MSI-High cancers is associated with low or absent membrane-bound FasL expression, while increased FasL in MSS cancers allows the killing of host TILs. TUNEL/CD3 double staining was also used to determine whether MSS cancers contain higher numbers of apoptotic TILs in vivo than MSI-High or MSI-Low cancers. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, it was found that MSI-High cancers were associated with higher FasL expression (p = 0.04) and a stronger intensity of FasL staining (p = 0.007). In addition, mucinous carcinomas were independently characterized by increased FasL expression (p = 0.03) and staining intensity (p = 0.0005). Higher FasL expression and staining intensity did not correlate with reduced TIL density or increased numbers of apoptotic TILs. However, consistent with the hypothesis that curtailment of the host anti-tumour immune response contributes to the poor prognosis in MSS cancers, it was found that apoptotic TILs were most abundant in MSS carcinomas and metastatic Dukes' stage C or D tumours (p = 0.004; p = 0.046 respectively). This study therefore suggests that MSS colorectal cancers are killing incoming TILs in an effective tumour counter-attack, but apparently not via membrane-bound FasL. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Writing the body of the mother: Narrative moments in Tsushima Yuko, Ariyoshi Sawako and Enchi Fumiko
This discussion argues the transformative potential inherent in the corporeal experience of motherhood as represented in selected textual moments of Japanese narrative. Narratives that address the experiences of the body of the mother are informed and given substance by an intense physicality, and thus have the potential to contest processes of social inscription in addition to suggesting alternative possibilities for all readers, not just those occupying an embodied maternal space. The discussion features brief events from the work of three writers who have written as mothers: Tsushima Y(u)macrko, Ariyoshi Sawako and Enchi Fumiko. In Yama o hashiru onna (1980; translated as Woman Running in the Mountains, 1991), Tsushima Y(u)macrko invites the reader to consider the embodied response to light of Takiko, a young pregnant woman. Emiko, the protagonist of Hishoku (Without Colour, 1967) by Ariyoshi Sawako, is the Japanese wife of an African American and has just given birth to a child. The daughter protagonist in Enchi Fumiko's 'Kami' ('Hair', 1957) operates a hairdressing business that is viable only with her mother's unpaid labour. The narratives are read through a matrix of post-structuralist theories of embodiment, drawing on the work of writers such as Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray and Elizabeth Grosz.
Objectives: To describe what is known of quality of life for colorectal cancer patients, to review what has been done in the Australian setting and to identify emerging directions for future research to address current gaps in knowledge. Method: A literature search (using Medline, PsychInfo, CINAHL and Sociological Abstracts) was conducted and 41 articles identified for review. Results: Three key areas relating to quality of life in colorectal cancer patients emerged from the literature review: the definition and measurement of quality of life; predictors of quality of life; and the relationship of quality of life to survival. Results of existing studies are inconsistent in relation to quality of life over time and its relationship to survival. Small sample sizes and methodological limitations make interpretation difficult. Conclusions: There is a need for large-scale, longitudinal, population-based studies describing the quality of life experienced by colorectal cancer patients and its determinants. Measurement and simultaneous adjustment for potential confounding factors would productively advance knowledge in this area, as would an analysis of the economic cost of morbidity to the community and an assessment of the cost effectiveness of proposed interventions. Implications: As the Australian population ages, the prevalence of colorectal cancer within the community will increase. This burden of disease presents as a priority area for public health research. An improved understanding of quality of life and its predictors will inform the development and design of supportive interventions for those affected by the disease.
This invited editorial, reflecting on expectations of changing to graduate entry, eg enhanced maturity in the student cohort with greater self-sufficiency and taking of responsibility for learning in the context of adoption of a problem-based learning model, examines experiences of early post-change years and raises questions for contemplation by medical schools considering graduate entry.
Texto que analisa aspectos diversos relativos aos Recursos Humanos do Servi??o P??blico nos pa??ses industrializados, visando contribuir para a solu????o dos dilemas enfrentados pelos pa??ses em desenvolvimento nos seus atuais processos de reforma do Estado.