988 resultados para Just war
[Es]La labor cuidadora es conocida desde la antigüedad y así lo demuestran los estudios realizados. En el transcurso de la historia ha existido una evolución en el concepto de la salud-enfermedad. Y a su vez la enfermería ha sufrido trasformaciones importantes, situándose hoy en día en la posición en la que se la conoce. Diferentes acontecimientos favorecieron ésta evolución, como los conflictos bélicos. Por ello se realiza un estudio durante la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939), para conocer la situación de la enfermería en la época, los cuidados que ofrecieron las/los enfermeras/os, la importancia de la colaboración social para la realización de estos cuidados y el consecuente beneficio de todo ello. Dedicando una sección al País vasco. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica recurriendo principalmente a fuentes primarias para la obtención de documentación. Dando como resultado, un estudio histórico de carácter analítico-sintético. Se obtiene como resultado una visión global de la labor cuidadora de enfermeras/os, del voluntariado y de la ayuda internacional en el transcurso del conflicto. Destaca la importancia de la formación, la disciplina, los reglamentos y guías. Resulta imprescindible señalar el importante papel que desarrolló la Cruz Roja durante todo el conflicto. El conocimiento sobre el importante papel de la enfermería y los cuidados aplicados durante la guerra, contribuye a una reflexión personal de la importancia que éstas tuvieron, y demuestra la necesidad de una indagación más profunda y amplia.
Espainiako Gerra Zibilaren eta II. Mundu Gerrarren ostean Gerra Hotza heldu zen. Testuinguru larri horretan humanismoan ikusi zuten hainbatek zibilizazio-krisiari irtenbidea topatzeko bidea. Gernika aldizkariak (1945-53) bere burua humanistatzat zeukan. Bertako idazleek gai horren inguruan zer adierazi zuten jasotzen saiatu gara, euskarazko zein erdarazko artikuluetan agertzen diren iritziak sailkatuz.
Neste estudo interessa a formação social do Rio de Janeiro, bem como suas expressões em métodos de controle social, com foco no trato da legalidade e suas peculiaridades - entre elas e, principalmente, a relação dos indivíduos com as normas e vice-versa. Após explanações sobre a dualidade amigos x inimigos aplicada no trato legal, se analisará a existência de um possível Estado de exceção que para alguns autores se tornou permanente. Entendendo-se que modelos e padrões de repressão e policiamento que atravessaram as épocas e continentes desembocaram nos dias de hoje, (visto que as mudanças de valores sociais tenham demarcado claramente alguns institutos formais ou materiais refletores das nuanças do poder e do uso da força e da Justiça como sua última legitimadora), foi necessário percorrer a via analítica histórica para uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos estudados. Se tratará da Inquisição e de todo o período aristocrático brasileiro, encerrando a pesquisa nas prévias da república, visando-se frisar a aplicabilidade de ideias e conceitos perenes relativos à normatividade e os padrões democráticos e aristocráticos que ora parecem duelar e ora se sobrepor no imaginário social brasileiro. Espera-se, assim, abrir caminho para uma micro-sociologia policial a ser tratada em pesquisas futuras. Nesse sentido, por fim, a ideia da guerra ao crime será trazida como hipótese a ser verificada, buscando-se seus efeitos diretos, indiretos e colaterais eventualmente identificados. Serão usadas como apoio à empreitada sociológica que ora apenas se inicia: História, Criminologia, Antropologia e Direito Penal.
Rio del Rio Hortega (1882-1945) discovered microglia and oligodendrocytes (OLGs), and after Ramon y Cajal, was the most prominent figure of the Spanish school of neurology. He began his scientific career with Nicolas Achucarro from whom he learned the use of metallic impregnation techniques suitable to study non-neuronal cells. Later on, he joined Cajal's laboratory. and Subsequently, he created his own group, where he continued to develop other innovative modifications of silver staining methods that revolutionized the study of glial cells a century ago. He was also interested in neuropathology and became a leading authority on Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors. In parallel to this clinical activity, del Rio Hortega rendered the first systematic description of a major polymorphism present in a subtype of macroglial cells that he named as oligodendroglia and later OLGs. He established their ectodermal origin and suggested that they built the myelin sheath of CNS axons, just as Schwann cells did in the periphery. Notably, he also suggested the trophic role of OLGs for neuronal functionality, an idea that has been substantiated in the last few years. Del Rio Hortega became internationally recognized and established an important neurohistological school with outstanding pupils from Spain and abroad, which nearly disappeared after his exile due to the Spanish civil war. Yet, the difficulty of metal impregnation methods and their variability in results, delayed for some decades the confirmation of his great insights into oligodendrocyte biology until the development of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. This review aims at summarizing the pioneer and essential contributions of del Rio Hortega to the current knowledge of oligodendrocyte structure and function, and to provide a hint of the scientific personality of this extraordinary and insufficiently recognized man.
O presente trabalho objetiva o exercício de criação em torno do dia 8 de março de 1914, dito como triunfal pelo poeta Fernando Pessoa, nos momentos que antecedem a escrita do poema O guardador de rebanhos, de autoria do heterônimo Alberto Caeiro. A partir de versos do poema intenta-se uma construção ficcional fincada em um estado onírico que é canal para os fluxos de criação, preparação para o que vai eclodir: um poema potente que emerge do mistério da heteronímia, renúncia do poeta à sua voz para dar lugar ao OUTRO que dele difere, porém dele surge, nele mora. Há no espaço ficcional a ideia de inscrever a data de 8 de março de 1914 como um terceiro marco na biografia do poeta que negou ter biografia, apenas nascimento e morte como limites entre os quais a vida correu como obra, como fazer poesia. A data que dá carne ao poema é ficção dentro da ficção, contraponto de guerra em meio à luz da poesia que nasce como tarefa heroica de enfrentamento diante dos perigos do mundo. O trabalho pretende chegar mais perto de uma verdade que só através da ficção pode ser tocada: sentir o fluxo de um dia no processo de criação do poeta, ser livre como ele, na ousadia de recriar o momento da escrita do poema em 1914
From 1947 to 1973, the U.S.S.R. conducted a huge campaign of illegal whaling worldwide. We review Soviet catches of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the Southern Ocean during this period, with an emphasis on the International Whaling Commission’s Antarctic Management Areas IV, V, and VI (the principal regions of illegal Soviet whaling on this species, south of Australia and western Oceania). Where possible, we summarize legal and illegal Soviet catches by year, Management Area, and factory fleet, and also include information on takes by other nations. Soviet humpback catches between 1947 and 1973 totaled 48,702 and break down as follows: 649 (Area I), 1,412 (Area II), 921 (Area III), 8,779 (Area IV), 22,569 (Area V), and 7,195 (Area VI), with 7,177 catches not currently assignable to area. In all, at least 72,542 humpback whales were killed by all operations (Soviet plus other nations) after World War II in Areas IV (27,201), V (38,146), and VI (7,195). More than one-third of these (25,474 whales, of which 25,192 came from Areas V and VI) were taken in just two seasons, 1959–60 and 1960–61. The impact of these takes, and of those from Area IV in the late 1950’s, is evident in the sometimes dramatic declines in catches at shore stations in Australia, New Zealand, and at Norfolk Island. When compared to recent estimates of abundance and initial population size, the large removals from Areas IV and V indicate that the populations in these regions remain well below pre-exploitation levels despite reported strong growth rates off eastern and western Australia. Populations in many areas of Oceania continue to be small, indicating that the catches from Area VI and eastern Area V had long-term impacts on recovery.
Fishery science pioneers often faced challenges in their field work that are mostly unknown to modern biologists. Some of the travails faced by ichthyologist and, later, fishery biologist Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) during his service as Naturalist-in-Charge of the North Pacific cruise ofthe U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in 1906, are described here, as are accomplishments of the cruise. The vessel left San Francisco, Calif., on 3 May 1906, just after the great San Francisco earthquake, for scientific exploration of waters of the Aleutian islands, Bering Sea, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and Japan, returning to San Francisco in December. Because the expedition occurred just after the war between Japan and Russia of 1904-05 floating derelict mines in Japanese waters were often a menace. Major storms caused havoc in the region, and the captain of the Albatross, Lieutenant Commander LeRoy Mason Garrett (1857-1906), U.S.N., was lost at sea, apparently thrown from the vessel during a sudden storm on the return leg of the cruise. Despite such obstacles, Gilbert and the Albatross successfully completed their assigned chores. They occupied 339 dredging and 48 hydrographic stations, and discovered over 180 new species of fishes and many new species of invertebrates. The expedition's extensive biological collections spawned over 30 descriptive publications, some of which remain today as standards of knowledge.
O trabalho se refere ao processo e tomada do Complexo do Alemão pelas forças militares na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para implantação das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP), que aconteceu em novembro de 2010. Tem como objetivo levantar hipóteses sobre a relação do que se entende por Justiça a partir da ocupação da favela pelos militares, e como a convivência com a UPP tem influenciado a ideia de Justiça nos moradores do Alemão. A pesquisa ocupa-se em elucidar ao leitor sobre as abordagens de justiça mais comuns, conceituando e explicando quais os princípios de justiça em que cada uma delas se sustenta. A pesquisa descreve duas teorias que explicam o surgimento das favelas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O Complexo do Alemão é considerado uma das maiores favelas do Rio de Janeiro, e a mais violenta, por isso a tomada da área se deu através do ataque dos militares que utilizaram táticas de guerra e cerco, tiveram o Caveirão como suporte, e assim deram início a invasão. A Rede Globo de Televisão também aparece na pesquisa, pois a emissora ganhou o prêmio Emmy de jornalismo, com a cobertura da invasão no Alemão. Considerando que uma das condições básicas de uma sociedade democrática é o direito a participação nas decisões políticas, sociais e econômicas, as questões investigadas foram: A megaoperação de pacificação no Alemão foi justa? Do ponto de vista de quem? Qual o parâmetro para uma sociedade justa? Qual representação de justiça tem feito parte da rotina dos moradores do Alemão? Por que ainda se tem a ideia de que Bandido bom é bandido morto? As contribuições da pesquisa se deram no campo social, filosófico e político e nos convida a refletir sobre o que é considerado justo em uma sociedade como a nossa, onde as desigualdades sociais são tão fortes.
In western civilization, the knowledge of the elasmobranch or selachian fishes (sharks and rays) begins with Aristotle (384–322 B.C.). Two of his extant works, the “Historia Animalium” and the “Generation of Animals,” both written about 330 B.C., demonstrate knowledge of elasmobranch fishes acquired by observation. Roman writers of works on natural history, such as Aelian and Pliny, who followed Aristotle, were compilers of available information. Their contribution was that they prevented the Greek knowledge from being lost, but they added few original observations. The fall of Rome, around 476 A.D., brought a period of economic regression and political chaos. These in turn brought intellectual thought to a standstill for nearly one thousand years, the period known as the Dark Ages. It would not be until the middle of the sixteenth century, well into the Renaissance, that knowledge of elasmobranchs would advance again. The works of Belon, Salviani, Rondelet, and Steno mark the beginnings of ichthyology, including the study of sharks and rays. The knowledge of sharks and rays increased slowly during and after the Renaissance, and the introduction of the Linnaean System of Nomenclature in 1735 marks the beginning of modern ichthyology. However, the first major work on sharks would not appear until the early nineteenth century. Knowledge acquired about sea animals usually follows their economic importance and exploitation, and this was also true with sharks. The first to learn about sharks in North America were the native fishermen who learned how, when, and where to catch them for food or for their oils. The early naturalists in America studied the land animals and plants; they had little interest in sharks. When faunistic works on fishes started to appear, naturalists just enumerated the species of sharks that they could discern. Throughout the U.S. colonial period, sharks were seldom utilized for food, although their liver oil or skins were often utilized. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, was the only shark species utilized in a large scale on both coasts. It was fished for its liver oil, which was used as a lubricant, and for lighting and tanning, and for its skin which was used as an abrasive. During the early part of the twentieth century, the Ocean Leather Company was started to process sea animals (primarily sharks) into leather, oil, fertilizer, fins, etc. The Ocean Leather Company enjoyed a monopoly on the shark leather industry for several decades. In 1937, the liver of the Soupfin Shark, Galeorhinus galeus, was found to be a rich source of vitamin A, and because the outbreak of World War II in 1938 interrupted the shipping of vitamin A from European sources, an intensive shark fishery soon developed along the U.S. West Coast. By 1939 the American shark leather fishery had transformed into the shark liver oil fishery of the early 1940’s, encompassing both coasts. By the late 1940’s, these fisheries were depleted because of overfishing and fishing in the nursery areas. Synthetic vitamin A appeared on the market in 1950, causing the fishery to be discontinued. During World War II, shark attacks on the survivors of sunken ships and downed aviators engendered the search for a shark repellent. This led to research aimed at understanding shark behavior and the sensory biology of sharks. From the late 1950’s to the 1980’s, funding from the Office of Naval Research was responsible for most of what was learned about the sensory biology of sharks.