930 resultados para Judged cases
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical aspects causes and evolution of infectious endocarditis. METHODS: The patients analyzed were treated at the University Hospital of the Faculdade de Medicina of Ribeiro Preto-USP and had a diagnosis of infectious endocarditis defined by Duke's criteria, which classifies infectious endocarditis as native, prosthetic valve or that occurring in intravenous drug users. RESULTS: One hundred and eighty episodes of infectious endocarditis in 168 patients were observed. Echocardiograms in 132 (73.3%) provided a diagnosis of infectious endocarditis in 111 (84%) patients; mitral valves were affected in 55 (30.5%), tricuspid valves in 30 (16.6%) and the aortic valve in 28 (15.5%) patients. Hemocultures were performed in 148 (93.8%) episodes of IE. The most commonly isolated infectious organisms were Staphylococcus aureus in 46 (27.2%) patients and Streptococcus viridans in 27 (15.9%). Complications occurred in 116 (64.4%) patients and 73 (40.5%) of the patients died. CONCLUSION: The general profile of the observed infectious endocarditis was similar to that reported in studies performed in other countries and included users of intravenous drugs. The high degree of mortality observed is not compatible with progress in diagnosis and treatment of infectious endocarditis and is probably due to the absence of diagnostic suspicion. The high frequency of fatal cases of septicemia (45.1% of deaths) in the patients studied indicates that unnoticed cases of infectious endocarditis had only been diagnosed at necropsy.
OBJECTIVE: We analyzed the frequency of peripheral embolisms, the underlying heart disease,triggering factors, the sites of the emboli, and evolution of the patients. METHODS: We analyzed 29 cases of peripheral arterial embolism out of a total of 20,211 hospitalizations in a cardiology center in the city of So Paulo. The age was 51.8918.66 years, and 15 were males. RESULTS: Embolism in the right lower limb occurred in 18 patients (62.0%),in the left lower 11(37.9%) and right upper 3 (10.3%) limbs, and in the left arm (1). Four patients had embolism in two limbs. The heart disease, mitral valvar heart disease (9 patients - 31.0%); infective endocarditis (7- 24.1%); dilated cardiomyopathy (6 - 20.6%); ischemic coronary heart disease (6 patients - 20.6%); and one patient with cor pulmonale. Atrial fibrillation was observed in 20 patients (68.9%), chronic in 12 patients (41.3% ) and acute in 8 (27.5%). All patients with mitral valvar heart disease had atrial fibrillation, chronic in 8 patients (88.8%); patients with cardiomyopathy and coronary heart disease, 4 in each group had atrial fibrillation, acute in 60% of the patients.Patients with infective endocarditis, 3 had staphylococcus and 2 Gram-negative bacteria. In the follow-up, 2 patients (6.8%) required limbs amputation, and 5 (17.2%) died due to embolism. CONCLUSION: Most of the time, embolism does not cause permanent complications. Our data highlight the importance of anticoagulation for patients acute atrial fibrillation in myocardial dysfunction and for patients with chronic atrial fibrillation in cases of mitral valvar heart disease to prevent peripheral embolism.
OBJECTIVE: To report and assess the incidence of cardiac tamponade in systemic lupus erythematosus as a cardiac manifestation of the disease. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of 325 patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus according to the American Rheumatism Association and their complementary laboratory tests compatible with cardiac tamponade. RESULTS: In the 325 medical recors reviewed, we found 108 patients with pericardial effusions corresponding to 33.2% of the total and 54% of the patients studied in the active phase of the disease. Clinical assessment and transthoracic echocardiogram allowed the clinical diagnosis of cardiac tamponade in only 4 (1.23%) patients, 3 of whom were females, white, with ages ranging from 25 to 44 years. The pericardial fluid was hemorrhagic or serosanguineous with high levels of FAN and positivity for LE cells. In the treatment, we successfully used pericardicentesis associated with high doses of corticosteroids. In clinical and laboratory follow-up performed for a period of 3 years, neither recrudescence of the pericardial effusion nor evolution to constriction occurred. CONCLUSION: Even though rare (1.23%), cardiac tamponade in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus has a benign evolution when properly treated, according to our experience.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze clinical and histologic findings of 50 patients with primary neoplams of the heart in a tertiary referral center. METHODS: From 1980 to 1998, we retrospectively analyzed 50 patients, 32 of whom were females, whose ages ranged from 9 to 73 years (mean age = 44.1618 years). RESULTS: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart (72%), myxoma being the most common (84%) histologic type. The other histologic types found were as follows: fibroma (4%), lipoma (2%), rhabdomyosarcoma (2%), hemangioma (2%), sarcoma (2%), angiosarcoma (2%), and lymphoma (2%). Diagnosis was established by echocardiography in 94% of the cases. Clinical findings were as follows: dyspnea (36%), weight loss (20%), palpitations (18%), chest pain (16%), fever (8%), and arthralgia (6%). All patients with thromboembolic phenomena (10%) had left atrial myxoma. Approximately 20% of the patients were asymptomatic at the initial clinical assessment. CONCLUSION: Primary cardiac tumors are a rare entity with diverse clinical and histologic findings, requiring, therefore, a high level of clinical suspicion.
Submitral left ventricular aneurysm is a cardiac pathology widely recognized, but relatively unknown, occurred almost exclusively in African black patients. Although still this idea of racial prevalence exists, cases have been described in patients of all the races. Ten Brazilian cases were reported. One of them was presented inside an Italian paper that refers the surgical treatment of a Brazilian patient of black race. We reported one more submitral left ventricular aneurysm case in a brown female patient, with antecedents of peripheral thromboembolism initially not identified as consequence of the cardiac pathology.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluate early and late evolution of patients submitted to primary coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction. METHODS: A prospective study of 135 patients with acute myocardial infarction submitted to primary transcutaneous coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Success was defined as TIMI 3 flow and residual lesion <50%. We performed statistical analyses by univariated, multivariated methods and survival analyze by Kaplan-Meier. RESULTS: PTCA success rate was 78% and early mortality 18,5%. Killip classes III and IV was associated to higher mortality, odds ratio 22.9 (95% CI: 5,7 to 91,8) and inversely related to age <75 years (OR = 0,93; 95% CI: 0.88 to 0.98). If we had chosen success flow as TIMI 2 and had excluded patients in Killip III/IV classes, success rate would be 86% and mortality 8%. The survival probability at the end or study, follow-up time 142 114 days, was 80% and event free survival 35%. Greater survival was associated to stenting (OR = 0.09; 0.01 to 0.75) and univessel disease (OR = 0.21; 0.07 to 0.61). CONCLUSION: The success rate was lower and mortality was higher than randomized trials, however similar to that of non randomized studies. This demonstrated the efficacy of primary PTCA in our local conditions.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the frequency and prevalence of congenital heart defects in a tertiary care center for children with heart diseases. METHODS: We carried out an epidemiological assessment of the first medical visit of 4,538 children in a pediatric hospital from January 1995 to December 1997. All patients with congenital heart defects had their diagnoses confirmed at least on echocardiography. The frequency and prevalence of the anomalies were computed according to the classification of sequential analysis. Age, weight, and sex were compared between the groups of healthy individuals and those with congenital heart defects after distribution according to the age group. RESULTS: Of all the children assessed, 2,017 (44.4%) were diagnosed with congenital heart disease, 201 (4.4%) with acquired heart disease, 52 (1.2%) with arrhythmias, and 2,268 (50%) were healthy children. Congenital heart diseases predominated in neonates and infants, corresponding to 71.5% of the cases. Weight and age were significantly lower in children with congenital heart defects. Ventricular septal defect was the most frequent acyanotic anomaly, and tetralogy of Fallot was the most frequent cyanotic anomaly. CONCLUSION: Children with congenital heart defects are mainly referred during the neonatal period and infancy with impairment in gaining weight. Ventricular septal defect is the most frequent heart defect.
OBJECTIVE: Detect of cardiac alterations in children with AIDS and compare their evolution with the administration of only one anti-retroviral and the recent cases who received drugs in combination. METHODS: We prospectively studied 47 children in 3 groups: group 1, 20 cases treated only with zidovudine; group 2, 10 patients treated initially with zidovudine and later with a combination of drugs and in group 3, 17 patients, who receiced two or three since the beginning. In all patients it was done chest X-ray, EKG and echocardiography every 6 months and after death complete pathological study. RESULTS: Among the 45 patients cases 26 (57%) were index cases. Malnutrition, diarrhea tachycardia, signs of congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, abnormal ventricular repolarization and arrhythmias were more frequent in group 1. Echocardiographic abnormalities were present in 10 (50%) children of group 1. They were less frequent in the others two groups. In regard to the outcome in group 1, two patients had worsening of sings of cardiomyopaty and 4 died. Cardiac dysfunction in all cases of group 2 and 3 improved with the medication. CONCLUSION:- The children who received combination and their cardiac alterations had more favorable outcome than those who received only one drug.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the relative incidence, presentation, and evolvement of fetuses with early ductus constriction. METHODS: Twenty fetal echocardiograms indicating ductus constriction were reviewed in a population of 7000 pregnants. RESULTS: The cases were divided into group A (related to maternal use of cyclooxygenase inhibitors [n=7] and group B (idiopathics [n=13]). Mean gestational age was 32.53.1 (27-38) weeks and maternal age was 28.28.5 (17-42) years. Mean systolic velocity in the ductus was 2.220.34 (1.66-2.81) m/s, diastolic velocity 0.790.28 (0.45-1.5) m/s, and pulsatility index 1.330.36 (0.52-1.83). Two cases of ductal occlusion were noted. In 65% of the cases, an increase occurred in the right cavities; in 90% of the cases, tricuspid or pulmonary regurgitation, or both, occurred, with functional pulmonary atresia in 1 case. Diastolic velocity was greater in group A (1.130.33) than in group B (0.680.15) (P=0.008). The other data were similar in the 2 groups. The evolvement was not favorable in 4 patients from group B, including 1 death and 2 cases of persistent pulmonary hypertension. CONCLUSION: The high incidence of idiopathic constriction of the ductus arteriosus suggests that its diagnosis is underestimated and that many cases of persistence of fetal circulation in newborns may be related to constriction of the ductus arteriosus not diagnosed during intrauterine life. Group B had a lower severity but a risk of an unfavorable evolvement, suggesting a distinct alteration.
OBJETIVO: Determinar se os nveis de NT pro-BNP encontram-se elevados em pacientes com afeces pericrdicas e avaliar a sua relao com medidas ecocardiogrficas de disfuno diastlica. MTODOS: Vinte e cinco pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: 1) derrame pericrdico (DP), 15 pacientes; 2) pericardite constritiva (PC), 10 pacientes. Foi constitudo um grupo controle de 30 indivduos sem doena cardaca. O grau de derrame pericrdico foi avaliado pelo ecocardiograma bidimensional e a restrio avaliada pelo Doppler pulstil do fluxo mitral. O diagnstico de PC foi confirmado por meio da ressonncia magntica. Os nveis de NT pro-BNP foram medidos por imunoensaio com deteco por eletroquimioluminescncia. RESULTADOS: Dos 15 pacientes com DP, 14 apresentavam DP importante e apenas 1, moderado. Log NT pro-BNP esteve aumentado no DP (p <0,05), com mdia de log 2,31 pg/ml e PC (p <0,05), com mdia de log 2,67 pg/ml, quando comparados ao grupo controle, mdia de log 1,32 pg/ml. No houve diferena entre DP e PC (p = 0,149). O log NT pro-BNP correlacionou-se com o pico de velocidade da onda E (r = 0,845; p = 0,001) e com a relao E/A (r=0,717; p= 0,003). CONCLUSO: O NT pro-BNP encontra-se aumentado nas afeces pericrdicas e apresenta relao com o grau de disfuno diastlica, podendo servir como mtodo adicional na quantificao de restrio.
Qu formas adquieren los cuerpos de los jvenes bajo las actuales condiciones de produccin? Cules son sus poticas? Qu relaciones de fuerza se realizan en estas formas? Cmo se inscriben en los cuerpos las relaciones de dominacin, el "ethos" y la cosmovisin de un grupo social? Estas son algunas de las cuestiones que orientan el presente proyecto, interesado en explorar y describir sistemticamente los procesos sociales del devenir "joven" en Crdoba. La investigacin aborda algunas de las problemticas propias de los jvenes en tanto grupo social heterogneo y diferenciado a partir del anlisis de las prcticas de produccin, consumo, interpretacin y circulacin de bienes culturales asociados con la diversin y el tiempo libre. Los tres objetos empricos, localizados en la ciudad de Crdoba, son:o las salidas nocturnas de jvenes estudiantes universitarios o la formacin y el entrenamiento de los bailarines clsicos en el Teatro del Libertador Gral. San Martn. o las prcticas de entretenimiento y socializacin ldica entre los jvenes de la comunidad de sordos de Crdoba.La hiptesis central de la investigacin sostiene que la msica y el baile tienen la capacidad de producir las identidades que nombran. Esta produccin de cuerpos y subjetividades se realizara en las performances sociales ("las salidas nocturnas" y "fiestas de la comunidad sorda") y las performances artsticas (clases, ensayos y funciones de ballet) donde se da la interaccin entre las identidades actuadas por los sujetos y las ofrecidas por las diferentes msicas, bailes y movimientos corporales. En este sentido, proponemos que las performances articulan una particular identidad cuando quienes la protagonizan experimentan que la msica y el baile se "ajusta" a la trama argumental que organiza sus narrativas identitarias.ObjetivosGENERAL:o Describir, de modo denso, las prcticas y representaciones implicadas en el proceso de materializacin de los cuerpos y relacionarlas con los procesos de subjetivacin y formacin de identidades juveniles. ESPECFICOS.o Explorar la relacin entre las diversas formas de consumo cultural en la formacin de un estilo de vida y en la formacin de identidades colectivas. o Describir los procesos de entrenamiento de los bailarines de msica clsica.o Analizar los procesos de comunicacin no verbal entre jvenes de la comunidad sorda.Materiales y mtodos.Para realizar esta investigacin se construir por medio de tcnicas cuali y cuantitativas un corpus heterogneo de materiales textuales, grficos y audiovisuales, as como de entrevistas en profundidad, de experiencias etnogrficas de observacin participante y de investigacin cuantitativa. Dicho corpus recibir un tratamiento diferencial segn el soporte y gnero, pero en todos los casos trabajando desde una matriz de anlisis que considere los procesos de construccin de sentido y las relaciones entre cuerpo, subjetividad e identidad. En el anlisis de los datos se pondrn en juego herramientas conceptuales tomadas de la Antropologa Simblica, la Antropologa de la Danza, el Anlisis del Discurso, la Sociologa del Arte y los Estudios de la Performance. Resultados esperados.Se espera elaborar indicadores para medir la produccin, circulacin y consumo de bienes simblicos. El desenvolvimiento del proyecto permitir tambin la formacin de recursos humanos en investigacin y se contempla presentaciones a reuniones cientficas, publicacin en revistas nacionales e internacionales y la elaboracin de dos libros. Por ltimo se implementarn actividades de capacitacin y asesoramiento para instituciones relacionados con los jvenes. Importancia del ProyectoLos resultados de la investigacin permitirn una interpretacin ms comprehensiva de los sentidos que poseen para jvenes cordobeses problemticas sociales como las adicciones, el alcoholismo, la salud sexual y reproductiva, las prcticas discriminatorias o los usos de las nuevas tecnologas.
Un importante nmero de especies ornamentales que se cultivan en el mundo derivan de germoplasma Sudamericano. El uso de Recursos Genticos nativos para el desarrollo de plantas ornamentales ha sido escasamente explotado en Argentina, por lo que el pas no ha tenido beneficio alguno. El sector depende de variedades desarrolladas en el exterior lo que implica el pago de regalas inclusive para el caso de variedades derivadas de especies nativas argentinas. Las poblaciones naturales (distintas especies de <i>Glandularia</i>, distintos ecotipos de <i>Solidago</i>) presentan, una considerable variabilidad en distintos caracteres vegetativos y reproductivos que les permiten sobrevivir en ambientes con distintas condiciones climticas, edficas, biticas, etc. Es por ello que, a partir de dicha variabilidad existente en las poblaciones naturales, ser posible seleccionar individuos con caracteres de alto valor ornamental. Si bien el valor ornamental de los gneros <i>Glandularia</i> y <i>Solidago</i> es reconocido, no se han realizado avances en el conocimiento de su biologa floral o su potencialidad para generar variabilidad en el pas, aunque se conoce el xito econmico de las variedades comerciales desarrolladas en el exterior. Los objetivos del presente proyecto sern lograr avances en la obtencin de variedades ornamentales o clones noveles a partir de especies nativas a travs de la seleccin de genotipos superiores e hibridaciones interespecficas en <i>Glandularia</i> y la domesticacin, caracterizacin y seleccin de clones superiores y/o noveles en <i>Solidago</i>. La metodologa para lograr dichos objetivos ser: recoleccin de germoplasma en zonas de distribucin, identificacin taxonmica, domesticacin, caracterizacin y mejoramiento gentico clsico. Los resultados obtenidos permitirn determinar la aptitud combinatoria de las especies del gnero <i>Glandularia</i>, como as tambin aportar elementos cientficos bsicos para encarar futuros trabajos de mejoramiento, entre ellos, se deber poder identificar las barreras a la hibridacin interespecfica (pre o post cigticas). Estos conocimientos resultan bsicos e indispensables en el momento de establecer estrategias racionales para la superacin de las barreras a la hibridacin. En el gnero <i>Solidago</i>, los resultados obtenidos son permitirn establecer una base gentica lo suficientemente amplia como para establecer los lineamientos necesario para el logro de nuevas variedades ornamentales. A partir de este proyecto se podr disponer de material con distintos grados de desarrollo: colecciones de los gneros <i>Glandularia</i> y <i>Solidago</i> caracterizadas, domesticadas y materiales avanzados en el mejoramiento. Estos productos contribuirn al mayor conocimiento de la flora nativa ornamental, colaborarn con la sustentabilidad del sistema agroecolgico, permitirn la formacin de recursos humanos, el fortalecimiento del grupo y su integracin con el sector productivo.
We have compared three cases of payments for water-related environmental services (PES) in Central America, in terms of socioeconomic background, opportunity costs of forest conservation and stakeholders perceptions on the conditions of water resources and other issues. We found that, in general, the foregone benefits from land uses alternative to forest cover are larger than the amount paid, which apparently contradicts the economic foundation of PES schemes. A number of possible explanations are explored. The results also suggest that trade-offs between different environmental and social goals are likely to emerge in PES schemes, posing some doubts on their ability to be multipurpose instruments for environmental improvement and rural development. We also found that PES schemes may work as a conflictresolution instrument, facilitating downstream -upstream problem solving, though at the same time they might introduce changes in social perceptions of property rights.
By staining females of Anopheles cruzi with fluorescent coloured powders in a forest in the State of Santa Catarina, we showed that they move from canopy to ground and vice-versa to feed. This suggests that in areas where this mosquito is a vector of human and simian malarias sporadic infections of man with monkey plasmodia might be expected.
Forensic pathologists often refer to the cardioinhibitory reflex cardiac arrest (CiRCA) following short neck trauma as a mechanism of death. We sought via a systematic review of the literature to identify circumstances under which carotid bifurcation stimulation could lead to death. Two independent reviewers selected case studies or reports from Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge, and Embase. Circumstances and contributory factors were extracted for each case. From the available data, authors independently assessed whether CiRCA was highly probable (no alternative explanation possible), probable (alternative explanation possible), or unlikely (alternative explanation highly probable). A narrative approach was used to define circumstances in which CiRCA remained possible. From the 48 published cases evoking CiRCA as a possible cause of death between 1881 and 2009, 28 were most likely to result of other mechanism of death (i.e., cerebral hypoxia due to carotid compression, mechanical asphyxia, myocardial infarction). CiRCA remained possible for 20 cases (including five based on anecdotal evidence only) with only one case with no alternative explanation other than CiRCA. Our findings support the presumption that reflex cardiac arrhythmia due to carotid bifurcation stimulation cannot provoke death alone. Actual state of knowledge suggests CiRCA might be contributory to death in the presence of drug abuse and/or cardiac pathology, often associated with physical and/or mental excitation.