798 resultados para Job-creation


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Although stress has been a longstanding issue in organizations and management studies, it has never been studied in relation to Public Service Motivation. This article therefore aims to integrate PSM into the job demands-job resources model of stress in order to determine whether PSM might contribute to stress in public organizations. Drawing upon original data from a questionnaire in a Swiss municipality, this study unsurprisingly shows that "red tape" is an antecedent of stress perception, whereas satisfaction with organizational support, positive feedback, and recognition significantly decrease the level of perceived stress. Astonishingly, the empirical results show that PSM is positively and significantly related to stress perception. By increasing individuals' expectations towards their jobs, PSM might thus contribute to increased pressure on public agents. Ultimately, this article investigates the "dark side" of PSM, which has been neglected by the literature thus far.


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Une superbe fresque des quêtes spirituelles de l'humanité. Qui sont ces maîtres de vie, ces sages, ces mystiques qui ont façonné l'aventure spirituelle de l'humanité ? Quels sont les grands textes qu'ils ont écrits ou suscités, quelles sont les sources de leur inspiration ? Pour la première fois en un seul volume les trésors de sagesses de l'histoire de l'humanité : 100 figures spirituelles (Du Bouddha à Thérèse d'Avila, de Sénèque à Gandhi, d'Ibn 'Arabi à Simone Weil, des sages égyptiens aux lamas tibétains contemporains, des maîtres du hassidisme aux gurus de l'Inde moderne...), 200 textes de sagesse du monde entier, 100 illustrations.


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First Edition


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This article tests different P-E fit dimensions in order to assess their impact on three work outcomes: job satisfaction; organizational commitment; and stress perception. Findings shows that P-E fit dimensions have differentiated effects on its dependent variables. This study contributes to several important academic discussions. The first concerns the model tested, which contains several P-E fit dimensions. The second scientific contribution is to consider P-E fit dimensions as antecedents of three job outcomes. The third contribution concerns the development and testing of a new P-E fit dimension called "person-reforms" fit.


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In most Western postindustrial societies today, the population is aging, businesses are faced with global integration, and important migration flows are taking place. Increasingly work organizations are hiring crossnational and multicultural workteams. In this situation it is important to understand the influence of certain individual and cultural characteristics on the process of professional integration. The present study explores the links between personality traits, demographic characteristics (age, sex, education, income, and nationality), work engagement, and job stress. The sample consisted of 618 participants, including 394 Swiss workers (200 women, 194 men) and 224 foreigners living and working in Switzerland (117 women, 107 men). Each participant completed the NEO-FFI, the UWES, and the GWSS questionnaires. Our results show an interaction between age and nationality with respect to work engagement and general job stress. The levels of work engagement and job stress appear to increase with age among national wotkers, whereas they decrease among foreign workers. In addition, work engagement was negatively associated with Neuroticism and positively with the other four personality dimensions. Finally, job stress was positively associated with Neuroticism and Conscientiousness, and negatively associated with Extraversion. However, the strength of these relationships appeared to vary according to the worker's nationality, age, sex, education, and income.


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El projecte consisteix en la creació d'una aplicació WEB construïda sota arquitectura J2EE, aquesta aplicació consistirà en mostrar ofertes laborals definides per empresa, categories, hores de treball i condicions contractuals amb un objectiu molt clar, el que totes les ofertes presentades és puguin realitzar des de casa.


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Objectifs: Evaluer l'angioplastie au ballon pour le traitement des sténoses juxta-anastomotiques de survenue précoce après création des fistules d'hémodialyse.Matériels et méthodes: De septembre 2004 à septembre 2005, 9 patients ont été référés dans notre institution pour traitement d'une sténose juxta-anastomotique (0-2 cm post-anastomotiques) diagnostiquée 1 (n = 2) à 3 mois (n = 7) après chirurgie. La sténose était détectée par défaut de développement de la fistule (n = 9), échec de ponction ou de dialyse (n = 7). L'échographie confirmait une réduction de diamètre de plus de 50 % (n = 9). Après approche rétrograde veineuse 6F, l'angioplastie était réalisée avec un ballon de 4 mm (n = 4) ou 5 mm (n = 5) et complétée par angioplastie au cutting ballon de 4 mm en cas de sténose résiduelle. Le succès technique était l'absence de sténose résiduelle < 30 %, le succès clinique la dialyse possible à 3 mois de suivi.Résultats: Le succès technique était obtenu chez 8 patients (1 cas de thrombose suivant l'angioplastie) et le succès clinique chez 6/8 patients. Chez les 2 patients restants, la fistule ne se développait pas malgré l'absence de sténose récidivante.Conclusion: L'angioplastie au ballon devrait être proposée en première intention pour le traitement des sténoses juxta-anastomotiques de survenue précoce après création de fistule d'hémodialyse


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Clinical Nurse Specialist Job Planning ToolkitThe toolkit is the first of its kind for clinical nurse specialists in Northern Ireland and has been achieved in partnership with PHA, NIPEC, the Health and Social Care Trusts, Northern Ireland Cancer Network, and the Royal College of Nursing.�


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This job planning toolkit has been developed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in partnership with the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC). This job planning toolkit was designed for nurses in roles who have the title Clinical Nurse Specialist and carry a defined caseload of patients and/or run their own clinics. The toolkit provides information to support: ��.������������ Clinical Nurse Specialists in meeting the requirements of their job


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This article contributes to the ongoing debate on the economic deter- minants of fertility behavior by addressing the role of job insecurity in couples' intentions concerning parenthood and its timing. It starts from the hypothesis that cultural values moderate individuals' reactions to job insecurity and the way it is related to family formation. With a systematic thematic content analysis of a set of semi-structured interviews with childless men and women around the age of 30 in eastern and western Germany, we are able to show that there are substantial dif- ferences in the consequences of job insecurity on intentions to have a first child. In western Germany, a relatively secure job career is expected to precede family formation, and this sequence of transitions is rather rigid, whereas in eastern Germany job security and family formation are thought of and practiced as parallel investments. We suggest that the lack of convergence in family formation patterns between eastern and western Germany after the unification of the country in 1990 is partially related to different attitudes toward job insecurity in the two contexts.


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This paper analyses the use of open video editing tools to support the creation and production of online collaborative audiovisual projects for higher education. It focuses on the possibilities offered by these tools to promote collective creation in virtual environments.