921 resultados para Java Native Interface
Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia
The behaviour of masonry elements under in-plane and out-of-plane loads can be improved through the application of strengthening systems based on reinforcing overlays. After strengthening, the transition region between the original substrate and the strengthening layer is especially stressed, and premature failure of the strengthened masonry is reached if insufficient interfacial capacity is assured. Therefore, the assessment of the mechanical behaviour of the interface is critical to the development of the masonry strengthening system based on the application of strengthening overlays. In this research a method for the characterization of the interface behaviour between two different materials, a polypropylene fibre reinforced mortar (PFRM) and a ceramic brick used for masonry construction is presented. Direct shear tests were carried out in couplet specimens. Due to the orthotropic nature of the bricks surface, the shear load was applied along three different directions in order to perform an overall estimation of the interface behaviour. The peak and residual shear stresses, as well as the failure modes, were obtained at different levels of the normal stress. Based on these experimental results constitutive laws were assessed for the simulation of the interface mechanical behaviour based on the Mohr and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Informática
Theobroma species have economic importance due to their use in the cosmetic and food industries, mainly in the production of chocolate. However, the anatomy of their vegetative structures remains poorly studied. The goal of this study was to describe the anatomical features of Theobroma grandiflorum, T. speciosum and T. subincanum to contribute to the biological knowledge of these species, as well as provide support to the biotechnological studies of native fruit plants of the Amazon. Leaves at different developmental stages were collected and analyzed under light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Sessile and stalked stellate trichomes and digitiform glandular trichomes were observed in the expanded leaves of T. grandiflorum and T. subincanum. These species were also similar in the morphology of the midrib, the organization of the mesophyll and the presence of starch grains in the midrib pith cells. Claviform glandular trichomes and mucilage cells in the epidermis occurred only in the expanded leaves of T. speciosum. The presence of mucilage secretory trichomes in shoot apices (colleters) of all species is a new finding for the genus Theobroma.
The present study proposes a dynamic constitutive material interface model that includes non-associated flow rule and high strain rate effects, implemented in the finite element code ABAQUS as a user subroutine. First, the model capability is validated with numerical simulations of unreinforced block work masonry walls subjected to low velocity impact. The results obtained are compared with field test data and good agreement is found. Subsequently, a comprehensive parametric analysis is accomplished with different joint tensile strengths and cohesion, and wall thickness to evaluate the effect of the parameter variations on the impact response of masonry walls.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e de Computadores
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica
The stem cell niche organization and dynamics provide valuable cues for the development of mimetic environments that could have potential to stimulate the regenerative process. We propose the use of biodegradable biomaterials to produce closed miniaturised structures able to encapsulate different cell types or bioactive molecules. In particular, capsules are fabricated using the so-called layer-by-layer technology, where the consecutive (nano-sized) layers are well stabilized by electrostatic interactions or other weak forces. Using alginate-based spherical templates containing cells or other elements (e.g. proteins, magnetic nanoparticles, microparticles) it is possible to produce liquefied capsules that may entrap the entire cargo under mild conditions. The inclusion of liquefied micropcapsules may be used to produce hierarchical compartmentalised systems for the delivery of bioactive agents. The presence of solid microparticles inside such capsules offers adequate surface area for adherent cell attachment increasing the biological performance of these hierarchical systems, while maintain both permeability and injectability. We demonstrated that the encapsulation of distinct cell types (including mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells) enhances the osteogenic capability of this system, that could be useful in bone tissue engineering applications.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)
Plantae junghuhnianae :enumeratio plantarum, quas, in insulis Java et Sumatra /detexit Fr. Junghuhn.
Numerosas áreas de las sierras chicas han experimentado una gran pérdida de vegetación natural y de germoplasma nativo como consecuencia del crecimiento urbano y de la extracción de plantas sin criterios conservacionistas. El valle de Paravachasca presenta una riqueza florística con muchas especies autóctonas de un valioso potencial ornamental. Para poder proteger la vegetación nativa es necesario conocerla y evaluarla en todos los aspectos incluyendo sus posibles usos. Esta propuesta de trabajo se fundamenta en que las especies nativas constituyen un valioso recurso natural. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo principal es evaluar especies autóctonas herbáceas promisorias como ornamentales para establecer parámetros de reproducción y favorecer la innovación productiva, la conservación del paisaje natural y la protección del patrimonio germoplásmico. Para cumplir con dicho objetivo se realizarán viajes en distintas estaciones del año para evaluar in situ, las especies que resulten atractivas por su follaje o floración. Se recolectará material vegetal para determinarlo, caracterizarlo y formar un banco de germoplasma. Se elaborarán fichas técnicas con las cuales evaluar la viabilidad de las semillas y se realizarán pruebas de multiplicación vegetativa. Finalmente, se seleccionarán cuatro especies para su domesticación a campo o cultivo en macetas. Todos los trabajos serán documentados con ilustraciones, fotos y gráficos. Como resultado se espera generar y proveer información sobre plantas nativas, estrategias de conservación, reproducción y cultivo de especies autóctonas; además, transferir la tecnología para estimular una producción regional. Alcanzados los niveles de conocimiento necesarios se intentará establecer vínculos de intercambio de información con otros proyectos nacionales o extranjeros. Por su parte, la transferencia, validación y difusión de los resultados obtenidos se realizará mediante cursos, seminarios, talleres -en el marco educativo- de capacitación laboral, recreativo y productivo, siendo los destinatarios directos las comunas en general y los viveristas, diseñadores de parques, inversores de turismo y aficionados a las plantas, en particular. El impacto del proyecto en el ámbito científico se reflejará en publicaciones que presenten información innovadora en relación con las ciencias agropecuarias; y, en lo social, mediante la generación de posibles fuentes de trabajo.