816 resultados para Japanese music


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Hip-hopin juuret juontavat 1970-luvulle Yhdysvaltoihin, mutta hip-hop-kulttuuri ja musiikkityyli ovat sen jälkeen levinneet ympäri maailmaa osana globalisaatiokehitystä. Myös monet nuoret muslimit tekevät nykyään hip-hop-musiikkia, ja yhä useampi tuo myös sanoituksiinsa vaikutteita Islamista ja elämästään muslimina. Musiikin asema on islamissa varsin kiistelty, eikä sitä ole selvästi sallittu (halal) tai kielletty (haram) muslimeilta. Muslimien tekemää hip-hoppia on toistaiseksi tutkittu hyvin vähän. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan diskurssianalyysin keinoin, miten tapaustutkimuksena toimivalla muslimhiphop.com-internetsivustolla argumentoidaan ja konstruoidaan käsityksiä muslimi-identiteetistä. Teoreettisena ja analyyttisenä viitekehyksenä toimii sosiaalikonstruktivistinen näkemys identiteetistä kontekstisidonnaisena sekä puheessa ja teksteissä diskursiivisesti rakentuvana. Tutkielma kyseenalaistaa aiempien tutkimusten oletuksen hip-hopista vaikutuksiltaan yksinomaan positiivisena muslimi-identiteetille sekä muslimeja yhdentävänä tekijänä. Aineisto on kerätty edellä mainitulta sivustolta syksyn 2010 ja kevään 2011 aikana, josta analyysiin on rajattu vain itse sivusto ja sen hip-hoppia käsittelevät osiot. Sivusto ja sen perustaja ovat yhdysvaltalaisia, mutta sivustolla esiteltävien artistien tausta on hyvin monikulttuurinen. Moni on myös maahanmuuttajana nykyisessä kotimaassaan. Aineistossa esiintyviä teemoja ja diskursseja eritellään ja analysoidaan tutkielmassa lainauksien avulla. Sivuston periaatteissa ja artistien esillepääsyn kriteereissä määritellään tarkasti asennoituminen Islamin ja musiikin yhdistämiseen: mikäli sanoitukset ja artistit noudattavat Islamin oppeja, on muslimin sallittua tehdä ja kuunnella tällaista musiikkia. Islam-aiheisen hip-hopin perustellaan olevan ennen kaikkea vaihtoehto valtavirran hip-hopille, jota konstruoidaan aineistossa moraalisesti arveluttavaksi. Hip-hopille sekä muslimeille sallittuja ja kiellettyjä elementtejä erottelevan halal-haram-diskurssin ohella aineistosta nousee esiin opetusdiskurssi. Muslimien tekemän hip-hopin perustellaan edistävän Islamin opettamista erityisesti nuorille muslimeille ja siten vahvistavan positiivista muslimi-identiteettiä. Myös positiivisen muutoksen diskurssia käytetään aineistossa runsaasti liittyen mm. muslimiyhteisöihin sekä muslimeihin kohdistuviin taloudellisiin ja sosiaalipoliittisiin epäkohtiin ja stereotypioihin; musiikin sisältöä ja sen tekemistä perustellaan sen voimalla muuttaa asioita parempaan suuntaan. Monet muslimiartistit kamppailevat yhdistääkseen toisaalta Islamin ja taiteellisen luovuuden ja ilmaisuvapauden, toisaalta menestyäkseen kaupallisesti unohtamatta uskonnollista vakaumustaan. Monilla heistä hip-hop on ollut vahvasti läsnä kasvuympäristössä, mutta sen yhdistäminen Islamin periaatteisiin aiheuttaa kysymyksiä ja kyseenalaistuksia oman musiikillisen ja uskonnollisen identiteetin muodosta ja sisällöstä. Aineiston perusteella monet muslimiartistit ja Islam-aiheista hip-hoppia kuuntelevat muslimit joutuvat jatkuvasti puolustamaan musiikkia siihen kielteisesti suhtautuville muslimeille sekä ei-muslimeille, jotka vierastavat sen uskonnollisuutta. Muslimi-identiteettiä neuvotellaan jatkuvasti, ja se näyttäytyy aineistossa moniulotteisena ja tilanteisesti rakentuvana. Avainsanat: Muslimit, Islam, hip-hop, identiteetti, Internet, diskurssi, diskurssianalyysi


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Several H-2 defined cell lines were examined for their ability to support infection and replication of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) before their use in in vitro and in vivo stimulation protocols for generating cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) against JEV. Among II different cell lines tested, two H-2(d) macrophage tumour lines (P388D1, RAW 264.7), an H-2(d) hybridoma (Sp2/0), an H-2K(k)D(d) neuroblastoma (Neuro 2a), and H-2(k) fibroblast cell line (L929) were found to support JEV infection and replication. These cell lines were used to generate anti-JEV CTLs by using in vivo immunization followed by in vitro stimulation of BALB/c mice. We observed that not only syngeneic and allogeneic infected cells but also JEV-infected xenogeneic cells could prime BALB/c mice for the generation of JEV-specific CTLs upon subsequent in vitro stimulation of splenocytes with JEV-infected syngeneic cells. Although infected xenogeneic cells were used for immunization, the anti-JEV effecters that were generated lysed infected syngeneic targets but not JEV-infected xenogeneic or allogeneic target cells in a 5h Cr-51 release assay. These anti-JEV effecters recognized syngeneic target cells infected with West Nile virus to a lesser extent and were shown to be Lyt-2.2(+) T cells. The results of unlabelled cold target competition studies suggested alterations in the cell surface expression of viral antigenic determinants recognized by these CTLs. We further demonstrate that the JEV-specific CTLs generated could virtually block the release of infectious virus particles from infected P388D1 and Neuro 2a cells in vitro.


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In the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation problem, we encounter both finite data and insufficient knowledge of array characterization. It is therefore important to study how subspace-based methods perform in such conditions. We analyze the finite data performance of the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) and minimum norm (min. norm) methods in the presence of sensor gain and phase errors, and derive expressions for the mean square error (MSE) in the DOA estimates. These expressions are first derived assuming an arbitrary array and then simplified for the special case of an uniform linear array with isotropic sensors. When they are further simplified for the case of finite data only and sensor errors only, they reduce to the recent results given in [9-12]. Computer simulations are used to verify the closeness between the predicted and simulated values of the MSE.


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The protective ability of cytotoxic T cells (CTL) raised in vitro against Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was examined by adoptive transfer experiments. Adoptive transfer of anti-JEV effecters by intracerebral (i.c.) but not by intraperitoneal (i.p.) or intravenous (i.v.) routes protected adult BALB/c mice against lethal i.c. JEV challenge. In contrast to adult mice, adoptive transfer of anti-JEV effecters into newborn (4-day-old) and suckling (8-14-day-old) mice did not confer protection. However, virus-induced death was delayed in suckling mice compared to newborn mice upon adoptive transfer. The specific reasons for lack of protection in newborn mice are not clear but virus load was found to be higher in newborn mice brains compared to those of adults and virus clearance was observed only in adult mice brains but not in newborn mice brains upon adoptive transfer. Specific depletion of Lyt 2.2(+), L3T4(+) or Thy-1(+) T cell populations before adoptive transfer abrogated the protective ability of transferred effecters. However, when Lyt 2.2(+) cell-depleted and L3T4(+) cell-depleted effecters were mixed and transferred into adult mice the protective activity was retained, demonstrating that both Lyt 2.2(+) and L3T4(+) T cells are necessary to confer protection. Although the presence of L3T4(+) T cells in adoptively transferred effector populations enhanced virus-specific serum neutralizing antibodies, the presence of neutralizing antibodies alone without Lyt 2.2(+) cells was not sufficient to confer protection.


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Flaviviruses generate their structural and nonstructural proteins by proteolytic processing of a single large polyprotein precursor. These proteolytic events are brought about both by host cell signalase and a virally encoded protease. The virally encoded proteolytic activity has been shown to reside within the nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) and requires the product of the nonstructural 2b (NS2b) gene. In order to obtain sufficient quantities of pure NS2b and NS3 proteins for kinetic analysis, we have expressed both these proteins in recombinant systems as fusions to glutathione S-transferase (GST). The fusion constructs were driven by the strong bacteriophage T7 promoter. Transfection of these constructs into the African green monkey kidney cell line CV-1 previously infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the T7 RNA polymerase resulted in synthesis of the fusion proteins. Both the fusion proteins could be purified to homogeneity in a single step using a glutathione agarose affinity matrix.


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Ten different mouse cell lines were examined for Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection in vitro and then tested for their ability to generate virus specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Among all cell lines examined, Neuro La (a neuroblastoma) was readily infected with JEV as examined by immunofluorescence and viral replication. Among other cells, P388D1, RAW 264.7 (Macrophage origin), Sp2/0 (B-cell Hybridoma), YAC-1 (T-cell lymphoma), and L929 (Fibroblast) were semipermissive to JEV infection. The cytopathic effects caused by progressive JEV infection varied from cell line to cell line. In the case of YAC-1 cells long-term viral antigen expression was observed without significant alterations in cell viability. Intermediate degrees of cytopathicity are seen in RAW 264.7 and L929 cells while infection of PS, Neuro 2a, P388D1 and Sp2/0 caused major viability losses. All infected cell lines were able to prime adult BALB/c (H-2(d)) mice for the generation of secondary JEV specific CTL. In contrast to YAC-1, the permissive neuroblastoma cell line Neuro 2a (H-2K(k)D(d)) was found to be least efficient in its ability to stimulate anti-viral CTL generation. Cold target competition studies demonstrated that both Neuro 2a and YAC-1 (H-2K(k)D(d)) cells expressed similar viral determinants that are recognised by CTL, suggesting that the reason for the lower ability of Neuro 2a to stimulate anti-viral CTL was not due to lack of viral CTL determinants. These findings demonstrate that a variety of mouse cell lines can be infected with Japanese encephalitis virus, and that these infected cells could be utilised to generate virus specific CTL in BALB/c mice.


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Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a positive stranded RNA virus that belongs to the flavivirus group, JEV infection damages the central nervous system (CNS) and is one of the main causative agents of acute encephalitis, H-2 restricted virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) have been generated specifically against JEV in our laboratory and these CTL have been shown to protect mice against lethal challenge with JEV, Virus replication was found to be inhibited in the brains of animals that mere adoptively transferred with JEV specific CTL as revealed by immunohistological staining as,veil as viral plaque assays. We further show that virus specific CTL could be recovered from such protected mice as long as 45 days after adoptive transfer.


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We analyze the AlApana of a Carnatic music piece without the prior knowledge of the singer or the rAga. AlApana is ameans to communicate to the audience, the flavor or the bhAva of the rAga through the permitted notes and its phrases. The input to our analysis is a recording of the vocal AlApana along with the accompanying instrument. The AdhAra shadja(base note) of the singer for that AlApana is estimated through a stochastic model of note frequencies. Based on the shadja, we identify the notes (swaras) used in the AlApana using a semi-continuous GMM. Using the probabilities of each note interval, we recognize swaras of the AlApana. For sampurNa rAgas, we can identify the possible rAga, based on the swaras. We have been able to achieve correct shadja identification, which is crucial to all further steps, in 88.8% of 55 AlApanas. Among them (48 AlApanas of 7 rAgas), we get 91.5% correct swara identification and 62.13% correct R (rAga) accuracy.


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Compressive Sensing (CS) is a new sensing paradigm which permits sampling of a signal at its intrinsic information rate which could be much lower than Nyquist rate, while guaranteeing good quality reconstruction for signals sparse in a linear transform domain. We explore the application of CS formulation to music signals. Since music signals comprise of both tonal and transient nature, we examine several transforms such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), Fourier basis and also non-orthogonal warped transforms to explore the effectiveness of CS theory and the reconstruction algorithms. We show that for a given sparsity level, DCT, overcomplete, and warped Fourier dictionaries result in better reconstruction, and warped Fourier dictionary gives perceptually better reconstruction. “MUSHRA” test results show that a moderate quality reconstruction is possible with about half the Nyquist sampling.


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Music signals comprise of atomic notes drawn from a musical scale. The creation of musical sequences often involves splicing the notes in a constrained way resulting in aesthetically appealing patterns. We develop an approach for music signal representation based on symbolic dynamics by translating the lexicographic rules over a musical scale to constraints on a Markov chain. This source representation is useful for machine based music synthesis, in a way, similar to a musician producing original music. In order to mathematically quantify user listening experience, we study the correlation between the max-entropic rate of a musical scale and the subjective aesthetic component. We present our analysis with examples from the south Indian classical music system.


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Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a single stranded RNA virus that infects the central nervous system leading to acute encephalitis in children. Alterations in brain endothelial cells have been shown to precede the entry of this flavivirus into the brain, but infection of endothelial cells by JEV and their consequences are still unclear. Productive JEV infection was established in human endothelial cells leading to IFN-beta and TNF-alpha production. The MHC genes for HLA-A, -B, -C and HLA-E antigens were upregulated in human brain microvascular endothelial cells, the endothelial-like cell line, ECV 304 and human foreskin fibroblasts upon JEV infection. We also report the release/shedding of soluble HLA-E (sHLA-E) from JEV infected human endothelial cells for the first time. This shedding of sHLA-E was blocked by an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). In addition, MMP-9, a known mediator of HLA solubilisation was upregulated by JEV. In contrast, human fibroblasts showed only upregulation of cell-surface HLA-E. Addition of UV inactivated JEV-infected cell culture supernatants stimulated shedding of sHLA-E from uninfected ECV cells indicating a role for soluble factors/cytokines in the shedding process. Antibody mediated neutralization of TNF-alpha as well as IFNAR receptor together not only resulted in inhibition of sHLA-E shedding from uninfected cells, it also inhibited HLA-E and MMP-9 gene expression in JEV-infected cells. Shedding of sHLA-E was also observed with purified TNF-alpha and IFN-beta as well as the dsRNA analog, poly (I:C). Both IFN-beta and TNF-alpha further potentiated the shedding when added together. The role of soluble MHC antigens in JEV infection is hitherto unknown and therefore needs further investigation.


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We address the problem of multi-instrument recognition in polyphonic music signals. Individual instruments are modeled within a stochastic framework using Student's-t Mixture Models (tMMs). We impose a mixture of these instrument models on the polyphonic signal model. No a priori knowledge is assumed about the number of instruments in the polyphony. The mixture weights are estimated in a latent variable framework from the polyphonic data using an Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, derived for the proposed approach. The weights are shown to indicate instrument activity. The output of the algorithm is an Instrument Activity Graph (IAG), using which, it is possible to find out the instruments that are active at a given time. An average F-ratio of 0 : 7 5 is obtained for polyphonies containing 2-5 instruments, on a experimental test set of 8 instruments: clarinet, flute, guitar, harp, mandolin, piano, trombone and violin.