989 resultados para It.R 12


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Three structural typologies has been evaluated based on the nonlinear dynamic analysis (i.e. Newmark's methods for MDFs: average acceleration method with Modified Newton-Raphson iteration). Those structural typologies differ each other only for the infills presence and placement. In particular, with the term BARE FRAME: the model of the structure has two identical frames, arranged in parallel. This model constitutes the base for the generation of the other two typologies, through the addition of non-bearing walls. Whereas with the term INFILLED FRAME: the model is achieved by adding twelve infill panels, all placed in the same frame. Finally with the term PILOTIS: the model has been generated to represent structures where the first floor has no walls. Therefore the infills are positioned in only one frame in its three upper floors. All three models have been subjected to ten accelerograms using the software DRAIN 2000.


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La tesi analizza la problematica della mancanza di redattori di diagrammi E-R in grado di realizzare schemi relazionali basati sulla notazione di Chen e sulla notazione estesa. In particolare, dopo un'analisi di pregi e difetti sullo stato dell'arte dei principali strumenti già esistenti (in grado di realizzare diagrammi E-R con altre notazioni), si passa a descrivere nel dettaglio l'applicativo SharpER Diagram Editor, un progetto ex novo che consente la redazione di diagrammi E-R in notazione estesa. Vengono accuratamente descritte le varie fasi che hanno portato alla realizzazione del progetto, dall'analisi dei requisiti e la modellazione, all'implementazione e al test. Per finire vengono forniti interessanti spunti per poter proseguire il lavoro iniziato, il che è reso possibile dalla licenza con cui il software viene rilasciato ossia GPLv3.


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L’approccio performance-based nell’Ingegneria sismica è una metodologia di progetto che tiene esplicitamente in conto la performance dell’edificio tra i criteri progettuali. Nell’ambito dei metodi PBEE (Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering) di seconda generazione, quello proposto dal PEER (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center) risulta essere il più diffuso. In esso la performance dell’edificio oggetto di studio viene valutata in termini quantitativi secondo le 3D’s (dollars, deaths, downtime – soldi, decessi, inutilizzo), quantità di notevole interesse per l’utente finale. Il metodo si compone di quattro step, indipendenti tra loro fino alla sintesi finale. Essi sono: l’analisi di pericolosità, l’analisi strutturale, l’analisi di danno, l’analisi delle perdite o di loss. Il risultato finale è la curva di loss, che assegna ad ogni possibile perdita economica conseguente all’evento sismico una probabilità di superamento nell’arco temporale di riferimento. Dopo la presentazione del metodo PEER, si è provveduto ad una sua applicazione su di un caso di studio, nella fattispecie un telaio piano di quattro campate, multipiano, in calcestruzzo armato, costruito secondo le norme del ’92. Per l’analisi di pericolosità si è fatto ricorso alle mappe di pericolosità disponibili sul sito INGV, mentre per l’analisi strutturale si è utilizzato il software open-source OpenSees. Le funzioni di fragilità e quelle di loss sono state sviluppate facendo riferimento alla letteratura scientifica, in particolare il bollettino Fib numero 68 “Probabilistic performance-based seismic design”. In questa sede ci si è concentrati unicamente sulla stima delle perdite economiche, tralasciando le altre due variabili decisionali. Al termine del procedimento si è svolta un’analisi di sensitività per indagare quali parametri influenzino maggiormente la curva di loss. Data la curva di pericolosità, il legame EDP(IM) e la deformazione ultima a collasso risultano essere i più rilevanti sul risultato dell’analisi.


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This dissertation was conducted within the project Language Toolkit, which has the aim of integrating the worlds of work and university. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents commissioned by the Italian company TR Turoni and its primary purpose is to demonstrate that, in the field of translation for companies, the existing translation support tools and software can optimise and facilitate the translation process. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the TR Turoni company and its relationship with the CERMAC export consortium. After outlining the current state of company internationalisation, the importance of professional translators in enhancing the competitiveness of companies that enter new international markets is highlighted. Chapter two provides an overview of the texts to be translated, focusing on the textual function and typology and on the addressees. After that, manual translation and the main software developed specifically for translators are described, with a focus on computer-assisted translation (CAT) and machine translation (MT). The third chapter presents the target texts and the corresponding translations. Chapter four is dedicated to the analysis of the translation process. The first two texts were translated manually, with the support of a purpose-built specialized corpus. The following two documents were translated with the software SDL Trados Studio 2011 and its applications. The last texts were submitted to the Google Translate service and to a process of pre and post-editing. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are drawn about the main limits and potentialities of the different translations techniques. In addition to this, the importance of an integrated use of all available instruments is underlined.


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Applicazione di alcune procedure del sistema di gestione OHSAS allo stabilimento, monitoraggio e valutazione dei risultati ottenuti.


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Analysis of the collapse of a precast r.c. industrial building during the 2012 Emilia earthquake, focus on the failure mechanisms in particular on the flexure-shear interactions. Analysis performed by a time history analysis using a FEM model with the software SAP2000. Finally a reconstruction of the collapse on the basis of the numerical data coming from the strength capacity of the elements failed, using formulation for lightly reinforced columns with high shear and bending moment.


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This dissertation is part of the Language Toolkit project which is a collaboration between the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, and the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena. This project aims to create an exchange between translation students and companies who want to pursue a process of internationalization. The purpose of this dissertation is demonstrating the benefits that translation systems can bring to businesses. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents supplied by the Italian company Technologica S.r.l. and the creation of linguistic resources that can be integrated into computer-assisted translation (CAT) software, in order to optimize the translation process. The latter is claimed to be a priority with respect to the actual translation products (the target texts), since the analysis conducted on the source texts highlighted that the company could streamline and optimize its English language communication thanks to the use of open source CAT tools such as OmegaT. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the company (Technologica S.r.l ) and its products. The second chapter provides some considerations about technical translation, its features and some misconceptions about it. The difference between technical translation and scientific translation is then clarified and an overview is offered of translation aids such as those used for computer-assisted translation, machine translation, termbases and translation memories. The third chapter contains the analysis of the texts commissioned by Technologica S.r.l. and their categorization. The fourth chapter describes the translation process, with particular attention to terminology extraction and the creation of a bilingual glossary based on a specialized corpus. The glossary was integrated into the OmegaT software in order to facilitate the translation process both for the present task and for future applications. The memory deriving from the translation represents a sort of hybrid resource between a translation memory and a glossary. This was found to be the most appropriate format, given the specific nature of the texts to be translated. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are offered about the importance of language training within a company environment, the potentialities of translation aids and the benefits that they would bring to a company wishing to internationalize itself.


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The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation in English of the Notes on the Consolidated Financial Statements of MNLG S.r.l., holding company of the Italian Sorma Group. This translation work is one example of the technical material produced in accordance with the project called Language Toolkit, set up by the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena, to support the internationalization of the companies established in the territory. This initiative has represented a unique opportunity for me to put into practice the knowledge and abilities learnt in the translation field during these years at university. It also allowed me to give a concrete purpose to my dissertation, that is to provide a technical document translated into a foreign language. By making its Consolidated Financial Statement readily available in English, the company MNLG S.r.l. can in fact increase the number of possible investors and guarantee a more transparent financial informative to its shareholders. This translation work is divided into six chapters: the first one describes the project, its main objectives and the ways in which it was developed. The second chapter deals with the notions of Consolidated Financial Statements and presents the accounting documents of which the Financial Statements are made up as well as the norms according to which they are prepared. The third chapter, instead, focuses on the translation procedure applied and especially on the documentation process, analysing the differences between the International Accounting Standards and the accounting standards used in Italy. The fourth chapter provides a description of the translation resources built for the translation of this specific document. The fifth chapter includes the English version of the Notes on the Consolidated Financial Statements and, to conclude, the sixth chapter analyses the difficulties encountered in translating and the strategies adopted to overcome them.


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L'elaborato espone l'iter di un paziente nel reparto di radioterapia e descrive l'evoluzione delle immagini radioterapiche dai portal film alle Cone Beam Computer Tomography. Inoltre espone i vari standard e protocolli usati per archiviare e trasmettere le immagini digitali precedentemente descritte.


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Progettazione del nuovo layout per un nuovo stabilimento produttivo, in cui il gruppo Fiorini Industries S.r.l., in un'ottica di espansione e miglioramento dei parametri tecnici e dei flussi aziendali, si insedia lasciando la sua storica sede produttiva. Questo bisogno nasce dall'impossibilità di espansione dello stabilimento odierno e dalla necessità di ridurre i costi di movimentazione dei materiali durante il ciclo di produzione. La tesi si colloca in questo contesto di necessità di verificare le prestazioni del lay-out attuale, valutandone le problematiche e le criticità al fine di potere identificare delle valide soluzioni di layout per la nuova sede produttiva dal punto di vista tecnico-economico e ambientale. Il CAPITOLO1 è volto ad inquadrare il problema affrontato nella situazione odierna; mettendo in evidenza la rilevanza del lay-out. Viene poi spiegato in maniera approfondita l'approccio di progettazione seguito. Al CAPITOLO 2 spetta la presentazione dell'azienda, della sua storia, della sua gamma di prodotti e dei suoi reparti di lavorazione. L'inquadramento aziendale è necessario al fine di capire le esigenze aziendali di cui si dovrà tenere conto durante lo svolgimento del lavoro. Nel CAPITOLO 3 si procede con l'analisi della situazione attuale, recuperando i dati di input necessari alla determinazione del mix produttivo offerto al mercato, quindi con l'analisi dei cicli produttivi, dei flussi e delle risorse impiegate per le movimentazioni. Il CAPITOLO 4 illustra il nuovo polo industriale del gruppo e presenta le alternative di lay-out individuate, che vengono analizzate dal punto di vista economico per individuare il possibile saving economico annuo rispetto alla situazione attuale. Per completezza di informazione vengono presentate anche aree che non vengono progettate tramite l'analisi tecnico economica (Blocco 2 e Uffici). Il capitolo termina con la scelta del nuovo layout per la nuova sede, dove vengono studiati i saving annui in base ai mezzi di movimentazioni attuali e quelli implementabili. L'ultima parte dell'elaborato valuta le emissioni di anidride carbonica dovute alle movimentazioni interne e valuta la possibile riduzione di emissioni di CO2 con il nuovo layout.


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The aim of this study involving 170 patients suffering from non-specific low back pain was to test the validity of the spinal function sort (SFS) in a European rehabilitation setting. The SFS, a picture-based questionnaire, assesses perceived functional ability of work tasks involving the spine. All measurements were taken by a blinded research assistant; work status was assessed with questionnaires. Our study demonstrated a high internal consistency shown by a Cronbach's alpha of 0.98, reasonable evidence for unidimensionality, spearman correlations of >0.6 with work activities, and discriminating power for work status at 3 and 12 months by ROC curve analysis (area under curve = 0.760 (95% CI 0.689-0.822), respectively, 0.801 (95% CI 0.731-0.859). The standardised response mean within the two treatment groups was 0.18 and -0.31. As a result, we conclude that the perceived functional ability for work tasks can be validly assessed with the SFS in a European rehabilitation setting in patients with non-specific low back pain, and is predictive for future work status.


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PURPOSE: Understanding the learning styles of individuals may assist in the tailoring of an educational program to optimize learning. General surgery faculty and residents have been characterized previously as having a tendency toward particular learning styles. We seek to understand better the learning styles of general surgery residents and differences that may exist within the population. METHODS: The Kolb Learning Style Inventory was administered yearly to general surgery residents at the University of Cincinnati from 1994 to 2006. This tool allows characterization of learning styles into 4 groups: converging, accommodating, assimilating, and diverging. The converging learning style involves education by actively solving problems. The accommodating learning style uses emotion and interpersonal relationships. The assimilating learning style learns by abstract logic. The diverging learning style learns best by observation. Chi-square analysis and analysis of variance were performed to determine significance. RESULTS: Surveys from 1994 to 2006 (91 residents, 325 responses) were analyzed. The prevalent learning style was converging (185, 57%), followed by assimilating (58, 18%), accommodating (44, 14%), and diverging (38, 12%). At the PGY 1 and 2 levels, male and female residents differed in learning style, with the accommodating learning style being relatively more frequent in women and assimilating learning style more frequent in men (Table 1, p < or = 0.001, chi-square test). Interestingly, learning style did not seem to change with advancing PGY level within the program, which suggests that individual learning styles may be constant throughout residency training. If a resident's learning style changed, it tended to be to converging. In addition, no relation exists between learning style and participation in dedicated basic science training or performance on the ABSIT/SBSE. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggests that learning style differs between male and female general surgery residents but not with PGY level or ABSIT/SBSE performance. A greater understanding of individual learning styles may allow more refinement and tailoring of surgical programs.


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Five cases of fatal babesiosis in free-ranging chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) attributed to infections with Babesia capreoli were recently recorded in two regions of the Swiss Alps. To investigate the ecologic factors that possibly lead to those fatal B. capreoli infections in chamois, blood, ticks, and demographic data of 46 roe deer (Capreolus c. capreolus), 48 chamois, and nine red deer (Cervus elaphus) were collected in 2006 and 2007 in both affected regions. Whereas no parasitic inclusions were found by microscopical examination of blood smears, B. capreoli was identified by polymerase chain reaction/sequencing in blood of 12 roe deer (26%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 14.3-41.1), one chamois (2%, CI: 0-6.1), and one red deer (11%, CI: 0.3-48.2). Prevalence of B. capreoli was significantly higher in roe deer compared with chamois (P<0.001). All 214 ticks were identified as Ixodes ricinus, and significantly more roe deer (63%, CI: 47.5-76.8) were infested compared with chamois (21%, CI: 10.5-35.0, P<0.001). Overall, prevalences of both tick infestation and Babesia infection increased significantly (P<0.001) with decreasing altitude, and Babesia-positive samples were detected significantly more often from animals with tick infestation compared with animals without ticks (P = 0.040). Our results indicate that roe deer may play an important reservoir role for B. capreoli. It is hypothesized that the expansion of the presumed vector I. ricinus to higher elevations and its increased abundance in overlapping habitats of roe deer and chamois may favor the spillover of B. capreoli from roe deer to chamois.


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Complete NotI, SfiI, XbaI and BlnI cleavage maps of Escherichia coli K-12 strain MG1655 were constructed. Techniques used included: CHEF pulsed field gel electrophoresis; transposon mutagenesis; fragment hybridization to the ordered $\lambda$ library of Kohara et al.; fragment and cosmid hybridization to Southern blots; correlation of fragments and cleavage sites with EcoMap, a sequence-modified version of the genomic restriction map of Kohara et al.; and correlation of cleavage sites with DNA sequence databases. In all, 105 restriction sites were mapped and correlated with the EcoMap coordinate system.^ NotI, SfiI, XbaI and BlnI restriction patterns of five commonly used E. coli K-12 strains were compared to those of MG1655. The variability between strains, some of which are separated by numerous steps of mutagenic treatment, is readily detectable by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. A model is presented to account for the difference between the strains on the basis of simple insertions, deletions, and in one case an inversion. Insertions and deletions ranged in size from 1 kb to 86 kb. Several of the larger features have previously been characterized and some of the smaller rearrangements can potentially account for previously reported genetic features of these strains.^ Some aspects of the frequency and distribution of NotI, SfiI, XbaI and BlnI cleavage sites were analyzed using a method based on Markov chain theory. Overlaps of Dam and Dcm methylase sites with XbaI and SfiI cleavage sites were examined. The one XbaI-Dam overlap in the database is in accord with the expected frequency of this overlap. The occurrence of certain types of SfiI-Dcm overlaps are overrepresented. Of the four subtypes of SfiI-Dcm overlap, only one has a partial inhibitory effect on the activity of SfiI. Recognition sites for all four enzymes are rarer than expected based on oligonucleotide frequency data, with this effect being much stronger for XbaI and BlnI than for NotI and SfiI. The latter two enzyme sites are rare mainly due to apparent negative selection against GGCC (both) and CGGCCG (NotI). The former two enzyme sites are rare mainly due to effects of the VSP repair system on certain di-tri- and tetranucleotides, most notably CTAG. Models are proposed to explain several of the anomalies of oligonucleotide distribution in E. coli, and the biological significance of the systems that produce these anomalies is discussed. ^